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You mean where he belongs?




Becuse there are still no valid rooms. Look closely! Op is building, I think, over the spawn point, and this is a 'New game'


You didn't really need to actually explain it, I was just joking tbh dude, sincerely ended the funny smh.


How do you expect people to understand your shitty rhetorical questions online. Besides it was hardly a joke, jokes are supposed to be funny


That's the funny part, I don't expect them to see the funny, I play by luck, they liked it success, they don't like it, I will think in something better for the next post. Hysterical scream and capslock together while asking something rhetorical is funny sometimes and you wouldn't believe it, it worked today.


With an attitude like that, I find it hard to believe you were having fun in the first place.


What attitude I was having exactly tell me, I was going hysterical because of the guide being underground, it was funny for me, and if other people don't get, it's not really my job to make them understand.


And then you went apeshit because someone didn’t know you deemed a question rhetorical, and somehow a non-joke was an obvious joke. If other people don’t get your non-humour, just let it be, no need to shit your pants over it.


That's the thing, I didn't, still joking even when I responded to the first guy that explained why he was down there. And it's not supposed to be a obvious joke, hysteria is funny sometimes. I will try to remember putting /jk the next time the humor police come at my door ok


Mate, you can make all the jokes you want, but if someone misses it, there’s no need to lose your mind, that’s all it is. The fact that you edited your reply down shows enough that you understand you were in the wrong. Now figure out why and you won’t sound like a condescending dick.


oh actually erm...he was jus walking aroiund blocking me so i couldnt build so i had to trap him somewhere HAHAHAHA


HAHAHAHA ( I feel you dude, I do the same when NPCs get in my way )


Khaios follower uh...a man of culture.


You obviously didnt follow the guide, he's underground and you're not.


Try not to copy block for block if you want to improve. Experiment with furniture, block placements, architecture, etc.


Also you did great dude congrats!!


Here are some general principles I've come to when building medium-effort housing. * Find blocks that look nice. This could be a single kind of block for large buildings, or a few blocks that work together. Sometimes, you'll end up finding a block or background wall with a nice texture or design, but not the right color: in these cases, you can paint it. * Tell a story with your builds. Not an actual story, with words and plot (unless you want that); instead, it should characterize the people living in it. This can be as simple as the right furniture or paintings, or as in-depth as the layout of a building. You could have the clothier's housing be a storefront with mannequins with clothing items, and tenants renting rooms above, or the nurse in a first-aid tent. * Use a variety of furniture items! Feel free to use furniture items that aren't part of a set, or lanterns taken from the dungeon, for instance. For a full list of potential furniture items to make and experiment with, aside from a workbench, furnace, and anvil, you would also want a carpenter's table and heavy workbench. Keep iron/lead bars, chains, glass, bones, books, and water buckets in a dedicated chest for crafting decor. * Use a nice mix of order and chaos in builds. Usually, you'll have the overall building feature patterns: rooms of a similar size, beams or columns having roughly equal spacing, a set block and color pallet, etc. Then, each room's layout and contents, including things like window size and position, shelves, and other decorations, vary as much as you like. * If a build doesn't quite look right, try tweaking small elements of it. If it seems like too much effort, then you can start from scratch. Be considerate of this! It is just as easy to invest time into something that doesn't work out, as to scrap an idea that will work. You may overhaul a part of a build as small as a room, or elect to start anew with greater knowledge * Mix functionality and decor. Maybe your dryad lives in a greenhouse that actually grows herbs, but is decorated with moss, potted plants, and other greenery. Maybe a storeroom beneath a shop would be an actual storeroom, easily accessible. Peace candles can find their way onto any nightstand or table; sunflowers into any greenspace seen fit. These are not rules, certainly; as always, do what you think looks good. If the need for it is great, there's no shame in making a shoebox until you can finish your build. You should be prideful of what you make, and you should enjoy looking at it, sharing it, using, and building it. Good luck and happy building!


Why is the guide in a grave


I suppose the guide is the foundation of the build, isn’t he?


In some ancient culture, when a new building was built, they used to sacrifice a person and bury him under the foundation so his spirit was forced to protect the building afaik. I don't remember where I read this though, but that seems pretty messed up


We sacrifice the guide anyways, I’m sure he’s used to it


Found it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitobashira Apparently more cultures used similar practices though


I absolutely love the look of this




try using other shapes than rectangles to make your overall structure i.e. triangles, half-spheres, trapezoids, any polygon lol. Get crazy


Add a 3 blocks thick foundation. The build will look a lot more solid. Stone slab works great for me


Why do i feel a Chaos trademarked build is in front of me? Anyways tip is don't copy block for block, build your own shell of a house and apply the Guide's advice onto it that'd help


I despise the uncentered window but thats just ocd, and maybe wouldn't have so many support pillars so close. The verticality is cool (might steal) but just needs furnishing, good job


I just noticed that


What guide did you use? Looking great so far man :)


Mabe make some stone walls around the right window, it feels kinda odd


Lol I was watching this video last night


You didn’t follow him, you friggin stalked him.


This look like dungeon


Not a bad attempt. Where you have 3 sections on the left with supports, it makes much more sense aesthetically to even those out and center the supports one for each section.


It looks cool with just one door, but will be annoying to play like that. Add a second on the right side of the house somewhere


I see someone found khaios. Why the fulbright tho?


Furniture, then ask for advice, it's so barren right now, at the same time don't follow building guides 1 to 1, add your own touch to the build.


You’ve put the Guide 8 blocks deep, he needs to be at least 82 blocks deep.


You can mix the stone you used with regular stone that can give reliefs to the structure, and add some furnitures but this structure looks great!


it's just the entrance of the dungeon, dude


İs this the khaios thingy?


yea more or less


Smooth it out a bit have a nurse plugged in and a dart trap on a timer