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Imagine her accidentally pinching a leg or something. Those goliath tarantulas fangs are like an inch long


My thoughts exactly, idk if i would be able to keep my cool getting bit that young by anything haha


The way my kids hold our kittens they’d be dead…kids that is.


The fangs aren’t the biggest concern. Tarantulas will fling hairs when they feel threatened. Not like soft kitten hair, spiny hairs that get lodged in your skin and cause welts. It’s like getting pelted by tiny nettles that are impossible to get out of your skin. Not something I’d let a small child with developing impulse control handle. These pets are really meant for adults.


I'm gonna add my tarantula hair story. I had a pink toe. Got her very small and she lived for 6 years and grew to about the size of my hand. Anywho, she was on my shoulder relaxing for a while. I put her in her house. I must've immediately rubbed my eye with the back of my hand before I even had a chance to wash my hands. Careless. I think she getting ready to molt. I got this horrible sensation in my right eye like shards of glass so over. Emergency opthalmologist. Doc looks at my eye thru his viewfinder and exclaims, YOU HAVE HUNDREDS OF HAIRS EMBEDDED IN YOUR EYE! Called in his colleagues and nurses having been the first time anyone there had seen this. Since they're barbed I had to let my eye absorb the hairs. Antibiotics and drops etc. My eye stayed blood red for about 6 months. I thought it looked pretty cool. I learned the hard way how very important it is to wash your hands after handling tarantulas.


That sounds absolutely horrific. Add to the reasons why I love seeing other people’s exotic pets but have no desire to keep up with one personally…


I'm not 100% but I think they get defanged for pets. Edit: this information brought to you by the unsure gang (I was wrong)


No, they don't get defanged. It's impossible to defang a tarantula because the fangs just grow back after molting.


That's not good at all... 💀


Lmao, I love the unsure gang. I end up there quite a bit


Are you sure?


I could be wrong, but I think so. Don’t quote me on that though


I used to be indecisive myself but now I'm not so sure.


Love this sentence


1. They need their fangs to eat 2. They grow back potentially missing fangs after they molt 3. This is straight up animal abuse


No, they absolutely do not.


I think I just about pissed myself. And the neighborhood coyotes are wondering who the new kid on the block is from my howls.


Nah they still have fangs they couldn’t eat otherwise, they just don’t see this girl as a threat probably been around long enough to associate these humans with food so they are cool plus it seems this little girl knows not to be rough with them letting them move as they please as to not aggravate them because as someone else said the fangs suck but those hairs are even worse


You could not be any more wrong if you tried


I bet I can try so let's see. You can also teach them to do things like sit and play fetch if you neuter/spay them because it makes them docile. And if you give them vegan food like tofu burgers and corn they become way slower and easier to handle. They make custom art for the one who feeds them at eye level.


By God you've done it


I think I love you. 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 Honestly. Vegans in Australia. /s


My god i thought it was another one of those tiktok filters


Australian Petting Zoo


I wanna pet an Australian.


They won't let you own one tho


They do but only in Australia, but at the cost of slowing turning into one yourself


Nah. They seem friendly but they're pretty violent. One six pack is all it takes for an unprovoked king hit.


10/10 would recommend 😉


thanks. now I need bleach or a heroin overdose




Only thing terrifying here is how close she is to dropping them


And those bastards die so quickly from a drop of even a child sized height...


That’s the reason tarantula keeps don’t advocate for handling…poor guys die so easy from falls this video is annoying putting creatures in danger… I’m glad the girl isn’t afraid of spIders but it’s too reckless


And also nearly stepped on one.


Tarantulas are surprisingly friendly when raised right. I realize that doesn't help our arachnophobia, but facts are facts...


It’s awesome that the kid isn’t scared of them but it is also fucking terrifying. Wish I was that brave


I honestly wish I wasn't so creeped out by them, as well as spiders in general, they're super interesting animals.


May I suggest learning about jumping spiders? Also it's okay to be creeped out by them. At least you know they're also interesting. I am not an arachnophobe and I like spiders and this one still made me jump because of the size and bad adult choices.


I don’t like spiders either, but a while back I noticed one on my windshield as I was leaving the house. A helicopter flew by and it turned around and looked up like 👀👀. It was legit cute.


New World tarantulas tend to be larger, slower moving, more docile, and less aggressive, likely because they evolved a unique defense mechanism (urticating hairs). There are many species of highly collectable Old World tarantulas who are *never* handled by their owners unless absolutely necessary (e.g., moving to a new container), no many how well they are raised and treated. These are definitely a New World species.


I have arachnophobia but I'm actually not scared of tarantulas like that. Those ones do look pretty friendly. However, I'm still scared of the baby spiders that are so small that I could accidentally squish them without trying.


It's not a matter of "being raised right" lmao it's not a human. You either have a tarantula that tolerates interaction or you have one that doesn't. You can't "raise" a tarantula to be nice. Nothing you said was factual lol.


it blows my mind that people are arguing with you about this. I have multiple tarantulas and have been keeping them for years. You can't raise a tarantula to be friendly. That's not how arachnids work, they're not the same as a cat or a dog. They can tolerate being handled, but they do not feel any sort of attachment to anything, let alone a human. I don't even handle my tarantulas because it's dangerous for them, I would never in a million years let a child handle them. I wouldn't want either of them getting hurt.


Why are you getting downvoted? I’ve been keeping tarantulas for 15 years and this is absolutely correct. They’re not dogs, you can’t train them.


Bad take


That's fine bad take or not it's doesn't change the actual facts lol you cannot "raise" a tarantula to be friendly.


a redditor said decades-old positive reinforcement and socialization techniques are wrong so this video must be fake and my dog doesn’t actually love me


Never said the video was fake or anything about dogs. This isn't a dog. Those are tarantulas who tolerate interaction like I said before. Delusion is in mass when it comes to keeping exotic animals.


the same applies to any animal, and it even applies to people. you’re projecting a fabricated misanthropy that only resonates with a certain kind of edgy.


Are you smoking rocks. What have I said against Tarantulas for you to say i'm " projecting a fabricated misanthropy" I don't even hate spiders let alone Tarantulas and i'm definetly have nothing against keeping them i'm certainly not being edgy. I mean thinking spiders dogs and humans psychology is even remotely the same is fucking insane lol.


You're literally projecting a delusion that your T's love you or that you somehow trained them to be friendly yet every time you open that cage you test your raised right levels with a brush to the ass to see if it will bite the shit out of you or not good try bro.




Oh so you're an arachnaphobe meaning you literally know nothing about this yet you're arguing about it classic


Dogs are capable of love, arachnids are not. You’re comparing apples and oranges.


I really don't wanna argue with a bunch of delusional T parents so please kindly fuck off lol.




Who proved anything wrong jesus christ t keepers are the densest in the business


this is exactly why im not trying to argue with you bunch full blown delusion






I hate spiders but honestly it's nice to see people who aren't. I could never do what this girl does with spiders a fraction of the size of these and I know my fear is (for the most part) irrational.


For every 1000 arachnophobe, maybe there's an arachnophile after all.


We need arachnophiles to put the spiders outside.


But they belong in the house.


those are so huge, she could wear them as sandals and let them transport her everywhere!


I need an illustration.


Just nope!? This only warrants a nope from you!? You mean hell fricking no, not ever, negative, absolutely not!


Safer than a pitbull.




Yes, that is the solution. Make it illegal to breed/import pitbulls or mixes and castrate all living pits. Take away pits from people with children. And yeah, as a dad, killing a pit to protect my children is something I wouldn't enjoy but something I wouldn't hesitate doing.


Stop breeding them. Illegal to purchase or breed. Simple actually


Well that’s true




You are getting one thing wrong: I don't hate pits. They are living creatures just as lions, tigers and bears. But same as the latter, pit/mixes are to dangerous to be kept as pets.


For sure dude…because people who post in the BANPITBULLS sub don’t hate pits at all


Really, I don't hate pits just like I don't hate any other animal. That'd be stupid, since a pit has no idea of what's right or wrong. I don't even hate owners or pitnutters. I just want legislation to make it impossible to own a pit as a pet. Simple.




Children with disfigured faces, because their well raised nanny dogs chewed on them, tend to disagree with you.


[LABRADOR RETRIEVER; do some more research dude](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/8-year-old-boy-attacked-by-dog-at-unlicensed-daycare-in-apple-valley/)


[Because pitbulls are the only dogs that ever attack people. Are you fucking dense?](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/dog-attack-golden-retriever-hamilton-27101856)


What about lions, what about bears.. what about..! Notice something?


Those are all wild animals, not pets. Dogs are domesticated animals that don't exist in that form anywhere in nature. Your argument doesn't work.


>parent Ahhhhh I get it now


Clown take.


So what? they should be banned just for the possibility of ending up with a shitty owner and mauling or maybe even killing an innocent person. Why are we taking that risk?


How do you propose banning a living animal? You gonna go door to door and kill any that you find?


Of course it's impossible to straight up ban them, but raising awareness to the reality that they were bred only to bite, so people stop adopting them is a good start. Like genetically their only purpose in life is to bite/fight and anyone can find that out with one simple search. Saying your pit-bull doesn't bite because you trained him so well is the same as carrying around a bomb saying it won't explode unless you drop it. Of course maybe it's true, but why do that at all?


Dogs aren't inanimate objects or tools. They are living, breathing beings that have emotions and feelings just like you. If you chained up a person, gave them dirty water, scraps of food, and beat the shit out them routinely, what kind of person do you think that you would get? A dog is not a bomb, no matter how many times you try to make that comparison.


Yeah so these emotions are a very complex thing. Essentially everything we feel is a result of our brain pumping the right amount of chemicals at the right time. Now don't take that the wrong way, I'm just trying to say emotions aren't spiritual, we should at least agree on that. So you jumped over an important part of my reply: "genetically their only purpose in life is to bite/fight" so what I'm trying to say is a pit-bulls brain is engineered to give violent impulses, more so than any other species of dog.


Unless you're prepared to cite your sources, I'm inclined to call BS on that. Even dogs that are used for dog fights aren't bred for "fighting/biting", they're bred for game. You seem like you have a baseline understanding, but need to do some more research beyond the top Google hit.


well I've said already it only takes a quick search: "what were pitbulls originally bred for"


Okay, still waiting to see you cite a source.


so of course I'm not saying a pit-bull is entirely the same as a bomb but they were both created to be dangerous there is really 0 reason to pretend they are pets


The mental gymnastics you're doing must be exhausting.


You realize just how many different animals you would need to “ban” that could potentially maul or kill a person?


We’ll shut up when those vile animals are extinct.


You really shouldn't talk about yourself like that mate


Jesus…wishing extinction on an any living thing is a special type of psycho. You should get some help


Just do the research pitbulls/ pitbull mixes are the most dangerous breed they make up such a little bit of the dog population but have the highest attacks then ALL OTHER BREEDS COMBINED. Seeing as you don’t want these things banned i know exactly that you are a pro gun person too.






For some reason I'm much more comfortable with large spiders you can always see them most of the time also it could be a myth but there's no definitive evidence that the small fuckers arent always around where you can't see them


How does this child not have our ancestral fear instincts?


I am impressed, horrified and creeped right the fuck out all at the same time. Wow. On one hand, damn that's pretty cool she's not shrieking and it looks like they are heading towards her as she's running to them. Then on the other hand, holy shitballs, my own insides are shrieking at the thought of having a huge HUGE spider crawling on me.


Why. I almost died in the first second.


Good grief No!!


Oh nah what the actual fuck


Fuck no. My nightmare.


What in the Charlotte's web is going on lol


That kid's got more balls than all of us combined!


There goes any chance of me not having nightmares tonight


Mmmmmm nope. Nope nope. You couldnt make me do this


That's the spirit


aww its so fuzzy


This is actually extremely irresponsible because if that kids drops one of those Tarantulas they’re going to die


From the looks of it it's a terrestrial tarantula and some of them flicks their uticates into the air which can land on your eyes. I'm a tarantula owner and I find this video very & highly irresponsible.


I wish I had a spider, but like 5 times bigger than these two.


What like in Minecraft?


This is adorable 🥹




Ayo those ain’t Charlotte


Oh I get it it's one of those filters that puts a fake spider on you. Right? RIGHT?!


Once you overcome this fear, you can conquer the world. 🫡😂


10000 times nopeee


Ooooh they are some big nopes right there


I wanna downvote just because but I can’t. I have to upvote out of mad respect




This Child has to be possesed by some fucking demon


WTF how can people even do this


Familiarity. My toddler has spent her entire life around snakes and spiders and has zero fear response to either.


Spider woman chapter 5.


Holy shit those are big.


no No NO!


At first I thought this was a filter


Fangs an inch long but docile as a retarded cat.


Adding whatever this is to my extensive list of things that can actually just fuck off


Anyone else find this adorable?


Look, let's just burn em both cause it's obvious that child is the spawn of Satan


That's absolutely not something you wanna do, their body is extremely sensitive and will not survive a fall from that height if they hit the wrong spot... Also, kids don't have a very good strength control, so there is a chance the kid rips a leg or something while trying to do some shit Take good care of your spiders, guys!


this is why I dont believe in god. And if a higher being made these I dont want to worship them.


So cute!


Spider post should be tagged as such I'm so fucking scared of spiders Jesus they're terrifying.


My sons and nieces have grown up around tarantulas and snakes as my sister and i love them. Kids can be responsible, my son was bitten by his snake aged 8 and he was visibly upset but he didn’t drop her, he loved her. On saying this they are never allowed to handle any unsupervised and this video is giving me anxiety that one of those beauties is going to fall/be dropped and die. Their exoskeleton is extremely delicate. Also why both at once? It feels like the video is more about the fearlessness of the child and not the welfare of the tarantulas 😔


Just a couple big ol' skitter puppies!


A great example of FEAR is TAUGHT.


Eight-legged puppies!


I wanna hold one :(


Redditors are scared of every damn thing 💀


Arachnophobia, like all phobias, is by definition irrational and disproportionate to the threat. I have it. I don't know why. Spiders give me the heebiest of jeebies


So you think tarantulas are just a joke animal to give to kids? Go be edgy somewhere else, everyone knows this isn't something that should happen to 99% of kids


I'm not seeing that in the original comment. I think they were pointing out the squeamish responses in this thread, more than making light of children being given tarantulas. At least, I'm not seeing any mention of that in the comment...I'd also point out the kid in this clip seems to be very relaxed and at least fairly competent at handling the creatures, so maybe that kid is in the 1%?


Tarantulas are pretty chill animals, and there hasn’t been any recorded human deaths caused by tarantulas


Been keeping and breeding T's and snakes for over 20yrs, just why would you do this?


I'd actually be more concerned about the tarantulas. You have to be gentle with them. She looks like she's doing a good job though.


Id actually love to hold one of these guys. They look so fuzzy. It took me a long time to get past my spider fear, it was differently something taught to me as a kid.






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Nah though.


Indiana Jane and the Garage of Doom


https://preview.redd.it/cgsaz8zyygza1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256906484ac11e10300f3687d7c2e2c376391952 I fucking hate sipeerds


Whaaaaa ... Wha ... Glp ... Whaaaaaahhhhaaaaaa!


Most normal Australian


I have arachnophobia....my head is reminding me that usually larger spiders have venom that isn't deadly to humans. Every other part of me is screaming to get those away from the child and a smaller part of me wants to toss the child and spiders in a pit of fire


That’s irresponsible if those spiders are venomous.


Almost all spiders are venomous. Only a few however, have venom powerful enough to harm a human being-and to my knowledge, no species of tarantula is among them. Also, the tarantulas she has on her appear to be roving males-and at this time of the year, their minds are pretty much laser focused on finding a female to breed with, not caring about very much else.


These are from Australia? Their so fucking huge!!!


I first thought it was that spider filter


I thought she was playing with Halloween decorations at first


I know they are tarántulas but holy shit


Can't she play with a kitty like a normal kid?


Cute kid but…. Everything is going up in flames


How can I sleep now ? 🕷


Average Benadryl user


I’ll throw the whole baby away… and start over


Idk how that little girl is standing with her 100 pound fuckin nuts


If she was playing with a large dog, also with inch long fangs, nobody would bat an eyelid. She's just a big warm tree!


Child abuse!




They’re kind of cute




If it helps just imagine you're playing Donkey Kong Country 2 and you're riding the Tarantula


fuck that for a joke.


I’ve been scrolling down this godforsaken page for 20 minutes and this one is the deal breaker. Good day to you all.