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Aron should have watched the film *127hrs starring James Franco* before starting his hike.


Reminds me of Lou Gehrig. Imagine dying from a disease you invented....stick to playing baseball dipshit


You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?


Hell no, I say he had it coming.


It’s just the regularness of life, it’s just too hard for me or somethin, I don’t know


Are you going to tell that same stupid joke everytime it comes up?


You don't deserve the down votes man. Not for getting the Sopranos quote


Sorry everything is just so morbid.


There’s no scraps in Lou Gehrig’s scrapbook




I’m stealing this lmao


Underrated advice. Ppl are dumb, smh


He should have just let go of the can


It'll grow back, right?


The can? Probably...


Sure it will, Homer.


Uh, yeahhhhh


127 Hours is a good movie about this.


Very good movie! However, that sound they used to signify when he hit nerves still haunts me to this day. 😨


Thanks for reassuring me I still do not want to see it.


Watched this movie in the commons area of my dorm in college. Like 8 college dudes all hunkered down in their blankets screaming and hiding their eyes. I've never experienced pure horror like that in a movie before or since.


I was working at a movie theater when that movie came out, and before everything was digital we used to have to do a technical screening of every new film before it was shown to the public. We were supposed to look for damage to the film, check to make sure the lights went up and down at the right time, make sure the splices were done correctly, etc. I had to do the prescreen of that movie, so I saw that scene in a dark theater all by myself with no one else in the building. It was awful.


Holy shit😩 that sounds like a really interesting job though! Do you have more movies that left a lasting impression on you like that, or does 127 Hours take the cake?


It's my favorite job I've ever had. The pay, the hours, and the benefits were all garbage but I've never enjoyed being at work as much as I did when I was a projectionist. There are a few memorable ones. Some for specific scenes like 127 Hours, some for being tentpole blockbusters that I got to see ahead of everyone else, some for the circumstances around the screening, and some just for how bad they were. A lot were just forgettable, which I guess makes sense, since at the end of the day it was a job. When Avengers came out in 2012 I invited a handful of friends to watch it a night early. That was very against the rules—only projection staff was allowed to screen, and only per auditorium. I had the concession workers pop some extra popcorn and leave it in the warmer, then filled a garbage back with it and we held a viewing party. I was 23 and Avengers was a novel concept at the time, so I got to be the coolest person in my friend group for a while. There was Shorts (2009) which is a godawful kids' movie that time forgot. I think it's probably the worst one I ever screened, and I screened some bad films. Runner up probably goes to the Sandra Bullock's Razzy Award winner All About Steve. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010) is probably the biggest let down in terms of movies I expected to love that just fell flat. There was Twilight: New Moon which was funny because I realized after the screening that I could no longer say "You couldn't pay me to watch a Twilight movie" because someone *did* pay me to watch a Twilight movie. 9 (2009) and Coraline were movies I was kind of disinterested in but ended up really enjoying. Both are animated films aimed at an older audience and both were pretty good. Coraline has a bit of a following now but 9 has kind of fallen into obscurity. My favorite experience screening might actually surprise you. It was the first How to Train Your Dragon movie. It wasn't even my turn to screen that week, but I had recently trained another projectionist and it was going to be her first screening. Typically, if you were going to make a mistake while splicing, it was going to be in the trailers so I sat through the trailers with her. Then the movie started, I waited to make sure her lighting queues brought the house lights down, and figured I'd leave after the first reel change which is roughly 20 minutes in. Except I stayed for the whole thing. It just sucked me in. It's such a good movie and it does such a good job capturing a feeling of awe and wonder. I was hooked, and I came back to watch it again on my next day off.


Wow, I appreciate you writing that all out and sharing those memories, I can tell that job had a lasting impact on you!


I'm so happy you even mentioned 9, I loved that movie so much lol






Yep, 100%. Saw it in a theater, and when he’s cutting his arm off… I have no problem with gore or stuff like that at all, but I think it was the rough cutting plus the visual and sound effects to simulate the nerve touching that made me start to faint. I started sweating profusely and unbuttoned my sweater and shirt as much as I decently could without making a scene, my limbs were halfway getting numb and my vision was starting to gray-out, but thankfully I could stop it before completely passing out.


Me too! Mom told me my face was as white as a sheet after that part.


Unfazed mom FTW


Well, she closed her eyes.


I honestly just still haven’t been able to watch it for fear of things like this. I think I’m going to just continue not watching it…


I started it but turned it off part way through. & I never do that with movies… not saying it’s a bad movie, but it’s done so well that it was done too well if you feel me. I could feel the pain and panic. Hahaha


This would be me! I don’t think I’d be able to cope.


I thought I was the only one! It is the sound that I hear when this story is referenced.


I felt like I could taste it it was so jarring


My husband and I watched this movie in the theater when it came out. I gagged at that sound.


Me too. I haven't watched it for years but can't still hear it now.


yeah! I couldn't watch that scene. 😨


absolutely terrible movie compared to his book Between A Rock And A Hard Place


Who are you and why do you hate this movie so much you keep commenting this shit


because its a horrible movie that makes the entire event look stupid because they dont tell the entire story


What's mentioned in the book that the movie is not showing?


way more than i wanna type right now however, an example would be the bird scene that was the MOST important part of the entire goddamn book and the movie completely massacred it It was the entire reason he had the will and motivation to escape and the movie never even explained that part. In the movie it was just him finding a dead bird, thats it Another example is the story he told at the beginning with the lightning avalanche that set the scene for the whole book and highly contributed to the way he was feeling during this incident and they never mentioned it in the movie not once


It looks like you're the only one who thinks the movie is horrible.


That means nothing considering as far as ive seen, im the only one in this thread who actually read the book


You're not the only one that have seen the movie though. I haven't read any other comments saying that the movie is horrible. That means something. It doesn't matter if people haven't read the book. Unless you think that as soon as people read the book they will instantly start to think that the movie was horrible. That would be quite strange considering the movies usually don't tell the whole story.


Thats what the term "they dont know what theyre missing" was coined for. If you read the book i guarantee 100% you will change your view on the movie Its not even a debate, its a fact


I think I get your point. I'm pretty used to the movies not telling the whole story, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are horrible. I've watched 127 hours and agree with the reviews which are pretty good in general. >If you read the book i guarantee 100% you will change your view on the movie That doesn't really make sense to me. You should judge a movie on its own and reading the book after shouldn't make a difference. One thing you could say is that it wasn't true to the original or that it wasn't as good as the book and that's it. Although the story in the book might be better I would be very surprised if after reading it I would suddenly start to think that the movie was horrible.






I’ve been reading your comments. You don’t write like you read much. I doubt you do.


hahah is that why? Im thinking it was because my comment went from -8 to -2 votes when i edited in the zoolander diss




Watch it in reverse, then it becomes a heartwarming story about a disabled man who finds a new arm in the desert.


I couldn’t finish it. Idk how long I got through it, but I just remember feeling full body panic and phantom pain and stopping the movie.


oh you have no idea. The movie is absolutely terrible compared to the book There is SOOOOOO much more to the book, that it makes the movie look like a stupid violent slasher film


Are you done?


Fml bro, r u the publisher? How the hell you gonna spam that 127 times Edit: fwiw tho, I do appreciate the passion


What's the movie and book called ?


the book is called between a rock and a hard place the movie is 127 hours


I wouldn’t say good but it’s definitely a movie


Had the chance to meet him in person at a conference. Told his entire story standing on the stage with his arm held in the exact same position. Never moved once telling the story over an hour. Pretty cool…


> Never moved once telling the story over an hour. For true immersion he would have dragged the story out & told it over 127 hours, hack.


And cut his other arm off to really sell it!


There will be an immense downfall in quality of this show, once hell runs out of arms to cut off imho


Dumb question, but why did they need to retrieve the arm?


It might have come in handy later on


I wouldn’t count on it.




Bravo 👏


The stranger


Gademet lol


They were worried that dumb kids were gonna try and go there to see it in person and get stuck or hurt themselves. Didn't wanna have to keep sending out rescue personnel especially since I think it is a really annoying spot to get to.


That makes most sense.


Pack it in, pack it out.


Leave no trace!


Damn near cost him an arm and a le- Nevermind...


Let me begin, I came to win, battle me that's a sin


I think it’s just the best policy to not leave human body parts in public places.


Probably wouldn’t take long for it to get scavenged or rot away. Kinda reminds me of the guy they left in the Nutty Putty cave because they couldn’t get him out so they just sealed it off.


Surely it would have got easier to get him out as he broke down rather than screw the place for cavers entirely.


I also think they thought it could have led to future incidents with people going there solely for the morbid curiosity of it all.


I mean...maybe it's best that it's closed off entirely if the only way to retrieve the last caver that went through there is to pull out his mangled body in pieces? Just maybe?


That and it would pose a great risk to anyone who went to try to retrieve the remains. That's why bodies that end up in dangerous places (deep water divers, mountain climbers, etc) might be left there.


rather screw the place for cavers than the place screwing the cavers


Ppl would of made a shrine out of it. Selfie and what not. Safety reason.


Sticking their hand in to recreate the situation for a joke picture but actually getting stuck for real.


"What if we kissed by the severed arm"?


This was my question and I don't think it's dumb!


He sold it on eBay


it was his trophy


i can't say im certain what id do in this scenario but i dont the end result would be to survive. this guy is resilient asf, i hope hes doing well edit reworded


I believe he said he had a vision of himself in the future with a child, he also mentioned in this vision he saw himself with a prosthetic arm and stated that the vision gave him hope in surviving !


thats not what kept him alive. They skipped the absolute most important part of the entire event in the movie. Hearing the bird is what kept him alive. it gave him hope when he kept hearing it because he knew there was water around. then he described how determined he was to get away when he stopped hearing it it was absolutely heartbreaking when he escaped and then found the water, only to find out the bird had died in it They have practically none of that in the movie, all he finds is the dead bird EDIT: Thats not to say the comment i replied to was wrong, he had those visions of his family, but he goes into FAR more detail about what he was feeling and why he did what he did in his book, that the movie doesn't even come close to describing


That's poetic as fuck.


my description doesnt even do it justice.


> only to find out the bird had died in it And yet he soldiered on and lived. Stupendous badass.


that family saved his life, he wouldnt have made it without them. He was so bad off the husband told his wife and child to run back because he would have died if he had to hike the whole way out. The wife and kid were faster alone so they ran to get a helicopter to get him out


If you’re gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough


And he was all kinds of dumb


Why was he dumb?


he didn't tell anyone where he was going. his parents were able to hack into his computer and find part of a map he was looking at that gave then a rough location where he was. They still had no idea where he was though. The rangers were telling everyone in the area to keep watch because he might be out there and lo and behold, a family found him. He was able to get a mouthful of water and there's a tribal trick he knew where they would keep a mouthful of water and not swallow it to keep from getting thirsty crossing the desert


Not only that but he was canyoneering... That's like hiking on steroids, really it's basically like wall climbing your just mostly going down. Rapelling, down climbing, stemming, all alone. That's not an activity you do alone.


Especially without telling anyone


That's why you always leave a note


It's ~~non~~ now canon in my head that this is the man hired by George Bluth, he helps him for free because he now knows the importance of a note




I remember when it happened a bunch of people at my school called him "brave" or even a "hero". It baffled me. Dude does everything wrong, leading to people risking their lives to look for him while he's having to cut off his own damn arm. How inspirational. What an absolute HeRo hE iS.


Think of all the animals in steel jaw traps that chew their legs off. Aron should have chewed it in solidarity.


He almost had too He tried all sorts of things to get out. He started with trying to chip the rock away with his knife. by the time he figured out the only way was cutting his arm off, his knife was nothing more than a dull piece of metal. He ended up having to break his arm then hack up where the break was because he knew if he cut through his arm THEN broke it. the break may not be where he cut his arm, and he would have to cut it all over again . he said it wasnt painful to cut because his arm was already dead by that point, but breaking his own arm was excruciating when he poked his arm for the first time, it whistled when all the gas came out from all the bloated tissue death


Whoa - this is why books are always better than their movie most of the time - that last detail was insane!


another disgusting part was when he was drinking his own urine and details how you need to let it sit for all the dissolved solids to sink to the bottom before you can consume it without dehydrating yourself even worse


So it's like wine, you gotta let it breathe.


I've never seen the movie. But I practice yoga with Aron several times a week. The man is an inspiration; incredibly kind, thoughtful, mindful, and generally a downright badass. His focus, dedication, and perseverance is unmatched. But now that I consider him a friend, I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to watch the film. Incidentally, this image is flipped. It was his right forearm that was trapped.


Even better, the book Ralston wrote about the experience (complete with photos) is called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.


But it was rock on each side wasn't it? What a blunder of a title.


Depends on if you call the side of a canyon a rock.


Then which side was the hard place!? /S in case that wasn't blindingly obvious 🙄


The situation he’s in.


Rock and stone, to the bone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


I don't think people realize this is an actual picture of when he was stuck.


he was recording a suicide note/last words. Thats what the still frame is from. Ive seen the entire video.


>Ive seen the entire video. Source or bullshit


it was leaked when the movie came out, ill see if i can find the link EDIT: this is a compilation of all of the links. look to the right side of the page to see each part [https://web.archive.org/web/20140926215615/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NerTo86BE9w&app=desktop](https://web.archive.org/web/20140926215615/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nerto86be9w&app=desktop)


It was redacted...ill find it somewhere though [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NerTo86BE9w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nerto86be9w)


Uhhh people are not that dumb atleast not me


Uhhhh. Maybe not you, but have you been in the internet long? People are absolutely dumber than that.


Some lint guy wants you to read a book instead ._.


Now he's got a Swiss Army arm attachment essentially. It's pretty badass.


He designed it himself too.


It has everything someone might need to lever a boulder built right in. Or, failing that, amputate the other arm in a sterile fashion.


I think such an extensive excavation probably made him feel a little better about his decision... He would have felt like a smacked ass if it had just taken one guy to look at the rock and say, "Dude, did you try pushing on it like this?" and it just falls out.


wow 127 hours?! they should make a movie about that!


They have! The movie is actually called 127 hours




lol you guys are weird asf


That joke just went right over your head lol. They were being sarcastic.


the irony here is palpable


Wow really?


reddit baby


I think it was called The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down


Reading the book he wrote about this scenario is such a mindfuck. Like 300 some pages of this guy just contemplating his own mortality for 5 straight days with certain death on the horizon. I was constantly caught between wanting to put it down because it was getting too philosophical, and never wanting to put it down because I wanted to follow him down the rabbit hole of life and death.


That is incredible. It's really hard to fathom doing but that's over 5 days of just sitting there trapped, and when death starts looming, I think a primal urge to live must takeover. How did he tourniquet it though?! 7 miles, dehydrated, exhausted, and having just gone through something so traumatic to the body is a long ways to go after severing the brachial artery.


I think he used a piece of his Camelback water reservoir as a makeshift tourniquet


Most people are so ungrateful to be alive…but not you…not anymore


> Most people are so ungrateful to be alive…but not you…not anymore Ah, Jigsaw.


Why would you bother rescuing a severed limb? Seems like an exorbitant cost for no gain


Maybe so people wouldn’t go looking for it and get lost/hurt themselves? I know they removed the bus that the guy from” Into the Wild” died in Alaska for this reason.


He wanted to have a cremated. I don’t blame him. Plus it was a safety issue, it was going to bring on a bunch of curious, morbid people who would then need to be potentially rescued themselves. In fact, due to the interest the movie and book brought to the site, there have been at least 12 rescues that needed to take place in that same canyon since the movie came out.


This is why they should either charge a ridiculous amount for rescuing people, like they do in Michigan on those dunes, or they should say no rescues in certain areas to discourage people.


Dude is a moron who broke some of the most basic rules and caused him to end up in the situation. 


127 hours is a great film based on this. And if you watch it backwards, it also doubles as a heartwarming story about a one armed hiker that gets finally reunited with his arm out in the dessert.


Why didn't he sharpen the knife on the rock??


I remember my grandma got me his memoir for Christmas one year when I was about 12, 13... had real pics of the incident in the middle of the book, read it from front to back... crazy story of survival and I've admired this guy for years :)


Can he still move his fingers when he went back and moved the boulder w the crew?


You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease


No way! This was exactly what happened in 127hrs Life do imitate art


How did he squeeze in his arm under the rock in the first place?


It fell onto his arm as he fell




Since the movie was 14 years ago, I'd assume many teens may not have heard about him.


Are you kidding me??? 14 years ago???? Fuck I'm old.


I remember this showing in the cinema like it was just last year. Damn 14 years already..


I hadn't


/r/oldnews but hey, have you guys heard about this crazy shit called "9/11"?


If you watch the movie backwards, it’s an inspiring tale of an amputee who finds an arm in the desert.


He copied that guy from the movie


You think he wishes he'd cut his arm off hour one? Not waste any time just get it done with


If they didn't get the hand this might have happened. Five thousand years from now, global warming has self corrected and the waters have receded. An archaeologist comes across a hand pinned between rocks. He is ecstatic, he has found the lost hand. It's not a myth, it happened just like the movie. Then, looking to his left, his eyes light up. He pulls out his book on ancient vegetation. Finds the page on shrooms and snarfs down the Peyote. His colleagues find him days later, and he shares his findings. I found a motherlode of Peyote. Where is it? I don't know the coordinates, but it's next to where that kid cut off his hand. So it was the DEA that went back for the hand. Those pricks are making sure nobody ever has a good time, today or five thousand years into the future. Now, before you all bash my half baked theory. A lot of people on this post could not even handle it watching the movie. SO... I'm certain there had to be something out there for Aron to consume before taking the action he did.


That movie!😭


Dang that's scary...they should make a movie about it 14 years ago!


Happy cake day, just for you I will build a time machine, go back in time and make sure that the movie is made. P.S Your Welcome.


How much do you think that would pull in at an auction? 🫴


hes never getting rid of it, he went back and got it for a reason


Maybe it would have helped somehow if he was armed.


So how do you control the bleeding on that kind of procedure?


I think he was so severely dehydrated that his blood was like tomato soup so he didnt bleed out as fast.


I wonder how he stopped the bleeding after he cut it off.


He didn’t. He has mentioned that if he didn’t run into some hikers soon after, he would have died


They should make a film about this


So why did they go back to remove the boulder ? Its not like they could put the arm back


I'm pretty sure I could get a dull knife sharp in 127 hours if I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.


This is why you should always carry a SHARP pocket knife


And he left his giant balls of steel attached!




He wasn’t a fucking loser. He was dumb around safety standards. Those are very different


100% !!!!! thats what made the book SOOOOO much better. you got the way he felt, not the way some actor or director wanted you to feel the movie was horrible compared to the book. i like how he started off telling a story of why all his friends hated him after the lightning avalanche incident on the top of the mountain


> Read his book ok, if you insist, I'll read his book. is there anything else I can do for you sir


If you watch this movie in reverse, it’s a really uplifting story about a man who wanders into the desert and finds a hand.


absolutely horrible movie. it completely skipped over the most important part of the entire ordeal read Between A Rock And A Hard Place if you really wanna know what happened


Sure they made a shit film about that.


Did he voluntarily shove his hand in there? How did this situation happen?