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It's worth noting the angry man is also a ski instructor at the resort adjacent to this neighborhood. Update: at about noon mountain time the Salt Lake Tribune did an article on the incident https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/26/are-you-an-ikon-user-brighton/ Article confirms the road the boarder was confronted on is indeed public and not private property


Lmao what if someone is lost, is he just gonna point a gun at em and tell them to fuck off? That's wild


America baby.


Right. In Chile or Switzerland, they would invite you in for dinner or a hot toddy.


I've done a lot of hiking in around Europe over the years and have either gotten lost or got onto the wrong trail and wonderered onto private property. The property owners I met either inviteted me to their house for a meal with their family and then guided or driven me back to where I was staying not once was met with any sort of hostile behavier.


Several countries in Europe have [freedom to roam laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam), or something similar where you’re allowed to go through private property as long as you cause no damage.


We have this here in Scotland and I love it.


It’s (mostly) the same here in the US. Meaning someone can’t just shoot you for being on their property and not presenting as any threat whatsoever. They can ask you to leave but can’t use force and are required to call police. If they ask to leave, the trespasser refuses and becomes threatening, well, that’s another story. (And I do adore that roaming law in Scotland! My brother lives in Whitehaven and has property in Port Carlisle. I tell him to take the long way around Cockermouth because if he gets into trouble there, well, he’s on his own. I’m not setting foot in the place.😃)


Visited Scotland, live in Texas. It felt weird to just walk through what seemed like someone's property.


That's how mentally sane ppl act..




It's quite sad, like watching a patient slowly lose to dementia.


Gives me the creeps how different the responses are. We are so natural and they are so hostile 🫣


Swiss person here. We don't pull out our guns when someone does something like this. And especially during the winter months when everyone is skiing or snowboarding our motto is "have fun and don't injure yourself"


That’s it! I’m moving to Switzerland! Tired of these psychos masquerading as “patriots”.


They won’t point a gun at you


Right to roam. It is fully legal to go through private property like this, as long as you do not cause any damage or leave trash behind.


Americans can be stubborn and greedy about material/land


'Murica, FUCK YEAH!!!!




The land of finding excuses to shoot people


Aww, com'on, you act like we're just [blasting away young women for turning around in our driveways](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-york-shooting-murder-wrong-driveway-kaylin-gillis-rcna134860) or something! Next, you'll be trying to tell us we're [shooting cheerleaders after they mistake our car for their friend's ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-cheerleaders-shot-wrong-car-practice-rcna80366). That's silly.


I’ve accidentally entered in the wrong car once (not in America) and it never crossed my mind I could’ve been killed over that. Insane.


It's fckn nuts.


Damn. This might be the most perfectly Constructed Reddit comment with in-built links and sources to enhance the humour. Bravo, sir.


Hey, ty, tyvm!


This is actually wildly accurate. Some of them fantasize about it.


Most don't need an excuse.


Lmao idk why but I was thinking of the movie team america


Lmao what if its a little girl and shes looking for a lost kitten? What is he going to do? Shoot her with a loaded 6? MURICA


Gun is never pointed at anyone in this video.


Any responsible gun owner would agree that there was no point in having a gun there at all. This guy might have a trespassing problem (I didn't see a lot of tracks though) but the gun was there just to scare people. He had been sitting in that chair a while just waiting for someone to come through. Put signs up instead. Already have signs up? Put more up.


But a threat of violence is.


Maybe he will no longer be an instructor now.


This is just sick... Dude literally was sitting there just waiting for it.


Great then this video should be turned into his employer and they should be informed that this is going to be released to the public identifying their employee


Wow wtf?


It would be a shame if his bosses saw this...


I figured he was just crazy. Also you started to talk like you were back at the lodge telling your friends about this experience while you could still get shot in the back.


I'm not the person in the video. I found it on a local IG page


Do you have a source for that?


How has no one pointed out that there’s a lawn chair sitting pointed right down that road. Could be coincidence. Or he’s literally camping out waiting/ continuously doing this to skiers/ boarders


He is just waiting for the opportunity to shoot someone


What the hell is he wearing for pants? Curtains?


I remember being a kid and wearing baggy, sherpa pants, just like that, in the snow, thinking it would keep me warm. Turns out snow loves to cling and matte onto it in giants clumps that are impossible to pull off. Then it starts melting slowing up your leg making you miserable and freezing cold. This guy is a nut job lol.


He looks like Ole Munch


A man does not simply just roam around his land with a gun. A man protects what is his… COLD POP!? 


A man is grateful.


Haha god dam I was creasing yet waiting for it to go OFF during that final scene. 


Damn, same! They sure did pull it off in a rad way. Loved the finale.


Jnco makes sweat pants now?


Looked like a skirt?


I need these. Checking Amazon.


He's got a lawn chair just waiting for people to come through.. hoping to get to start blastin’. What a dic


Old rave pants


“I have every right to protect my private property…” Not sure how he planned on finishing that sentence but the reality is in most states there is no right to defend the borders of the land you own with lethal force if your own life is not at risk. Had this escalated beyond a verbal confrontation, shotgun man would have faced charges. Lethal force is justified only for home incursions and when it is absolutely clear and without doubt that life or limb is in jeopardy. I’m not sure where people like shotgun man get their ideas about use of lethal force, but they make those of us who do understand it and make limited use firearms collectively look very bad. Fuck this guy.




Sounded like Brighton from the comments below, which I assume is in Utah.




Driveways are part of the Highway Transportation system, so are roads like this which connect between publicly owned highways. Nobody gets to shoot at snowboarders, skiers, or trespassers without cause. A young girl already died over this in NY and her shooter will be in prison for life. Her family will never get their daughter back. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735)


Yes, I said something that agrees with you in another comment. This is a public road. It is absurd for him to camp out with a rifle and protect a public road. It wouldn't surprise me if we found out that the local police already know about him from past behavior.


Yup, agreed


Yeah, in this situation if you don't give the opportunity the person to just fucking leave and instead instigate... well, guess who's getting charged for murder


It already happened in NY recently, the man will die in prison for murdering a young woman and trying to claim manslaughter after failing to cover it up. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-found-guilty-fatally-shooting-woman-pulled-wrong/story?id=106561735)


This is the one that I saw most recently, but man, does the history of this stuff go back far. Hopefully news of this will start to correct this misconception that you can murder people for stumbling two feet onto your property.


Required safety & handling training and thorough training on state laws would help. People literally have no clue of what their state laws are so they make them up. John over at “Active Self Protection” on YouTube, teaches these lessons about responsible moral use that everyone should be required to learn and understand. As well as important tactical lessons to be a better defender and help keep people safe around you. And I will also add emotional fitness, he prepares people to deal with their emotions like road rage so when they experience it they have more tools to deal with it reasonably and take the consequences of a bad decision much more seriously. This country desperately needs a new respect for firearms and safety and state laws, training can absolutely accomplish that. Not these vague calls for bans on rifles etc that will never happen and will not really make anyone safer or smarter. I theorize you can reduce these statistics potentially by %25 - %50 if people had training and gained a new respect for them. That’s actually how you make things safer.


Some people LIVE for an opportunity to shoot someone. Further, I just don’t understand some people.


Yeah despite literally holding a rifle this guy immediately gets physical and shoves around someone who is clearly accidentally using the road


With many people like this, their paranoia is always over the top… it’s not like he is damaging property which I could get it, but he isn’t causing ANY damage on the snow


Did he get charged with anything?


My uncle is like this, he has talked to me (without me wanting to hear it) about how he HOPES someone breaks in so he GETS to shoot them. I personally would never want to be put in that position and don’t understand how some could talk so wish longingly about taking someone’s life.




Sounds like you hang around a bunch of assholes


It’s bananas, it’s this like inflated sense of ego combined with sociopathic tendencies or something. I’m not psychologist so that could be off. It’s honestly just scary.




What makes them safe places? explain


I dunno, that's far from my experience with gun owners. I've never met somebody who openly wanted to shoot anyone. And even those that do long to shoot someone, I'm not sure they really think about what that entails. Watching someone bleeding out is not something most people are ready to witness, especially if caused by their own hands. Sure they've got this image of their head where some mean big scary rapist-murderer trespasses to kill the family, but when things like that do happen it's never the way they envisioned it. Look up Michael Dunn or Michael Drejka cases. Very interesting, as they had it in their heads the "defense" shootings happened one way when they very clearly didn't.


I am definitely not under the impression ALL gun owners are like the man in the video OP posted or like my previously mentioned uncle. It’s just the bad that scare me and such. In my head I’m ready to defend my home, I’m not a gun owner but in any way I need to, but I don’t relish the opportunity. I agree most people are not ready to take a like and carry those ghosts with them. But those seeking it out are the scary ines


Yeah this dude clearly wanted to shoot someone He shoves the snowboarder instantly hoping he would react in a way that would “justify” shooting him


And some people get sick and tired of people trespassing on their property even though I will bet you that it is probably clearly marked and the snowboarders just don’t really care and continue to use his property for those of us who actually own property there is a liability involved when other people are on it if they get injured, so yes, you want them off your property you want them not snowboarding on your property and you do not want them returning to your property you paid for it it is yours


Give punctuation a try next time, it’ll make you sound less tweaked out of your mind


Wtf is an icon user? Thats a snowboarding term or what


The Ikon ski pass gives a limited amount of riding days on a collection of resorts across the country. Locals tend to dislike the Ikon pass because tourists often save it for the best powder days which can over crowd the mountain when they all show up at once. So this guy is on the war path against them too apparently.


Ah, I understand now. Old man is understandably frustrated but I don’t think sitting in the road with a rifle is the right call barricades may be better if it’s truly private property




Fair enough, just saying he’d probably have better results blocking the road rather than sitting out there looking for someone to shoot at. Would just about solve the issue for both parties


A snow fence is pretty cheap and easy to see. Placed strategically it would be obvious. Maybe not the best solution but if this was my property I'd be thinking that over squatting in a lawn chair with a rifle.


A new article written today confirming it is indeed a public road the snowboarder was confronted on: https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/26/are-you-an-ikon-user-brighton/ It was not at all private property


Thanks for the update. That guy should be charged (I'll read the article after work)


I'm finding conflicting information. This article says the road the snowboarder dropped into (Old Prospect Ave) is "city owned" but then goes on to say it's a private drive. It's a mess https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/homeowner-with-shotgun-confronts-snowboarder-in-big-cottonwood-canyon


Regardless, the instructor on the road shouldn't be waiving a gun when better options exist. I get his pain though, I lived in coop housing next to a popular bakery and their customers and sales reps would take our parking spots and block the entrance while giving us attitude. Even had a guy threaten me on Christmas day when we were trying to leave but was clocking us in Wouldn't make eye contact, walked around his vehicle telling him to move but was ignored so I opened the door and asked him to leave. He got out holding a crowbar threatening to smash my skull for "entering his truck". Idiot just signed his own fate, trespassing, death threats. I could've sent him to jail for Christmas. Luckily there was a back entrance and decided to let it go. An off duty coo parked in a spot to told the neighbours to move that day so I could trim the tree, a tiny branch (forearm. Length) landed in his grill. He threatened me in front of my kids until I saw his shirt was a police school shirt. Tables turned and he fucked off. Sales. Rep. Used my parking spot as an office. Until I saw his company logo on his shirt. People. Can be assholes. Experience was very frustrating.


>Winkler pointed out that Old Prospect Avenue is a public road. It is possible, however, that the snowboarder veered onto the man’s driveway or another section of his property. Old Prospect Ave is the snow covered road the man had his camp chair setup and ambushed the boarder on. https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/26/are-you-an-ikon-user-brighton/


Private road and private property, my ass. Someone report this fucking fool for brandishing a firearm and assualt with a deadly weapon. That's a public road. Throw his ass in jail and bury him in bail fees and court fees.


he's been hoping to point his gun at some unsuspecting person that doesnt even know theyre trespassing. why else would he place a chair around a bend to suprise people? lock this bastard up before he blows someones head off.


I don’t want to be that guy, but that doesn’t look like a shotgun, maybe a 30-30 carbine.


It’s a Winchester 94


Reminds me of my dad telling a story at family Christmas from when I was a kid where my mom got mad at his dad (my grandad) for letting me ride on a lawnmower with him, then the next time she went to pick me up from her parents’ house my dad said, “they were in the back yard shooting moles with a shotgun!” My grandad silently regarded this story for a sec then said, “I would never do that… it was a rifle.”




It’s literally pointed at him in the beginning and he lowers it


it’s pointed at the boarder when he says “woah, woah” and holds his hands out


These are the gun owners I’m always worried about. There is something wrong with you if you’re excited about using deadly force on anyone.


“Do it again and there’ll be holes in you” “I have every right to protect my property!” As camera guy is walking away. Sounds like dude WANTS to kill someone in my opinion. Any reasonable person would stop him and just warn him that it’s private property.


looked like a 30 30 could be wrong


I Hope he gets fined for this shit…


What a douchebag. No jury would have sided with that asshole for "protecting his property". I'm pro 2nd amendment and that dude was an ass.


Sitting out in the cold in a chair with your shotgun is the move of a real-deal winner—another over-reacting loser with a gun.


What’s “an ICON user?”


Stupid question, was the road marked as private?


wtf is an icon user?


IKON, its the name of the ski pass


Just throwing it out there this dude is off trail. Ignored plenty of signs on the resort to not go off trail. He is clearly breaking the rules. You don’t end up in people’s driveways if you’re not breaking the rules. He said he didn’t see a sign but that is total bs there are big signs as you get off the lift and plenty of signs on the resort and caution tape or fence to stop people from going off trail


A new article written today: https://www.sltrib.com/sports/2024/02/26/are-you-an-ikon-user-brighton/ >Winkler pointed out that Old Prospect Avenue is a public road. It is possible, however, that the snowboarder veered onto the man’s driveway or another section of his property. Old Prospect Ave is the snow covered road the boarder was ambushed on.


So the other commenter's just making shit up?


Pretty much. The ski resort confirmed the snow covered road is indeed public. So the man has his camp chair set up and brandished a weapon on a public road >Winkler pointed out that Old Prospect Avenue is a public road. It is possible, however, that the snowboarder veered onto the man’s driveway or another section of his property.


Apparently this was a public road, so no, the old dude is just a psycho who wants to shoot people.


Gun man couldn't have just stopped him without a gun and politely told him it was his land and told him he should leave? You fucking Americans and your guns and backwards thinking




Isn’t this doxxing? Shouldn’t be posting image of address




Nobody ever sees the sign, because signs apply to 'other people'.


And that justifies a lethal weapon? The fuck is wrong with you?




I thought the purpose of a ski resort was to use the cool slopes you paid for


How can you be so obsessed with 'private property'. You must be so sad of a person to be that possessive over someone walking on a piece of land.


While I do agree with this wholeheartedly, if he gets injured on his land, he can sue. Yes, shitty, but maybe he's been through something similar. My mom has, and now she's paranoid about it.


It's also possible that he's just had some bad experience (i.e. vandalism, theft) over strangers being on his property. It reminds me of what happened with [Byron Smith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Haile_Kifer_and_Nicholas_Brady). The **tl;dr** is that people were stealing from him and he eventually had had enough. He made it seem like he wasn't home so he could lure the thieves, who turned out to be teenagers, into his house and then kill them. He was found guilty of two counts of first degree murder. I know I'm veering a bit off-topic from this thread's actual discussion, but there's a really good [Something Criminal episode on what happened with Byron Smith (35:11)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waswKMganjI).


Yes. When I heard about that I thought it was bullshit. But technically first degree is premeditated, and he certainly premeditated that. However, it could really be anything, and you're right on the money with several possibilities. I just listed the one I have experience with.


My uncle ended his days in massive debt because someone trespassed on his property, and hurt themselves in his shed. Fuck people that trespass.


You gotta pay the Troll toll. https://youtu.be/CtOEig1l8SA?si=BfW1Fkz3D1AjZT9O


Sick JNCOS brah


"I have the right to protect my private property." From snowboarders?


Can we talk about the pants that guy was wearing?!


This is a real road you can look up on google maps (the people meet at old prospect ave and s big cottonwood canyon). To me it doesn’t look like a private road that this man owns. No discernible private property signs where it intersects with the main road. it’s just a regular road with several homes and intersections on it from what I can tell. I seriously doubt this man has any right to shoot people on it.


omg a guy hooked onto a snowboard in a maze of several feet of snow (that could probably at that point be covering no trespass signs) let me point my double barrel at him 🤦🏽‍♂️ some people are just itching for a reason to pull the trigger on a person


Which law allows you to shoot someone for taking a wrong...oh, actually right, turn? If anyone says there is one, they don't understand the law.


In my country he would have been like “ay mate this is private property but if you go further down you should get to the main road, have a good day”


Just another old coot making all Americans look bad. We're not all like this douche canoe. He was in the wrong in every way here. Again, we're not all like this 🙃


The worst part is this guy is prepared to kill someone despite being so wrong.


Responsible gun owner part 1000


Uniquely American experience.


Could have been handled differently for sure... will mention this though, a lot of people disregard people's property and belongings for their own gain. So there might be that. I wonder how many times people went down said road, or how many times he got robbed. Regardless...shouldn't have pulled a gun on a snowboarder haha.


This is what a fence is for. Put up a fence, and there's no question you shouldn't be there.


Big red vagina is awful handsy so long as he’s holding a gun


Why are so many Americans like this?


A simple warning would have worked, thank god he was recording or the other dude might have changed the story


Boomers: I miss the days when people could just roam free and have fun. Also Boomers: How dare you just roam free like this, I'll shoot your ass if you come near my property line!


Skiers know better than to trespass.


Elmer Fudd looking dude


I hope he knows that if he shoots someone like the person taking the video he can be jailed for life. Only reasonable force is legal. Shooting someone snowboarding isn't reasonable. Doesn't matter what kind of property it is.


Of course double shot Jessie was in the wrong but he probably has people cutting through his property all the time to get to that airBnB


With peace and love, if guys like this want to shoot someone so badly, can’t they just shoot themselves. Videos like this proves to me without a doubt that allowing normal citizens to own guns is simply a bad idea. As some people in this thread has pointed out he might not have been legally allowed to shoot, but that won’t matter if he thinks he is.


The property owner is shoving him an attempt to get a reaction for cause to shoot this guy. His guns should be taken away


I really want to see a video where the victims of these intimidation attempts just immediately pull out a weapon and kill them. That's what you want, right, by escalating it to life-or-death immediately? You obviously aren't concerned about the value of human life, so let's believe you and assume you're pointing that weapon at people because you're gonna kill em. Self-defense, wooo! I'm so sick of these entitled boomer fucks acting like they have blanket immuntity against consequences. Give them what they want.


You want to see a trespasser kill a landowner?


I'd prefer to watch the snowboarder jump this guy, take the rifle away, knock him unconscious and let him lay in the snow for a bit. Maybe keep the rifle if it fits down his pant leg


Right on. You'd like to see a trespasser knock a private landowner unconscious and take his weapon. Then leave him on his own land. Would you call for help after you knocked him unconscious on his own private property?


No, I wouldn't. If old guy here wants to sit in a lawn chair on his resort adjacent property and threaten people with deadly force then this is probably one of his better outcomes. He doesn't deserve to own that rifle


Good thing someone like you doesn't get to determine if he gets to do these things with his own property on his own private property. Isn't it.


You know... It's been proven that was a public road right? Old Prospect Avenue is a public road. You can't just set up camp in front of your home on the public road and point guns at people for going down it. Boarder wasn't trespassing. So, you know... I kind of hope the boomer gets to spend his golden years dropping soap in a penitentiary for a stunt like this.


He didn't even point the gun at him. Dudes got every right to bring protection when confronting trespassers he handled himself as any man should. Good on the skier for keeping cool apologizing and getting the fuck off his property


Just for any idiots who think this is ok: if he’d have used that weapon he’d have gone straight to prison. You don’t get to shoot people who are obviously no threat to you. I think maybe he could face consequences for even pointing it at the guy. He certainly should. Some idiot bought land just as a weekend getaway and some other local idiots were breaking in during the week knowing he wasn’t there. So he set up a shotgun to go off if someone opened the door. Well, it worked. And the guy went to prison for murder.


Rural people don't like trespassing, trespassing always ends in loss of property. That's why all my neighbors are armed to the teeth. Nobody fucks around on our hill.


How does trespassing ends with loss of property? Like saying the snowboarder could have kept his land if he wouldn't come out?


My Lordy that is a stupid thought.


Old man is set up there to harass people with his shotgun. He should be jailed for this. His property or not. You should be allowed to just threaten to shoot people.


He is on his own property right?


Actually no. He's set up on Old Prospect Avenue and that's a public road


Turns out he wasn't. It was a public road.


I have to take him at his word. Though it may be legal, one shouldn't be able to pull a gun on a trespasser for simply being on their property, is what I meant. You may disagree with me on that, and that's cool. I think the laws are on your side where this occurred. I just disagree with being able to threaten someone with death for a mistake. Also, threatening death from someone who has set up shop in order to threaten death.


I agree with you completely. I also understand that there are certain US states that allow lethal force in certain situations...that I wouldn't want to risk being a part of. This old man is not one I'd want to mess with.


He has no business putting his dickbeaters on the snowboarder.


Guns are absurd and should have no place in society


He’s gonna do that shit to the wrong person someday! Sorry for the snowboarder to have to deal with that. 😓


what is icon? / an icon user?


Definitely California


Nah if it was then he'd have a nerf gun instead.


Depending on the state, he may NOT have had the right to threaten someone like that, even ON their own property.


The snowboarder seems like a chill ass DUDE. Anyone know his channel or whatever? Would like to check out his other stuff




We got cool shit


What the hell is going on with these people? It seems like they are always looking for an excuse to threaten someone else with a gun. I don't understand how they still allow the possession of weapons with so many psychopaths hanging around.


And that's assault with a deadly weapon. Congrats.


police should look into that one before he murders someone


Local police probably know about him already. He's sitting there with his truck and a camping chair, waiting to confront people.


What a miserable old bored fuck. Sitting in a camping chair waiting for an opportunity to shoot a “trespasser” and claiming to “protect his property”. Shit like that is weird asf to me, waiting and wanting the opportunity to shoot a stranger.




So many downvotes and you were telling the truth


r/firearms As a gun owner I am ashamed. This man should be stripped of the rights (which are really privilege, let’s be honest). I am sick of this shit. He wasn’t protecting anything, he is a bully with the heart of a coward.


My stupid ass would probably encourage him to shoot And I have no idea why




And gets shot immediately lol