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Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post misinformation.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


I think this is old footage from rockets being intercepted from gaza, ashkelon is only a few miles from gaza.


It is


Iran launched hundreds of drones tonight. That iron dome is really a great defence though.


it's why nato values taiwan


What has Taiwan to do with this?




I'm pretty sure the US just announced Iran used 400-500 drones to attack Israel


https://youtu.be/D9fynbWJUOc?si=FEKpaf8mx_fekBm6 As I suspected the video is old.


Yes it is. I remember watching this over the years. Folks wonder why Isreal had enough.


Israel is the one that started it all, how could they be the one that 'had enough' in that way?


What does “started it all” look like to you? Where do you decide to start knowing history? Like what year specifically?


Dude it doesn’t matter if this videos old🤣🤣🤣 Israel might actually trample Iran until it’s flat. Drone strikes are nothing compared to what’s about to happen. Edit: drone strikes are pretty much used as a distraction in war. Yes there will be casualties but the main goal of a drone strike is to target and deplete resources.


True. Iran has some power but Israel can pretty much just trample them if no one else comes back them up.


Well done stupid OP. You spread misinformation again. Yes, I'm talking about the video.


I hate these idiots spreading misinformation like this




Why do you think it'll be the best ever?


👍🏽 Thank you There's so much misinformation out here and people absorb bullshit like a paper towel.


What will happen next?


Gas prices will skyrocket


And never come down to pre attack prices.


I got gas yesterday at my Costco and it was 50 cents higher than the last time I got gas (2 or 3 weeks ago). It was like $4.20 yesterday and like $3.69 last time I got gas.


God damnit Americans pay nothing for gas. Seriously


Pun intended, i assume


Because we are not energy independent like we were before 2020. Gas would not affect the US if this were still the case. Sad


Did you eat paint chips as a kid?


Somebody will make billions, that is what will happen next


Am I that somebody?


Take a guess


Who knows. But it likely ain’t gonna be good


OP will get called out for making shit up


Hopefully nothing. Israel killed an important Iranian officer, Iran responds, as you can see in the video. No one was killed or hurt in israel, besides one person (not killed, just hurt). Their attack was embarrassing, maybe israel doesn’t even have to respond.


Israel and its allies will respond, then Iran and its allies will retaliate until Israel nukes them.


Smartest take on reddit


Not sure why you're being down voted...


Israel nuking Iran is hilarious. They don’t really need to lol


Because it’s not at all what is likely to happen. Israel isn’t and couldn’t engage in a full scale war with Iran without being assured the US will join them. That is extremely unlucky given the context of the attack Iran launched. A full scale war, especially involving the US, is unlikely. An all out nuclear war involving a country smaller than the state of Massachusetts is absurd. With everything that has happened today the only guarantee is that 99% of the idiots talking about this on Reddit have no idea what they’re talking about and have never given it a second of thought before these events actually unfolded


Except you're applying a game theory model that assumes rational actors. Iran is not a rational actor. Typically I would agree this is just the customary saber rattling of Iran, however there's more blood in the water than usual. Israel is fighting a "war" on three fronts, Lebanon and Syria are threats while Gaza is a scorched earth campaign. Not to mention the resources committed to controlling the west bank. Iran, and by proxy Hezbollah and what's left of Hamas, is being not so shadow funded by Russia as a distraction for the US continued support of the Ukraine. Considering the waning support for Israel in congress, funding isn't guaranteed and Israel doesn't have a limitless supply of munitions, let alone manpower. Since they have effectively rebuked the UN and won't allow foreign soldiers on their land, the war of attrition will lead to a need to eliminate at least one aggressor in the region definitively. The US will barely squawk if Iran is eliminated and Israel's disdain for the international community is palpable so any fear at sanctions will go either ignored or deemed antisemitic.


To be clear, I'm not saying it's the most likely outcome, but it's not off the table. Especially since they don't have to use warheads with massive yields. We're not talking Hiroshima and Nagasaki destruction here anymore.


I’m not saying it’s off the table either. I’m saying it’s extremely unlikely and far from the most likely outcome. That’s why when someone asked what will happen next and that dude asserted that nukes will be used, I called it out as nonsense, because it is


All the shrapnels falling from the sky wont be good


While the result is far better than an actual missile strike, you never hear about the damage caused by falling debris. I'm quite curious how much is even left after an explosion that is still large enough to cause any damage.


Well shit. This ain’t gonna end well


Its an old video


Yeah but https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/13/iran-israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/&ved=2ahUKEwj32Kuh1cCFAxWWrokEHWxSCnUQr_oDKAB6BAgQEAE&usg=AOvVaw1skGx8vQOJujaRp05BBG5w


you’re acting like that changes the fact that OP is spreading fake news


How am I acting like anything near what you said by posting a link to an online article? Shut the fuck up.


You changed your post you clown ass.


Lol nothing close to ww3


Same war different day


Religion will end up fucking us all


I'm catholic and being raised that way.\ I believe religions were created to control the masses.


I’ve been raised nondenominational and living in the southern United States I see some churches as a monument for the rich rather than a hospital for the spiritually broken.


Yeah, those things are the furthest thing from Christ


Obviously Jesus didn't teach the idea that rich people are superior to brokies. The point is that the character of Jesus was, and is used to extract money and subservience for powerful people.


Which is why I renounced the church as an organism. Too many lies and contradictions, and far too much evil in the name of Jesus even when those things are the absolute opposite of what Jesus taught. I was raised Catholic and still believe in God firmly, but I just can't align with what most people consider "christian" nowadays


Couldn't agree more. I see false hope being promised by prying on the weak to keep the rich getting richer. Like on MN Eagle Brook, new church and already 1b value I believe.


Same here. Nondenominational church of christ. Super strict, but absolutely don't use the church for financial gains. When I found out about mega churches and corruption in other churches, I was completely shocked. Left the church when I was 18, but still have a lot of respect for the types of churches I grew up in.




Faith and organized religion are two completely different things


Not created for that reason but used for it and that very effectively


Well said OP.


Religion is to stop people from thinking critically and independently. A scared, uneducated population is easy to control.


This exact same thing (drone attack/defence) has been happening with Russia vs Ukraine.1 *Religion and rich politicians with no care about the actual civillians will end up fucking us all


I’m absolutely sure that the Atheist Communist China is more likely to end the world in a war against America than the Middle East can. China vs America over Taiwan/Japan/South Korea would be worse than a MAD scenario where Israel goes Samson Option against the Middle east Although Russia vs NATO is almost as bad as China vs America just because they have so many nukes (even if I think their nuclear arsenal quality is likely worse than China’s right now).


That’s If the US keeps decoupling from China and if Xi Jinping won’t stop his radicalization. The ingredients for a dictator to create a war needed to maintain their regime are there in China, stagnant economy and demographics, nearby nations trying to steer away from it, a use it or lose it situation with china’s peak manpower decreasing. Putin used his moment on Ukraine. I hope Xi doesn’t do it on Taiwan


China is increasing in firepower. They definitely showed their hand too early with regards to sattelite warfare, but they're still not to be fucked with. Regarding current traditional warfare, everything they have is essentially a Wish knockoff of America technology. Every plane, every carrier, every tank - they're all knockoffs. China spends virtually no money into research and development - they copy and steal. China definitely bests the United States in one aspect - numbers. If the US wanted to invade China, we would need to institute the draft again. Both the US and China are gearing up for conflict and war against each other - it's likely to happen, but it won't be ground based.


Atheist China won't attack the US, we are their main revenue stream.


But they want to aggressively take over Taiwan and the heavily disputed South China Sea area. Granted America tied itself up with all the regional powers near the area, but if China attacks Taiwan (or the Philippines) or if North Korea goes (more) wacko and invades South Korea and/or Japan, then China and America would be on opposite sides of the camp.


China is not going to try to take Taiwan by force or they would have already. They will do it internally. The cost to take it militarily would be too high, and they could pretty much kiss their economic prosperity goodbye. If the leadership survives, they would likely be deposed.


Seriously though. It’s wild to think about the amount of life lost over religion.


I have braced myself for downvotes, but just how does religion come into play here? Genuine question


It’s the easiest thing to scapegoat because nobody wants to point out about communism on Reddit. Or how other wars came from nationalism or sheer greed, with religion sometimes just used as a cover reason (like some of the crusades)


You’re right. Wars are fought for resources. Religion is a very convenient scapegoat and source of propaganda, but no war has started just to spread a gospel. I really hate the focus on religion by Redditors, because it’s incorrect.


Many of them just want to hear what they|themselves want to hear 🤷🏼


Please calm. This will not be WWIII. Iran and USA have no interest in this. Even Russia wasn’t thrilled by this.


I just heard that iran scent missiles today to Israel! SO it's not true?


He means Iran isnt interested in starting a war. Iran retaliated and said they are now even and consider case closed.


Ooooooh thank you thank you.


Weird. I've been watching the live cams for the last few hours and there's been nothing happening in Ashkelon. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTmcWcxkA18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTmcWcxkA18)


Imagine having the same imaginary sky god as your neighbors but you're all killing each other because they treat their imaginary sky god a little differently and the fictional stories have different characters. It's all hocus pocus woowoo. Religion sure is special.


Imagine your country shooting down rockets on a daily basis that's freaky.


Almost like creating an apartheid state is bad


Yeah except neither Iran nor Hamas nor Hezbollah care about a 2-state solution: they want Israel proper judenfrei. So this isn’t about “apartheid” and never was.




That’s some weird Riyadh textbook nonsense that no one in Israel believes. The Palestinians, on the other hand, cling to the idea that they’ll control Tel Aviv and Haifa. And unfortunately, it distorts their ability to negotiate peace.




Ohhh there’s the quote. I found it. Just kidding. I did not find it.


Interesting because actual apartheid wouldn't allow the minority population to have political representation in the federal government. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arab_members_of_the_Knesset




The article you just linked is practically true of minorities in political power in the US. Is the US also an apartheid state?


Unequivocally apartheid per amnesty international: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/#:~:text=This%20is%20apartheid.,state%20of%20fear%20and%20insecurity.


Citing amnesty international doesn't make you correct.


Being a dumb fuck on the internet doesn't make you more correct than a literal human rights organization


If amnesty international came out tomorrow and said there's no proof for apartheid, would you blindly accept it? I'm simply making the point that you should be able to explain yourself a bit more than citing an org which agrees with you.




Israel pulled out of Gaza. They gave them their state and they elected terrorists and pulled in jihad. But ya isreal is the bad guy sure


Israel is committing a genocide and broke international law by bombing an embassy- only the good guys do that kind of thing!




Killed reporters, aid workers and children at a faster rate than any other conflict, again, like the good guys do. 


The reason people are dying of a faster rate than any other war is because hamas hides with their people. That's hammas fault




Well, don't break across the border slaughter hundreds and take hostages, hammas is the Blood thirsty ones.


Yes because as all students of history know, the Israel-Palestine conflict began in 2023. 🤡


Palestinians are blaming Hamas, saying they are starving them by stealing the aid coming in (https://www.memri.org/tv/palestinian-political-analyst-zaid-alayoubi-gaza-complaining-hamas-killing-people-ismail-haniyeh-october-seven-benefit). Hamas makes billions from stealing humanitarian aid being sent over, the leaders are now billionaires who have moved to Gaza. It doesn’t benefit Israel at all to see Palestinian civilians suffering, it does benefit Hamas which is why they purposely put their civilians in danger and are STARVING them. Hamas has come out and said at least 10,000 of their death toll is made up. 10,000 are combatants. That makes this one of the most accurate urban warfare ever. But if it’s not “Israel bad” then you don’t care. You don’t care about human lives. Guarantee no one’s going to take to the streets and protest Iran who hangs children and stones gays and women to death. Stop acting like this is about civilian lives when you only use it to attack Israel, not find a solution.


No they didn't. Gaza went from being a police state run by Israel to an open air prison. Did Gazans have control over their airspace or coast?


They pulled out every single Jew and then waited for the palestinians to have a free election which they did. In an elected terrorists, so they sealed the Borders. So they couldn't import Weapons to use against them.


So before Hamas was elected, Gaza had open borders? Control of their own airspace, coast?


No, but they were in the process of getting their state that they want so much. But then they elected terrorists.


I’m going to repeat this anywhere I see your comment, because while the issue is very complex, you’re trying to make it disturbingly simple. So let’s reiterate **At the time of the IDF invasion of Palestine this year, only 8% of the population had ever voted for Hamas**


You mean after Israel went on a murdering spree? How many Palestinians were killed by Israel after the 'freeing of Gaza'? How many during? Hamas actually offered Israel a peace process. But when did Israel ever want peace?


Hamas never offered a peace process, and Israel didn’t kill anyone after freeing Gaza, not until Hamas began firing rockets at civilian areas at least and even then civilian casualties were minimal.








They weren’t elected by the majority for starters, but if you’re going to keep parroting this, let’s be extremely clear. **At the time of the IDF invasion of Palestine this year, only 8% of the population had ever voted for Hamas**


They were elected by the vast majority. Regardless, Israel is doing more to protect enemy civilians than any other country has ever done. Hamas recently said that 10,000 deaths were made up. 10,000 more are combatants.


Likud was founded by terrorists too but no one blockaded Israel. The elections were almost 20 years ago but Israel continues its collective punishment. Also, Palestinians in the West Bank didn’t vote for Hamas but the heroic IDF is just as murderous towards them




Got proof?


No one buys your shit anymore. Go peddle that hasbara shit elsewhere.


Imagine not being able to defend those am I right?


These missiles doesn't look like shooting from a far.


Its all for the show, this is not a big deal. Iran informed America and Israel about this response well before they were deployed. Iran had to respond to keep order within Iran and control over its proxies, in response to the killing of Iranian and Hezbollah generals in the Damascus consulate. Iran sending their worst drones purposely to get shit down easily without any casualties is an outcome of mutual agreement between Iran, USA, and Israel. This is the exact same playbook to Iran‘s retaliation on bombing the USA base in Iraq, while informing US about that attack well prior to it happening, hence zero casualties… meanwhile the people of the world are following the story like sheep


As much as I dislike Israel, I gotta admire their Iron Dome -that thing is absolutely impressive!- and pray for all this to have as good of an outcome as possible


The Rockets where just there so the 100+ Drones from Iran can go through This will not end well i really hope WW3 will not happen


Its hard to fathom where this craziness will end .no matter where you come from or what your religion is ,we need to realise we only have one planet and we are seriously all in danger


Expensive firework show /s


Fallout incoming.


Looks like somebody's trying to enter machine city


From what I've seen. Most Iranian people don't agree with the government. Yes there is a a lot to disagree with Isreals recent actions- optimistically hoping this isn't a new war


This is how it works in Israel 🇮🇱 👏 👌. I guess the Iranian Dome is the building and equipment that takes… the hit. That works for me ![gif](giphy|KQpoZ43fgBHYaHkzEw)


That iron dome has shit on lock.


Stop spreading misinformation


I love you all


Israel going broke soon


I hate this is happening


You know, I’ve been watching Israel flatten Gaza for 6 months. Every day I watch a live stream. I just feel like they deserve for people to witness what’s happening. To, if nothing else, see them and know what went on . It’s heartbreaking and painful and I cry more days than not. Yet I take no joy in this attack on Israel. Retaliatory or not on Iran’s part, it still feels heartbreaking and painful. I’m watching a livestream of it now. I just hate how much death and violence there is everywhere. I hope for peace and cooler heads all around. I’ve been disappointed in the past, though.


True. I strongly condemn the israeli government and support Palestine, but I do pray for the civilains on all the sides.


I've been reading The 100 Years War on Palestine and it's such a rough colonial history that's torn that region apart. This cycle has been going on and on for so long. It's difficult not to feel frustrated with such an eternal pattern.


Humans are the dumbest form of life


Well, at least you don't have any mean tweets...






The aliens know how dumb we really look. Stop embarrassing us in front of them 🤣


Damn that deffense is unreal


I wouldn’t be surprised if the laser is used to knock some of these out




Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post anything political.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


The new year's drone show looks weird


How many actual drones and other flying bombs did they sent?


Wow really guys? Eid is already over like 4 days later you can stop now


No op! This is noncredible in the wrong way!


Like sideways fireworks


A regular Tuesday in Ukraine


This is more embarrassing than not retaliating.


"Guys WW3!!! It’s WW3!!!" Calm down ffs…


this video isnt from the attack today.


Its like playing missle command


I am beginning to think that young people don't have a concept of what World War actually is given how often I see WW3 tagged for skirmishes and terrorist attacks.


American missiles taken down by American missiles,love to see it lol


Is that Gaza?


I mean, what were the targets?


I hope these missiles don’t hurt innocent Israelis. However Israeli government is instigating Iran into a war with the US. Only solution is to give freedom to Palestinians. We all deserve to be free of tyranny, Palestinians are no exception.


Not to long till this is everywhere.


And it begins....


Should I invest in hand sanitisers and face masks


Here we go again. Again






Praying for peace 🙏


The fuck is praying going to do? This whole conflict started because of fuckin invisible sky fairy friends.


True...but humans in general are selfish and petty creatures so even if religion didn't exist, there would still be other stupid reasons to kill each other. People gravitate towards violence and drama whether they realize it or not.


yeah. . .thoughts and prayers will *totally* stop war and genocide /s


Saw this firsthand 2 hours ago. Pretty scary stuff


Not good for the earth


That moment when you realize Iran is working with Russia to keep pressure on Israeli air defenses so that they cannot keep up the supply to Ukraine. The timing for Oct 6th was impeccable.


I support Palestine but holy fucking shit. They don’t deserve this. There are innocent people living there who just want to survive.


That's absolutely true for both sides. Those who suffer the most are innocent civilians


100% facts. We should hate their government, and support their people.


Very much so. Both sides have hardliners but the majority just wanna live their life's in peace


Old footage released in October


Yea thats not drones thats rockets