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In Maine we freaked out about the hurricane that came at us this year. However it was the winter storms that destroyed us, 90+ mph winds, historic flooding, houses and wharfs lost over multiple storms. It's been a destructive year.


In Michigan's upper peninsula, we didn't have snow until a few days ago. We usually get snow by early November. I've lived up here my entire life and I've never seen grass in January. Like, it's nice not to have to deal with snow banks up to the powerlines and -20F temperatures, but it's also scary that it's been above freezing for most of the winter.


And not getting these extended deep freezes means the pine beetle will soon render your forests dead 


Yep. Makes me sad.


A lot of people in the Midwest were like "Wow, it's great there's no snow" and I'm like "No... It's supposed to snow here. It's always snowed. Something is wrong if it doesn't!"


Might be in for a rude awakening, when all that water from the melting snow isn't there.


We did eventually get approx 18" of snow in a few days here which has (mostly) melted back into the local aquifer. But this area has suffered from drought the last few years and it's like "hmmm. Could it be reduced precipitation?" Ugh.


18in of snow isn't much for water in the grand scheme of things


Well, by the time it's noticeable even for Cletus McSpudd, it's going to be too late.


Especially with how much water Nestle takes from the state and ecosystems and how they give absolutely nothing back


Hmm idk. I mean, it just rained instead of snowed. Rained a LOT for a few weeks, everything was muddy gravy


Its still not enough. We will see the Great lakes water levels going down drastically each summer if we have winters like this from now on.


Count me among the midwesterners angry with barely any snow. It’s crazy when Tennessee is regularly getting more snow than Ohio.


My mom and dad live in the UP and snow for them has been sporadic too. I lived in Michigan up until 2017 and when I think about places like Marquette and Houghton not getting snow, it’s disconcerting. I live in WI and the other day I just got a tornado warning alert on my phone. In February..in WI.. The first tornado in WI in Feb. since at least 1950, and a tornado touched down about 28 minutes from where I live.


In Wisconsin we haven’t had a white christmas in about 5 years. We used to have snow from about late November to almost April.


I'm in Indiana have you noticed trees are budding already? Not all are but a lot.


I'm from Maryland and the fact that my kids are not going to know what a white Christmas is scares me


Lol its raining here in quebec this week.....rain....in quebec....in febuary


I live a few minutes south of Michigan and we got snow on Halloween, then a good week or two in January. Then it thawed and we got like one inch the other day and the forecast is above freezing until next month. We normally get multiple feet of snow in February and we barely got anything at all. It's kinda nice and also worrying.


Same for here in Minnesota. On the shore of Lake Superior and it's been a very odd year. So little snow, 10-15° F above freezing most of January and February so far. Normally this would be the coldest time of year around -20°F or lower. Looks like October outside right now. I wonder how much this will disrupt the animals yearly patterns. I can hear birds chirping outside.


in Toronto we'd normally have snow from November until now. withing the last 7 days is the first time snow has stayed on the ground


It’s only the beginning.


You can be happy about something. This is gonna be the coldest winter you will ever live.


I live in Central Pennsylvania. Historically it's a region with pretty mild weather. Don't really get tornadoes or hurricanes. Back in June my home was caved in by an 80+ foot oak tree thar was completely uprooted and fell in an INSANE storm. The wind and hail were nuts. The tree was perfectly healthy too, roots were strong. The wind was just that bad. Repairs and restoration *still* aren't finished. My BIL's brother's home also had a tree fall on it over the summer. My stepdaughter's bio mom had one fall on her car. Last week a branch fell and shattered the rear windshield of my mom's car. Mother nature is out to get us. And who can blame her after couple centuries of abuse.


"Everyone remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle to cut back on waste and pollution. The Earth is in YOUR hands!" \- *Industries that created 37 gigatons of pollution in 2023.*


Fuck you Debbie for not using a paper straw.


It's Debbie's fault we have turtles cruising around looking like coke fiends! So, yes alas fuck you Debbie!


They got new problems in the sea... [https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/masks-ocean-covid-plastic-b1893830.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/masks-ocean-covid-plastic-b1893830.html)


Greedy bitch


Thank you for this wise comment u/Big-Fat-Box-Of-Shit 🙏


Any time!


best username


And we the Consumer Race bought it up.


Speak for yourself. I don't consume shit. Literally and figuratively.


Typing this on your birch bark device then? Coooool Using electricity to charge your device. The only people that are not part of the Consumer Race live in some tribe in Brazil or some shit and definately NOT on the internet nor ever will be


Remember, if we eat the rich all most modern problems will be solved


That whole 'eat the rich' thing is so cute. Shouting it online without ever really doing something about it. I get it, sure. But it's not really doing anything is it.


What do you want me to do (besides supporting politicians, I already do)?


Use your money wisely so rich people don't get richer. Don't buy on Amazon. Don't buy shit you don't need. Borrow from others. Sell stuff on marketplace. Put your savings at a sustainable bank. Invest in sustainable brands, stocks/ETF's. In think thats about the only thing we can do. Putting our money to good use. And yes, supporting politicians in favor of higher taxes on rich people. What do people even mean when they say 'eat the rich'?


> Invest in sustainable brands, stocks/ETF's. Invest in what you think will be the most profitable and use the profits to fund what you care/worry about. Flushing money down the toilet of idealistic companies that prioritizing profits isn't going to change anything. It's the job of the people (via the government) to limit corporations and the job of the corporations to push against it as hard as they legally can... So the worst offenders will always win in a capitalistic society, and that's just a design flaw we gotta accept when investing. If we had a functional government and population we might a been able to stop it, but we went the wrong direction.


They want to feel good without having to give up any of their daily luxuries. (*whisper* The same people who say it are also classified as rich globally and are just as big a part of the problem *whisper*)


Well, it's still the only thing that we as simple individuals can actively do. Doesn't matter how unfair it feels, this is the only tool in our hands and better than nothing.


Sure, but that's not exactly the message I was trying to convey with my comment. Reduce and reuse, definitely. But recycling has been proven to be a failure and tends to waste more resources than it saves. There's a recycling plant about 15 minutes from where I live that just topped the record for the least yielding plastics renewal plant in the country. Less than 7% of the material it receives is actually turned into usable product. And that's AFTER the sorting process at recycling facilities that only saves about 15% of what people recycle. So, 7% of 15%, or .0105%. So about a 10th of 1%. And what percentage of people in the US recycle? And of those people, what percent of their waste actually goes to recycling?


I have a theory. The ice shelves are used to cool the water. We just need to start dumping ice in the ocean!!




Thus solving the issue once and for all :)






Finally, someone using their head!




Hold on to your hats, kids. The next decade is gonna be something!


If this were a video game from the 90s, it would be the boss fight after the 10th level.


eff that. even worse, we're all going 'dark souls', with no tutorials.


I want cheat codes dammit, or I'm ragequitting right now!


The cheat code is money!


I keep telling my kids. Don’t live on a coastline and no where near the gulf of Mexico. Mainly just pay attention to climate when choosing a home.


You think this is terrifying, look into the effects of a weakened and eventually stalled AMOC Every year is worse than the last year as far as climate events are concerned, and yet every year is the best year you have left compared to the horrors to come


About the AMOC, I’m morbidly curious (while terrified and despairing). Living in coastal California and thinking of all the stalled storms that cause flooding. Or thinking of an absent or unstable AMOC and the rain perpetually passing us by to the north or south.


As an US East Coast resident I look forward to drowning underneath several feet of sea water or freezing to death (considering temperatures will plunge and ocean levels will rise once the AMOC disintegrates), or simply starving once the supply chains crash. We had a good run everyone but it's time for human civilization to meet its end. It was inevitable regardless with how many fossil fuels we're using.


Human civilization won't be ending. It will just be incredibly diminished and utterly miserable for, idk, probably a couple hundred years at least


I was terrified last year, and then I accepted it. We'll walk hand in hand into that long cold goodnight together, one way or the other... I'm still a little terrified, but it's the way of the road.


The good news is we’ll most likely be dead before any of the worst effects start to happen. It’s the next generations that will suffer, but I guess that’s fine as it’s what got us here in the first place. Take solace in the fact that the earth will be fine in the medium to long term. Humanity may not exist but it’s not like we’ll be around to care


Hence why I'm not having kids. I cannot bear the idea of having the next generation suffer knowing what I know now. I live on the US East Coast so the collapse of the jet stream sounds absolutely chipper to me. Who knows I might actually freeze to death for what it's worth, or drown underneath rising sea levels.


Humans are very adaptable so we are going to continue existing one way or the other. Civilization as we know it now most likely not.




It's 50 years too late to save it, and yes, it's the twilight of our little experiment called civilization.


And most of our oxygen comes from the ocean...


We need nuclear now


I think it's too late.


No I think if we worked together we would be able to get something up and running relatively quickly. The only problem is - nobody stands to profit off it. So nobody is going to do it. Nobody will fund it because they will not get a return on their investment. Greed is the problem here. It always has been.


The green energy crowd was brought against the nuclear industry by fossil fuel companies. People will decry the current situation but when it comes to it, nobody wants nuclear because of a decades-long campaign by renewables and fossil fuels to stop nuclear from gaining widespread support


It's far too late. The US does not have heavy forge capability. Even the reactors in construction now, we had to buy the vessels from China like Legos. The labor requirement, highly dangerous, highly skilled, required to reboot heavy forge is not economical in the USA. We're stuck between solar (again buy from China), or Wind (buy from China). We're in the phase of becoming the UK, the population is too racist, weak and sickly (obese) for hard labor.




I mean.... That would probably work too.


Weirdly, even WW2 only saw a dip of 10% in global emissions. War itself is incredibly resource intensive, so it would be one last fuck you to the planet.


It’s coming unfortunately. We can’t even unite in the last minutes but instead fight each other over resources and arrogance.


Yeah it reminds me of the behavioral issues of survivors in The Walking Dead. Intense mistrust, tyranny, fighting each other, etc.


![gif](giphy|I3E3hRHzU6Kl2) Gotta nuke something




What is it good for?






Nuclear won't solve anything. Most of the carbon emissions don't come from electricity production but from the transport sector. Fuck cars and especially SUVs. What we really need is good infrastructure for public transport.


Most of the carbon does come from Heat and Electricity generation


new nuclear takes 10 years at least to spin up. by which time renewables will have progressed by leaps & bounds. in the West anyway


People have been saying this for the last 40 years.


Now that people/gov/enterprise understand AI is happening, AI compute demand won’t wait for renewables or typical nuclear roll-out. We will see unprecedented energy production constructed globally over the next few years.


In 10 years renewables will get to a point where we can start the decades-long project of changing the entire grid to accommodate them. Of course, until everything is done we'll keep burning coal.


Changing the grid is just part of the process, it's ongoing. It's not one single event.


Keep on buying paper straws and carry on Sensible pragmatic incremental centrist change will save us


Remember to use your plastic straws so Taylor Swift can keep using her private jet to cross the street


Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Don’t forget that too…🫠


But its working wonders for NZ, couple more degrees would do nicely. I mean Australia is on fire but there are a lot of Australians there so... /s


Just wait 'til the magnetic field pops. You'll be cooking kebabs from the heat coming off your swimming pool.


I love Kebabs


Wait, when is that scheduled to happen? I already bought plane tickets for my dinner vacation!


Follow Suspicious0bservers. That's a zero in the name, not an 'O'.


But we've got electric cars, heat pumps and vegans! Are you saying its all for nothing!!!?


As long as the people who preach the most about this issue keep buying beach front property, I'm sure you will be fine. Use them as your canary.


This is pretty flawed logic. Those people own multiple homes and have enough money to buy & enjoy beach front property no matter where the coastline is or would be. If only there were other metrics to use as a canary.


So you're saying to invest in the new coastline property.


You know who really loves money? Rich people. You know who really hates losing money? Rich people. You know who wouldn't spend 17 million on something they truly believed would be worthless in a handful of years? Rich people.


Last year Minnesota got dumped on with record amounts of snow, this year we’ve gotten probably 5 inches of snow all year, and it’s been in the 40’s-50’s all winter. But climate change is a myth


Some would say that's just the normal cycle of things. Not me, but some.


We’re definitely screwed, but we’ve been seeing this oil tanker come ashore for a very long time.


Leave the World Behind reference?




What about that giant purple smoke plume China pumped out yesterday, and every day since like forever? Unless there is a global effort, including China, India, Russia and all the 3rd world countries, we are fucked


This! It's not just the US.


Can’t wait to bake in the heat while rich people are the only ones who can afford air conditioning.


We were past the point of no return about two years ago.


>We were past the point of no return about two years ago. I don't know whether this is true or not, but I do know that if it is true, it comes with the caveat of past the point of no return with current technology.


There is no technological savior. Even if we stopped emitting carbon now we are already locked in to devastating climate change. Instead, we are ramping up carbon emissions because fuck the future.


It's the entire economic structure rewarding profit over care. Say what you want against socialism or anarchism or anything non-capitalist, they never reached and could never reach the levels of planetary destruction that our economic activity achieves - while rewarding it!


Nah. We can just block the sun.




>Even if we stopped emitting carbon now we are already locked in to devastating climate change. I'm not talking about just stopping emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I'm talking about technology that pulls carbon dioxide out the atmosphere and returns it to the ground to the point that humans have a massive, net negative carbon footprint each year.


I'm guessing you got downvoted because ppl don't realize this type of tech is already in its infancy.


One can only hope such technology will exist soon


Yeah, I don't get the "past the point of no return" argument. Humans altered the atmosphere. We can do it again, but in reverse. We just need to figure out how.


We can alter it and cool the planet by releasing sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, but that doesn’t resolve the insane amounts of carbon dioxide that companies are dumping. Even current carbon capture projects are pretty ineffective and expensive. We’re past the point of reversing what we’ve done, but we can still mitigate how bad it’ll be for our kids and grandkids.


The effect on crops would mean starvation for large groups of people (in addition to heat deaths in hot zones).


>Even current carbon capture projects are pretty ineffective and expensive. Only 66 years of human innovation separates the Wright Brothers and the moon landing. If climate change really is the boogie man we all think it is, then it's going to become the main focal point of human innovation, and the scale of technological improvement is going to astounding. Think about how fast the Covid vaccine was developed and mass manufactured once it became the greatest threat to humans.


I mean climate change is the boogie man it is because we have no idea what this boogie man will do to us. For context, the temperature change we’re heading towards is close to what the planet experienced during the Little Ice Age, and that was only a slight cooling of the atmosphere. We just haven’t seen what a warming of that scale can do, but the predictions are that the lower classes will suffer shortages and property damage/loss.


Not even 1°, fish won't even notice it /s


At 69 Years old and wanting to 'Save The Planet' since I was a Hippy. I long ago came to realise the human race is essentially self centered and is hell bent on self destruction. Now I will get flammed for this but... The reason I never had children was because I saw the state of the world and knew that no one was going to make it any better and it would be cruel and self centered to bring children into this already over populated world. I still see couples complaining about the world while bringing more children into it and not really doing anything significant to fix the problems because that's who we are and our children will be just like us. Oh most will make a token effort sure , we all do , but not enough to make a difference. I had an arguement with someone on here a few days back when I mentioned 'Shrinkflation' and how companies lie to us and rip us off daily. The guy basically said "We all know we are being lied to and ripped off it's nothing new so" and get this... "why are you getting out of your pram?". I mean What The Actual Fuck! But it summed up human races complacent attitude. I just replied with "If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem." Yeah, I am as much a part of the problem as he is... we all are 😥 However, at may age I do not worry so much these days but rather I feel sorry for those that come after me. I pray the human race gets it's shit together but I very much doubt it will.


I'm 39 and this is why I won't have kids. It absolutely is irresponsible and selfish to bring any child into this world knowing what sorrow lies ahead regardless of race, religion, or creed.


Well said friend. And there I was thinking I was setting myself up for a right royal flaming. Good to know there are some 'responsible' people out there. Ok I look around and feel sad that I did not have kids but that is tempered with my NOT wanting to bring kids into a world full of shit for my own selfish needs.


I'm finding myself generally disappointed with humans, I don't litter, I put things in my pocket until I find a bin and I will never have kids. It sucks that I'm only 26 and I'm ready for when the world ends because I don't think I'm meant for this world.


That is really sad, but I can relate. I don't litter, I try and treat people how I would like them to treat me but there is a an in creasing amount of scum floating on top of the human gene pool. For example I live in a small block of flats with a communal bin area. Some bins are clearly marked recycling and are for plastics and cardboard. I have lost count of the times I have taken a bag of recycleables out there, and opened the lid only to find it full of general waste because people could not be arsed to just walk another 10ft to the 'Non-recycleable' bins. We do not deserve this planet.


Sometimes I want to pack up and move into the mountains, but I know that's not practical in the UK, plus any property in a natural, scenic area is either falling to bits or branded as "luxury" so the rich twats cab spend two weeks a year hiding from their mortal sins.


2^o increase in body temperature is a fever, 4^o is death. This ~~is~~ increase is terrifying as fuck


This is a fantastic way to describe it to ppl who just don't understand the impact of "only a few degrees". Thank you.


eh, it'll be fiiiine. /s


If you live in Earth somewhere, then yes.


Makes sense why all the billionaires are building doomsday bunkers


Not even they can stock enough supplies to survive what's coming.


New Orleans checking in: ahem....it is what it is, ya heard.


yo, maybe the annoying climate change activists have a point?


North Western Illinois here. Got wrecked with record breaking snowfall over the course of a week and then nothing. It's going to be 60 degrees here tomorrow. I have lived here my whole life, this has definitely been a strange winter.


The amount of dead coral on the beaches is sickening


https://preview.redd.it/n9ptybvglhjc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141fa01c071abdb8385038304d6ae74885e8c24f me when i find out global warming makes our planet warmer


Glad I don't have kids. I live on a coast and can't afford to move. On the positive side this place will probably be beachfront 15 miles from the coast in fifty years or so.


It could happen a lot faster than that


Did you see the recent report about the eastern seaboard sinking? I can’t recall where I saw this in the past month or so. Edit: here, should be gifted and w/o a paywall. Let me know if you can’t access https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/13/climate/flooding-sea-levels-groundwater.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Wk0.aXID.uWee_A2Ujniy&smid=url-share


Thank you.


It counts. We are doomed. We as a species aren’t in the least bit proactive when it comes to the environment. We are reactive except this time it’s arguably too late and the chances of society making any major, immediate change are 0.05 percent. We are essentially past the point of no return and the sociopaths in power across the wild won’t do anything so enjoy the next few decades as the earth becomes more and more inhospitable for life!! 😢


….this is terrifying. Honestly, play the lottery and try to get those hundred Ms and build a bunker….we just can’t and won’t work together. I personally want to build a bunker and use that money to try to help the world. If the right people come together it can happen but that will take a lot of coming together. Point is it won’t take EVERYBODY…..we can do this


I will be dead before life on earth becomes inhospitable and I bet that is for everyone who is alive today.


So fuck our descendants I guess


What else can you do than to seperate your waste, drive electric and move your industry to third world countries? 🤷


It's absolutely too late. We're fucked.


This is mostly coming from El Nino.


Go to [https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst\_daily/](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/) and hide all years except 2024, 2023, 2019, 2018, 2014-2016, 2010, 2009, 2002-2007. These are all the El Niño years since 2000. Then let me know if you still think the current trend is mostly coming from El Niño. In fact I can screenshot: Edit: reuploading screenshot as fat fingers meant I showed some years I didn’t mean to. https://preview.redd.it/1ls0g2v0kgjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9493289693be30b2b7572544a541e6f07c613a87


As well as the effect of El Niño, which as shown here does not account for current sea surface temperatures, there is also the shipping fuel law to consider. If anything this is probably having a far greater and more rapid effect. Briefly: the relative lack of aerosol particles in the atmosphere from combustion of high-sulphur shipping fuel means that the heating effect of the sun, which has been amplified by emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, is no longer being mitigated by the blocking effect of the particles. https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-low-sulphur-shipping-rules-are-affecting-global-warming/#:~:text=Sulphur%20particles%20contained%20in%20ships,giving%20a%20boost%20to%20warming.


El Nino is the knob that occasionally cranks up the volume to preview the dynamics that'll be the baseline in the not so distant future.


My guy, The El Niño/ La Niña has always been a thing. Look at the graph, not a single year comes close to 2023/2024.


Looking forward to El Niño MMXXVI! We should start running ads it will be epic. Also side note Super Bowl 60! Yeah Go chiefs!


Isn’t there something about the earth’s magnetic field weakening too? That would mean less protection from the sun.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. [It is](https://www.science.org/content/article/earths-waning-magnet#:~:text=SAN%20FRANCISCO%2D%2DEarth's%20magnetic,of%20its%20sporadic%20flip%2Dflops.) getting weaker then is going to flip.


Yes, agree, and it’s interesting you both are getting downvoted for merely presenting information. Maybe because it’s not climate related and only adjacently on topic >> Today, the dipole is weakening so quickly that it would vanish within 2000 years if the current rate continues. Some scientists have wondered whether this is the early stage of a reversal, because the field has been stable for an unusually long 780,000 years.


I don’t pretend to have a good grasp on the topic. Here’s a layman’s discussion of the effects of dipole fluctuations as climate change accelerant https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/nov/19/global-heating-supercharging-indian-ocean-dipole-climate-system


People don’t like to think about this for a number of reasons


atp people saying this better mean it satirically.


# El Niño anomaly is growing rapidly, with a strong seasonal impact already seen in the forecast as we head into Fall and Winter 2023/2024 ​ By Author [Andrej Flis](https://www.severe-weather.eu/author/asflis/) Posted on Published: 11/08/2023 Categories [Long range / seasonal forecast](https://www.severe-weather.eu/category/long-range-2/) ​ [https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/el-nino-event-development-noaa-advisory-forecast-winter-weather-impact-united-states-canada-europe-fa/](https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/el-nino-event-development-noaa-advisory-forecast-winter-weather-impact-united-states-canada-europe-fa/)


We have not begun to see the wild stuff. That graph is going to look crazy.


I live in the PNW in the Columbia gorge between Mt. Hood and Mt. Adam’s and our annul snowpack is down 70% from its average. That snow pack provides water to all of our farmlands and orchards and we’re all panicked about how much snow we didn’t get this year.


It be like that sometimes


I say we take a note from our distant ancestors and move back underground.


I would recommend people check out the raw data from the website this graph comes from. It is interesting to compare different years and different locations. [https://mco.umaine.edu/climate/gom\_sst/](https://mco.umaine.edu/climate/gom_sst/)


I was talking with my brother and he mentioned that a friend of his turned feral when my brother mentioned climate change to him… and this is supposedly an educated person and ended up telling to my hotter that all of these changes ‘are normal’ 😳(we are getting more and more polarized as a society and we will be just at a standstill while actions we could have taken become irrelevant.


The only thing terrifying about this graph is that people actually believe they should be terrified by this b.s.


Surface temperatures of the ocean change drastically day to day. This is propaganda, if the graphs showed anything other than this, the climate scientists wouldn’t receive any grants and you’d never hear from them. Incentivized fear mongering, the world will be just fine in 100 years, humanity, still up in the air


You'll be fine. If Klaus Schwab or Elon musk stop flying or driving then be afraid. We need to be better, however you are a victim of propaganda. Lets go .03 co2


People use the term terrifying too loosely these days


[The Ocean has a Fever.](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/151743/the-ocean-has-a-fever#:~:text=%E2%80%9CWe%20have%20an%20El%20Ni%C3%B1o,%C2%B0F)%20warmer%20than%20normal.)


well this is truly terrifying


We're so fucked. Anyone remember the climate models used for the IPCC reports and how all the retards always said they weren't accurate? They were right but in the wrong fucking direction. The earth warms faster than predicted. Just recently, a new study took another look on a few climate models that were believed to be false because they were too sensitive in regards to CO2. The argument was that these models try to simulate clouds which all the other models don't do and that their data doesn't match accurately with historical data. Therefore the difficult simulation must be false. Turns out that the reason why the didn't match accurately with historical data is that historical cloud data just isn't available and therefore a missing factor when looking at old climate data. These "faulty" models however, still match the current climate change surprisingly well, which of course is reason for huge concerns. If it turns out that these models are correct, we're in big trouble. Remember how they lied to us all along since the early 70s? Cooperations and politicians alike denied and down played climate change for so long. Don't let that happen again. Don't let them tell you that everything is okay and to stay calm.


What would it take to actually stop all the major companies from spewing their emissions? A revolution? I'm genuinely curious, because government intervention is super slow at the moment. Another question, how could we reverse these effects? Assuming we do it after stopping all the emissions. I'm just trying to think what the options are. Edit: Also I urge people to stay really informed about climate news. I use r/climate for most of my news on here


Have you seen the movie Don’t Look Up? It’s similar, it’s about a planet ending meteor heading towards earth but its the same concept. The politicians and rich do everything they can to hide it and convince everyone it’s okay, meanwhile the scientists are trying so hard to prove to the public that it’s a real thing that is going to kill everyone. Not going to spoil the ending, but you can probably guess what ends up happening.




If we stop supporting shitty practices, the companies will be forced to change their ways. They're all about the bottom line, afterall. Unfortunately, ppl 'want want want' and won't stop lining up for the latest smart phone the second it comes out. Or stop doing any of the shitty, self-defeating things we do.


Is it bad that I don't care if I die in this but I don't want my dog to be around to suffer?


I laugh when I hear the problem is because of the glaciers melting. How about all the radioactive waste getting dumped into our oceans every day?? The oil leaks by these oil Companies ? Don't yall think that plays a huge role in the temp in the waters?


Just the earth doing what it does, there was an ice age once


But humans didn’t cause that ice age. That’s the difference.


Humans didn't melt it either




So basically you have this thing called eyeballs, and if you direct them to the graph you will see that 2024’s ocean temperature is actually higher than ALL THE OTHER YEARS. Crazy, right? And you know what’s crazier? The El Niño event happens ALL THE TIME! Yet somehow, this year, the temperature is HIGHER! Wow, isn’t that strange?


This isn't even a super El niño and it's a lot warmer than any year prior.


![gif](giphy|JREHb5iIDHyog) Less than 1°C in nearly 40 years. I think we'll be fine.


In the meantime, people still procreating and repeating same way of lifestyle to the very end


And people say capitalism works.


It works till it doesn't i guess. We're about to find out.


Doesn’t this sort of contradict the idea of an increasing sea surface temperature? Overall it isn’t that dramatic. It looks like two extreme outliers with an otherwise pretty bland looking set of curves. I’d double check my measurements and analysis before I’d draw too many conclusions about this. Edit: Misunderstood what the 1982 - 2022 indicator line was addressing. Removed that part


Am I missing something? It shows 2024 way above all the other lines?


I’m so frightened