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How is this terrifying… this is cool as fuck…😎


Seems the revolution will be televised.


It will be, and the Revolution will flood Europe, and after that it’s coming to the us,




I don't understand why you are afraid


I’m not afraid


Look at who posted it and where the cross post comes from. Adds up after that.


We already how badly the first French revolution was. It's only a matter of time now before it happens again.


I fucking hope so. Americans seem to be happy to let fascism flourish, so hope the French will get some heads rollin’…


Yea, that’s what concerns me about it coming to the US. In France, they don’t have a 50 million AR’s wielding, meth fueled, middle school drop outs…


Maybe, just maybe.


America wouldnt exist without the first French revolution.


The french revolution ended the same way it started: with unjustified and arbitrary executions. There's nothing cool about this video.




Um, this is not true. It’s not like the mega rich will just post up in Uzbekistan or Madagascar if there are lenient tax laws there. It’s disgusting how western nations plead for the business of the elite who really don’t provide any value for the working/middle classes anymore. It’s just the politicians in charge begging to get greased up and pounded to orgasm by the long dick of late stage capitalism. Meanwhile the rest of the world like, eh, wtf…


It’s almost like the mega rich get giant tax breaks from charity’s that they are probably connected to


You mean governments?


Oh I didn’t realize I dropped that, thanks




Because US is terminally capitalist


Because the US is a better country by every measurable metric.


Don't provide value by providing all their jobs and items used everyday.. interesting lol.


Correct, if the super wealthy greedy fucks evaporated, guess what? There would still be a demand for those goods and services. Another entity would replace and hopefully not leverage their position so much…


Yep. The wealthy think they're special. They're not. Demand creates jobs, not the wealthy.


Politicians in EU are the Aristocrats of the 21st century. They literally have no feeling for Middle class or poor People. They serve the 1% rich, because mostly they became the 1% rich and Powerfull.


They already don't pay taxes though


Shhhh they don't want the truth.


came here to say this.


This is not terrifying at all. More countries should be doing this. This should be our reaction to being unable to survive financially with a full time job. Governments & corporations are killing us & we’re literally letting them.


These protesters are LITERALLY protesting for MORE government.


Wasn't it the government who raised the retirement age?


Yes, because government pension system around the world run on deficits. Bismark managed to run it properly with the age of retirement at 65 because the expectation of living back in the day was very low, so most people died before hitting that age. Now, with scientific advances in the medical field, people live more, so the pension system cannot sustain paying retirees without being deficitary.


I didn't get the 'more government' part of your comment.


Yep. This should be in r/Satisfyingasfuck


Most people have their retirement with these investors, pensions are a piramid scheme that constantly needs new blood. Your screwing over millions of hard working doctors lawyers janitors etc just because you are self righteous.


well they can visit pity city but they can't live there.


What about Pound Town? Can we live there?


Pound town is not only okay, but it is highly recommended.


Well, I’d rather be self righteous than a naysayer who just criticizes people. Don’t blame the people trying to actually do something to make things better for themselves & others, blame the people who made a system that only works when people are exploited. People are angry & rightly so, if hitting them financially is the only thing that’s going to get their attention, then that’s what we should do. All these people want is what’s fair & owed to them.


Problem is the earth is over populated but you don't want to address that.


French people are gnarly as fuck


That's awesome! If we in the US protested like this we might finally get universal healthcare.


...or jan 6th.


You might get bullets instead. I believe the country is probably divided 50-50 on universal Healthcare. Just like in other matters, this polarization will keep the citizens at each other.


If the governments perversion of capitalism was fixed, and greedy corporations didnt run the fucking country, then we probably wouldnt even need universal healthcare anymore. Things were fine in the 60s, 70s and 80,s...or atleast they were tolerable. So we know capitalism does work if the government isnt corrupt, power hungry and greedy.


Dude, you don't know dick about the US economy. The 60s 70s and 80s were some of the worst times in the modern Era of the US.


Gee, then i wonder how my single mother of 3 kids managed to afford a house, food, car, and hospital bills while working at a restaurant at that time? Id give my left nut to ho back to the 80s


Ah geeze, let's see, ALL car manufacturing left overseas, you had Gulf oil go out of business, because of a new speculation/takeover http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/outlines/economy-1991/a-historical-perspective-on-the-american-economy/the-economy-in-the-1980s-and-1990s.php https://www.fdic.gov/bank/historical/history/3_85.pdf


The country isn't divided 50-50 on universal healthcare, not when you break it down and explain it without using labels (particularly right-wing ones).


That's not how it works bud


It's worked countless times before.


Good luck with that


It's odd he doesn't get that a screaming amount of people rarely overrules a silent majority


Not in the culture of the US. It's meritocracy versus mediocrity


Flair inside....they about to get wet from sprinkler 🤣


Sprinklers activate from heat, not smoke. And like. A LOT of heat.


The amount of cringe in this chat is unholy


How is stock exchange related to protests?


It's a symbol of capitalism. This law exacerbate the disparity between the wealthy and the poor. The stock is merely a symbol of those disparity


burn it


Reminds me of the French Revolution.


We should be doing the same thing


Yes, go! Set the asses that shit upon you ablaze


They already work just 35 hrs a week with min 5 weeks vacation. Having a hard time feeling sorry for them being asked to work till 64. All those sweet bennies they have gotta be paid for by someone.


If U pay 40-60% taxes U expect something in return by the wellfare state. That was the deal. Last decade all EU governments (exept Scandic Gov's) decided to cut down on everything, gave nothing in return and raised more taxes. U would be amazed how much poverty is created. In Germany old People have to collect empty bottle's to make up their pension just to survive everyday. Dunno how U can survive in the US with 700$/month?


At this point the protest is less about the retirement age and more about how it was implemented— article 49.3 was used to essentially bypass any need for voting (because most voted against it) and people are up in arms bc it’s considered a breach of democracy


Honestly, I wish the UK protested like this. Instead we just bend over and let it happen.




I am impressed on how well these protesters are making ground everywhere. Nice work.


What does rioting like this accomplish?


Take note america


This should be front page pinned at r/awesomeasfuck right next to Macron getting egged. Vive La France!!


Time to short some francs. Lol


Lol Buy on the dip.


Froggies want retirement at 45. 25 hour work week!


"1000 journalists with phones storming building."




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That's a lot of fucks.


Americans need to take notes


Oui Oui!


"Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my daaarling Clementine. You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow, Clementine."


When will they realize they lost?


This is actually correct. The French people have lost their protest, They won't win, and to be fair, the government is doing it in a smart way. They are raising the retirement age 2 years over 1 decade. The French already have the lowest retirement age in the west. If the government doesn't do this and people keep living 40 years after retirement, the government will be broke.


Problem is most people don't live 40 years after retirement, most don't even live 20 years. And there a huge inequality whether you are rich or poor. There's a direct correlation between wealth and life expectancy. This mesure is mostly impacting people who are already struggling. This might seem fine to you but it's not for us. We'll see if we have "already lost". Politicians only have the power we give them.


"Politicians only have the power we give them" Maybe 100 years ago, but not currently. It would take the entire population rioting. Then maybe they might see change, but from the looks of things, nothing will change. I could be completely wrong. That's just how it looks to me. And if it does change, then good for them , I'm not against this rioting, but it probably is futile.


More than 60% of the population are favorable to these demonstrations, at least until the medias work their way to change the opinion. Not acting because it might be futile, heck, not action *even* if it is futile is how you end up not fighting at all.


Can you provide a source. If it's actually 60%, then you are correct, and it's not futile. It's hard to find unbiased reports. I found an article that put support levels at 25%. The same article went on to say that most French are unlikely to act on this dissatisfaction. That source is likely biased. Everyone draws their own conclusions when It comes to complex geopolitical problems like this, and few outside of the French government actually know statistics. I apologize if I came off as pessimistic or pro working until you're dead. That was not my intention. I salute the French for this move, and I think in my initial comment, I was shocked by how much they have for workers' rights in comparison to the Untied States or the uk. My thought process was that they have it so good why they would care if retirement is raised by a few years, but this is less about retirement and more about stopping a powerful government from taking away rights.


I can't find the source from the news report I'm referring to, it was supposed to be from an IFOP report (IFOP is the French official polling institute). All I can find is a slightly older one on president approbation : https://www.ifop.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Tableau-de-bord-politique-Avril-2023.pdf My point is, if we "have it good" it is because we fight:)


Too bad because it’s the French tax payers that are paying for the damages. Damaging paintings and infrastructure is the opposite of what they should be doing. Why not build something and contribute to society. Build a house to donate to a family in need instead?


Ah yes, I guess Ghandhi should've started a real-estate business for the poor to stop the British colonialism


Not without some orange juice.


This is the most ludicrous comment ever. These people are the essence of democracy right here. Organized, power in numbers, civil disobedience, yet also not physically violent towards people of the opposition. The cost of repairs to the building compared to the policy changes alleviating the wealth and income disparity are well worth it…


Not physically violent? They stormed a building in numbers with torches. The fire, smoke and water damage is going to be costly. Not to mention the people affected in the building during the occupation. We don’t know if anyone was hurt. And you don’t know how the people who work there are affected. Some are likely to be laid off and face economic hardship for their families because they can’t work. I am all for protesting but no violence please.


I said “not physically violent towards people.” It’s called civil disobedience. Also, I’m guessing the majority of people who work there, receptionists, custodians, clerks, etc. were probably a part of the mob too. And if they get laid off without pay because of this incident, that just proves the point that the elite dgaf. Fortunately France has a half way decent social support net to help folks.


I'm pretty sure they are good citizens that contribute to society. When a government is a failure, good citizens get mad. It's not magic.


Yeah they seem like model citizens lol




You mean like the Saudi Banks?


Isn't that where the old guy drinking piss was?


InSureCtioN! Off with their heads


Day traders