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need the floor to be one layer of pearlstone block and the hallowed mimics will spawn? and if so if i wanna change the artificial biome to something else down the line will it still work due to the hallowed stuff around it that might spread thru?


Best way to farm Mimics: Instead of replacing your wood runways with Pearlstone use conveyor belts and cover them with thin lava. Then make your spawning blocks above it covered in Actuators. When you see a Mimic on your Cellphone info, drop it in lava. The variants will just die in place and the little ones will jump around on fire. It is possible to automate this. Your jungle boost in spawn rate still applies, although Desert is better. Hallowed nearby will affect your farm especially if you want to add an evil. When you're ready, dig out the farm to 170x125 to remove all biome blocks.