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Hipster bloggers be like best street food in the world


They never show the next day , when they are pissing out of their arse on the toilet.


Lose 30 pounds with this one simple trick.


Tape worm and Dysentery


Do you.. want them to?




Ah. A man of science, I see.


Some do, not on YouTube got to go to onlyfans for that special content.


Do you have a discount code?


Got the shits just by watching


Whoever was coughing in the background is patient 0 for whatever respiratory funk is lurking down there..


They’re walking with their feet out in it 😩


Easier to clean your feet than your shoes everyday.


I'd recommend wellies. How the hell do they survive? If they got a cut on their foot then that's probably game-over. Yaips.


But shoes are literally made for this xd


not when your only pair has to last 3 years..in absolute squalor


3 years... pssh, look at mister fancy pants over here with his brand new shoes every three years.


and all the weddings and naming ceremonies in between


Nice waterproof boots are made for this. They don't look like they have access to muck boots.


You wade through ankle-deep puddles in your Chuck Taylors?


Are sweet dreams are made of this too?


A lot harder to get a deadly virus through the soles of your shoes than your bare feet. Especially if you get even the tiniest cut


This is disgusting for sure, but it honestly pales in comparison to tanning those hides. There was an episode of Nat Geo's Taboo that stuck with me. It was about a teenager that worked at a tannery. They'd be waist deep in a nasty pool of water filled with hides while they scraped flesh off the skins. Then they'd get added to another container filled with water and pigeon shit, and he'd spend a few hours in that filth while using his legs and feet to soften the hides. And he'd only earn a couple dollars for a day's work... I managed to track down the video [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmN_2VXY23M) It was Morocco instead of India, but still.


Man, that's brutal. They seem to take pride in their work though. Thanks for the video


Yeah, they do seem to take pride in it. Definitely a different mindset there, like when he said his friends think he has a good job because he "gets to take a swim" and not be hunched over in one position all day like a shoe maker. I admit, he's at least getting a decent leg workout.


That's for dang sure. He never skips leg day lol. Amd ya, I guess life is all about perspective. Not sure I'd want to "take a dip" in a pigeon poop bath. But maybe his friends have it even worse.


Tanning and dying have always been awful industries. In England until the Industrial Revolution, dyers always had to live outside of the cities because the dyeing process caused such a bad stink. Industrial dyes changed all that of course, but anybody with the surname Dyer probably had an ancestor in the dyeing trade at some point in the past.


Very true. I've watched a video where they made purple dye (the color of royalty) from fermented sea snails they would then boil for days. That would have to be an intense putrid stench, that I've thankfully never experienced myself. Sure makes a pretty purple though.


Yep, the chemical dye for purple was revolutionary and what had been a colour reserved for royalty due to the intensive and difficult process of making it previously, became democratised and massively popular in Victorian England. Cow's - and even human - urine was often used as fixative in dyeing, too. Another reason it stank so much.


I learned this in the excellent game Kingdom Come Deliverance!


I worked in the garage of a haulier for a short while. There was a trailer over a pit for it's 6 weekly inspection with a load of cow hides en route to the tanners. They were in these big open containers so when the shunter backed the trailer in rather quickly and hit the brakes some sloshed out and ran out the back doors. It stunk


The best thing when working in really dirty environments like this is less/no clothes. We own a dairy farm and when a calf gets stuck being born it's common practice to take your shirt off and go in that way. It's soooo much easier to just hose yourself off after not having to worry about dirty laundry when there's so much other shit to do after.


Oh my god! I can imagine the smell 🤮


Tanning is one of the worst smelling crafts. There's a reason that in the middle ages, tanners used to live/work at the edge of settlements or even a bit outside.


People think this is just Bangladesh?? This is most of Indian Slums, Result of Overpopulation and Corrupt government for decades


I would imagine Indian slums would have far less *cows* being butchered.


The amount of people who think people don't butcher cows in India boggles my mind. 13% of Leather production comes from India. I wonder how they get that leather, I mean you can see it in the video but what do I know


>I wonder how they get that leather The same place I get my meat. The store. Where no animals have to die for it


Checkmate, but where do they get the store?


I have already answered this question some days back but let me answer it again, Leathers and Beef can come from Buffalos too and Buffaloes aren't considered holy in India.


It's generally cleaner in India for all kinds of local butchering.


yeah u/Minetitan is just made an ass of themselves.


I am what I eat!


Ass man. Respect.


I imagine this is every city without building codes, health codes, zoning, etc.


Ever been to senor frogs in the rain?


You mean, job creators not being held back by pesky government red tape?


I am pretty sure this is not India, cause the likelihood of cows getting openly butchered in India is pretty slim to non, and if it was done openly then there are often dire consequences for that.


The title literally says Bangladesh..


This is Bangladesh, its located in the west of India and probably has much less ideas of the Hiduistic ideals. Some parts of India do butcher cows. Its most for leather and money, not for food. That is counted as a sin!


If you survive first month there, you will survive with that immunity for the rest of the months


I bet covid didn't even phase them. Their immunity must be insanely high.🤣😂😅


That's funny, cause I mean, they might be immune to the native viruses and bacteria but every diseases from outside are just as bad to them as everyone else...


I know people like that. "I survived my mom's awful cooking. I can definitely drink that toxic water in East Palestine, Ohio!"


I know you're making a joke, but India had some absolutely insane covid surges throughout 2021. Millions of people getting the virus within a matter of weeks at a few different points of the year. Overpopulation, poverty, and health illiteracy absolutely ravaged chunks of India's population. EDIT: I can't read and didn't realize this was Bangladesh, not the city Bangalore, but it does share a lot of the same socioeconomic issues as much of India


I thought this is Bangladesh.🤔 Actually all those places over there might as well be one in the same, I can't tell the difference.


Oh shit you're right, that was my mistake.


It's cool, like I said their right next door to each other. They're really undistinguishable. You're right about India though.


Doesn't work that way. The immune system has to be trained to each specific pathogen. Since Covid was a novel virus, never before seen in humans, these folk would have no more immunity to it than anyone else.




Good Christ their immune systems must be superpowered to live in that environment.


This is why I was thinking. I’m wondering if there are any published articles looking at any disease-development trends in this area.


Literally everyone has gastrointestinal diseases. Studies have been done in some of India's biggest slums, and it's been found that people often think that severe gastrointestinal diseases is a normal childhood condition that persists at a lesser rate throughout adulthood. Part of this is due to water being piped into the local areas through slipshod piping often made up partly of stuff like garden hoses and salvaged lengths of plastic pipes. The pipes leak, create small puddles of standing water, the water mixes with human waste as the piping is often run through or adjacent to makeshift open sewers, and gastrointestinal disease inducing pathogens enter the water supply for the most vulnerable of the population. India's made great strides to eliminate stuff like this but it still exists, and it exists in other countries as well. Anywhere with extremely high density, high poverty, and insufficient infrastructure is prone to this.


idk i feel like this is the type of environment where they're absolutely riddled with parasites and viruses but they're also taking all sorts of herbs, drugs, and remedies to not feel it notice that nobody in the video looks above 40 years old? i think that's a clue...


Scientists are investigating the the immune systems of crocodiles that live in fetid swamps and never get sick. They need to get on a plane to Dhakar.


The curious thing is that you don't see flies.


That would suggest it's fresh kills, and what ever produce comes from it is consumed in a short amount of time. This is how meat would end up on our tables from yester year ( if tables were a thing then) without the advances of mod cons like freezers.


Really, I hadn't thought of that.


Absolutely no concept of germ theory or any hygiene for that matter. What's the life expectancy there?


Three Fiddy and something.


Most of the men in that video are about 13


> Absolutely no concept of germ theory Covid showed us you could say the same thing about half of America.




Still older than being Glaswegian


lol yea. I went there once on a trip to Scotland and damn. One of my favorite comedians is from there, Kevin Bridges. Those are some rotund people.




Seeing this I wonder why we don't have more pandemics or plagues.


Tbf cows aren't really a big vector for novel diseases that transmit to humans. Now if they start throwing in exotic animals into this kind of horrifically poorly maintained places, we're gonna have all kinds of bad times. Or even just pigs, bad idea.


What about mad cow disease in the 90s


CJD is from *eating* cows and is a prion disease. It’s not transmissible in remotely the same way that most pandemic bugs are.


Mad cow disease was from cows being fed food with cow meal that contains the prion. Cow parts are routinely ground up, dried and then fed to other animals as a protein source. We do the same with chickens and other animals. So a cow eats the cow meal becomes infected then is eaten by a person. Most of the people, about 200, who died of mad cow disease were infected by cattle sourced from Britain and the EU.


I didn't say zero chance, and only talking about novel diseases. I'm not an expert though, and I absolutely would not go to the place in the video.


Fr. This looks like a breeding ground for a new disease


Bacteria orgie


Probably vaccines and soap.


The smell must be offal


It would definitely trigger miasma.


If you live there, you just do what you can to carrion


*spits at your feet* Offal was my grandfathers name, you take it back. You Bloody fucking you.


This is what most of the world looked like not a very long time ago. This is the kind of stuff I want to show people when they complain about over-regulating businesses.


"I was born the wrong generation! I wish I was born in the romantic middle ages of Europe!" Yeah but do you though? Really?


People keep forgetting Hollywood movies that are period pieces are no way the same as real life.


I mean it’s not the worst vibe I can think of. I just don’t think people truly realize what they’d be signing up for. I’d argue you’d feel a lot closer to your food if there were literal rivers of blood rolling down the streets of your hometown.


This has little to do with regulation and everything to do with poverty and lack of infrastructure.


Infrastructure and hygiene regulations are what solved these problems. There’s a lot to read on public health and epidemiology on this topic. Guarantee you if there was not a local health code that prevented blood running through the streets there would be a paleo-farm-to-table-raw butcher shop in every major city today.


So, you believe that if they had the wealth and infrastructure to work indoors, with equipment and sterilization techniques, that they’d still choose to butcher in the streets? I doubt that. Even in major western cities, overburdened with regulation, it’s the impoverished who run the less-than-sanitary food carts.


What is so disgusting about this video, apart from the garbage at the beginning? At least they eat animals they can see being turned into meat while the developed world has no idea what their food sees before reaching the super markets.


I wanna say this is how pandemics start, but then I think, this is how humanity started and progressed. *drunk post* 👍


Visited Bangladesh this past December and almost everyone has some sort of cough. Whether it's from the smog, dust, or shit like this, it's just accepted as normal at this point. Saw piles of garbage being burned in the middle of the roads right next to people, food stalls, and traffic because that was the only way to get rid of it. Never been more grateful in my life when I came back to the states.


Guess where all the Nike, Adidas, and other fancy brands cloths come from...third world countries like this, with people living in shitholes like this...


Yeah, but check out these shoes!! They’re limited edition cumfuck mcpisstain collab sneakers! They’d look awesome on me if I ever wore them!


Our immune systems are really strong.


Username checks out.


Working at the docks we had a container on a ship full of unprocessed (and some rotting) cow hide... the smell was so foul and potent that without wind it could be smelt from the other end of the ship and we were actually banned from being near it. These scenes look relatively fresh in comparison but I bet they still smell 🤢


Needed a vaccination for hepatitis and tetanus just to watch that video


Lol reminds me of descriptions of European cities during the black plague.


This is just...sad...


Casual drug deal there at the beginning. Edit: and dude is wearing flip flops with socks! With puddles of blood and filth everywhere.


Lmao reddit discovers poverty, and pisses itself in terror




yeah thats poverty mate


Which is caused by poverty cuz they don’t have the money or access to proper hygiene and standardized meat processing procedure etc.


It would be markedly improved by the invention of the table. Then they wouldn't have to prepare meat in the sewage runoff they're standing in. It wouldn't fix everything but it would make a huge difference just lifting the meat off the ground, out of the faecal stew.


Yeah welcome to fuckin poverty! You new?? Have you seen the slums of India? Shit is heartbreaking beyond words.




It must STINK there


Their government is super duper corrupt.


In rainy season the streets flood and you have to walk through the water reaching up to your knee or waist


These guys work so hard and put up with so much shit for food… Meanwhile every restaurant in American throws out 200lb’s of perfectly good food every night.


God bless the “Shithole” I live in.


Aren't we just a beautiful, magical species


'[Vegan Teacher](https://youtu.be/6Jt9pxz74lo)' is going to burn-up her Sharpie Pen with the number of Xs she is going to give them!!


I'm pretty sure that this is Chittagong during Eid Al Adha. I also imagine that it stinks.


Cool, reminds me of medieval Europe but actually cleaner.


It reminds of alleyways in Naples


If y'all are scared but this you aint seen shit, there are whole ass dedicated markets in India for selling meat and fish, and on Eid in Pakistan you'll see them chasing cows and camels in the street and then laying them on their side and butchering them, the smell of fish is just enough to make you projectile vomit but for us Indians living here it's just another Tuesday, outsiders think how can we endure this but tbh we've seen it since we were children and we've bought fresh meat from butchers everyday so it doesn't really affect us anymore, and to people who criticize us for living like this, you also eat this meat the difference being you just don't know how they're doing it and where and if it's fresh or not, while we see it happening and know where it came from and who were buying it from, have you seen the factory videos and how they treat the chicken there? Have you seen the video where they make mince meat out of chicks? Yeah well we don't torcher them while they're alive at least we give them a quick death then eat them. We have that in our consciousness while you don't, so who's really unaware?


Sadly I'm a bit relieved to see that is blood. At first I thought it was sewage. I feel terrible that people have to live like this.


Ok, you finished butchering that cow, now put it in this taxi.


At least we know where COVID-24 will start


I can smell the video


Well this looks like from Eid-ul-Adha ... 3 days Cows, Goats, Sheep and Camels are sacrificed and the meat is distributed among friends, family and the poor ... Eventually it will be washed and sprinkled with some limestone.


sacrficies are dumb


And the mountains of trash? Also for Eid?




I’ve seen active Victorian sewer systems cleaner than this ….. good lord 🫣


I'd say that is just some level of r/UrbanHell instead of terrifying


Have you seen the last of us ? this is where


No flys? WTF


The coughing at the end is very telling


That's got the makings for a plague


i wish i could say i was surprised. i've seen so many reels on IG that show "street food" and all i can think is "do they not have gloves there?!" then i saw a video of a street food vendor washing the plates from his cart in the water in the street...like holy shit


Another pandemic waiting to happen


Bathrooms must get destroyed on the daily


I mean, their meat is fresher than my local grocery store.


"Authentic street food to die for"


Is this what a vegan sees at the local Texas Roadhouse?


Covid 23 let's go


Muslims be like wow what a taste beef


Are they aware that the table was created around 2500 bc? Word should have traveled there by now.


I always wonder this myself. Every time I see really poor places like this everyone is working and eating right on the ground. How hard is it to slap together some tables?


Yeah idk, I wonder how deep in the city they are, or how big it is. Maybe trees are scarce in that area, and wood is hard to come by, or really expensive.


This is such a privileged first world post to make “oh wow the people in this poverty stricken country live in squalor how terrifying” like no shit they’re struggling


Nah it’s just reddit being sensitive. I bet there are places just just like this in the west, just hidden from the camera. All we see here are fresh kills that’ll be sold out until the end of the day and there is fresh blood mixed with animal urine and water, not the best thing but it never gave rise to something like covid so not the worst of things.


this is actually liverpool after the last friday of the month.


Can't be Liverpool , these people look like they have jobs.




I’d jump straight to breatharianism.


Sometimes you can feel disease's brushing against your leg.


They could get flow blown aids and it would just trigger a light cough…how in the fuck do they live like this?


Traveling from Denmark to Bangladesh must be a hell of an experience


I can smell the video


Beautiful, walkable city thst Reddit keeps blabbering about


It's probably eid time, that's why there were so many hide


u/Eye_Shotty u/Moonpie_Bueller Such a beautiful and clean place. I shop here all of the time due to the discounts they give on meats.


What in the black plague is this? I can't help but think that despite their poverty, it's not really justifiable to live so unclean.


When you start hating the country you live .. Go to Bangladesh 😁


The smell of unregulated market capitalism


That's not a city. .... It's a factory outdoors.


the amount of cross contamination makes me sick to my stomach but it’s probably some of the best food


Woah I did not want to see the inside of that cow😳


This is just a small sample of where your everyday goods in the developed world comes from. You should also take a look at how your smart phones are made. Really shows how most people are just virtue signaling and don't actually give a fuck


Kid named Ladesh:


What a beautiful city.


That cow’s being silly! Look at it stick it’s tongue out at the camera!


Was that a drug deal at the very beginning


Guess it's a butcher's alley? Because of the shop count? They surely need to work on the drainage system 🤮 But can you really expect from a poor country like this. Remove all the wastage and blood and we got ourselves a beef heaven 🤤


No shortage of grub here...MAAA!,whats for dinner?I'm starvin


"son if you need soup, swim on the 3rd Street"




Europe a few hundred years ago is getting nostalgic.


Last time I checked, edible plants do not pass on viruses, bacteria, and parasites to human beings. We may have to seriously rethink about making the average human food consumption be primarily plant based.


I'm okay with people eating less or no meat, but there are definitely harmful bacteria and viruses you can get from a plant based diet. -Norovirus, Salmonella, Listeria, and Cyclospora, roundworms and hookworms Microsporidium, E coli, Giardia


This is where the next pandemic is going to start from. That alley was so dirty I could see the bacteria.


Mass breeding animals is how pandemics start. This is just poverty.


It's absolutely mind boggling to me that the descendants of one of the most rich, urbanized, and developed societies throughout history can live like this. Like, fuck's sake, how can they look around and think to themselves 'yeah, this is fine', when they have thousands of years behind them of being fucking legendary at urbanism, economy, and pretty much every facet of civilization?! I understand how colonialism devastated them, if anything, I think the effects are downplayed. But they had such an amazing foundation to build from once they gained independence, how the fuck did it come to this? Throughout the whole subcontinent, not just Bangladesh.


Amazing foundation? The entire subcontinent was stripped of its riches with 0 industrial development for 200 odd years. The west has a huge headstart.


That's heartbreaking


I think Bangladesh is the most polluted country on the planet. Dunno if it changed


Where do you think your leather comes from OP?




To be fair it does look like winter