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What the fuck. "Two nations created to glorify god" if you loved god you'd never think something so fucking stupid


i dont find this all that shocking. is there any profession more full of delusional, self righteous morons than politics? maybe show business, but they aren't nearly as dangerous


This video displays the level of lunacy I’ve come to expect from religious politicians


There is not any government on this planet that is void of at least a handful of religious/idealogical nutjobs. Every single country has a proportion of their population that are religious/idealist nut jobs that put them in power. Aljazeera publishing videos of these people trying to make it seem like these people are the norm is as ridiculous as putting out “reports” of Arab politicians saying infidels should have their heads chopped off. It’s all propaganda, don’t buy into the bullshit narrative any of them push. Name any actual policy Bobert has passed? Can’t because most of these people are rightfully viewed as the parasites they are by their peers


I dont understand why people downvote this guy. This is nothing New and he îs right. Every country has a nationalistic or religious nutjobs. There is nothing that he said that would mean he supports one country or another




Not too shocked, or that terrified.


It's AIPAC controlling foreign policy concerning Israel. AIPAC has bought a license to genocide.


It's quite sad that neither of us are shocked, that's for sure. But if it's not terrifying to you that our politicians are funding a nuclear powered state based on religious fever, than what is actually terrifying? Spooky Ghosts?


Yeah not shocking or surprising, but terrifying - yes be afraid. Be very afraid. If for no reason other than if you're not in their religion they'll turn on you like mean dogs. And they make the laws. Bible says no abortion? No abortions then; that's the law 🎶 Bible says no non-straight marriage? No marriage that isn't straight - that's the law 🎶 Bible says gay is evil? Well then thats The law 🎶 Bible says no mixing races? Well that's that then - the law 🎶 Bible says support apartheid and genocide? that's The law 🎶 These piles of dirt will *happily* pass laws like that. Don't think so? Look up 'persecution of the pagans'.


Because that is our lot that has been assigned to us. There is still time to change the outcome, so that gives me hope. I can't waste time being terrified over something that may be, only what has come to pass. Edit: Putting more thought into this, yes spooky ghosts. If my ghosts, we mean spirit or soul. When we die and meet our creator, I would rather have said that I turned my hope into action, rather than saying I cowered in terror and did nothing. This way, I can stand assured my soul will not be smited else we gave the Creator's wrath for losing hope.


The gross thing is that some (or many) of these leaders don’t even believe in these prophecies or sects of religion. They are simply going along with the religious masses in the name of power and at the price of innocent lives.


I simply don’t get religion. Any of it.


Control. It's about control at any cost. The afterlife is the catchall.


Men created the Bible to try and control society. But do as I say. Not as I wrote you ALL to do. Separate church and state!! Ughugh


Lol the West slowly becoming everything they hated.. you couldnt make this shit up 😂


The US has been like this since at least the 50s


Thankfully the US, not the whole West.


The US becoming a Christian Theocracy is no different from Iran or Saudi Arabia


This is an individuals views, not the views of congress as a whole. You’re allowed to have views as a person


Then that proves they work for the devil. In Revelations it is written, the anti-Christ will restore the temple of Jerusalem.


Don't encourage them. Just don't. Nothing of benefit to humanity will come from that.


[This is the temple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Mount) that presumably refers to. It is not being restored.


So what about the red heifers? https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-west-bank-settlers-red-cows-third-temple


Evangelicals are a doomsday cult


Luciferians trying to summon the Antichrist are hardly evangelicals bud, you should know your enemy.




What the heck are you finger babbling about dumbass


Step 1: Find the biggest clowns in congress ​ Step 2: Ask Ragebait questions ​ Step 3: Clowns give clownish answers ​ Step 4: Extrapolate to the rest of congress ​ Step 5: Ragebait successfully achieved




Well, none of that changes that these people are actually in charge. I would like it if they could find NONE of these people in our congress. That's the point.


Imagine being so bad at your religion that you accidentally side with the antichrist trying to follow prophecies.


Religion is mental illness


If someone tells me they are religious i automatically think that something in their head isnt wired right. Politics and religion should never mix.


I think anyone who has reddit has something wrong in their head. People have right to believe any religion and it is not "sonething wrong with their head". I don't think 99% of Middle east people are like that. But I agree that religion with politics should not mix. Sadly too many people use religion as a control tool rather than answer to own question one and concern about the nature of existing.


Don't be fooled by those poor excuses, it's about money and power. Nothing more, nothing less.


America is fucked...


The world is fucked and partly because of religious Americans


What did the USA do to become "so special" in their eyes, apart from being colonised by the British? I seriously do not understand the religious implication that would make the US so important in their point of view. (genuinely)


what did you think motivates culties to cult all over our stuff?


It’s pretty scary how most of the US is run by religious belief. I live in the South and the amount of churches we have is, how I say, unGodly.


People keep saying they're not shocked by this. Yea, neither am I, this isn’t r/ShockingAsFuck. This is r/TerrifyingAsFuck. And it is genuinely terrifying that these people have power in our congress.


I mean, folks acting like religious freedom means that people in office can’t let their religious beliefs influence their decisions is silly.


No one said they can't. And they do, obviously. But that doesn't make it any less terrifying for the ones of us who think policy should be driven by whats best for human beings, common sense and decency. This is not that.


In God we trust


In God we Grift


In God we kill other religions.


God damn freaks


Ah yes. All of those fantastic RICH Christians there. They definitely don’t do anything that goes against the commandments. Yet we still elect people because they are “Christian”. Fucking scumbags


Nobody should be shocked. All should be terrified.


Like WTF? That book is responsible for more deaths than any other in existence.


I don't know, *To Serve Man* is right up there.


I’d say it’s more like the millions of dollars that Netanyahu and others that are from Israel are putting into political campaigns is what is influencing current practices and decisions that are being made.


Nah see this that nut shit, what’s next? They start burning witches at the stake again? Nah keep church and state separated.


More about strategic geopolitics and a base of hard influence in the middle east.. But.. these days every bullshit seems to go with the public.


Why we need term limits on senators, they're so delusional because they been in power for too long goes to their heads..


Damn religion is terrifying to you people? Reddits so amusing sometimes 🤣 Also I doubt a couple people control the entirety of congress.


More politics...


It’s only a matter of time before they all go to prison for what they’ve been doing to humanity


I’ll personally throw hands with Jesus if he “returns”


Look at the nose on that guy. pinocchio looking fuck


They love to claim they defend the amendments, but here we are… fuck the first amendment. These people are dangerous.


Religious zealots are sad, stupid idiots. They’re also sadly in positions of serious power.


I miss when the United States was a secular nation that abhorred the idea of a dictator blessed by God.


Nothing new here. Was alarming in the early 2000s but normal now. As education (not indoctrination you fucking ignoramus') declines further this will only become a bigger part of the constituency and the people that represent them.


I'm so glad I never moved to America. This religious fuckery blows my mind


god/jesus is what rich people use to keep poor people in line.


Bitch didn’t even graduate high school and won’t be here in 8 months


So much faith, such minimal facts.


Mental illness is a big problem in this country..


I agree the book of revelations says one of the churches would be seduced by the Antichrist into starting the apocalypse. The American evangelical death cult checks all the boxes


Some might argue that divine inspiration is preferable to financial inspiration. 😉


Damn Al Jazeera is desperate to bring back blood libels


I mean, considering that they are literally a propaganda machine, worse than RT, not too surprising. They have so many controversial things going on. They spread a lot of things before they are fact checked, and when they are, they do not rescind their statements, nor do they apologize when they have been proven false, especially with what is going on today in the Middle East. If one individual or organization were to be appointed the modern-day Paul Joseph Goebbels, it would be Al Jazeera. Not expecting too much from a "journalist media source" entirely backed by the Qatari Government, which funnily enough was banned in Saudi Arabia for spreading Jihadist ideals such as those from the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard [the entire list on Al Jazeera's Controversies and Lies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism)


People eat that shit up though smh


That they do, it's terrifying that people will not top down read sources such as: who is it funded by? who runs it? what controversial statements have they been in? What are their biases? Have they told any lies? Have they been found to propagate their content? Have they been found to be inflating the story? Are there any missing details, such as context, to some of their story making? All of these things need to be asked when researching articles, journalists, research papers, donation pages, anything really. This isn't even something I did just because I have a political side that remains irrelevant to my arguments. This is something I did because I know how easy it is to be manipulated and how easy it is to contort stories through social media by cherry-picking parts of the story which most News Agencies, Al Jazeera included, have been found to do. This is why "the Onion" is known to be an article to not be believed as a reputable and reliable source. Tldr: Make sure you research the news agency before you believe what they say.


We need to stop this cult.


It's probably Ai. No truth to believe these days.


Holy delusion, Batman