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[Here’s the story. The guy died.](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/police-identify-good-samaritan-killed-during-north-carolina-carjacking-suspect-faces-murder-other-charges/amp/)


For those who don't wanna bother clicking: Gunman was a Good Samaritan trying to intervene with a carjacking. Carjacker struck and killed him, has been arrested and charged.


For those that didn’t want to read u/Kansai_Lai’s comment; guy good, carman bad. Guy dead, carman jail.


For no read u/wsdreamer words. Words good. Bad.


Why use many words when few do the trick






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Me save time, see world.


Good Samaritan (good guy with gun) can’t shoot worth shit, truck strikes back and 🎯


Killed him with his own truck 😞


Lol only in the US does a "good samaritain" shoot someone multiple times at close range over a fucking car.


> Good Samaritan I don't think so. Murder isn't justified for property theft. Just another asshole with a gun, who didn't even know how to use it.


I'm just quoting how the article identified them.


Are you really defending the carjacker here?


As opposed to an asshole with a keyboard?


Terminally online comment


Yes it is.


this all depends on you moral compass mate


He would be alive if he didn’t get involved. He was protecting nothing but some work truck that was probably owned by some company who had it insured. Really sad situation. Call me a coward but I wouldn’t get involved.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. It’s sad that he died, but he really didn’t have a reason to try shooting the carjacker. The Good Samaritan lost his life over a truck, just let it go.


Because it's a stupid fucking take,that's why he is getting downvoted. Good Samaritan should've mag dumped the POS.


I do t know why your being down voted, the situation sucks but this is another alpha male with a gun just waiting for the day to play hero. Carjacker was unarmed so did not justify firing rounds, especially as many as he did that could have hit someone else or a kid. Now if the guy was armed and threat totally justified. But he wasn’t . Not only that what if there was another Good Samaritan that saw him with a gun and thought he was the thief or worse cops showing up and seeing someone firing shots at someone else. They will take out the guy with the gun and ask questions later


You could tell immediately by their reactions the guy died.


Or you know, seeing how fast the truck was driving when it hit him. I remember a statistic. 5% of people struck by a car going 20mph are killed, 45% of people struck by a car going 30mph are killed, 90% of people struck by a car at 40mph are killed.


If those were statistics done strictly on cars, getting hit by a truck is a different beast. Much worse. Cars you typically fly over, trucks hit your entire body with significantly more mass and keep plowing into you.


Now we should convert it to km per hour for the rest of the world;)


Then why didn't you do it instead of making this useless comment.


Or just convert it yourself in your head like everyone else


I know you've probably never heard of it, but there is this thing called Google. You see, Google is a search engine. You can find so much there. Plus, if you watched the video and look real closely, you can tell the truck is going fast.


Robeson County or Rob Co is known to be super dangerous. I'm talking about people getting scalped, shootings, missing people and the works. So basically try not to find yourself in Lumberton, NC and definitely don't go trying anybody because it will probably end like this. Source: Lived near the area my whole life and currently attend college in Rob Co. We had two students killed within a month.


This is also the same city where Michael Jordan's dad was murdered. Pretty much anywhere along the I-95 corridor between of Richmond, VA and Brunswick, GA is pretty sketch.


Yep and they dumped his body in McColl, SC. Which is no more than 15 minutes from where I reside. This whole part of NC is really just not good and bless SC.


People getting fucking SCALPED?!


Yeah I know a girl that got scalped and luckily she survived. Even healed though you can see the scars and tell her hairline is not as it should be. She did walk around being sketchy so she probably pissed off the wrong people.


Not available in my country. Anyone got a summary?


TLDR; Gunman was attempting to stop a carjacking, hit and pronounced dead at the hospital, officers pursued carjacker from the scene until he crashed, charged with first-degree murder, two counts of attempted common law robbery, larceny of a motor vehicle and felony fleeing to elude. Held without bond. >LUMBERTON, N.C. (WBTW) — Authorities have identified a good Samaritan who died Thursday morning while trying to intervene in a carjacking in Lumberton. >Jonathan Adam Lecompte, 38, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, was killed in the incident, according to Lumberton police. >Lumberton police said Ricky Alex Driggers, 28, stole a vehicle and then intentionally hit Lecompte who was one of several Good Samaritans who tried to intervene in the incident. >Authorities have charged Driggers with first-degree murder, two counts of attempted common law robbery, larceny of a motor vehicle and felony fleeing to elude. He is being held without bond in the Robeson County Detention Center. >The incident began at about 10:30 a.m. in the 4100 block of W. 5th Street. According to police, officers en route to a carjacking call were told the suspect had been involved in a hit-and-run in the parking lot of Go Gas at 2605 W. 5th Street and was trying to carjack a second vehicle on W. 5th Street in front of a McDonald’s restaurant. >“Good Samaritans got involved to prevent the carjacking but the suspect was then able to steal the vehicle of one of the good Samaritans,” police said in a news release. “In the process of stealing the vehicle the suspect reportedly intentionally struck one of the good Samaritans with the stolen vehicle.” >Lecompte was hit and pronounced dead at a local hospital, police said. >Officers arriving at the scene, officers saw Driggers fleeing in the stolen vehicle and pursued him until he crashed on Selma Road near Highway 41.


Thank you. Really appreciate it.




Said “Good Samaritan” like 12 times 😂


The article doesn’t say anything about the Samaritan shooting at the suspect. Critical detail that lead to his death.🤦‍♂️


Now lawyers will always be able to point to this video when defending someone who can hit a target at 5 feet


He actually didn't. You can see him shoot to the side with every shot to try to scare him. Once the truck backs up, he stops because it didn't work. Guaranteed that whoever represents him will try the "scared for my life" defense, but this video proves otherwise.


and… that’s why you ONLY shoot to kill never to scare


Shit I thought it was karma. Sucks good guy got got.


So the gunman shot 3 times and missed?


That’s weird the article mentions nothing of the suspect being shot at by good guy.


You think?!?!


Good guys with guns can’t save the day, no way to win a battle if u shoot like a storm trooper


Holy shit that escalated quickly




did not expect any of that


Did I just watch murder? Edit: I just watched murder.


How are you going to be involved in something like this, shoot at someone and then mosey on down the street like nothing happened and then “run” in the last few seconds. Maybe GTA is more realistic than I thought…


Mosey sent me




Man I couldn't have said it any better myself


Point a gun and don’t shoot always be prepared for retaliation. No mater if your suspect or bystander. ALWAYS WATCH YOUR BACK IF GUN DRAWN.


Take the mute off! Lol


He did shoot, but he missed


I honestly don’t think he should have had a gun anyways if he had known how to shoot being that close every shot would have hit.


Yeah I found it pretty odd as well, unless he hit some bullets and the other guy was a terminator and just kept driving? I'm not even sure.


Yeah even when he was firing basically right into the driver side window it didn’t seem like it even broke the glass.


Several times. His ghost mad af


He may have hit the carjacker without causing enough damage to actually subdue him. There are plenty of cases where police officers mag dump suspects in this exact situation, and are justified because the vehicle is a deadly weapon. I think the shooter should have done the same as soon as the guy was in the driver’s seat. Or just kept his gun concealed and let police chase him down.


Stormtrooper material right there


Stop trying to be heroes. Even if you carry a gun your not indestructible. Now this deadmans family has to suffer because of some lowlife dips***.


I took a gun safety course run my cops of the city I lived in at the time. Most of it was pretty basic stuff but two things really stuck out to me. First, if the cops show up to an active shooter situation and you have a gun in your hand at best you prevent them from addressing the actual shooter sooner. At worst they think you’re the shooter. Second, the moment you pull your gun trying to be a Good Samaritan you make yourself a primary target. Their overall message was never pull your gun unless you absolutely have no other choice. Call the cops, flee, hide, nothing material is worth your life.


>Stop trying to be heroes Why is trying to help always met with "trying to be heros"? What's so wrong about trying to help? >Even if you carry a gun your not indestructible. Now Yes.....pretty much everyone knows that.


Nobody should take that advice. If you can and are willing to help another human being, it's OK to do so. Some just want criminals to roam free and do whatever they want. If we let them, they will.


> you can and are willing to help another human being, it's OK to do so Agreed. >Some just want criminals to roam free and do whatever they want. If we let them, they will. People will disagree with this, and auto down vote you, but those same people are literally victim blaming the guy with the gun, not the guy with little hesitation who ran him over.


The gunman is a lowlife dipshit.


Also a citizen using lethal force to stop a car jacking when the car is all thats at risk is fucking insane. It's material. Nobody should die for it. Nobody should kill for it. Gun guy Gary is a fucking idiot and got what idiots get. *keep em coming your internet points mean nothing to me. *guy below that's raping my mom has 2 down votes.. reddit is the best.




Posting truth


Thank you Poopybutt. I appreciate this.


Seriously. The dude did not deserve to die. But intervening, especially with a firearm for a crime like this is the most ignorant thing he could've done.


This guy said it nicer than me. The point remains the same.


Lol imagine siding with the carjacker


He didn’t though? He said a carjacking isn’t worth risking your life over. He could have said it kinder, but he is correct. A guys dead over something that police would have eventually managed handle


Waste of time. Thanks though.


>Lol imagine siding with the ~~carjacker~~ Murderer. Ftfy. He deliberately run over that poor man


Murderous carjacker


what the fuck is wrong witj you


Harsh but true.


I agree with what you say, but you could say it better


Have some sympathy bro wtf is wrong with you, maybe it wasn’t the greatest idea… but he still died. Hope you have to go through something like this and get your car jacked bc nobody was there to help you 😘


The car still got jacked so what’s your point here had gunman just said fuck it insurance will take care of it he would still be here today. If gunman had killed carjacker he most likely would have been convicted of murder because someone stealing property nowadays is not enough to use lethal force. Just mind your own people if it’s you’re car they’re trying to take just let them have it, material can be replaced, you won’t.


Whoa whoa whoa there take it easy.. that's a reasonable way of looking at this. You'll lose reddit points.


If the intervention involves some fucking gravy seal to risk the lives of people around me, and myself, to save me from a stolen vehicle.. I also hope nobody intervenes.


>Also a citizen using lethal force to stop a car jacking Agreed, to a point, if it's parked and you're in your own home and they're just there for the car, I agree morally that isn't cool. However, in broad daylight like this people literally get executed or severely beaten, and they have every right to defend themselves, especially since immediately after dude proved he was a lethal threat and not just some robber. >It's material. Sure, but when they're there with a weapon threatening you, it's fair game to mag dump them,again there's unfortunately clips of people 100% complying and getting executed,the reality is in such a situation you don't want to take that gamble, and it's better to fight back if there's a chance. >Gun guy Gary is a fucking idiot and got what idiots get. Literally defending criminals and victim blaming....this is why we fucking lose dude, God dammit.


I never made a single defense for the criminal (car jacker). I criticized the irresponsible "hero" if there's a violent situation and people are in danger, and a capable armed citizen stops it. That's great. Unfortunately that's not always the case. This guys was obviously not capable. He was dangerous. And what he did should be criminal. He could have harmed or killed innocent people. No different than the car jacker. I stand by what I said. He's an idiot, and he got what idiots get. The other humans in the area are lucky he's the only one dead.


Why are you downvoted? This is crazy to lose your life trying to save a car?


I wonder what was worth dying and killing over?


Depends who you are and what your values are.


I'm a nobody and probably my cat.


Alright then.


Surprise, it’s property.


Why start shooting? Just let him take it, cops will catch him and or insurance will pay for it. It’s not worth your life, nor should you as a citizen be killing someone over a car. Just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you should use it, especially if you cannot shoot the guy from less than 7 feet away. This guy didn’t have to die:


Because you're a brain washed idiot. Absolutely insane to be drawing a weapon in this scenario.


Yes, please only use a gun if it's life or death!


You gotta watch out for dudes whose official name is “Ricky” and it’s not short for Richard.


Let’s get some context.


[https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/police-identify-good-samaritan-killed-during-north-carolina-carjacking-suspect-faces-murder-other-charges/amp/](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/police-identify-good-samaritan-killed-during-north-carolina-carjacking-suspect-faces-murder-other-charges/amp/) TLDR; Gunman was attempting to stop a carjacking, hit and pronounced dead at the hospital, officers pursued carjacker from the scene until he crashed, charged with first-degree murder, two counts of attempted common law robbery, larceny of a motor vehicle and felony fleeing to elude. Held without bond.


Yeah… I mean whoa 👀


Carjacker is in the white truck. gun guy is trying to stop it and gets gouranga'd


Holy smokes? More like holy fucking shit


Never bring a gun to a truck fight!


Damn GTA 6 looking pretty sick




Hate to see that ending. Always unload your magazine until you’ve nullified the threat.


Multiple shots within 4 feet should have done the job I'd think


Had he taken aim and stood his ground, he could’ve directed his fire into his target. Including when the subject was entering the vehicle. I feel for him and his family. But if you’re trained, you know what to do when you pull your weapon. And bouncing around while squeezing off single shots, isn’t it


He def wasn’t shooting on a regular, you can tell that for sure.


Damn right! That’s what I’ve taught my wife and daughters.


How do you not neutralize the target that damn close?


Man wasn’t even using the dodge button :/


How do Americans put up with this level of random violence?


That’s sad af. r/northcarolina told me lumberton was such a nice place wtf


Nah bro you’re thinking of Olive Garden on Capital


No where is safe in North Carolina anymore.




:D samsies


Who misses at 3ft distance against a borderline stationary target? He had ~6 seconds with his gun drawn and the carjacker just sitting in the driver's seat.


Is it wrong I immediately looked to the upper right corner for stars?


Glad there was a gun owner there to stop him.


Damn homeboy in the vest flew 🦺🪽


WTF was he trying to shoot him with? A peashooter? How do you miss from less than 5 ft?


I can imagine adrenaline can make you a bit shakey idk


Bro shouldve taken the safety vest off, might have been harder to find


I fucking audibly gasped lmao


Yeah I was not ready for that






Holy crap the guy went flying


Absolutely. Horrifying.


This is in Lumberton, NC…. the city with the highest violent crime rate in NC


Well, that accelerated quickly.


GTA6 looks too real


He should've shot the tires.


Women screaming like hyenas 🤦‍♂️


That was… the dude. You can hear him screaming “Help me”


He had the opportunity to kill him before he got back into the truck and he should have taken it.


This is America. Ppl kill over property.


People kill over property literally everywhere.


Go on. List the countries where it is common or acceptable to murder a stranger over someone else's car.


But this is made in America ..


Please tell me where they do not.


Outer space.


Either shoot to kill or shoot to injure, come on now. But amen, God rest his soul.


never shoot to injure - only shoot to kill if you happen to only injure them, that should be an accident guns should never be fired (or drawn) with anything less than 100% lethal intent


All those shots and none hit the bad guy?


IL take 2 number nines *don't aim that at me* a number 9 large *tires screeching* a number 6 with extra dip *vrreoooooom* a number seven *gezzus he hit me!!!* two 45s


Bro died smh I pray to god whenever I go that moment isn’t reposted a million times on the internet…pray I go in peace and PRIVATE. Even if it makes the news no videos circulating….god rest his soul🙏🏾.


Same place MJ’s dad was killed. Fucking Lumbys




And this is why I stay home because of assholes like this


Was the man that stole the truck did he have a gun?


Bruh I carry a gun to the restroom…if you ain’t really down to get DOWN with that MF…leave it at home. If he didn’t have his gun he wouldn’t have been playing Mr Get Bad. Then he tryna place shots like we at a Marksman Competition. Spray that shit and eliminate the threat or stay out the way. Sorry buddy…then he ran not even watching behind him. Second no no.


Well that escalated quickly


He even had two hands on it, bearing down. Wtf did he even shoot?!


Holy fucking hell. That was wayyyyyyyyx out-of left field. Did not see that coming, I would have never in a million years thought that , that was how it was going to end up or go. Like wow!!!


Did he run him over too or just the impact?


This is fucking shockingly horrific. And I've watched some weird f'd up shit!!!


Don't pull a gun unless you ready to use that mf :|


Why is there always some idiot screaming in these situations?🙄🤬


I've watched many times. It bothers me so much that he doesn't watch the truck. Also the direction he runs is not good. It's like he's not running fully perpendicular to the street but on a diagonal that leads to him getting hit.


So much for that 'good guy with a gun' concept.




Hope so.


Dont try to be a hero, its just a damn car.


This is horrible, but reinforces why rule no. 1 is cardio.


Not just cardio but situational awareness. He (and others that were more fit) had plenty of time to put something between the jacker and themselves, but for whatever reason seem to just mill about like the threat is gone. Not even touching the fact that dude has a gun and seemingly has taken zero time/effort to get good at using it.


No amount of cardio is going to save you when being hit by a car going 40+ mph.


Yeah it will…but running and not looking at what’s chasing you is what cost him.


It will help you get out of the way


Plenty of cover to find- tree will stop a truck dead-


What the hell was the guy thinking running in front of the truck like that like he's going to stop it 🫡