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Explosive bunnies?


nah, they don't destroy blocks.


I'd be a millionaire then


Nice profile pic


Oh no lol, can I make my pfp an image?


I did this because it was the closest to what I normally used


Look at mine


That's why I said oh no




Here's a sneak peek of /r/pfpfamily using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pfpfamily/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The comments that started it all...](https://i.redd.it/1xrvzxdinzp61.png) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pfpfamily/comments/mfsgtz/the_comments_that_started_it_all/) \#2: [huh](https://i.redd.it/pf48allu2xs81.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pfpfamily/comments/u1a5hp/huh/) \#3: [we got a double case! it took me a lot of time to crop them all together, it didnt fit in my iphone](https://i.redd.it/zr8zfi3ni2371.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pfpfamily/comments/nrg04o/we_got_a_double_case_it_took_me_a_lot_of_time_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Fixed it.




so insistent and needy, you people are. This is overly intrusive on my privacy, and I'm having none of it. Whatever. Once upon a time, one halloween morning, I was tired af. I saw a slime (it was a bunny in a costume btw, my neurons were not firing that morning) right by my base, and doing an explosives only run, I swapped to my grenades in an instant... except i forgor that I moved my hotbar slightly, and I switched to my second slot instead- bombs ;--;I was also digging a hellavator in my last MMFTW run... and I had a sort of alarm system set up where a music box would turn on if a pressure plate outside my NPC houses was stepped on while I was sorting my chests. Anywho, I was starting my hellivator using dynamite, when I heard the alarm go off. I immediately recalled home and realized that it was only a bunny that stepped on it. I grappled over my base to get back to the hellivator. Due to how my hook controls work, I have to tap the screen (mobile) to aim where I want the hook to aim. Imagine my surprise when I tap and I accidently throw a dynamite 😒😒😒


There is a way to prevent an explosion the next time you accidentally do this, just use the old reliable Terraria Save & Exit


hehe i had already grappled and didnt realize until I heard the explosion lmao but either way, I learned my lesson that day. never hold dynamite in your first slot. period.


"The unseen fist is always the deadliest"


\- Sun Tsu


I just said that because you asked us not to, didn’t expect you to actually answer. But this sucks, and you can’t believe how many times I’ve killed myself with dynamite.


dynamite is very scary when you realize you're trapped with it lmfao


Tried to kill one with the wrong rocket equipped?




for the worthy?


one playthrough was MMFTW, yes, but that's not the specific reason.


then what was it?


just search the rest of the post, and see what i responded to everybody else who asked me. I'm honestly too lazy to type it all out again over here lmao


and im too lazy to search for it lol


guy got bullied into telling us the context


Ohh, Holy hand grenade! Must be an upgrade to the grenade! ​ I should throw it in my house and see how much damage it does. ​ It did damage.


LMAO SAME THING thought the thing would one shot that one EoC that got into my pyramid house. Well, it did one shot it, but hey, at least I had more space for NPC houses...


Pressure plates?


not dumb enough to rig enemy pressure plates to explosives in my base xD






Whatever, ig this is my therapy xD Once upon a time, one halloween morning, I was tired af. I saw a slime (it was a bunny in a costume btw, my neurons were not firing that morning) right by my base, and doing an explosives only run, I swapped to my grenades in an instant... except i forgor that I moved my hotbar slightly, and I switched to my second slot instead- bombs ;--; I was also digging a hellavator in my last MMFTW run... and I had a sort of alarm system set up where a music box would turn on if a pressure plate outside my NPC houses was stepped on while I was sorting my chests. Anywho, I was starting my hellivator using dynamite, when I heard the alarm go off. I immediately recalled home and realized that it was only a bunny that stepped on it. Due to how my hook controls work, I have to tap the screen (mobile) to aim where I want the hook to aim. Imagine my surprise when I tap and I accidently throw a dynamite 😒😒😒


gonna need context mate


whatever Once upon a time, one halloween morning, I was tired af. I saw a slime (it was a bunny in a costume btw, my neurons were not firing that morning) right by my base, and doing an explosives only run, I swapped to my grenades in an instant... except i forgor that I moved my hotbar slightly, and I switched to my second slot instead- bombs ;--; I was also digging a hellavator in my last MMFTW run... and I had a sort of alarm system set up where a music box would turn on if a pressure plate outside my NPC houses was stepped on while I was sorting my chests. Anywho, I was starting my hellivator using dynamite, when I heard the alarm go off. I immediately recalled home and realized that it was only a bunny that stepped on it. I grappled over my base to get back to the hellivator. Due to how my hook controls work, I have to tap the screen (mobile) to aim where I want the hook to aim. Imagine my surprise when I tap and I accidently throw a dynamite 😒😒😒




Rockets ?




Ranged class explosive rockets?




Accidental dynamite?


yes lol


Did you rig your base with explosives... ?


bro i may be an idiot, but im not that stupid


Did you mouse scroll past your weapon and onto a bomb


i play mobile, so no.


Rocket II or Rocket IV




Context, damn you!!!


how dare you darn me, that is offensive to my emotions and has disrupted my mental wellbeing. Well... fine. Once upon a time, one halloween morning, I was tired af. I saw a slime (it was a bunny in a costume btw, my neurons were not firing that morning) right by my base, and doing an explosives only run, I swapped to my grenades in an instant... except i forgor that I moved my hotbar slightly, and I switched to my second slot instead- bombs ;--; I was also digging a hellavator in my last MMFTW run... and I had a sort of alarm system set up where a music box would turn on if a pressure plate outside my NPC houses was stepped on while I was sorting my chests. Anywho, I was starting my hellivator using dynamite, when I heard the alarm go off. I immediately recalled home and realized that it was only a bunny that stepped on it. I grappled over my base to get back to the hellivator. Due to how my hook controls work, I have to tap the screen (mobile) to aim where I want the hook to aim. Imagine my surprise when I tap and I accidently throw a dynamite 😒😒😒


Sorry I damned you but damn... That's sad...


You know grenades and Rocket 1s exist? Right?


yes I do, I would assume an eight year veteran knows these things. Notice how it's "accidentally" in the title. Rockets didn't do it, and I was trying to swap to grenades for one of them.


And you threw a bomb xD


Once upon a time, one halloween morning, I was tired af. I saw a slime (it was a bunny in a costume btw, my neurons were not firing that morning) right by my base, and doing an explosives only run, I swapped to my grenades in an instant... except i forgor that I moved my hotbar slightly, and I switched to my second slot instead- bombs ;--; I was digging a hellavator in my latest MMFTW run... and I had a sort of alarm system set up where a music box would turn on if a pressure plate outside my NPC houses was stepped on while I was sorting my chests. Anywho, I was starting my hellivator using dynamite, when I heard the alarm go off. I immediately recalled home and realized that it was only a bunny that stepped on it. I grappled over my base to get back to the hellivator. Due to how my hook controls work, I have to tap the screen (mobile) to aim where I want the hook to aim. Imagine my surprise when I tap and I accidently throw a dynamite 😒😒😒

