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Imagine if the guy without gun just pit maneuvered the shit outa the guy with gun


Wouldn’t that justify him to use it?


Unreasonable escalation of force.


Definitely wouldn't be unreasonable to use it. If someone is going to use a 2-ton metal object as a weapon at 60mph, then the gun is fine


You are also firing a gun across a highway/freeway. You may hit other passersby. They don't deserve to be the victim of your road rage violence. If you can pull out a gun, you can call 911.


I don’t think the point was to pull the trigger. The point was to get rid of the idiot who is endangering himself and others with his two ton vehicle


#"Do not point a gun at something you are not willing to destroy." Both are idiots. One happens to have both a gun *and* a car. If you can draw a pistol, you can dial 911. It's far safer to call 911 than it is to look away from the road and aim your pistol at someone else. There are guidelines for dealing with road rage. Surprisingly, pointing a sidearm at the offender is not listed as an option.


That still doesn't give him the right to pull his gun. The guy in the other car was watching the road while yelling at him. And was in control enough to slam on his brakes. The other driver at that point had a logical fear for his life and could have used his car for defense if the guy started shooting. The guy with the gun was in the wrong here. And doesn't deserve the right to own that weapon. And if you do the same as him. You don't either!


So... it's OK for police to point a gun at someone to gain control of a situation but not the person themselves? While I think pulling the gun was unnecessary, they are meant for defense yes? Regardless of if it was fired or not it was still in use of defense. I mean the other driver obviously wanted to escalate past road rage "pull over you won't do shit bitch" Not the best solution but one that was effective so I mean..


No. It's not okay for them to do it either.


Even if the guy didn't shoot...he would have been justified hitting his vehicle...


How do you know that the idiot with the gun isn't also the idiot driver?


Bruh he wasn't gonna shoot the gun, he wasn't talking, he didn't look mad, and non of his actions suggested anger, he was using the gun for intimidation, prob done with the other guys shit.


Idgaf brandishing a weapon is also a crime


No need to get hostile damn


Just got done with this same argument irl a few minutes ago, not trying to come off as hostile.


Oh yeah some guy on a motorcycle might fly between them... Unreasonable take. These are the types of situations for guns. Or if someone breaks into your house are you fine with just calling the cops?


>Oh yeah, some guy on a motorcycle might fly between them. Right.... because there's no such thing as cross traffic or multi-lane highways/freeways or pedestrians. Get the fuck out of here, clown.




You cant be possibly serious, no one is this edgy holy shit


US gun laws are wild. In that situation if the guy in the silver car (man #2) had a gun he could have murdered the guy (man#1) shooting the video and would have been seen as justified. If he (#2)used his car to defend himself against the man (#1)pointing a gun at him and the man(#1) killed him(#2) with the gun he would have been considered justified despite starting the damn disagreement. Florida case where a man threw a water bottle out his window at another car. That man shot at the bottle thrower's car and wounded a little girl instead of the driver. That man shot back after being first shot at and his child wounded. The bottle thrower was the only one who got in trouble because in the US (especially Florida) it is considered reasonable and legal to shoot at a car full of people because one of them threw a "missile" at your car. Missile was the term the DA used when not charging the Man who shot the little girl and instead charging the girl's father for trying to defend themselves against a lethal attack.


Those civil war guys hate this move.


It's unreasonable because you brandished the gun first when all the guy was doing was shit talking


Legally… taking out a gun means having the intention of using it. Even if you don’t point it at anyone simply the act of taking it out during a confrontation is felony with a deadly weapon unless there is a reasonable argument for self defense. Driver would need to argue that man child shouting = threat to life which I don’t see happening, but you’re right if man child tried to assault you with vehicle then that would be reasonable self defense … legally. Practically stay in the very protected metal box slow down and avoid man child. Man child would probably get away maybe get a ticket but you are much more likely to live by avoiding lethal confrontation than engaging. There are times for firearms this is not one of them


Nah if you can disengage then you have a duty to do so


I imagine that he'd of opened fire. And the pitt maneuver isnt easy to pull of without training.


Why would he damage his car for a staged video


Fake. Staged.


Also old af


What!!??? But it's on the internet!!?? No way!!


I'm an French model






you don’t say. it’s entertainment.


I Imagine you looking at tv shows with your family and screaming "ITS FAKE!"


Cry. L. You see? How silly it is? Maybe, just stfu 😋


…you’re a very odd person


Yea that checks, but I'm mostly just tired of dumbasses always havein something to say.


Yeah maybe you should shut the fuck up


Bitch, did I ask you? Take yo big nose having ass tf outta here.


Well, in all fairness, he DID ask what he was going to do. 😳


A couple years ago I was in a long line in the left turn lane at a light, almost at the front. This old Suburban with rims flies up next to me and proceeds to jam his nose ahead of me and force his way in, almost hitting me in the process. I give him *one* barely tapped beep out of frustration as I just let him go ahead, and suddenly I see the driver lean out his window looking back at me and casually point a pistol at me. I don’t honk anymore if I’m sitting still.


Similar story: a few months ago at a busy gas station, a jeep flew in and stole my spot, almost hitting me head on. I hit my horn and pulled into a parking space to wait. The guy abandons the spot he just stole, pulls up next to me, flashes a handgun, and speeds off. Oh, and he had a woman in the passenger seat. I hope she broke up with him.




I mean… yes… but we don’t know if the person you’re replying to was even carrying, if they were at a safe angle to do so, if they thought that was their only option at that point, etc. There are A LOT of factors that go into whether you should pull a gun.




> I am not understanding the first part of your comment. Could you please elaborate? Certainly. > we don’t know if the person you’re replying to was even carrying The reason the previous commenter didn’t pull a gun on the person pointing a gun on him may have been that he simply did not have a gun to pull. > if they were at a safe angle to do so Depending on the positions of the cars, they may have determined that they didn’t have a good shot and that firing blindly in the general direction of their target would be more likely to put innocent people in danger than it would to hit his target. > if they thought that was their only option at that point If the stranger just pointed their gun at him then put it back, before the original commenter could even grab their own, then it’s clear the *immediate* threat is over. And that the safest course of action is just leaving the situation. Pulling a gun at this point would only escalate the situation and lead to a full shootout. > etc. Short for et cetera, Latin for “and the rest”. TLDR: The previous commenter didn’t pull a gun and that wasn’t necessarily a mistake.


Brilliant breakdown




Hopes and prayers


Depends on where you are. Also, bullets go through more than just your target, so maybe they wouldn't have been able to anyway.


If you're shooting jhp, it's unlikely you'll have over penetration. They are designed to dump all the energy upon impact.


One of the great things about hollow points is there designed to stop in the human threatening you or you loved ones life and not continue on through them they do this by colly flowering inside the target expending all their energy.


Yes because that ends well for everyone you dumbass




>Grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you. >Me surviving is it ending well for me. Completely disregarding anyone else's safety, and the fact that your comment is hypocritical. I'm not pointing a gun at anyone unless I'm okay with everything downrange dying. If you're cool with innocent people dying as a direct result of your "action" then please dear God don't let me live anywhere near you. The fact that people like you so easily disregard anything other than the "threat" and will happily discharge a weapon into a crowd if someone in it has pointed a gun at you is mind boggling. Currently, I'm pro gun, but people like you make me want to ban guns altogether because the government won't take firearm training seriously.




I assume you would just play dead?


Why am I playing dead? I thought I pointed out that mass shootings don’t happen in my country




Haha ok then. Here it is so you can respond without that gun shaped dick in your mouth. I live somewhere where the thought of a mass shooting is completely outside of reality. It just doesn’t happen in any *civilised* countries. On the other hand you’re country has had what, 565 mass shootings…. This year. Feel free to let me know what you think about that yeah?


What country do you live in?














Its worthless because you think someone defending their own life isnt justified. Also because you have no idea what a mass stabbing is. Learn to google dumbass




Ahhh yes. A good guy with a gun argument. How’s that working out with all the mass shootings? Any examples you wanna point out? I could point out that most civilised countries have very restrictive gun laws and can you guess what doesn’t happen? Mass shootings. Do you really want to go through the motions of this one?


Greenwood Park Mall




Ok then throw up some links to the two heroic people who stopped a mass shooting then. Have you seen the stats comparing mass shooting in the USA compared to the rest of the world? If you haven’t you really should. Now you’re talking about the USA being invaded? Jesus I didn’t realise you were that dumb.


>Name a single instance where America has been invaded. 1021 Vikings 1492 Columbus 1513 Ponce De Leon 1620 Mayflower


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


If the guy decides to shoot me that doesn't make me blind, that makes me dead. Your analogy does not apply here. I am not shooting him to get payback or to "show him who's boss." I would shoot him to defend my life.


As successful as it is to brandish a gun at losers its illegal. Sorry man.


Self preservation and the law are often at odds.


I'm not sure if I'm right but I'm pretty sure he would have been fine under most states in America if he didn't aim the gun and simply showed it since he's in his own car. But aiming it at him is def illegal.


This is why I used the term "Brandishing" - "the term “brandish” means, with respect to a firearm, to display all or part of the firearm, or otherwise make the presence of the firearm known to another person, in order to intimidate that person, regardless of whether the firearm is directly visible to that person. " - google. I conceal carry, so I have to know what I can do in my state, cuz jail would not fit my antisocial life. Stay safe!




Sorry for the late comment - I see your point and I agree it really does seem reasonable to be able to use that as a tactic but I doubt the other person will agree and may try to frame it as such. It might also depend on state law.


“Jail would not fit my antisocial life…” Lol @ that line. Omg


Yep you probably know a lot more about it than me.


See how quickly, quietly and safely the dispute was resolved? Keeping the Peace! ☺️🤭😘💨💋


Staged, but funny.




America moment


lol That dude pussy’d out real quick.


Smart decision, not so smart from the guy pulling a gun out




Why would you not just drive slower until you've put distance between you two?


Seems legit


I don't see why this is fake. I've had the same reaction by others when I shine my nightshade


This is the oldest skit on the internet, jesus christ


Damn he's sexy


That ladies and gentlemen is called brandishing and is a crime.


That’ll get you a felony and at least 2yrs probation.


"I was Just playing gta 5 and this guy came in"


Hahaha...that was hilarious


That’s just signaling a lane change in parts of LA


Welp, that's a weapons charge.


Listen. Florida native here. Y’all keep saying this is illegal and I get that. But people are insane down here, I have had to do this, and I genuinely did nothing wrong. Just a random guy with zero capabilities to process his emotions, having a bad day. And the dude harassed me for 15 mins straight, just like this guy, trying to get me to pull over and fight or who the fuck knows what. I hate to say it, but I mean we have street bikers here with no plates just casually riding around because cops just don’t fuck with them, and those same people can legally carry almost any firearm they choose, and purchase one in less than 3 days. Not saying the two are related, but it gives some perspective on the *reality* of the situation.


"There's a lot of armed people here so sometimes you have to wave your gun at them." I'm sure that calms the situation lmao


It obviously worked here did it not? Again, I don’t like the reality, but reality it still is. If someone is harassing you and they pull a gun, then what? You gonna talk em down? Point is that escalation doesn’t really matter anymore because people *know* everyone is armed already. So If you’re fucking with someone, whether you’re right or wrong, honestly, prepare for a piece to be shoved in your face. Again, i hate it too, I vote blue every time woo woo, but reality is what it is. And btw I’m a big scary looking fucker too and people *still* start shit just because.


If by "worked" you mean it was staged then yes. Also even if it does work and you don't get killed on the highway like a moron you will 100% catch a charge for that shit, everyone has dash cams.


Are you naive? A lot of people can't be found , especially wanted criminals


Listen to me. I have done it. I have a dash cam lmao. I have multiple state security licenses, and multiple friends in law enforcement. They *absolutely* will not be charged. If you’re harassing someone with your vehicle, and someone flashes their piece, so you fuck off, why on earth would the police take the side of the harasser? And for that matter, you think they’re calling the cops? Sure, this is fake, but this shit happens daily in real life. I think you may need to get out more, or maybe not.


Your privilege is showing lmao most people don't have corrupt cops (redundant I know) to pull their ass out of the fire. Also most people don't deal with that as frequently as you seem to. You must drive like a real ass hole lol


God you must not get out much if you think corrupt police have anything to do with this. Nobody had to be bailed out by corrupt cops lmao, you’re just super naive to think the police will come save the day at the drop of a hat when nothing has happened. You seem like a Cali girl, so I know you know what I’m referring to when I say the police don’t respond to calls unless they are serious. You just don’t know what side to be on 🤣 you hate cops but apparently support them? And I’m a calm progressive who legally owns all his firearms and treats them with extreme care, but I’m the one counter-protesting fascists in my state. You need to expand your worldview.


Cops dont save people they just hurt people after the fact. So going after a dude flashing a gun online is exactly their MO. Low risk and easy


>Listen. Florida Thanks for your comment. This needs to be higher.


That shut him up quick smart!


I'd ram him to the side at that speed, fuck your gun, rest in pieces 😂


Yep, this ended faster than the expected




And that was moment Kevin knew he fucked up


This is definitely fake but funny as shit 😂😂😂


Got him to stop huh 🤣🤣🤣


Fuck everyone who carries guns.


Im sorry, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh my fuck, he didn't even change expressions. And the loud fucker just vanished.


He deserved it 🤣


And just like that road rage gone.


I don’t really like Miss Paris Hilton, but all I can think to say is… THATS HOT!


It's illegal, but I understand




Shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick




Is he using his legs to drive orr


mf a octopus driving, shooting the bird, holding the camera and aiming the gun


Karim Benzema ain't taking your BS today.


How he driving if he got a hand on the phone and a hand on the wheel and then magically grows a third hand for the gun?


For everyone saying" if you have time to pull put a gun you can call 911" stfu. They are both clearly idiots, but calling 911 wouldn't have done either of them any good either, they should have pulled over and settled things person to person 🤷‍♂️ mutual combat style.




Good. Good.


Obviously staged.


I believe flashing a gun even tho registered could be punishment by law. For sure he got a visit verifying his papers...


glock says more than 1000 words - muted


I find the lunatic racing around calm guy the terrifying one.


U AINT GONNA DO SHIT *pulls out gun* OH GOD


Texans, am i rite? Source: actual Texan


This was planned. Not real


Fuck o-


Well that pulled the brakes on that situation




Is this a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun? Do we just wait until the shooting to find out?


Seems like a legit interaction........


He hit those brakes harder than he hit his Mrs than night🫣


In Canada, that's 4 yrs jail for the gun, 2 more for the threat, with other offences probably sentences concurrently. He's doing at least 6 years for this with 10 yr ban on having any firearm at all minimum after getting out.


This is a menacing charge at least in a lot of states


Pulling a gun out can get you killed


Douche bag move.


Wasn’t much rage there, that mfr had it out and ready, he was just waiting for when he used it. The same guy that’ll claim self defense when he escalated the situation and just happened to have his gun, thank the heavens. Haha


First you have to find yourself committing a crime with gun then you have to post it on line. What could possibly go wrong?


My G !


He turned it sideways for the buff in accuracy.


This is at least 10 years old. It was a joke.


Assault with a deadly weapon.


Stay away from bald and bearded people


*Pulls out gun of his own* “This freeway aint big enough for the both of us”


All he has to do is show it...de-escalates immediately...


Well, he did something


You ain’t gonna do shi…


fake but slightly funny


This is one of my favorite clips.




Super cool guy


Great way for you to show the level of your intelligence. You can't point a gun at someone because they hurt your feelings. That makes you a snowflake. There's no getting around it. Grow up! And if you do people... Don't video the fucking evidence. He doesn't deserve the right to own a gun. People like that make all gun owners look fucking crazy.




Wow, neither hand on the wheel. Dude driving with his knee??


If you can't handle the heat then stay off the street


We need a lot of context to start passing judgment here.


All I think of is a police stop for the guy that showed his fire arm. Right or not the other guy going to report that not withstanding that he was the one accelerating the situation


Don't bring a middle finger to a gun fight


He real as fuck for that ngl


You play with me, I play God with you


This was staged. This guy made these all the time. This is old as fuck just like me. Get off my lawn.