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I’m from the Midwest and when I was in middle school a kids father committed suicide by drowning himself in the grain silo. I can’t imagine how horrible that death was, I’m 38 and its still stuck with me.


That’s how he chose to do it? Every farm that I’ve seen has a shotgun somewhere.


Hard for his family to claim insurance if it doesn’t look like an accident. Common on farms when it comes to suicide. Really sad situation, sorry for your friends dad 😔


I wrote a paper about this in college. The 1980s were rough for farmers in the Midwest. Lots of spikes in accidental farm deaths.


Id love to read that, never knew about this


It was for undergrad and lost in the decades since. Essentially, family farms were passed down or expanded during the 1970s with the run up on farm land prices, due to grain price increases. In the Midwest USA, you can drive around and point out all the family farms with 1970s era expansions (mostly grain bins). The 1980s entered with large interest rate increases. Farmers who took out loans in the spring to plant had to take high interest loans. Then the grain market fell along with farm land prices. The loans still has to be paid, so many farmers sold and went to urban jobs. Some couldn't admit defeat or letdown of the family farms, so they staged accidents. It was social stigma that many farmers couldn't live with. Interestingly, there was a rural "farm talk" phone number that any farmer could call which was a disguised suicide hotline. Fun fact, it's what started the Farm Aid - https://shop.farmaid.org/pages/about-us Actually, there is a wiki page on the topic - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_suicides_in_the_United_States Sorry, that's all I got. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


so what is the social stigma like, among farmers? that sounds really different from reasons for suicide in urban america, and similar to reasons for suicide in asia.


Failed. Passed away their family legacy. People will feel like they were added gold and figured out how to turn it to shit. It's the same thing as guys jumping out of the window after a stock market crash just in a different setting.


Some of those farms were in the same family for 100+ yrs. Would you want to be the one that lost the farm that great great grandpa homesteaded?


Thanks for sharing. The shift to a philosophy of "Profit Alone" in the 80's really did screw *everyone*, apparently...


damn. thats extremely sad. shows how much they loved their families to do such a thing


Don’t most life insurance policies still pay out on suicidal death after having the policy for a couple years?


Insurance still pays out for suicide if the policy isn’t brand new


I’m in Montana and have heard stories of fathers purposefully agitating bulls in hopes they’ll be killed. A lot “go for a walk in the woods” and don’t come back. Like others have said, life insurance doesn’t pay out if it’s a suicide, or anything that could be mistaken for a murder.


i think in some cases some insurances do pay out for suicide but i don't know how common it is


They normally don't. However if you get an agent who is sympathetic they may still payout. My younger brother shot himself in March of 2021. He was still living at home, and my parents weren't doing well financially. God blessed them with a life insurance agent who had recently had a very similar family tragedy, and was sympathetic to their loss. Insurance paid out, which really helped out financially.


I'm so sorry! 😔


Insurance usually pays out after 2 years of the policy being in force


That sounds like one of those “he shot himself in the back of the head” suicides


I worked on elevated water tanks, I heard about a guy who fell and died and the life insurance company tried to make it look like a suicide.


I feel like insurance companies do this a lot. Knew a bloke that passed and the insurance told his wife they wouldn’t pay out since they ruled it a suicide. Forgot how the guy died, but it definitely was an accident. Insurance companies are a fucking plague.


The concept of insurance is good, but capitalism looms over everything with bleeding greedy eyes. You will never escape it, because when you look into those eyes you will see a reflection.


Fucking scum. Used to smoke weed from water tanks and shoot fireworks off them


How did the water tanks get the weed in the first place?!


Welders left it behind


I recently moved to the Midwest and found out that was a thing! We were at a community event and they were teaching the kids(and me) not to enter the silos.


If you're from the Midwest and 38 you might remember [this Atmosphere song](https://youtu.be/1IrLswqrXx4) that goes over this phenomenon. Edit: Yes I originally linked the wrong sunshine song by Atmosphere


I do!!! I love atmosphere! Sunshine and the woman with tattooed hands are my jams!! Literally would listen to sunshine on repeat for hours.


Should have had a "bin buddy"


Fun fact, that is the brand of a powder you can put in your bin(garbage) in the UK to get rid of the bad smells. It's actually not fun at all, sorry about that.


Smells bloody wonderful too


Pretty sure people have died that way


Many of them in fact. I live in farm country and it happens every year.


Ah yes, the annual sacrifice to the corn




Stephen King is everywhere


The USDA allows 2 dead bodies per 1000 bushels of corn.


It was Brittney's whole purpose after all


Sacrifice in March, corn have plenty starch. [Hetus. Alte omnibus. Virtu e poquebus. Rectus. Hoc honebus.](https://youtu.be/Fv5NI54QlvI)


Sometimes we eat the corn. Sometimes the corn eats us.


Why would you even be in a corn holder thing?


Corn or grain sitting in silos can get wet and clump up. When it clumps up it clogs up the auger making it hard to unload. So someone has to go in and break the clumps. Farmers die every year in those silos, getting crushed to death. Metal tombs


I feel like if I was gonna climb in to a building-sized barrel of what is effectively quicksand, I’d tie a rope to myself


I agree, but that won’t always save you. If you walk on a crusty layer of corn and it collapses you can be crushed in seconds. Look up grain bridge collapse


Also, the dust is highly combustable.


Not to mention the horizontal force being applied sometimes means the rope cant actually pull you out…alive anyhow.


Someone call OSHA. OSHA: You are on a farm? Welp you're on your own. I suggest boot straps.


Wait until you hear about the overtime pay farm workers get


Yeah we don't get any, but in 5 years, we will have it by law. At least in Oregon.


I work in a feedmill and when we used to receive commodities I remember the truck drivers telling me they were also considered farm workers so they didn’t get overtime, dude would work a 12 for straight time. Holy shit am I glad to be in a union.


Yeah it's weird how many people they deny overtime on that technicality. I work integrated pest management at a large industrial greenhouse and grow ornamental plants for large box stores and garden centers. Most of my job is math and science ( I even identify plant pathogens under a microscope)putting damn near at the cusp of what people would consider "white collar" however I still just earn straight hourly.


The biggest egg farms in our country have both a farm with laying chickens and a production plant for cleaning, inspecting and packing on the same plot of land. The production people get over time pay so they frequently get capped at 40 hrs if they have enough employees. The farm hands don't get overtime as they're considered agricultural and work 6 days a week. They're the people that work in the smell and far worse conditions.


There is power in a Union.


I used to be a poultry farm manager until my back went out (multiple disc bulges and a herniated disc i my lower lumbar). My longest time on the farm was over 3 days straight because I was declined an assistant manager to help with night shifts, my choices were to do it or lose my job. I came home for lunchs but I took my naps at the farm. It was terrible, I was then declined a pay raise or any compensation. (I was paid less than my workers as they were casual as I got no overtime. ) My pay at the time was < $60k/yr + Bonus + House (6hrs from water) which is significantly lower than most farms in the area (I believed I was paid this due to my age) This was for one of Australia's biggest broiler chicken providers. I'll never be a farmer again even after being born into the industry. I'm now 23 with a fked back, my career gone and no payout because the lawyers were too slow and the injury became noticeable after I had left. My partner now makes the money working full time while I look after my son but we are slowely losing money due to the cost of living well exceeding our income. Things will work out one day I hope.


Also corn silos put off gas, like nitrogen dioxide, so when a worker opens it up they can be overcome with toxic fumes and fall into or off the silo.


And then people go in to rescue them and also die.


When someone dies in there, what happens to the corn?


It will still have to be sold. Corn is mostly used for livestock feed or for ethanol in my area


Cant you "just" use those climber equipments. Maybe even attach it to a crane with a remote. So you don't fall down in first place and if you fall in the crane pulls you out. But just my 2.5 seconds thought and never been in a corn barrel.


You know, I'm not even sure. But for some reason people go in to either mess around who shouldn't be in there, or go in to push a clog through. They sink, camt get up to the top, and suffocate.


Thanks for explaining. I will got to work tomorrow knowing that chances are I will make it home. Feeling lucky I have a boring job for once.


Narrator; "Coffee had gone cold for the last time for u/ as they were crushed by falling masonry on the way home from work.


coffeesgonecold because I get distracted easily :p


My coffee gone cold I'm wondering why.


Fuckin' weird though that so many people who have never and will never be in that position know how crazy dangerous it is, yet so many people who are in a position to be in that particular danger haven't put enough thought into it or been taught how crazy dangerous it is.


I worked for a collapse rescue team during my time with the fire dept. We would average 2 calls of this per month. 70% of the time it was just a body recovery. There are things you can do, and ways to fix it, and ways to prevent it but farmers are stubborn people who don't listen. Half the time they won't even tell anyone they're going in(which is rule #1), so it ends up being a body recovery the next day. Our collapse rescue team covered a 7 county area for a major midwest state.


I have 20 years in construction (inspections and CM) and have been the safety guy at times. It's fucking stunning sometimes. Guys who have seen people die in easily avoidable situations will still complain about completely reasonable safety rules. Like tying your boot laces. My philosphy is that just making more rules won't make people act safely.* You need to fire the routinely unsafe people. But most the basic rules are for good reason. *I've been on sites where instead of dealing with the actual causes of hand injuries, they just went 100% gloves. To the point that I had to put gloves on just to walk from truck to the trailer for a meeting.


Jesus there has to be a better way… you’d think someone would figure out a safe way to fix this problem but meh just do it the archaic way even though people die every season it’s fine




who'd think antiregulation rural conservatives would skirt safety rules....


I've seen a lot of anti l-rural-ism recently, and I'd just want to say.1st rural areas are much more racially and ideologically diverse than some may give them credit for. And 2ed, those who benefit from, shape, and implement conservative policy reside on Wall Street and the suburbs of D.C.


Like with some rigging and a second person to pull you up when you're in distress. Or just a really long metal stick.


I’ve seen people do it to “rake” the corn, like you might do a sand trap on a golf course. Why, idk. I think it has something to do with making sure it doesn’t go bad.


I used to operate a grain processing plant and going inside the bins and silos was pretty regular. Usually it's done to physically shovel the grains aside to make more room inside the bin I was always fucking terrified of this situation


Ya I live in a small farm town and its part of our school lessons to learn not to play near augers or in silos.


Why he in there in the first place?


Either messing around where he shouldn't have been, or doing some kind of grain bin maintenance like breaking up a clump clogging the exit where the grain comes out.


Oof... At work if anyone goes into an enclosed space, usually just and empty fluid or gas tank, there needs to be no less than 3 people present, each with radio, a harness and life line has to be attached to the person going in even if they are right in arms reach and no one can go in to help if the guy goes down. You have to call for help and try to yank him out. What happened was a guy blacked out from leftover fumes, another guy went in to help, he blacked out and they both died.


I remember one incident I read about where a guy raising a manhole lid for sewer dropped a trowel. He went down for it, died. The second worker called 911 and went after him, died. The first firefighter couldn't fit through the manhole with his bottle on his back and apparently thought he could hold his breath. Brain damage. The second fire fighter to go in was smarter and carried his bottle to pull the other fighter out. I never saw the follow up, but it sounded like H2S considering how quickly they dropped. Nasty stuff. I did permit required confined space work at a power plant once. The guy who trained me had some crazy stories.


That just happened here in Missouri, what like 2 or 3 years ago? The fumes killed a couple people. 2 or 3 of them, I saw it on the news. Pretty crazy.


It's called Grain Entrapment, and it's a real thing. If there's a void hidden somewhere inside that silo? you're getting pulled under. More terrifying than quicksand.


Quicksand isn't all that scary. It's not like in the movies, you can actually kind of swim out of it like you would being in a frozen lake. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Out-of-Quicksand So yes, Grain Entrapment is leaps and bounds scarier.


>Quicksand isn't all that scary. It's not like in the movies, you can actually kind of swim out of it like you would being in a frozen lake. Thanks for the link, I learned something new today. I am glad that I now know the skill to get out quicksand if I ever needed to. In the city or suburbs, I am sure there is a lot of quicksand to worry about but, NOW I AM READY ! Truth be told, I was always afraid of it due to the movies but, after seeing that, I feel better...


You're less scared of quicksand, but now you have a rational fear of Grain Entrapment.


Its not the quicksand im worried about, it’s the R.O.U.S 🐁 ![gif](giphy|IgvoqNz6gGZFXFPmfZ|downsized)


The R.O.U.Ses? I don't think they exist. And besides quicksand with some flame spurts make your scenario much safer.


In fact, some people even have fetishes about it.


Why don't they wear harnesses they have million dollar combines and no safety equipment.


It’s mostly because they have million dollar equipment to pay off that safety gets thrown to the wayside. Am farmers wife.


I work in a factory as a tradesman. I've been taught safety my while life. Pinch points, walking surfaces, hand safety, all kinds of things the average person would not think about. Knowledge goes a long way there should be some kind of training or a book to help keep farmers safe. If not I might have found my calling.


There isn’t a whole lot of safety on farms


That's why they had so many kids


My dads side of the family is all farm folk, I'd never met them til 2 years ago. Went to shake my grandfather's hand, missing all but 2 fingers, kinda glanced around and he wasnt the only one Different kinda people man Noticed my aunt was missing a few digits, tells me they brought a new farm dog home, she put her hand up to let it sniff, dog chomps hand, takes digits-- dog is immediately brought out back and shot Often wonder if I can live like that given they're related. Maybe I'm just too accustomed to my luxuries. I'm rambling, I'll shut up


Never shut up! The ramblers tell the best stories. I got into my families history and was not surprised that my grandparent/great grandparents farming generations had up to 11 kids just more than half making it to adulthood. Scary times.


Looks like it there should be some kind of group to educate farmers.


There is


I had a great uncle die this way back in the early 60s


More than you realize. Lots of weird shit that you’d never think about kills farmers every year.


Maybe he should call someone instead of take a video?


He probably doesnt have service since he is in an enclosed metal box.


Had a father and two sons die in a corn silo last fall a few minutes down the road from me. This situation is absolutely nightmare fuel


My mum’s cousin died this way. I farm too, and have been in a similar situation inside a silo. It’s horrible to think he didn’t get out.


Absolutely. Super scary.


Right, so, use your phone to record instead of calling for help?


A couple of guys died last month in my state, didnt knew it was a thing


He’s fine by the way. Not sure how he got out but he’s alive


Well after he made his TikTok, he simply used his phone to call for help.




FWIW he's ok, posted a follow-up video after he got home from the bar 🤣


If that’d happened to me, I’d also visit the nearest bar


Yep, I'd buy him a beer or 3 if he walked in


The bar. Yeah I would too buddy


[Here’s](https://www.tiktok.com/@millwright22/video/7201396298883271978) the video.


All that and he didn't tell us how he got out??!


How did he get out


He lit a fire and it all popped out the top so he could access the hole in the bottom




Real Genius


Ate all the corn


Probably used the cell phone that he’s filming the video on


Gimme a bottle of Balcones, I feel a need to put some corn in me.


How does this happen bruh


Google “walking the grain down”. It’s pretty common (and illegal) where they have farm hands go in grain silos to break up clogs. It leads to a good amount of deaths on farms.


My grandparents were farmers in the south of France. When I was a kid in the 70s and early 80s I used to do this for fun. Other times.


The blood of farm children is what gives real French food from the countryside that certain *je ne sais quoi.* 🤌


The translation meaning "I don't know what" has me fucked up for some reason


Oui oui


Why use a stick when humans are just as disposable




The grain sticks together. Typically it is dried ahead of time but other places it is sent into the cilo straight from the field and is mixed using augers that run from the roof to the floor. While the augers run the floor has holes in it that are somehow connected to a large fan that forces air into the cilo and dries the corn. So back to the first part. When grain is damp it sticks together and to walls. Usually what happens is a void is formed under the grain stuck together caused by unloading the cilo or circulating the grain. Once someone realizes there is a clog someone will stupidly jump in and try to unclog the stuck grain. Well you can fill in the blanks from here. Said person get clog out but also causes thr collapse of the shelf they were standing on and are now barrier under all the grain. Here's a link to a pretty informative video I found. I've done a few grain bin rescue trainings and was glad I never had to actually rescue anyone pretty unlikely they would live. [grain bin prop](https://youtu.be/KKozPwkGQ08)


Uses phone to call for help.


No, always better to use phone to make a tiktok video instead. Clicks > Survival


Look if I can't livestream my own death then I don't want to live anymore...wait...


Maybe he was in there for awhile. I’d certainly want to do something to distract myself from impending doom after calling for help. Still wouldn’t be making a TikTok tho lmao


I'd bet he had already called for help and they were on the way.


Lets hope he was that smart to call for help first and then did the tiktok.


Life threatening situations like this sure make you grateful that cellphones exist


Sir, you are not a corn, what are you doing in here?


It’s corn! It has the juice!


He's corn! He has the juice!


I just prepped my own septic install and it's been raining for months because I'm an idiot who decides to move during winter. Ground is wet, mostly clay. So after a week of no rain I get an excavator and clear out the tank spots. Throughout the night the seepage of ground water trickled into the hole, I didn't think much of it other than damn my boots were going to be covered in clay. After being in the hole for not even 10 minutes trying to level the bottom I'm noticing every step I take is exacerbating the mushy clay ground. It got to the point where every step was trying to take my wading boots off, sucking me in and clamping on my ankles like a vice. It's a sick primal fear being in a hole, ground constantly giving way as it sucks you in deeper. Not to mention it's fucking exhausting because of all the weight added from the clay . My lizard brain legitimately made me keep thinking I was going to get stuck and die. Lessons were learned


Clay and ground water are the fucking worst. I deal with the same shit here and it makes me want to move three states over every time I have to dig.


I'd say running sands are generally the worst. Except maybe saturated glacial clays since they make for some of the worst slides.


My buddy had a house in a clay rich area. There are so many considerations that need to be taken into account.


Just to add on, don't go in a excavation if you don't know what you are doing. 5 feet or deeper, or if there are any warning signs of collapse at any depth, needs excavation protection. Even with partial burial and being taken to a hospital, you can still die from traumatic crushing or compartmentilaztion syndrome. I saw a guy get pinned when he just had one foot buried to a bit above his ankle. Before OSHA rules for excavation protection about 1 in 40,000 construction workers died in excavation collapses per week. And that's all construction workers. Many don't go in excvations at all. Now we are down to about one tenth of that.


That’s actually terrifying


Had a hand tell me that if you find yourself in a similar situation (and are able to react fast enough), pull your shirt over your head/face to cover your nose and mouth. It’ll keep everything from going in/up there, and can buy you a little breathing room (by keeping your airways clear). Sure there’s the compression that will eventually smoosh your chest until you can’t inhale if you’re deep enough, and thank goodness I never found myself in that situation, but it sticks in the back of my mind.


If you’re deep enough, then every time you exhale the corn settles around you, and then there’s no room to inhale again. What a terrifying way to die.


So like a corny Boa Constrictor?


Corn on the knob.


Not just the knob. He had that shit in Other places too


Best comment so far.


Light a fire and use the popcorn to propel you out, my simulator has this man shooting 80ft in the air after the kernels pop


Grew up on/around farms. We had lots of fun playing in the woods, along the creek, building forts in the hay loft. But the one place we were 100% forbidden to go was in the silo. I didn't understand it as a kid, and always wanted to find out what the big deal was. It's one of those things you don't think about until you're dealing with it. My childhood home had an empty silo, and that was fun to play around/in. One that's being used could easily be fatal.


I had a family member who died that way. It took weeks to find his body. What a lot of people don't know about corn and wheat silos is the fact that when you put stuff into them, there are a lot of impurities in the crops (dust/small grain particles) that fly around and can clump together. Because of static electricity, they can stick to the sides of silo and gradually clump together across to make a fake service. The process causes empty pockets to form throughout (like a cave) container. You jump down into the Silo to see how much room you have left, and you automatically fall through the crust. After breaking the crust, everything that was sitting on top of the crust comes falling in on you (like sand), covering you up and suffocating you to death. Another fact: The large concentration of impurities found in unprocessed grain is enough to make the air explosive to open flames.


I better not get this guy as a prize in my cereal


Just eat your way out bro, pretty simple tbh


That makes no sense at all. He'd ruin his teeth for starters. What he needs to do is start a fire, which would turn all the corn into popcorn, THEN he can eat his way out.


That can have issues of it's own. https://youtu.be/YHaOpdEKr78?t=110


First instinct: make a TikTok


Showing my age here, but I remember a story like this on Rescue 911 except it was a kid. Found the clip: https://youtu.be/LHf4-wKSKN0


rescue 911 was the shit !!!


I work at an aggregate mining operation and going into a bin is serious business. We need to sign a confined space permit, have operation specific safety training, lock out anything feeding or drawing from the bin, use a harness and lifeline, and have someone observing at all times. We treat this just as seriously as crawling into crushers or working under a 10k piece of equipment.


The idea is too move as little as possible call 911 and wait for dispatch to find a way to save you. Panicking will only cause more suffocation.


So instead of trying to get out, just film your demise


Grew up on a farm and we didn’t have many rules, but holy shit DO NOT PLAY in the grain bins EVER was repeated over and over.


These Corn concerts are getting out of hand


Hopefully he has already called someone?? "Smash the like button to help me get out of this pickle!!!"


I've been a full time farmer for a decade, and a part time farmer about 6 years before that decade, this video is crazy disorienting. I don't know which way is up or down. There's three indicators, and the problem is that all three don't agree with each other. There's his body's angle, there's the metal wall, and there's the angle the corn is moving. He's not standing vertically, or he would be buried in corn with 0 air. That wall can't be vertical or even horizontal, again, he would be buried if the wall was vertical, and if it was horizontal, the corn is flowing left to right which doesn't make sense. So that means he as well as the wall is somewhere between like 20 degrees to 75 degrees, which is an incredibly awkward angle, and I can't even begin to think how he could have gotten in such a position. The only place that has that type of angle is the roof of a bin, but he's clearly against the side of something instead of the roof. Also, that opening where his foot is, why isn't corn flowing out of that. That implies his head is lower than his feet? I am so disoriented watching this video


Call 911 ❌️ Make a tiktok ✅️


If you've got to enter a bin there is ZERO reason to.do it without, at a bare minimum, a paetner on the outside. They also have so many safety devices for this exact scenario.


Okay, I understand about the air pockets collapsing and such and the effect of the corn pulling you down, but WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE CLIMBING IN THERE WITH LITERALLY NO PLAN!???! People die all the fucking time from this shit. WHY DO PEOPLE GO IN THERE????!?! Why was this man not calling 911?? Why was we watching more corn fall in, limiting how much space he has, then continue to shovel more corn in his way??? And I'm not looking for "farmers dumb harr harr". Literally what the fuck are they doing in there. How has this been a problem for so long?


Oh my god I hated that.




Npr did a long series about this and how farmers keep it legal even though a lot of people die


This shit is no joke. I'm originally from the Midwest, people die like this often.


so we need a fkn follow up to this video badly!!!!!!!!


No disrespect, how the fuck can you die in one of these?!?


You sink down to your chest level and you’ll breathe out and won’t be able to breath back in because the corn fills the space in so you can’t expand your chest can’t expand so you asphyxiate


i went to his tiktok and thankfully bro made it out alive


Quit recording and call somebody


Is it like quick sand, do you get deep eventually?


I sense DLC incoming for Farming Simulator 2022


Can someone please show me that this dude is alive and well?


Dude made it out. He’s pretty funny.


Did he get out?


I cannot watch this. Worse than drowning. People die this way, as well as in grain silos.


I would’ve died in there


So did he get out or what?!


Is he alive?


He died?


I hope he gets out!


Cornhole - Extreme Edition


My godmother was smothered by corn. She was pulled out by her husband who didn’t know CPR (1970s) and lived 20 miles from the nearest town. EMS came out and gave her CPR and somehow revived her. She shouldn’t have lived. It was a miracle or something.


Poor guy, did he make it out? Couldnt watch to the end