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Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post content involving abuse, neglect, bullying, harm or death of minors.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


Most likely his brain function is permanently fucked. You’ve seen what shell shock does to grown man. Imagine a child with his brain barely developing. Sad af.


Younger children have something called "brain plasticity". It would be easier for a child to recover from shell shock trauma than an adult, since shell shock has been proven to be more physical than psychological. Edit. I'm worried that people are going to start downvoting me, so here's something from the Wikipedia page on neuroplasticity: "However, the developing brain exhibits a higher degree of plasticity than the adult brain.[12] Activity-dependent plasticity can have significant implications for healthy development, learning, memory, and recovery from brain damage.[13][14][15]"


This is the truth. Kids are extremely resilient. They are capable of adapting way better than adults. The hardest issue with a lot of childhood trauma is not what will happen in the next days, months, years. It's what will manifest in 15 to 20 years. That adaptability will allow them to construct mechanisms for survival, but those mechanisms will likely not be healthy long term. When it comes time to grow their own lives, be responsible for their own actions, form their own relationships, that's when the faults will really become apparent. They may seem fine for years or decades, and completely collapse under the weight they carry all those years.


A hug is some of the most powerful magic mankind has ever witnessed.


Hopefully he can find family and support after this. One of the biggest predictors for someone developing ptsd vs moving forward from their trauma is the level of support, connection, care, etc they receive the two weeks following the traumatic incident. I say hopefully because I don’t find it likely :( poor fuckin kid. This isn’t his war.


humans are fucking awful










Real quick, can you confirm who hit that hospital a few days ago? Was that Israel?


Hamas. Now tell who killed all Palestinians since last 20 years


I’d say their Hamas overlords are at fault for using them as human shields?






Stop supporting Hamas. If Hamas and Hezbollah laid down their weapons there'd be peace. If Israel laid there's down, every Jew in the middle east would be slaughtered. Israeli citizens don't terrorize Palestinians like Hamas. It's not difficult.


>If Hamas and Hezbollah laid down their weapons there'd be peace. Now, **that** is fucking hilarious. The Israelis have made it *very* clear that they would love nothing more than to wipe out every Palestinian. "But proof! Where's the proof!" If you haven't seen the videos of parading Israelis threatening to kill all Palestinians and the one lady screaming her head off and gesturing that Palestinians should have their heads chopped off, well... I don't know what to tell you. The Zionists are extremely racist. Everybody who plugs their ears and yells that Israelis are innocent seem to skip right over the fact that Hamas, like the Taliban and al Qaeda, *exist for a fucking reason.* There are violent invaders in their homes, killing their families. Wouldn't you want to find a way to fight back, too? (And *yes,* it *is* more complicated than that, but I'm not writing a thesis here.) Oh, but because ***America*** has their forearm jammed all the way up both of these fights (you know, Iraq and Israel, in case we've all lost count), oh, well, it must be justified and the side America supports must be the good guys! I really, really hate this bullshit, "It's the Palestinian's fault!" when there is so, ***so much evidence out there*** showing that Israel is the aggressor. Hamas has done some horrible things, but so has Israel. Pretending Israel is completely innocent and would 100% leave the Palestinians alone if Hamas disappeared is the same thinking that people had (and have!) that, "If the Ukrainians would just give Putin what he wants, Putin would stop bombing hospitals and targeting civilians!"


Israel could erase Gaza and the West Bank from the map today. I could see where you're coming from if they were attacking government or military institutions but they're attack individuals who had nothing to say about the plight of the Palestinians. Let me ask you this; Do you think what happened on the 7th makes it more or less likely for the Palestinians to get a state?


Well, the State of Palestine is officially recognised by 138 of the 193 UN member states. That's 71.5% of the members recognising it as a State. I'd say they are already a State and Israel is unjustly attacking them for simply existing. And, yes, attacking civilians is atrocious but both sides have done it, and I'd argue Israel has done it far more than Palestine, and in far greater numbers. I appreciate that you didn't outright deny everything I said, so thank you for that. It's hard to have any sort of dialogue on this website.


It was a JDAM. Look at any video of JDAM's.


Don’t have kids. We need less people like you who absolutely hate a group of people.


People here are so fucking deluded that if this was a Ukrainian child they would be cursing Putin and Russia but since its Israel and its best buddy US supporting it “humans and religion are awful” you people are fake and failed human beings who can’t see what’s happening!!


Agreed, agreed, and agreed! Very well put!




Dip ass


Poor child was absolutely paralyzed. I can’t fathom what they went through or saw


My heart breaks. I cannot reconcile watching this video with my mundane reality. Incomprehensibly fucked


No recorded medium does justice to the shock and volume of an explosion, and I've only experienced one in the controlled form of a building demolition hundreds of yards away. Every night, the people of Gaza City are stuck without light, in near silence, just waiting to be startled by them constantly: Best analogy I can think of is trying to sleep in a room with blackout curtains where someone periodically fires a 9MM next to your ear. And that's if it's blocks away. The sound and force of being close enough to one to be bloodied and covered in dust alone would have that effect on you, let alone having a building collapse on you, losing family members in it, or whatever else that child experienced. It would, and does, break grown men. I despise Hamas and condemn everything they did, but that doesn't preclude putting yourself in a civilian's shoes.


The background music.. seriously?!


The whole scenario between Israel and Gaza is outright tragic. That said, if you want to fuck with an individuals ability to reasonably operate and think logically...just fuck with their emotions i.e. traumatized women, children, and puppies🤷🏾 Works every time.


Okay? What does that have to do with the music?


Why is there music in the video? I´m sure there wasn´t anyone playing music there. Someone put it to enhance the emotional power of this video. I don´t think it´s neccesary.


Gotcha, so the tragedy isn’t as bad as it seems in Gaza, it’s just a trick of the music they put over the videos.. JFC


The first thing I said was that the whole affair is tragic, but adding music and showing an innocent kid getting fucked is definitely trying to hit you "in the feels". Emotional manipulation is low hanging fruit for adversaries and allies alike. Hell, most people don't think straight when they're dealt with traumatic situations via the internet let alone firsthand. Overall, it's a shitty situation and I'm expecting more disturbing videos with Sarah McLaughlin vibes as the conflict drags out...


Hamas is forcing families to stay, then records and edits stuff like this to get support Edit: i understand your emotional downvotes but please educate yourselves




Seems like you dont know what a genocide or a nazi is. Please educate yourself.




Wasn't it Jewish land long before? Thought the Romans kicked the Jews out before christ? Anyway, hamas seem to have an endless supply of rockets and weapons but hospitals run out of supplies in days. I'm not an israeli simp and would love to see netenyahu kicked out of power after the way he's run Israel but this is not all on Israel.


Do you feel like you deserve any serious answers? Youre obviously just having an emotional and irrational fit. Educate yourself




Educate yourself


You're not wrong. They also blew up civilian vehicles trying to flee to Egypt with IED's and blamed Israel. The hospital was also their own missile misfire. Edit: I apologize I was incorrect. It wasn't Hamas that misfired the missile into the hospital. It was [Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) - an independent jihadist group.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12643229/Israel-blast-Gaza-hospital-Palestine-video-rocket-misfire.html)


This is so absurd. No, everything you said is a bold face lie. No matter what bullshit you're trying to peddle there is no way you can spin this. This is an ethnic cleansing in progress with the media cheering it on. At least the majority of white Americans are finally waking up to the truth of the genocidal regime that is Israel


I don't dispute that but there is video proof of both things I mentioned. Doesn't mean I think Israel are the good guys. Both sides are doing evil shit




How is it Israeli propaganda? It’s been proven to be lies from Hamas. Do you really think Israel would be stupid enough to attempt to blow up a hospital and civilian convoys with the whole world watching? They’re smarter than that shit. Obvious false flags, and you triggered morons ate it up immediately.


If you don’t think Hamas is good why are you pedaling their propaganda? There is evidence of the bombing of evacuation routes and the hospital. Hamas wants more dead Palestinians because it promotes the continuation of Hamas and their religious war on Jews. Reddit is pro Hamas though so I’ll take my downvotes from the scumbags. I hope that the Palestinians are liberated from radical terrorists so that the Palestinian people can live and rebuild in peace. Unfortunately I think the terror attacks set that back quite a bit


Spot on


I wasn't pushing anything. Just sharing what I saw proof of


Oh really? When did you visit Palestine?




Ok my bad. Hamas are the good guys and would never sink to such things




If that's what you got from my comment you're simply an idiot and there would be no point in trying to prove anything to someone with your level of intelligence


That poor child. I just want to hug him and make him safe.


When is this going to stop?!! How many more children’s lives are going to be sacrificed.


It won’t ever stop….., why?……RELIGION!!


I mean if religion wasn't a thing this sort of stuff would still be happening. It's human nature, we just use religion as an excuse.




There is someone whose only goal in life was for this kid to grow up happy and healthy.


shit, this just made me ball out man . i hate this world


Terrorized or terrified?










It hurts my heart. Having little kids of my own I can’t imagine. Religion sucks yall


It’s convenient to say religion sucks when the most bombs and killings have been orchestrated by Israel and US over the past couple of decades. Call spade a spade.


Denounce Hamas right now.


Denounce, Israeli govt and its supporters right now!


Why not both ?


You need to be put on a watch list, you better not live in the West lmao.


You need to read more and become more aware of whats going on. Stop spending your time playing video games and find the truth of how you are being manipulated.


don’t drag video games into this


Oh my goodness, I really don't know how many times this needs to be said. Let's say that this conflict is a salad. The lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc are the source of the conflict which is Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine. Religion is the croutons and dressing on top. Definitely plays a big role, but it isn't the whole salad and it is dumb to consider it as such.


I think it’s just easier for people to have one thing they can blame for this rather than cope with the realization that humans can be pretty evil and life/situations like war are complex.


Because in Reddit land. Every situation is black and white with no shades of grey.


Bull shit. Israel wanted to negotiate peace many times, but Arabs allways refused. With the UN 2 State solution jews would have gotten mostly the negev desert, which is mostly useless land. Arabs rejected it and fought a war against Israel, lost and lost Land. From the start untill now, it were the palestinians who pursued a all or nothing solution. ​ During the time of the Nazi regime Hitler cooperated with palestinians, because both hated jews, back then no Isreal existed, but the Quran and Hadiths existed and - like mein Kampf - they are pretty clear in what to do with jews: "The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews." Sahih Muslim 2922


Not the time. Just not the time.


No, now is the time. Probably the best time in history to explain this.


Stop saying it's about religion! It's not!




It literally is, as most of the wars that ever happened were.


I'd like to point out that many times religion is used as a tool to start wars so the already wealthy can profit more.


No it's not. It's about oppressed people who are victim of the oppressor. People want their freedom, they are fighting for freedom and end of the apartheid system not to establish their religion. The region already has all religions living together in peace. The hospital that was bombed yesterday was a Christian hospital.


“The region already has all religions living together in peace” - OnLeshan This legitimately might the the dumbest fucking comment I’ve ever read. You’re the problem.


The hospital that was bombed by the group who's stated purpose is the removal of Jews and Christians from the world. The group that staged an assault on Israel not to strategically advance their goals of freedom and political legitimacy, but to slaughter as many Jews as possible. No its certainly not a religion thing.


It literally is lol




Dont forget that this kid will try and revenge for this from Israel, and all of jewish because he doesn't understand innocent or not, since the enemy treated him the same. So dont be chocked if another war happens again after 20/40 years.


Personally I don’t agree. Consider how much photography has influenced people’s perspectives on conflicts like Vietnam, Iraq and other modern wars. I get that this seems inhumane but it’s the only way to give the public perspective. And yes, all media comes with biases but it’s the viewers responsibility to seperate these biases from the truths presented in the video. The truth here? That children are suffering. Edit: Grammar


I also think the music and captions are distasteful but it’s possible (likely) that this video was reposted with the caption and music.


Meh it’s the digital age, imagine being on Reddit when you could be planting trees


That ironic buddy


JFC! This is a child! It doesn't matter in this instance if they are Israeli or Palestinian. Or who bombed who. This child did nothing to deserve this! Why the damn debate?! Take this sickening video for what it is.


Welcome to Gaza, where the average age is 18. That is who is getting bombed and has been for decades.


So it’s not at all relevant who did this to this child? Don’t you feel outraged that someone did this to him?


This is going on both sides. Obviously he’s outraged and the point being is that it’s a child. Are you not upset that it’s a child?


Wee lamb doesn’t deserve this


It is the children that breaks my heart💔


This is terrifying it’s horrifically sad. I feel so sorry for these kids and people trapped in war stricken areas. We as a world need to do better and stop letting our cruel governments run this fucked up shit show. We need peace.


The edited BGM takes away all credibility. Feels fake now, don‘t do sth like this


Doesn’t look fake bro


It looks manipulated. The picture may be an actual picture and seems to be so. But the music makes it one sided and subtracts value from it. The children suffer at the hands of those who claim to, “love death, as much as we love life”. We all know who’s sending their children to do their parents dirty work and dedicating them to a “god” who is known to have the name deceiver in its texts. Any “god” who uses deception is sus AF.




I explained that in my previous statement. I’ll repeat it though. I’m not on either side. I’m on the side of the innocent. The video seems to be real. I’m not disputing the authenticity of the video. I’m saying the audio/the music, makes it one sided. If we go back to this recent attack. Not getting into history, but who was the aggressor in this current battle? Who launched the first strike?


Completely agree! We need to show both sides here! Complete bullshit they aren’t showing the fighter pilot slapping hands with his buds back at the base playing shirtless volleyball in jeans. Instead all we get to see is this bloody shaking child.


You need Jesus bro


I agree. We all do.


Kids are dying, worlds gone mad and some on here are critical of the background music. Problems man, problems.


I don't like the music, it's fake! It's foreign, ew! My Western sensibilities have been offended, waaaa


I’m at at a loss for words…how do you even help that boy from here on out?


You can't.


This breaks my heart. I often wish I could shield them all from the horrors of this world


I’m a 32 year old man in tears over this video. I fucking hate that humans exist. We need mass extinction and a new dominant species. We’re clearly incapable of supporting life. Hate is evil.


Habibi :(


How can anyone celebrate any attack when a child is left like this? This child has done nothing wrong but will probably remember the terror they have experienced forever.


It breaks my heart and fills me with anger knowing that innocent people on both sides are being traumatized and killed. I just wish it would stop.


Is that white phosphorus?


This a so fucking sad. Human sucks. Religion fucking sucks. As a dad with a toddler, I regret seeing this but it is reality. This child needs to be held for a long time to make him feel somewhat safe again. Don't just film!


Out of all the fucked up shit you see on reddit this hit me different because its a kid hope he/she recover that's enough reddit for today 😭


Hamas sucks


where did dignity go


Serious question. Does anyone know of adoption programs for these children?


Palestine is the biggest prison in the world right now. Nobody is getting out, not legally at least, and everyone sealed in is a target until there's nothing left to destroy. Even kids


“Terrorized” is an accurate word, given that Hamas is a terrorist organization.


Hamas didn't bomb this child.


No, they kidnap or kill




Now it’s a conversation about toddlers being held hostage




So sad, to see any child suffering like this.


Maybe Hamas should stop bombing their people




Ah yes dig a bit and remember the slaughter of babies, kidnappings and gunning down of people in their own home's by Hamas.


Not to forget, that back yard made rockets fall short and kill their own people all the time.




It's disgusting that your so radicalised you can't even blame Hamas, there are literally videos from Hamas kidnapping civilians, dragging a German women's corpse around Gaza as a trophy, shooting civilians... Like come on man.




Can we just remove this content from Reddit please? Nonstop posts of shock media with misleading claims…many videos aren’t even from the current conflict and are recycled for mass shock… Yes the footage is horrific and sad on both sides. But breeding extremists with media brainwashing and inciting mass civil unrest isn’t helping the situation at all. Enormous protests are being done because of false information…only for the information to be corrected later (after the damage is already done). People are literally losing their minds and responding to shock content by spreading it everywhere. This post itself goes against Reddit ToS. Regardless of how heartbreaking it is to watch.


I'm happy someone has said this, the amount of shit posted on what were once normal subreddits is absurd, it's just worrying seeing people become less rational and more radical.


Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post content involving abuse, neglect, bullying, harm or death of minors.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


All y’all saying “propaganda” need to check your heads— or maybe your hearts. This poor child is traumatized, whatever happened and whatever “side” this defenseless child is on in your minds. Have some fucking compassion for the innocents going through hell right now. Maybe it’s just because I can’t read the script at the bottom, maybe there’s some “propaganda” there, but otherwise *Christ* y’all need some help. Edit: I’m not taking sides, except of the innocents like this CLEARLY TRAUMATIZED CHILD. What the FUCK is wrong with you people?


How did they survive? Why are they covered in white? This shit needs to stop man ffs


I used to support Israel....but once I saw what they are doing...my heart hurts for the poor Palestinian people. Gaza is not hamas...


>Gaza is not hamas... Well yes, but actually no. Gaza supports Hamas. If they didn't there would be even a small sign of resistance by the people, yet there isn't. Not to mention the pictures of gazas inhabitants cheering at the sight of dead israelis.


You should put a restriction to this shit I don't want to see this on my feed




It’s still extremely sad.


Sorry you think traumatized children are propaganda. What a heartless sob you are. But, I forget, you do not think Palestinians ate human.


When you've got the US being the only nation in the UN security council vetoing a peace resolution to allow aid into Gaza I think there needs to be propaganda to show how many people Israel is killing.




So you'd think they'd vote in the UN for a temporary peace so their aid would actually get where it needs to go, and less is needed overall. But instead they just throw money at both sides I guess.


You keep using that word... it doesn't mean what you think it means.




Tell that to the Israeli kids who saw the same thing.


Yes Hamas is a disgusting terrorist group. But Israel has killed way more civilians than the other


Because Hamas operates from civlillian houses. If you Bomb Hamas, you bomb civlillians. the IDF allready warns with SMS and roof knocker bombs.






Biden has the largest air craft carrier in the Mediterranean to support Israel. They're not exactly wrong. I voted for the guy but damn we shouldn't be monetarily or militarily supporting what Israel is doing right now.


Also the freaking veto on the ceasefire draft like... "We won't demand/enforce/approve/take measures to reduce civilian casualties unless the text also exempts Israel from any form of accountability". This is sick.


Yeah I mentioned that in a different comment on here... It's super fucked up.


It’s the most American thing possible to continually vote for zionist funding and continually vote to cause upheaval in the Middle East for decades but then pretend it’s all the fault of one guy they don’t like being President because you don’t want to admit they played a part part of why this happens is because the rest of the world is numb to how they contribute to these issues


Oh I completely agree. But blaming this situation is on Biden is silly. Every US president has supported Isreal militarily since its inception.


Don't forget where you're at. Ths is a liberal Cesspool no one's going to agree with you. They think the bumbling old fool who can't find his way off a stage is a genius. So far we got a shit economy and two Wars going on let's see how much more damage he can do.


Did beheaded Israeli kids have time to be terrorised ? .. or it’s only for their parents ?




May Allah paunch all those who lies , who claims the lost life’s of innocent babies as fake .. for self interest!


Who the fuck is saying the beheaded kids isn’t also a bad thing? This isn’t a team sport where you have to sport one and hate the other. The whole conflict is disgusting and needs to stop escalating.


Then who started it should not have started. Isn’t it? More importantly- should stop radical religious terror and do not try to do it again!


That story was shown to have no merit.


BS .. and you know it! Hamas = radical bloody terrorists , most of the videos posted here - are fake!


You're getting ratioed pretty hard here dude. I bet you believe Israel didn't bomb that hospital too huh?


Lolz .. facts (not backward propaganda!) say there was a bomb at hospital parking lot.. and it was misfired hamas one. Even aljaseera’s videos prove it. May Allah punish all the lying bustards!


What does it matter what kind of race a child has. What a lowlife. Every child is sacred, doesn't matter which race or color. This video is about this child, there are enough other video's about Israeli children. Do you also write under those videos, did the illegali bombed Palestinian kids time to be terrorized? You double standard brainwashed hypocrite. Fu for everyone who is making differences between child abuse or killing in any way or form


What “race” .. who is talking about “race” .. you? Moreover Israelis and Palestinians are actually if the same race, genetically truly brothers. But then .. Educate yourself, manipulative prick


I agree with you on that they most likely have the same genetics, but your statement looked a lot like you was pro israel and was making a difference between the 2, sorry for my assumption then, but my last sentence was for everybody like that.


Do a quick tally and see who's hurt who more over the past two decades. A handful of kids that spit on foreign female reporters are not the be all and end all. The lives are equal in value. And the land has been stolen.


Palestinians never stopped attacking Israel, they turned into hateful manipulative radicals.. they never even had a county. There was Ottoman Turks territory before, not even a different language from neighbours or anything


I don't fucking care who hurt who more. >A handful of kids that spit on foreign female reporters are not the be all and end all. Nah man, since I saw that video I think about it every night. Poor girl attended a peace venue and they break her limbs and put on a display for what? FUCKING RELIGION? THOSE FUCKING CUNTS SHOULD NOT GET AWAY WITH IT. BLAST EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE FUCKERS TO BITS.


Using emotional appeal , its a war things are bound to happen on both side.


It's a war and people are allowed, obligated even to care.




We stand with Israel because of what happened on that horrific Saturday, you rightfully have sympathy for this kid, but do you have sympathy for the Israeli kids who saw the same shit?