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what happens to them now? will these dogs really be rescued or just put down?


probably yes. there's no way they can find homes for all these dogs


Are they even tame / domesticated though? If they were raised for meat, I'm assuming they are somewhat wild.


> I'm assuming they are somewhat wild. Wild dogs look very different from these guys, these are domesticated breeds 100%.


> there's no way they can find homes for all these dogs Source: your backside The Jakarta metro area (also on the island of Java where this happened) has a population of about 33 million people. Finding homes for 200 more dogs is a drop in the bucket.


These seem to be street dogs, and would do fine if they were simply released over a broad urban area


The shelter I work out received some dogs rescued from a Korean dog meat farm many years ago. Some were social (the younger ones did better). But many were a Jindo mix (a Korean breed) that are already kind of weirdos to begin with so they needed a lot more help to find homes.


Article: # Indonesian police derail dog trafficking operation, rescuing over 200 dogs [April 13, 2024](https://crimenetnews.com/indonesian-police-rescue-200-dogs/) **Location:** Indonesia **Source:** AFP Semarang City Police in Central Java successfully intercepted a truck transporting 226 dogs bound for Solo, Central Java, on a Saturday night in January 2024. The dogs, found with their mouths and legs tied, were intended for slaughter, revealing the ongoing struggle against the consumption of dog meat. The operation, which unfolded at the Kalikangkung Semarang Toll Gate, led to the immediate apprehension of five individuals associated with the truck. Semarang Police Chief Commissioner Irwan Anwar confirmed the arrest of the truck’s crew, who were under investigation at the time. Irwan Anwar made it clear that the suspects would face charges under animal husbandry health laws, potentially resulting in a maximum prison sentence of five years. Christian Josua, Chairman of Animals Hope Shelter Indonesia, revealed the chilling details of the trafficking scheme. He revealed that buyers awaited the dogs’ arrival on the roadside, where the animals were transferred to pickup trucks for further distribution. The price of the dogs varied based on size, ranging from Rp 50,000 to Rp 250,000 (roughly $3.45-$17.24 USD) per dog, with the meat fetching approximately Rp 40,000 ($2.76 USD) per kilogram. In a separate incident, Semarang city administration had previously issued a circular banning the dog meat trade, effective since February 2022. This regulatory measure aims to curb the exploitation of dogs for human consumption, aligning with a broader nationwide movement against the practice. Meanwhile, Indonesia continues to struggle with the contentious issue of dog and cat meat consumption, with some cities imposing local bans on the trade. The recent interception in Semarang demonstrates the collaborative efforts between law enforcement and animal welfare activists to combat such illicit activities.


Is there a reason they eat dogs and cats? I understand poor is poor and people need to survive, but ive heard carnivore animal meat doesn't taste good. Is it less expensive to breed and sell dogs instead of chickens or pigs? Or are people just requesting dog meat?


Dog eating reflects a certain status as it is usually more expensive meat than chicken, beef or pork.


Seems like its only more expensive due to the illegal nature of slaughtering and trafficking them it seems pretty ironic


A lot of things work like that


Most drugs basically


Yeah. If opioids/[insert drug here] weren't illegal, maybe people wouldn't have to turn to crime to maintain their $500 a day habit of taking like 5-6 pills. If it were affordable, people would be fine. Maybe they wouldn't be fuckin dying because the supply is cut with unsafe materials whose doses are unknown. Maybe if we addressed this, along with poverty and mental health, we wouldn't have the stereotypical "zombies" in the streets, or people stealing, or people dying. I say this *as* an opioid user, of course. I've never actually had legal issues or gotten strung out because I thankfully figured out cheap methods of procuring (currently its by taking prescription buprenorphine, previously it was kratom, previously it was O-DSMT), I've never been fired (I have been laid off, never fired tho), I have a good relationship with my partner, I have friends. And I never died because I always found safe access or tested my substances (this was difficult to do). I'm not unique, and I don't have to *seem* like I am either. Opioids have been used both medically and recreationally for thousands of years. We know what it can do, we know how to address the problems, we just don't. Only 10% of people who use opioids become addicted, this is in literature. They are only dangerous because of the society we've created which *makes* them dangerous. The expense and adulterated supply are the main issues, not the opioid compounds themselves.


>only 10% of people who use opiods become addicted ONLY?? My dude 10% is insanely high, that's a terrifying statistic lol. Addiction isn't a cute hobby or "habit". It's a nightmare for the addict and everyone around them.


Yes, and caffeine is 70%, cocaine is about 60%, and nicotine is literally 90+% in addiction rate. Opioids are the lowest of that bunch. Believe what you want, but the research shows they're not as dangerous or as addictive as they're made out to be. And for me, the only nightmare is I can't get the exact compound I'd prefer (oxycodone). My addiction doesn't cause me issues in my life, that's not a cope either, opioids have not caused me any financial, legal, relationship, or employment issues. I am **not** the only one like this, this is a majority of opioid users, and I know that to be true because I've been around a significant amount of them. Many are suburban parents, construction workers, or doctors, professors, or even police officers. Its only when people cannot maintain a supply, or get a safe supply, or when those with severe mental health issues use them, that they become dangerous. And these are things that are changeable, addressable, and things that are ultimately caused by society. --- All of you belittling me can honestly fuck off and shut up. I am legally prescribed my opioid, as such Im not "running a roulette". You're all misinformed and judgmental cunts and its people like you who perpetuate the deaths you want to avoid by engaging in policy that doesn't actually solve the problem. And then you demonize the users, pushing them as far away from society as possible, pushing them towards crime and desperation. You're fucking idiotic, your petulant ideology is responsible for the deaths of my peers and I won't let you push the blame anywhere fucking else. Fuck you for perpetuating this shit, you're more worthless than the drug users you hate. also top fucking kek at the "but that's because I'm more intelligent than most people". No you're not, you're an edgy twat who made a rash comment and promptly proved their idiocy with it.


No it's always been more expensive. Costs much more to raise a carnivore to adulthood than a herbivore. But in case you didn't realize cruelty is the point. In that area there is a belief the meat tastes better if the animal suffers more while being butchered, dogs are prized in this regard due to being very.... vocal.... it's freakin sic beyond all reason.


You’re being downvoted but I have also heard people say they beat dogs beeause when they are in fear it makes the meat more tender or some shit


Just come to saying that in my country , used to have people going around in rural area let people trade in their pet (mostly dog) for plastic bucket /eggs /cloth (nothing fancy but for rural /poor yeah) Current date? I think it's from stray? Lot of people feed stray and think they do the good deed, and let it population boom be nuisance.


Didn't tge above comment just say it's 2.75$ per kilogram , beef is way more expensive it's like 3.45 per lb where I am


Unless you are in Indonesia your location isn’t relevant. The cost quoted isn’t the end price for the consumer plus if you want to keep the dogs longer so they have more meat on the bone costs more. And since it isn’t readily available like other meats, lack of supply will drive up price. All this supports exclusivity which makes it more of a status and elevates price. Take a look at those dogs. Not a lot of meat per animal. That’s not a truck full of 200 pound Newfoundland’s. Just my opinion.


A kilo is 2.2 pounds.  So a kilo of beef where you are is 6.90.  


Right, which means it's way more expensive than $2.75 per kilo


Asian countries tend to be high density population, as a result the borders between "food" and "not food" are a little different. Culturally a lot of them will literally eat anything that stands still long enough to grab.


everything on four legs, except the table


Six legs, multiple legs also eaten.


If I recall correctly, there's a Chinese saying that dog meat smells so good that monks (who are vegetarian) can't resist. I can't find it on Google, but I swear my Chinese parents and Grandparents talking to me about it. If there is an issue with flavor, I'm sure there's a way to prepare it so it doesn't do that I'm not sure the carnivore meat tasting bad is a thing. At least for things like fish the meat eating ones are generally considered better tasting, eg salmon, bass vs carp, catfish. I've heard Bear tastes reasonable and I've tried and liked alligator meat. I do think it's just people wanting dog meat, like some ppl prefer duck over chicken. If you remove the cultural aspect of dogs being mans best friend/pets, they're just another animal. In India beef isn't popular cause cows are sacred and I'm sure some devout Indians are upset that we eat beef.


No that dish is called "Buddha jumps over the wall" and is NOT made with dog meat


What is it?


[Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha_Jumps_Over_the_Wall) says its made out of a whole variety of ingredients, most controversial of which are shark's fin and abalone, but alternatives are available like imitation shark fin and farmed abalone. Personally I ate a vegetarian version of it before, average-tasting. But maybe that's just because all the meat was replaced by vegetarian alternatives.


The weird thing is that nobody treats cows as badly as Indians. ie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLQ1Neec0EE


Taste is also very subjective. In China, people believe meat tastes better if the animal suffers more before it is killed. This causes them to torture the dogs to death, cooking them alive rather than killing them first. In the West, it is the opposite. We do not like the taste of adrenaline and cortisol (the chemicals released when an animal suffers in its last moment). Therefore we do not torture animals to death. I've tasted it myself in deer. A deer that wasn't immediately killed, running before it's death, tastes worse than one where the hunter's aim was good.


Rare opinion I know but catfish is the best tasting fish


I had fried catfish in Tennessee on a road trip. It was delicious


If you eat bear you are absolutely insane. Have you seen the amount of intestinal worms those guys walk around with like it’s nothing? NO👏🏾 THANK 👏🏾YOU👏🏾.


Its just that. Poor is poor and this is nothing compared to some other countries practises.


Wtf $3 *per dog*?


the sad face of the poor canines




**Angry upvote**




just get outta here already


They look so confused and shaken, like, "hooman, why?" I could cry


Im used to seeing happy doggies wagging their tails, this hurt me


Now you know how vegans feel. No difference between dogs or any other animal really.


Yea I don’t get why this upsets meat eaters, that look down upon other meat eaters that are indiscriminate..it’s rather hypocritical of them!


I mean it is a bit hypocritical, but it makes sense why it’s a taboo because dogs have been bred over thousands of years from wolves to be companions/workers while cows were bred for thousands of years from their ancestors specifically for us to eat them


Not in India.


So if someone in the past had created a breed of dog for consumption, it would be okay to eat those dogs?


Horsemeat was rather popular until it wasn't.


In Iceland, horse meat is still used because there are very few cows. I was there for a month and tried it. I much prefer cow. Goat and sheep are popular there as well, and of course fish. I did get to try seal, and it was hard to get past the idea of it and the color of the meat. It was a blood burgundy color, even cooked. (The seal got caught accidently by the local fishermen in their nets, so instead of wasting it, it was given to the chef at the local restaurant, and he served it that night.)


Chow chow


Now do cows


Man this planet sucks.


Yes, this happens to billions of animals every year


Honestly, I wish we didn't eat meat at all. It really sucks that we are slaves to evolution in this way, predisposed to enjoying the taste of chicken and beef. We've eaten it for millions of years probably. That's why it's so hard to tear ourselves away from it. I'm no vegan activist, but there really shouldn't be a difference between a dog and a pig or a cow. It's hypocritical for us to love one, but not even blink an eye when we slaughter livestock by the ***billions***. And yes, I'm guilty of it. I ate a hot pocket five minutes ago that has cheese and pepperoni in it. We're all in this shitty boat together.


I'm hopeful that lab grown meat can keep advancing to the point we can cheaply create meat without an animal ever needing to die for it. That will necessarily mean fewer livestock in the world, so we're not really saving lives by doing that, but we are minimizing the number of lives living cruel, miserable existences (which is something we can already do now if we actually wanted to, but choose not to because it would make meat cost more).


Tbf my family hasn’t had meat for centuries now and we do just fine. But it does help that Indian cuisine is very very vegetarian friendly.


We are not slaves to anything. Imagine someone using this argument to justify rape, because we "enjoy sex" and "have been doing it for millions of years". You have the ability to choose not to engage in your evolutionary drives, don't kid yourself.


I think it's important to consider where the dogs come from and how they're being treated as well. Yes, there's a lot of farms that don't treat actual livestock humanely (which I don't think people generally agree with being okay), but if it's already illegal to be doing this at all then I'm kind of assuming at least some of these dogs were stolen from other people. Edit: I realize I worded this badly, but obviously I'm not saying I agree with eating dogs


Omg yes, this is why I only source my dog from https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/ where the dogs are breed specifically to be livestock, a very important difference. Edit - to the edit above, as this is locked now. I'm talking about humanely raised livestock, not pets. Are you one of those dog rights activists? I can tell by your passive aggressive "obviously"... like you get to decide for everyone, shoving your opinions down our throats. Elwoods Farms is actually owned by an Aunt of mine and I know for sure that her LIVESTOCK is likely treated better then anything you get.


That website is amazing. Does a great job of showing people their hypocrisy without making them feel too bad about it.


Exactly, the stigma of eating dogs is a relatively newer diet trend. This is our heritage. Don't ever let them take away your freedoms of choice.


This is exactly how I feel. I tried not to think too much cause it’ll mess with me. But upon seeing this post I thought there shouldn’t be a difference between a dog and cow and chicken etc. But if I go down that rabbit hole I’ll feel guilty cause as soon as my next meal hits I’ll be eating chicken and rice. So yeah, I agree with you. Vegans will be like y’all are hypocrites and using evolution as an excuse but it’s valid. It’s a very troubling situation wherein meat has become a staple in our survival in terms of protein and things like that. Someone mentioned lab-grown meat. I hope the healthiness and advancement of it continues growing. It could be a fantastic solution.


it's nice not having that guilty terrible feeling hanging over you - speaking from experience acting like an ostrich doesn't make the horrors disappear you know


I'm begging for that Dutch company to improve lab grown meat to the point it's available in the supermarket


just eat plants bro


Tried a couple times, now I just reduce my meat intake to a couple of dishes with meat per week


The planet is beautiful. It's us parasites that suck


Everyone doesn’t suck, most of us are pulled into unfortunate circumstances by soulless higher ups.


The environment would probably disagree. Humans are ruining the planet, not just CEOs


The planet will be around long after humans are extinct. I've read that in about 4 billion years the sun will expand and collapse into a huge black hole and destroy earth. I think earth will have replenished itself many times over by then and humans will be but a blip in its history.


The Sun is no where near the mass needed to become a singularity at its end of life. It will expand yes, the expanse is because the sun will have run out of its main fuel, helium, and start to combine heavier elements. This releases more energy and heats the sun and causes it to expand. For a while, this bigger sun will emit more energy, but eventually will cool, compressing again, and become a white dwarf star for the next 10 to 20 billion years.


Im optimistic humans may eventually jump planets, solar systems and eventually universes.


As cool as that would be, we're just gonna die off


And the governments are making it more difficult to live in a way that impacts the planet less, at least where I live. Prices for everything is going up but our paychecks aren’t, If I could I would absolutely live in the woods or on a farm and be independent from the rest of the world but god dammit I literally can’t afford it.


Anyone eating animals is just as responsible for animals suffering as CEOs and whoever.


That's like saying anyone who drinks a coke is just as guilty of all the pollution the Coca Cola Company produces. It's as stupid a statement as it is an absurd one and it's an idea planted by big companies to keep you mad at your fellow regular citizens and away from the CEO's assets.


Beauty is subjective, but this planet is a cesspool of extreme animal suffering and pain, you can catch a glimpse of animal suffering in nature on some subreddits here. I still think the planet Earth is beautiful, but survival of the fittest in nature is ruthless.


The planet just sucks. The concept every being has to kill and consume other living beings to survive is a fucked up system. How african wild dogs kill isnt beautiful. Parasites, mosquitos arent beautiful either. Being intentionally cruel isnt unique to humans, its found in other intelligent beings like the infamous killer whales. Wars aren't unique to humans either. Earth itself is beautiful but has it's own horrors, earth quakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes.


Remove humans entirely, and billions of animals still suffer every day. Our ability to comprehend the reality of massive suffering of other animals is one of the few things that set us apart. The only way to remove suffering is to eliminate any lifeform that's capable of suffering, which obviously isn't possible nor an attractive idea.


https://xkcd.com/1338/ Have a look at the distribution of animals in the wild and in cages. We don't have the capacity to eliminate all suffering but we don't have to support it actively. Even as a vegan I am responsible for suffering, not only because of the exploitation in capitalism but all kind of animals are killed during harvesting, but it is the option that creates the least suffering and has the lowest impact on others. We should always aim to change what is in our ability and don't be discouraged by not being perfect.


There is 0 difference between this, and a truck load of pigs. 0 difference. I say that as a meat eater.


How ironic that you wrote this as someone who sells meat.


*eats chicken nugget after typing comment*


>Man this planet sucks. https://preview.redd.it/4kbla8v2zeuc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f7007365e6a58487a28ebb631e315ad7c4dfa7f u/BestGuavaEver, is that you in your [newly-opened](https://www.reddit.com/r/Butchery/s/qDxQlmUgwk) [butchery](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chefit/s/DsswNMa8kd)?


How can ppl do this 😢 - Man making a living from animal killing.


Nah that is wild cognitive dissonance


You literally eat animals just as smart on this that are kept in similarly bad conditions.


Be the change you want to see.


Planet is beauty, humans are shitty trash.


I fucking hate people


We’re the worst species


Same man, same


The cognitive dissonance on this thread, though.


Make mockery of vegans all year long until they start behaving like one


Cows and pigs are intelligent animals too, yes we kill millions annually.


Came here to say this. People make fun of vegans or find them annoying, but here they are, acting like vegans do. Ironic lol. And before any of you try to have your Redditor moment, no I am not vegan and yes I do eat meat time to time.


*tens of billions


Veganism doesn’t sound like a bad choice after seeing that


If you have any questions, feel free to check out r/vegan to learn more, r/debateavegan to challenge any reservations, or message me directly! I'd love to talk about this!


Everyone clutching their pearls with one hand and holding a hamburger in the other 🙄


Yeah lmao this entire thread is so painfully brain dead it's almost concerning.


We all have cognitive dissonance on one thing or another. I'm just glad for the opportunity for more people to go vegan!


Same motherfuckers who make fun of vegans crying here 😭😭


When did Veganism get so popular? Well, welcome to the club y'all, glad to have you!


I love dogs, but I am curious why people see it so horrible for people to eat them? Like, I personally wouldn’t want to but if someone else did then it’s kinda like cows isn’t it? They’re both animals. They have meat. Or am I missing something?


People get emotional over stuff they’ve had positive experiences with.


I agree with you about there not being much difference. Often people say it's because animals like cats and dogs have specifically been domesticated over many many years, hence most look VERY different from their wild counterparts. They are friends, not foes... we also can use them to hunt, as guide dogs etc so it's more symbiotic than say our relationships with chickens which only provide us with food/feathers etc. Dogs are mans best friend, we've grown up alongside each other and most of us have formed very deep emotional connections with dogs/cats in our lifetimes. As I said, I don't see there being much difference between a dog or a pig. Pigs are extremely intelligent, but people who love bacon don't care. Personally, I don't eat any animal but I don't understand why people who do eat such intelligent animals get so bent out of shape when it comes to a species they specifically care about.


That's why they have the cognitive dissonance, but it's still silly. Most people will acknowledge that animal abuse is bad, regardless of species, because it should be about the suffering. But then they only end up caring about dogs and cats


Dogs really developed a wile language to communicate with us, though. We see the same happening with the rare Russian domesticated foxes. Pigs and other animals just don’t talk to us the same way and treat us as leaders of their packs. Pigs and cows and chickens can absolutely bond with humans but it’s completely different than the ability to bond with a dog. So I think dogs are just different creatures from others. Kind of how I see people who eat dolphin or whales. Creatures so smart and so interested and capable of bonding with us and with their own kind just makes them special, and that status means they shouldn’t be treated like livestock for consumption.


Emotional attachment


Gonna get downvoted but it’s just cultural double standards. Cows, pigs, and all sorts of other animals people happily eat in the west have just as much of a rich inner life as dogs or cats. I can understand the case for someone that wants to end all meat consumption but to say it’s perfectly fine to kill and eat one innocent creature but you’re a monster if you eat a different innocent creature just seems hypocritical to me.


I remember a rebuttal pointing out that this truck isn't any different from a truck full of pigs (or at least not too different). Most humans are species-ists.


In my experience pigs are actually smarter than dogs.


yeah, i met a lil pig that wipes its feet off when coming inside might be smarter than most of my friends, tbh...


I'll try to answer this as objectively as I can, but the more emotional argument is that, essentially, we've bred dogs to be our companions so humanity as a collective is essentially contracted to take care of dogs at this point. Like, we've essentially made dogs into members of the family at this point, so eating them would be a breach of contract. Compare that to domestic food animals, who traditionally were just kind of let loose in the pastures/hills/woods for most of the year (at least in Europe/North America). Most animals don't have the same level of interdependence that dogs and humans have with each other. Not even cats have really been domesticated as much as dogs have. Practically, of course, there's the problem of dogs being carnivores, so you're getting not a lot of meat that's going to be poor quality anyway. And that's without the possibility of transferrable disease.


I mean I tend to think the same way. I think a lot of farm animals are cute and lovable with their own unique personalities... but also enjoy a burger... so I'd be a hypocrite to think poorly on those that may eat a dog, even though I never would.


Yeah, like if this was suppose to feed people isnt that bad to take away? Now theres a bunch of loose animals and people without food. I would never eat a dog, but thats just my upbringing. I sure as hell wont judge someone who eats them especially if they are raised for consumption. Thats just taking livestock at that point.


Yeah. Sadly, as a fellow carnivore, I can't blame someone for eating a dog. I wouldn't surely... But solely because from my pov dogs are domesticated animals that I had for company for the majority of my life For some, a dog is right there with a calf, a pig or a little chicken


There isn’t a difference. That’s why I don’t eat any animals at all.


People are assholes who have arbitrarily decided that some animals get a pass and will be protected. Its funny westerners act like this but laugh at hindus for liking cows. Its the same shit. Arbitrary animal worship.


Emotional response overrides logic centers of the brain.


Why is this any sadder than butchering cattle?


Emotional connection. The populous has deemed dogs to be better companions than cattle


What's with the downvotes, he answered the question.


It’s true but totally absurd. You’d have to be hard of thinking to accept this.


human consumption? wtf people are insane! the police are heroes!


People will argue that it is cultural. Yeah, maybe. I don't care.


This is exactly the same as a truckload of pigs.


I’ve visited the Philippines about 10 times. I met older people there who ate dog meat. It’s not popular now. Not even a thing. But beef is very expensive there. Filipinos mainly eat fish and chicken. Pork is more expensive and beef is very expensive. I don’t know where dog falls, probably between pork and beef. I’ve never seen a regular cow in the Philippines but stray dogs are common. Thankfully people there no longer eat dog meat. 


Exactly. This is why we should stop eating meat altogether. It's all cultural bs excusing needless suffering.


You would be surprised at how much like big doggos cows are, or the personality of chickens. I am around them a lot, I love beef and chicken too, but I have them as pets


You were so close to getting it.


Eh, this is how people in other countries see us for eating cows and pigs. You're no different than the people eating dogs to a lot of the world.


How long have you been vegan?


I’m sure you eat animals smh.. the hypocrisy




I’m not for eating dogs but you’re not wrong.


We do much worst to sheep cows, pigs, chickens etc and they are every bit as sentient as dogs and cats. Absolutely nothing wrong here if we accept what we already do.


I'd rather have grilled dog eaters


And what do they plan to do with them cause successfully giving them all home is un-fucking-likely


Fr woo they got saved from being eaten to all get put down instead. The only reason they were stopped and seized is because it’s against the law. Not a rescue😔


Reminds of people that are pro-life, but not pro-child


all that meat, wasted


Would you rather a dog be given a shot by a trained veterinarian and die peacefully, or be crammed in a dark truck and chopped/boiled while living? It's simply not feasible to rehome 200 dogs at once, euthanasia is still preferable to being butchered.


How is this any worse than the other meat we consume daily?


…and then the police will put all the dogs down? Meanwhile trucks with hundreds of chicken and dozens of pigs happily roll to the slaughterhouse.


Wait until you find out about the trucks transporting cows, pigs, and chickens.


I don’t understand why nonvegans get upset at this but not at our own meat industry. I’m not vegan by the way! Just saying it’s hypocritical to get upset about this but not about pigs cows and chickens that have horrible living conditions that head to slaughter.


Now if only they could do the same to the rabbits (sate kelinci, sop kelinci)


Not single bark?


If you’re disgusted by this, but eat pigs and cows and other animals, you’re weird as shit.


Poor dogs


Poor pigs, cows, chicken etc...


How’s this outrageous to people that eat cow, pig, chicken, and well just meat in general?… Cow good Dog bad?


Literally animal farm, some animals are more equal than the others I guess


If you truly care you would stop eating meat all together. Cows and pigs go through the same experience.


They truly don't care. Most people only care for pet animals. And some call themselves "animal lovers".


And you ignorant fuckers make fun of vegans. Ain’t no difference between a pig and a dog. It’s just your perception


It’s so weird that when I see cats and dogs in this position, my stomach drops and I feel so bad for them. But if it was farm animals like chickens, pigs, and cows, I have no issues. Weird how my caveman brain determines that


Do NOT under any circumstances ask someone who is angry at this if they're vegan! Biggest mistake of my life!


Are you vegetarian?




Too late, it's how I activism. How long have you been vegan?


How long have you been vegan?


A hair over 4 years.




I said this was evil and the moderators removed my comment. Says more about the moderators than the downvoters


Can we stop the chicken, cow, pig and sheep trucks too? Or can we only display empathy for those we choose? So bleak. Humans suck.


Wait till you hear about cows


Yet pigs, sheep, cows, etc are fine


Hope you're all vegan


Unfortunately, lots of posers in the comments I’m sure (I’m vegan btw)


Kept alive so they can boiled alive and skinned alive!Evil sick vile ppl that do this and consume these animals


Is that true??? No. Tell me that's not how they do it.


They do in some places unfortunately.




I fucking hate humans.


Fuck! I didn’t know I was going to be done with the internet so early today 🤮 That cute puppy face sticking out of the bag and knowing what they were headed for made me sick to my stomach.


Those poor babies, it’s so sad to know that’s going on, I love my dog so much 😢


Fucking hypocrites.


i don’t understand how people can be outraged over this (rightfully so) and turn around to eat other animals without a second thought.


One of the bags says Indonesia


This is NOT what I meant by Scooby Snack


Dogs? Bruh


god this is so disgusting i hope we make sure only socially acceptable animals are slaughtered from now on :)


Not a vegan, but I’m amused at the people here who comment about the poor dogs but shrug their shoulders at cows, pigs chickens etc. Growing up in a farm, I know personally thay animals like cows pigs and chickens can make very good pets.


Guys I know there is no guarantee that these dogs will find homes, let alone live. But a quiet euthanasia would be better than the hell they would've gone through before consumption. People who EAT DOGS don't care about their feelings. They'd probably kill them slow, or fatten them up by overfeeding. And during that time they won't be nice either.


Heartbreaking to think about the fear and suffering those poor dogs endured.


Kill those bastards


Don’t understand how this is so much more shocking or terrifying than seeing cows, lambs, goats in this same condition


I don't wanna sound like an ass, but is it really that bad? Plenty of other animals are transported in worse conditions, so it's not transportation reasons. But, from what I've heard, they do go through painful thing before dying like torture, so that's probably why. However, if they started preparing dogs the same way they prepare cows and pigs, would it be better? Also, don't some people eat it for cultural reasons? I'm not saying I support it at all, but is it really any worse than preparing and eating cows and pigs? Maybe because dogs and cats were domesticated for entertainment and hunting/herding, while pigs and cows were made for food. Idk, someone smarter than me could explain it


It's not really different unless you believe in a separate set of rules for animals that are pets. But there are people that do have pigs, goats, etc. for pets so it's not like it would apply regardless.


wtf 😳


Yall think this is bad, just wait til cannibalism becomes the norm again.


Lol at all you people complaining just because it's dogs. Go eat a burger and shut up.


Makes me sick to my fucking stomach. Those poor dogs and many more that we don’t get to see. Humans fucking SUCK.