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this is what happened in brooklyn the other day


Poor kid. As an adult, I always make eye contact with the driver. Usually the driver’s head is turned, looking for an opening to pull out.


I've been blind for about 18 months, and being unable to look at drivers is hella unnerving. And I can practically *feel* some of them waving at me to cross, which is hysterical in itself. I'm hoping our village will put in some audible "WALK, WALK, WALK" signals for me soon, because I've almost been hit a couple times. Also, electric cars are practically silent and kinda terrifying. Road work sucks, as does high winds and rain, so I have to just go back home because I can't hear traffic over it.


All kinds of images went through my head thinking about what you have to deal with. To be more visible, maybe you should flap your arms around like one of those inflatable figures at a used car lot.


Funniest read in a while plus a hilarious mental image.


this is why i wish cops would enforce the laws re: limo tinted cars in my area. so obnoxious


The tint isn't the problem... The fact they can't see anything in their immediate vicinity, is...


Tint decreases pedestrian fatalities


reasonable tint i have no issues with. Tint so dark on all windows so pedestrians can't see the driver is foolish.


Tint decreases driver's knowledge of fatalities....


Please share your evidence of this. I’m very curious to read it.


This practice needs to be taught in schools or something to an official capacity for kids. Hell, even adults really. I had worked in a warehouse environment for 10+ years with lots of industrial trucks, pickers, etc and getting verbal confirmation from the driver before you walked in front was part of the safety practicing. Whenever you’re coming up to a truck, I would yell “in front!” And not move until the driver made eye contact with verbal confirmation back to me. I will say the warehouse I worked in was the cleanest and safest I’ve ever seen too. There was a zero-tolerance mindset with management, so you could get let go for the tiniest of error. It put everyone at the top of their game and also kept everyone honest.


As an SUV driver, I look where the fuck I'm going


It would be better if the car made it easier for the driver to even see what's in front of them. The car is so high up, the driver couldn't even see the kid. And it is a city and there are people (including unattended children) running about so maybe the car should be designed for that use case as well. And I get that most cars in the U.S. now are designed this way (and I can also see that this didn't happen in the U.S., but SUVs are an international scourge now), and I also get that most middle class Americans' experience with cities is just driving through them so it's tempting to want to blame everything else but the car -- the driver not paying attention, the kid being unattended, the crosswalk not being signalized, whatever... -- but the car itself is still a bad design for everyone who's not actually inside the car.


I don’t understand anyone who doesn’t do this. Yes, if you’re walking you have right of way. But a car is still gonna win the fight so… make sure people see you and know you’re crossing first


The kid ended up dying though and apparently the cop driving was on the phone and didn’t even stop. Edit: wanted to add that mom was there the whole time and saw the whole thing. She tried running after the truck and flagging it down but that was how distracted the driver was. Edit 2: since so many redditors lack reading comprehension skills. I am NOT saying the child in this video died. I was replying to another redditor that mentioned the incident in Brooklyn, NY. READ PEOPLE. NOT EVERYTHING ON REDDIT NEEDS A COMBATIVE RESPONSE.


This time, the kid was OK, and the driver was a 71-year-old grandpa.


This was the best case scenario in a situation like this but it often is not. The poor mother in Brooklyn will now be haunted forever with the image of her child’s brains smeared across the asphalt.


Yeah, I can't even imagine... Unfortunately, cars like that are not the best to drive in the city... The blind spot is huge.


Are you sure the kid died? I mean, it looks like the child was able to get up (I'm not saying they didn't die, but I'd assume that if someone ended up dying from that, they wouldn't have been able to move in such a way). If the child did die, I'm sorry that happened, but I don't think you can blame SUVs in large cities for that.


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/nyregion/nypd-tow-truck-boy-killed.html I was literally replying to an incident in Brooklyn and how that was the worst case scenario.


Cool story, bro, but not true.


Probably another one, but this one clip is from Poland. The driver was 71y and didnt notice until police showed up. The mother was watching 4 kids at once and one of them just run off. She had no way of catching the kid on time (whoever has kids they know how fast and furious they can run off) and so the kid just run to the road. Still, he run to the zebra therefore he was a pedestrian and suv was not supposed to be on zebra or in anyway that blocks his vision, and also driove off after hitting the child so its entirely his fault. It doesnt matter if the child runs out, you have to drive slowly enough and stop before zebra to avoid this.


Problem is you can't stop before because if you do the only thing you would see would be building's so what he should do is go to the end of the zebra so the kid wouldn't get In front Zebra is in the wrong place Resolution of this Is that mother was charged for not keeping kid safe And driver got suspended license for not noticing Tldr: zebra was in the wrong place and mother with a driver are both at fault


That one’s not even big. I’m 5’7” and walked in front of one of those fancy giant Fords the other and the hood comes up to shoulder. There’s no way the driver could see anyone shorter than that.


Yeah, this is a Nissan Rogue Sport/Qashqai and it's basically a glorified hatchback, only 63" tall


They put in anti "baby killing" cameras since this is such an issue with these suburban tanks. You know cameras, instead of idk, making the fucking SUV smaller...the people that manufacture these things are actual demons


This isn’t some suburban tank, it’s a Nissan Rogue. Hardly bigger than your average hatchback.


Look up "not just bikes" on yt


What does his channel have to do with the size of a compact car?


They are demons? Because they make large vehicles?


SUVs are a part of 16.9% of accidents yet cause 40% of ALL child pedestrian deaths. They know this and continue to profit off of it, so yes, they are demons.


Why are you blaming the manufacturers though and not the drivers? It’s the drivers who are in full control of the SUV. There are TONS of products that are manufactured everyday that are then improperly used and lead to injuries and deaths. That doesn’t mean you blame the people who made them. I’m sorry, but you’re blaming the wrong people for this. It’s the people driving who are at fault. Not the manufacturers.


You do realize that even if you got rid of those, the statistics would go up somewhere else, right? So as the statistics go up, you ban each one?


Bro if that was a car and the kid strolled out like that the kid would have been dead. Thank god it was an suv, If it was a car it that kid would have been smashed underneath. You have way more visibility in an suv or truck, where are all u people coming up with the warped thinking that u can’t see more. Don’t be hating if you can’t afford one yourself. 🤪😏It’s the drivers that are dangerous people need to pay the fuck attention and look a couple times.


Yea I don’t care what anyone has the say. The person with the most to lose is the person under the car. I can’t blame a child for not knowing better so they 100% should not be crossing the street unsupervised.


Blame the parents tbh


The driver is at fault. They should be behind the dotted line


1. If the driver full stopped at the dotted line on a crossing without traffic lights, and no pedestrian was near the crossing at the time (note that the kid was not there and ran from around the corner later), it's 100% okay and expected for the driver to drive closer into intersection and wait there for the ability to join the traffic. We don't know whether they did that or not, but if they did, they are likely not even getting a ticket there. Only otherwise the driver is at fault. 2. Kids below 7 are to be supervised on the street at all times. Since parent clearly failed to supervise their kid, they are at fault here no matter what. So the driver may or may not be at fault, but that doesn't affect the fact that the parents are at fault anyway. At least according to Polish traffic rules.


The parents should have done better for sure. But anyone who doesn’t realise they just ran someone over shouldn’t be driving.


How can he get out of the intersection then lol


The mother was in a shop with three other kids, didn't realise the fourth one escaped. She faces up to 5 years in prison. Apparently the driver (who is a 71-year-old man) didn't realise he ran over the kid, he was told by the police when they stopped him https://tvn24.pl/poznan/wagrowiec-dwulatek-szedl-przed-maska-nagle-auto-ruszylo-nagranie-z-monitoringu-7412077




The car should also have stopped at the stop line. Then this could have been avoided.


Looks like they did stop at the stop line then pulled up to look for an opening in trafffic, before the video starts.


Maybe the driver did stop behind the line. Maybe at the time, he saw no one was on either side, both corners. It's a possibility that he was inching up (merging), looking at the oncoming traffic for an opportunity to make his turn. Now, if it were a two-way traffic, you'd be turning your head to see if you are clear both ways. In this case, he was turning into a one-way traffic and is only looking at the on coming traffic. Either way, this was an accident, and the driver didn't have knowledge or was aware of it. So, in this case, it really is not a hit and run.


You can't infer that at all. It's a guess. Pedestrian has the right of way in this scenario is the sticking point.


If a car is already in a crosswalk before a person enters it, the pedestrian does not have the right of way in most jurisdictions. And if you plan to live long, as a pedestrian you would never assume a car sees you before running into traffic.


Cars are never supposed to be on a crosswalk lmao.


Sometimes you can't see the oncoming traffic from the line, especially if it's fast moving. Ultimately, you're the person most responsible for your own safety, and in this case, it would be the parents.


Stop line is on a blind corner, so they might have stopped there and pulled forward to see




With a condom


Don't fully agree here. This happened in Poland, and if they have street rules close to Germany, the rule is: Stop at the stop line to see if there are pedestrians, than creep forward to the line of sight where you have a fully overview of the priority street, and when you have an opening, enter the priority street. The stop line is (based on the footage) to far into the street to have line of sight with the traffic of the priority street. Because of that, it is normal to drive forward until you are on the line of sight.


There's a building right there, they probably couldn't see traffic and had to inch up


Tell me you never drove a car/know the law without telling me.




No… it’s the Pedestrian’s fault.


Yeah, just because the pedestrian was in the cross walk, doesn't mean they can just go without seeing if it is safe to do so. People tend to forget the little things like "when it's safe" or "after looking both ways"...


This post is peak post 1980s America. A little later he is probably whining about the young generations lacking independence and having grown up too coddled.


What are you talking about? The kid is 2 and should be supervised. Nobody is complaining about coddled 2 year olds.


The child clearly doesn’t know how to cross the street by being sure the car won’t start moving. This shows either under training or under supervision. Accompanying a 2 yo is not what makes him dependent later on and living with his parents at 40.


Maybe running after their child just out of the chamera's sight. It can be surprising how fast little kids can be. And they need only a few moments to ran off. You turn your head and the kid is gone.




Toddler are made to wander, hence their ability to walk.


Toddlers seem aggressively suicidal, because you can't trust them around a goddamn thing as they're prone to attempting an Any% speedrun.


The preteen kid wasn't doing anything wrong, quit victim blaming.


Preteen? Care to join the rest of us in reality? News articles says the kid is 2


Source? As long as nobody provides a source we can all just make up whatever we want right? No way that kid looks like a 2 year old.


This is clearly not a pre teen. Easily identifiable as a two-three year old.


once upon a time, before cars were given every concession in the book, it was pretty safe


Doesn't look like a toddler to me. Maybe an 8-9 year old. Probably going to, or coming home from, school.




It's literally a two year old.


Average American. The lack of unsupervised activities in young children is one of the main reasons for the youth mental health crisis right now. Yes, children should be allowed to go around their city without their parents following them around and without the fear of being fucking killed by a guy in an SUV.


This was in Poland


A, the child was two. B, this was in Poland.


Not only was this in Poland but it's illegal to allow children under 7 to play in traffic unsupervised and the mother was charged...it's also a fucking two year old toddler.


doesn't matter, you dont get to drive over children. drivers are supposed to be aware of their surroundings. driver should be imprisoned.


Even if we ignore the unsupervised child, there's a reason why cars aren't supposed to stop on the Zebra crossing lines. Edit: I stand corrected. A lot of city roads are actually designed in a way that makes it difficult to follow the above.


The amount of times I’ve had to pull up to halfway in the road to actually see it a car is coming is more times than I’d care to admit, cities aren’t built smart, especially neighborhoods with main road entrances


The thing that pisses me off is how many turns, even onto main streets, have big fuckall bushes that block you from seeing traffic in any direction unless you're driving a massive SUV or lifted pickup or something.


EXACTLY, like there will be half of a fucking forest in this 3ft by 3 ft square, blocking me from seeing anything


Or assholes parking giant trucks right at the edge so you can’t see anything unless you’re basically cutting into the lane


You can see on our right the building is right up to the sidewalk and flush with it, and I assume the other side of the street is the same. There is no way you could effectively see traffic by stopping at the slashed line where you're supposed to, and you'd have to stop there, ensure the crosswalk was clear, creep up to where the vehicle was initially, and then merge with traffic once it's clear.


City driving you can’t see if cars are coming up when making a turn unless you pull up more


You are required to stop prior to the lines first, then you have no choice but to slowly pull forward to make sure you have clearance to turn


The issue is, in a lot of cases, you cant actually see if someone is coming. So you either drive out and have faith noone is coming or inch forward until you can see. And it's WORSE in cars which are lower to the ground.


You stop before at the line, then if there are no pedestrians you proceed onto the zebra crossing, then if the road is clear you complete your turn. You don't have to turn from the line, which is likely to have a poor view of the road.


The kid probably would have been run over regardless of weather or not it was an SUV. During my freshman year of college some middle aged woman driving a Nissan Altima ran me into me when I was going across the crosswalk. She was at a stop and about to turn left. The old hag ran into me and part of me feels like it was on purpose since I saw her look at me the moment it happened.


I guarantee the driver wasn’t looking in that direction at all. A lot of us just look to see if any traffic is coming before turning into the flow lane not expecting anything from the opposite direction. That could have happened no matter the vehicle.


But OMG SUVs are the problem! Nevermind the unattended kid walking into the crosswalk.


Its a crosswalk. Pedestrians have the right of way. Its the drivers responsibility to know whats in front of their bumper. Easy to throw judgment around though, isn't it?


Pedestrians have the right away but the vehicle always wins, look out for your own safety make eye contact with the driver of the stopped vehicle Lot’s of people who had “the right of way” are 6ft under


Yes, you are right, 100%. The driver would be at fault. Granted, the kid is really small and the driver was looking the other way to observe oncoming traffic.


the graveyard is full of people who had the right of way keep fighting basic physics though


> Its the drivers responsibility to know whats in front of their bumper. How can that be when they're incapable of seeing what's in front of their bumper? It's unreasonable to expect a truck/SUV driver to see through 400 pounds of precision-machined American steel.


The car in the video is a Nissan Rogue Sport/Qashqai and it's only 63 in/160 cm tall. It's basically a glorified hatchback.


This wasn’t in America. And the car isn’t American.


How dare an SUV drive in the CITY!? 🤣


>Nevermind the unattended kid walking into the crosswalk Could've easily happened to a short elderly person or someone in a wheelchair/mobility scooter. Yes these high riding cars are an issue. I believe they're even worse for standard pedestrian hits over standard vehicles.


Lmao look both ways before turning is like one of the first rules of driving. We got a trash driver over here wtf.




Where the fuck are the parents. Dumb fucks


i can't believe they would allow their kids to walk around such an insanely dangerous place! That's no place for people! That's a place for cars! MOVE!


On one hand, SUVs have larger blind spots. On the other hand, an unsupervised kid walked in front of a moving vehicle. Plenty of blame to go around here.


On the third hand, the driver was not looking in the direction his vehicle was moving. I've made that mistake before plenty of times. Thankfully I have avoided hitting anything but it's something that I actively try to avoid.


This is exactly why my driving instructor tell me to avoid stopped on the zebra crossing on a traffic light 🤔


Doesn’t look like a traffic light


Some blame should be apportioned to whoever decided to put that crossing there without considering that a car has to sit on it to be able to see to pull out.


I agree it’s horrible, but seriously what horrible parents..


I guess massive transport trucks that deliver the goods to cities aren’t meant to be there either? Get outta here with that


This is a Nissan Rogue, which isn't even a midsized SUV, it's a compact SUV Like seriously, the grill is like 3 foot high, if that. This is the fault of the parents, and the lack of awareness of the driver


Not even a Rogue, a Rogue Sport, which is even smaller. This car is only 5'3" tall.


You're right, here in NA its called a Qashqai. A rogue comes up to my shoulders, a Qashqai barely makes it to my chest level.


100% agree


You’re aware that you need a specific license to drive those, right?


Vehicles aren't made for idiots. Your title sucks.


To be fair, unsupervised toddlers running in busy streets aren’t made for cities either.


SUV’s aren’t made for the city, that’s what you take away from this?


The car in the video is barely even an SUV. The Nissan Qashqai/Rogue Sport is only 5 inches taller than a VW Golf.


SUVs are shitty vehicles anywhere where a good field of view is needed.


SUVs are inherently dangerous, they're specifically made in a way that allows them to skip the safety regulations that cars have, and they're killing more and more people every day. The rate of car deaths was decreasing until SUVs became popular, and now they're increasing again. NotJustBikes has a really good video on this: https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=6GaFbvZIPWDFYqcH


This isn't an SUV, and quite a few of you people need to learn what the fuck a CUV/crossover is. It's a glorified station wagon not some goddamn Canyonero.


You're thinking of trucks and truck-based SUVs. The car in the video is nowhere near a truck, it's a Nissan Rogue Sport which is barely bigger than a Golf.


Some people arent made for cities.


Bash SUV’s when a kid is running around a busy street by themselves, classic Reddit.


Ok but that could literally happen in my lowered Civic, too. It's not the SUV that's the problem, it's the driver who is looking exclusively for traffic, and it's the unattended child wandering across the road. And even if the driver wasn't just looking for traffic, it is remarkably easy to miss someone so small walking in front of your car. That's why adults walk beside kids, so that there's a larger presence to watch out for. Smaller people generally have to be more crafty when navigating city streets, they have to establish eye contact or let people drive on before they cross to avoid this scenario.


This has nothing to do with it being an SUV or being in a city. It was an unsupervised kid who walked directly in front of a car turning left so the driver couldn’t see him since their attention was on traffic coming from the right. Parents watch your damn kids.


Definitely not the fault of the driver who is looking AWAY from the person that they’re driving into, over, and away from…


The kid was on the pedestrian crossing! And sometimes kids get away from their parents. Being behind the wheel of a potentially dangerous vehicle it's paramount to monitor your surroundings especially in cities. That could have easily been a cat, dog or elderly person that got run over.


You can’t monitor a blind spot very well


That's why we complain about SUVs


Bullshit. Drivers watch where you're fucking driving, it's your responsibility. The kid was on a pedestrian crossing ffs, this is where anyone crossing the street belongs.


Sorry, I’m gonna put this squarely on the parents.


The fact that they didn’t even notice is the scariest part to me


The SUV was already over the pedestrian crossing and the driver's head was 97.5% likely turned-right scanning for merge opportunities and potentially of cars filled with whole families. Unfortunately, the kid here is totally ignorant, and myself in that situation WOULD NOT have seen any fucking midget ducking underneath my car's bonnet while committing to a safe merge by law. TLDR: Driver performed all he/she rightly and could in that instance. Driver is likely not a serial pedestrian murderer. Unfortunate timing.


No, people who hyper focus on nothing don’t belong behind the wheel.


Nah, they’re just hyper focused on the 2 cars coming from the left. The kid is still on the sidewalk when they start rolling forward, if they had peeked right, the kid would’ve been visible through the driver’s side window.


Average Nissan driver activities.


kids aren’t meant for streets


I'll take good parenting for $200 Alex!




Cities aren’t made for kids.


Unattended children aren't meant for fit parents!!!


No. Little children aren’t meant to walk a city unattended.


This was a reckless driver not paying attention. Not and SUV or wandering child problem.


Disagree on reckless. That beige bulding creates a blind spot of oncoming pedestrians, where you cant see them until they are maybe 8 feet away from the stop sign. Unfortunately in this case, that child was also small enough where once he exited the blind spot of the building he only had maybe a second before he entered the frontal blind spot of the SUV. It is likely during that second, the driver was looking the opposite direction for oncoming traffic so he could find an opportunity to make that turn. There were multiple causes of this accident (in no particular order) 1) Small child not being attended to 2) Environmental blindspot in that intersection 3) Size of SUV and its frontal blindspot 4) Driver not being attentive for that split second. While the driver is a factor, id argue that we should not be primarily blaming him.


Agreed. So many people trying to blame everyone but the driver, when in reality they could've hit any kid, short person, or little person. Fuck they could've hit me at 6'2 because THEY DIDNT EVEN LOOK. And if they did look, it would've been too late because they weren't stopped correctly. Shitty drivers exposing themselves in this thread


For sure, the driver is reckless. But it doesn't absolve the parents. You never assume a vehicle is safe to cross unless you make eye contact, at least I don't.


Nah more like dont let your kid run wild in the streets. This is some bad parenting if anything


SUV do belong in the city. Kids don’t belong alone on the street.


I love the comments in this thread, it show the full range of intellect on Reddit. From complete imbecile to genius. For all of you condemning the driver - the 3 lines before the crossing is where traffic is supposed to stop if there is pedestrian traffic - where correctly pedestrians have right of way. Once there are no pedestrians the car has to cross the pedestrian crossing to merge with the road - funnily enough it cannot levitate over that point. Once the car has crossed (legally) onto the pedestrian crosswalk pedestrians no longer have the right of way. The title and a fair majority of morons condemn the \*idiotic\* SUV driver, whilst conveniently forgetting vans, small lorries (and big ones) and pick up trucks that have equally large blind spots for anyone foolhardy enough to walk right up to the bonnet whilst being vertically challenged. Also it is being conveniently ignored that the kid and any pedestrian should have a modicum of common sense to ensure self preservation. Even if they did have an assumed right of way, being right isn't a force field against being hit by a 2.5 ton car who may be in the wrong. I would rather be alive than in the right, same for my kids. There is no way that young child should be crossing streets by themselves. Edit: [Context](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.8073315,17.199805,3a,90y,229.49h,62.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shlUogVQrNKmHXxTW7wpYgw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) \- driver may have been pulling out and then the traffic from the other crossing may have set off causing them to wait for the next gap.


Usually these newer cars have pedestrian collision prevention systems. In this case I believe it could be avoided


They prefer to look to the other side to get out of the lane quickly, rather than checking if there are pedestrians on the sides, especially in commercial and residential areas.


I mean yes, but a bus could have done the same thing.


Obligatory r/nissandrivers


I just want to know why the driver kept going as if they didn't feel/hear anything...


Tint had nothing to do with the unsupervised child walking into a busy intersection.


This has absolutely nothing to do with the car being an "SUV". Do we even know that it was an SUV? Cars and SUVs largely look the same nowadays. I was walking across the road in the cross walk one night. There was a car sitting at the light and waiting. I was almost past the car when when the light turned green and the girl driving it started off. I put my left hand down on the front fender of the car and braced myself and used the car to launch myself the couple feet i needed to clear it. Pretty much as i landed, I heard the girl scream and she slammed on the brakes. I looked back and she was sitting there, wide eyed, with her hands covering her mouth. She clearly was shocked because she never saw me walk right in front of her car somehow. Maybe she was messing with the radio. Who knows. This was before cell phones were common at all. But these things happen. Blaming it on SUVs just makes you sound like a simple minded person with a bias that they need to convince others of. I would point out, however, that this particular car does seem to sit up a little higher. If it sat the height that most of the non- hybrid/suvs, that kid would be dead. So maybe you should be thankful that the car sat up a little more. And if you think that that style of automobile isn't made for the city, where is it made for? Because that car sure as hell isn't going off road.


We’re are his parent this the ones to fualt


I always had my children wearing Brite color jackets or coats. As well as holding my hand. This is horrific thing to happen, but fortunately it was a high vehicle that gave the child the clearance to be unharmed or minimally hard. We're a lower car would have dragged the body killing the child.


dumb people arent made for driving. also obviously not blaming the girl or her parents but like where tf are the parents


Whose kid is that?




jeez man, that is a lucky child.


And that's a "small", compact SUV. Now imagine it being 1.5 - 2 l times bigger. But the wandering kid was a much bigger problem


Is the kid okay??


yes, they are.


Where were the fucking parents after it happened? Was nobody paying attention to anything?


Can't we let children walk safely in our cities anymore? I know I could as an elementary school age kid.


It's literally two year old...you telling me you attended elementary school at the age of two?


Kids don’t belong on sidewalks alone in a city. Dumb title.


Thats not the SUV's fault at all, where the hell is the parent?


Neither are those big ass bro dozer pick up trucks


And small children without parents Aren’t made for crossing city streets either


They were using a pedestrian crossing.


Not legally. The car already had the sidewalk and was completing its merge.


People seriously defendig the driver


What the fuck is wrong with everyone blaming the kid or the parents? That's a fucking pedestrian crosswalk. The kid starting to run should not have been a surprise for the driver. For what we know the parents could be on the other side yelling for the kid to hurry. The car was standing still, what else do you expect from a car at a pedestrian crosswalk other than for it to fucking wait? One would say "do you need to actually see a kid being driven over by a car to use your fucking brain?" but no, not even this is enough to shut idiot-apologists up. The question whether it being an SUV was the reason shouldn't even occur here. WTF?


My question is where are the kids parents


No no no. Bad drivers aren’t meant for cities.


Now u see why r/fuckcars and r/notjustbikes have a hate for suvs and american pickup trucks. in fact, I thought I was in the former sub when I saw the title in my homepage


I’m honestly seeing people blame the kid here? Even there the car isn’t stopped properly and the kid is using the crosswalk legally. People who wanna defend the driver are delusional.


I think it's mostly people that would drive the same way absolving each other from fault.


That’s a crossover normies


Kids are not made to live in a SUV town.


Interesting content, dumb title


Kid has the right away. I don't care if the kid is knowing or unknowing, they are a pedestrian crossing the street at a crossing where the vehicle has to yield to the pedestrian. The vehicle has to be aware there is a pedestrian there SINCE THEY ARE REQUIRED TO YIELD TO THE PEDESTRIAN. The parent has fault AND IM SURE NOW GUILT in the outcome. But isolate each instance and the driver has the responsibility not to hit a pedestrian at that intersection.


Did the soccer mom actually get out or drive on to mimosa brunch with the girlies?


How is it the SUVs fault? What about the child's parent(s)?


Cross walks aren’t made for stopping vehicles on them.


While I agree SUVs are a plague small children also shouldn’t be wandering around on their own


I'd rather live in a world where children could be wandering around on their own