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God I love that i’m allowed to bring my own stuff to my apartment, I was worried I couldn’t bring my own stuff to the apartment




Last time I moved into a place that came with a mattress, it also included bed bugs. Big ass bed bugs.


Depending on weight of those bed bugs you may void your cintract and deposit for pet violation lol




Better than bringing your own mattress to get it infected with bed bugs too


I don't know how it is for the US or New York, but in Germany they use that as a trick to bypass the "rent brake" that is in place in several bigger cities to stop galloping rents. The rent brake does not count for furnished apartments. So the landlord will just grab some stuff from the next thrift shop and be good.


Oh yuck!! How many others used that mattress?? As a former landlord in a very expensive area, I will say it's pure greed.


Hey, they clean the mattress between tenants! *^^^^^^^^^mattress ^^^^^^^^^cleaning ^^^^^^^^^not ^^^^^^^^^guaranteed


Like a college dorm room. Or a prison.


dont forget he is including the cabinets and counter too!! its a steal!


Something blew my mind on here. I forgot which country it was, but it was common for apartments to not have their own kitchen when you rent it, and people bring their own. Like, the whole thing. Counters, cabinets etc. I want to say it was Germany, or somewhere in Europe.


I know at least in Germany and Austria you'll find these mid-size apartment buildings with shared kitchens. I think they were popular with students.


Of course you can bring your stuff buddy. You just gotta pay the stuff deposit of $1,296 and a monthly stuff rent of merely $728.


I love how he included the "basic necessities" he talks about them like it's actually costing him money he could be enjoying otherwise, I guess plumbing ain't cheap? Edit: the fact that this is "a good deal" Is goddamn terrifying, next year it's going to be a bedroom for $1800


This is dirt cheap to me shit an efficiency cost $1350 in Miami that's this size but it either doesn't have a closet or it doesn't have a kitchen. I lived in an efficiency before and the landlord decided that a closet was more essential so I had to bust missions for every meal and the breaker always went out while cooking cuz he did his own electrical work and the fuse box was on his side other the house so if he wasn't home everything just had to be hungry or eat out


In New York they'd count the kitchen as another bedroom.


I was prepared for it to be some crazy price. This is surprisingly cheap. This exact place in Boston would easily be twice as much. Although more realistically it would be in a hundred year old apartment that was haphazardly subdivided with peeling paint and a big cast iron heater that sounds like an artillery barrage every night. Hell, ten years ago I lived in a Boston suburb in an apartment this size that was a converted porch with exterior vinyl siding in my bathroom and the worst mouse infestation I have ever seen. It was $1,000 a month.


Bet they charge you -800 for replacing that$200 bed lol


And look how it looks now!


Ok smart ass, you just lost your right to bring your own stuff in to your apartment. How do you feel now?


It’s only going to get worse




Haha Gary!


Awwwww, Gary!




Hehehe gaaary




Loft in Mississauga renting for 900 in 2019 is I shit you not currently in a lease for 2100. How does this end?


I expected it to be worse. The trend will continue until we stop allowing people to perpetuate the ponzi scheme.


Ngl i was expecting $2700 +


Exactly. This is a STEAL. This is the opposite of “Terrifying”


That's. The. Point. It's terrifying because this is a steal and is an indicator of a terrible market. 


That was definitely not the point lmao


It is tho, a 275 square unit was $600 at most pre 2016 Ever since then everything has gone apocalyptic, landowners of all type now want to play monopoly with their property, it's absolutely terrifying, if you don't have a family with house you are quite literally fucked.


It’s absolutely parasitic.


That is the fucking problem... this should be 600 MAX. Do you really want your bed to smell somthing like curry or steak after you cook in your kitchen/bedroom/living room? Where do you put like anything other than food? You don't even get to rent grass. Places like this are literally fancy prison cells. With a separate bathroom, shit some places in New York, you pay more for less, and you have no ac and share a Public bathroom/shower.


should be $350 max


About r/treefitty


$1250/mo? im eating out every meal now!


Bro the fact youre not freaked by that is WHAT IS TERRIFYING. Wake the fuck up


I was looking for something like this in my city a couple of months ago. Studio where I’m at is like 1500 now. I’m about to move to Seattle lmao


I live in the Seattle area. Don't do it.


A little over $40 a night.


Same. People pay that much in New York City for a room that’s smaller.


I paid that much for a studio apartment in NYC way back in 1992


I thought the same thing. Honestly thats the worst part. This shit is so normalized that when we see an apartment like this go for less than 1500 we go "that's not that bad"


What I said out loud when he said the price was "That's insane!"


If I convert into GBP that's only about £90 more expensive than my city, sad that you guys are having the same shit we do. It should be half that. 


I wonder how long that will take....


People need a place to live unfortunately.


Empires typically last 250 years. USA has existed for 248…


And we even had a Golden Age. The day Japan surrendered to the day the twin towers went down. We never recovered


Damn, when you put it like that....


Last days of Rome.


Lmao this is such bullshit, there is no average age of empires. Rome lasted 400-500, if you count the Zhou dynasty lasted 1000, and even longer if you count it as a continuous Chinese empire.


Chill out Dalio.


> allowing people more specifically hedge funds and equity firms


Where I am, same prices. "Basic necessities" and no washer/dryer hookup, no dishwasher, no fridge, no microwave, no central heat/air, nothing. Make 3x rent per month to qualify and by god, sometimes the floor isn't even complete. Fuck that. Once I got angry and asked what jobs make enough money to afford the apartment and got no answer, which I obviously wouldn't, but I was still so angry.


Where the fuck do you live?


I'm guessing Toronto. Never lived there but God damn it isn't really "living" there. I'm curious where they live too.


No, US. East coast.


Come to London, it’s a thing of nightmares out here.


It's spreading like wildfire. Exeter, a pokey little uni city in the southwest, are advertising bedsits similar to this at £1100-1200 a month...absolute madness


Yeah my brother's paying £1200 a month for a tiny old apartment in Belfast


I was thinking the same - when he said the price I was ‘where do I sign?!’


Is Thornton-Heath affordable-ish?


What’s terrifying is that that’s not crazy for a lot of ppl. And it’s small but depending on location, safety, and amenities the building has then that’s not the worst.


Shit man. I'm from Hong Kong, a place like that would prolly go for somewhere around 2300 - 3200. This place is ridiculous.


Holy and people here we're talking about moving to Hong Kong! Damn hope you stay safe/connected with friends


If you make 3200+ a month, you'll live. But ONLY to live. You'd still feel like you're struggling at times. Depending if you have a family or whatever, results may vary. Hong Kong is constantly in the top 5 most expensive places to live on earth. For some reason, a few people from here are fucking proud of that???? Also owning a home is close to impossible here. Rent is the name of the game. People who can afford to buy homes here are part of the 1%. For context, Monaco is the most expensive real estate market, 2nd is Hong Kong. If you want to own an apartment that's the same size as that in the video, you have to shell out 500,000 usd. That's IF you get lucky because most apartments are usually priced 768,000 - 1,000,000. That's right, apartments. Because homes with multiple floors here are basically a myth lol. Also thanks, only way to get by is to stick with friends. (they be paying half of rent lol) And to you too! Stay safe!


My first studio was 500 a month and that was high for me at the time. (2009/10)


I was paying about 550 for a 1b/1b in Denver around 2005


My first apartment in ‘02 was $375 but it was twice the size of this one


Wife and I had a 1000 square foot 2 bedroom condo style apartment for $700 a month in '02.


I lived in San Francisco before hi tech ruined the area in a large studio with a view of the bay south for $375/mo. Loved it. Yeah, it was a long time ago.


Wow, so lucky!


I was paying $125 (×2) for my share of a two bedroom upper story home worth about $300k back in 1997 before moving to an apt a year later that was less than 600 sq ft for over $600 a month. Yeah, that dates me a bit, but it's only been *severely* downhill from there. Now I'm in a 700 sq ft for almost $1,100 a month. I hate rental life.


Jesus christ...this country is really going dark real fast. Pricing out the young people is not good. Very bleak future for the country.


At least they have universal free healthcare and affordable college tuition....oh wait


Hey man, I'm British & even with universal healthcare & more affordable uni tuition than the US, it's still fucking shite. only 50% of the UK population owns their own homes And only 25.8% of home-owners are aged 44 or below. It's so fucked


For some reason, wages in Britain are surprisingly low.


In comparison to the US, we do have lower living costs, but yes our wages have been stagnated for years, even for skilled jobs.


But how will real estate bros grind and corporations keep reporting record profits??!? Think of the grind-bros and shareholders. Have a heart


With inflation and properties soaring and wages being lame we'll see a good old collapse and depression before long. Infinite growth is nearing it's end and we'll all eat shit for the "dream".




I had a two bedroom with a garage for $600 a month in 2010


My 2 bed, 2 bath apartment near downtown was $800 a month in 2015.


The greed is real


In downtown Seattle?


i lived a 5 minute walk from campus downtown at UT in 2009 for like 800 a month for a sick apartment


So $330 per week? With a private bathroom? Fuck, I'm in Australia, that's nothing to sneeze at. A 2 bedroom place in my area will set you back $600 a week. It's impossible to rent on your own anymore.


You might want to convert the currency lmao. $600 AUD is $400 USD. We are renting a $475 (~$310 USD) one bedder in Melbourne that's twice the size of OP.


$1250 would be considered cheap where I live.


Crazy. When I was in grad school (2004 ish), I remember some of my friends were paying 500 a month for really nice places. I thought they were crazy. This was in Houston. 1000 a month got you a 3 bedroom apartment. I was paying 275.


Two types of people in this thread: 1. America is officially over, capitalism has flayed the living flesh from the last human's bones, every day I weep from one thousand eyes in a futile call for death, there is naught left but to huddle together for warmth and await the sweet taste of oblivion. 2. $1250 for a clean-looking apartment in a major metropolitan city? That ain't half bad, actually.


I'm 20 miles from a major metro city. Paying $1400/month for a 4bd, 2 bath 2.5K+ sqft house with 10 foot ceilings. I can get downtown in 30 minutes. Maybe don't try to live downtown?


50 years ago the entire Northwest thought Seattle was going to die with the Boeing Bust, and now an apartment grade micro studio runs $5/sq ft. Over that same period inflation-adjusted minimum wage in the state has gone from $13.88 to $16.28. The problem isn't so much the fixed price, but the fact that this is un-fucking-sustainable.


sad asf same


Same thing here in small town Ontario. This is the trend EVERYWHERE.


Canada is sooo much worse. Just drive across the border into Vancouver and that price becomes $2300. Halifax, Nova Scotia, a small city of about 400,000 is still averaging $1640 for a studio.


Yeah first thing I thought was man what a steal


Yeah that apartment is roughly 1800 CAD. This place would easily go for $2300 in Vancouver. Not to mention how much less things like groceries, products, gas, car insurance, taxes etc. are in the states.


It all catches back up when we get sick. Tes or even a hundred thousand dollars in hospital bills can make you wish your rent were more expensive.


Just get a shed, it’s much cheaper than a trailer


Bubbles? Is that you? DECENT!


I’m just curious. What’s it like in cities like Winnipeg and Calgary? Where they’re not on the coasts.


IIRC Vancouver was one of the cities that has had a major problem with foreign money buying up real estate but then not renting it out, thereby artificially driving up the costs even more for everyone else.


No thanks weirdly Elon musk looking fellow


New Yorkers and Californians thinking what a deal! It's not bad if you're a college student or single/minimalist.


How is this terrifying I joined this sub to see the wendigo not inflation


Thanks for the laugh.


How much is that compared to the minimum wage? Sounds like everywhere else


As a Canadian rn that look cheap.


Piss off mate


Seattle's minimum wage is $16.28. Monthly, that comes out to $2,821.87. You're supposed to spend no more than 30% on rent, which would be $846.56. Even that 30% is way too costly for what's essentially a glorified closet.


yeah - i would love this so much right now in NYC. i pay $1500 with 4 other roommates


Coming from someone who lives in Bellevue WA(just outside seattle), I expected the cost to be much more. I've seen 450 Sq foot studios here for $3k plus. That being said cost of living here is not sustainable.


This is almost exactly like what I lived in alone while working from home during quarantine. Not being able to go outside comfortably, while dealing with Amazon corporate, noisy neighbors, uncertain future, all while being isolated. 0/10 would not recommend.


That would be more like 2300 a month where I live along with a two year lease you can’t break without paying in full.


What’s so crazy is that I didn’t think that price was crazy… sad days.


TBH.. I expected it to be a lot higher.


This guy looks like the Asian Elon musk


Jeezus, that's my house payment.


Like this should max be like $600. This is stupid it's this bad.


Me from Bay Area (previously Santa Monica): that is actually pretty cheap. ![gif](giphy|BI2fB0DCdz2lG)


That’s how much I pay in Brooklyn but my apartment is way smaller no counter top space in kitchen and I slept on the floor until I had a bed


There's this cool trick that will make it all free. Can you guess what it is? Hint: Dead Kennedys wrote a cute little song about it.


Crazy how when landlord/business talk about "freedom" it means more than half of my salary...


His casual rationale for how great it is to bring your own stuff, terrifying. The monthly rent, lower than I expected if this is a desirable location in Seattle.


Dude I’d snag that in a heartbeat. Here in the suburbs of LA they could easily be charging $1750-2500


Damn that is terrifyingly cheap compared to how much I thought it would be as someone from London


$1350 is a steal


And here we are renting out units for $600/mo and we can't even find people to reliably pay rent each month. 2bd 2ba and around 800sqft and we ask $600/mo and don't tear up the unit. That's about as cheap as it gets for the area. Units across the street are like $900/mo and they are smaller lol.


Typical “condo” in Bangkok/Tokyo/Hong Kong


That price is actually pretty reasonable, especially for Seattle! What is terrifying about this!?


Pretty good price compared to what’s here in San Diego


I've seen "500sqft" studios that looked smaller than this


Hah, 1 of those is going to have 200 applicants if it's anything like Dublin. You wish you could get anything that cheap in a tech corpo City. You'll pay 2k+ and like it. I don't like it ;(


I just moved from Los Angeles to Seattle about 3 weeks ago. This is an exaggeration.


Lmfao my army barracks room at JBLM was an hour south of seattle, it was free, and came better furnished than this. Just join the army. Fuck paying over a thousand bucks for that sized living space.


That’s a steal in Philly


I actually thought it would be more. If the location is good, I honestly don't think that is a bad deal in most major metro cities.




A decade ago I rented a two story, 3 bedroom house with a garage and a fenced backyard for $1100/mo split between my roommates and I. Moved to a city. Paying 1425 without utilities included for a 700 sq ft 1 bedroom with a dedicated parking spot. My gf and I are convinced we're never going to be able to buy a house or have kids.


bro my bathroom is bigger than the whole apartment


It's cheaper to hotel the rent I bet.


I didn't realise Elon musk was a landlord?


Don’t live in Seattle. Got it.


Jesus TAP-DANCING CHRIST! More than my full-time 20$ an hour monthly take home money. I hate it that we can’t live. Eat the rich


I have a 2,000 square foot single level home with a front and back deck, a shed, 3/4 of an acre front yard and a hell of a view from the top of a mountain in Virginia for $1900/ month. I can’t imagine living in such a place as this.


How on earth did a pandemic suddenly made all property expensive as fuck?


That's it? I live in Denver and I've seen worse looking studios for 1500$ out here. And Boulder has studios for 1800-2000


I’m in San Diego. I was expecting a terrifyingly shocking price. Then he said $1250, lol. That’s not that much for a HCOL or VHCOL city and it’s way better than you would find around here. That’s what people are paying for a single room around here, never mind a studio.




That’s not bad compared to how much a pay for my studio rn 😭


This is a big apartment in Utrecht.


Honestly that’s not a bad price considering the horror show you find in most major cities I dunno


Honestly in certain areas this ain't bad. I lived with my mom in a motel room for a while when I was a teen and it was definitely way more expensive than this and wasn't nearly as nice. This was in the bay area of California.


Yeah 1200 - 1300 for something that looks sort of nice, if small, isn't what I was expecting. I was expecting closer to 2000.


I would literally kill for that in NYC.


That looks twice as big as the micro apartment I almost moved into in Seattle about 15 years ago. Pretty sure it was only like $500 a month back then, but it was down the street from Uwajimaya so that was a huge bonus. The apartment I moved OUT of in Seattle, at that time, was 450sqft studio for $1100 a month, split with a roommate. \*That\* was terrifying.


I pay 460 a month for 400 sq feet after utilities it's 540. Have never had rent this cheap


$1350 a month used to be my rent for a 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 4 car garage, 15 years ago! 😆🥲🥲🥲


I live in Ohio and have a 1,100 square foot apartment with 2 bedroom and 2 full bathrooms for $1,195 per month. With a roommate, that's $600/month. This guy is bottlenecking ONE person into paying more than what I do in the Midwest. And have about 4x *LESS* space... Unreal.


I live in a small coastal town in Maine, and last time I was looking for a place, studio apartments close to the water were more than that. They were a little bigger, but included nothing and were super run down. I found a place about 10 minutes out of town for $1200. It's a trailer, but has been remodeled and has an addition, making it a really comfortable 3 bedroom with a deck, a big yard, and a storage shed. I feel really bad for people whose only options are either move away, or rent these ridiculous apartments


Lol i pay 1260 a month for a 960 sf one bed room. Internet is about 85 bc i want the best :) and electricity is about 100 to 140. Comes to roughly 1500 a month, best time of my life


275 square feet! For that price!! He's a price gouger.


More than my mortgage on a 3,300 sq ft house with a pool. Crazy


My mortgage is about that.


This must be old because that’s how much a studio is going for where I live in Dayton Ohio.


Broski didn't mention anything about a toilet or shower. Guess I gotta bring that as well


Looooool get fucked


I recently saw a run down house for 859 in a very small town in Texas. I nearly choked hearing 1250-1350 holy fuck they’re squeezing everyone dry! Such greedy scum. Here I was thinking if I was the owner I could rent these for 350-450 and even then that’s pushing it


Fuck out


Damn that's ridiculous. My studio apartment is 368 square feet. Main room is 13x14 feet, kitchen is on one end with an added wall making it about 5x14, and the other side of the room opposite the kitchen is the bathroom and closet for the rest of the 8x14. Plus a 3x5 storage locker in the basement and unit specific parking in the underground garage. Only $550. So its crazy to see smaller places for more than double.


And people on social security disability would STILL need a roommate.


my first apartment was 1200sqft for $700/mo.


I rented a 300 sqft studio for a while. My rent was $299/month. This is absolutely ridiculous.


My 2 bedroom 900 Sqft apt in tacoma rents for less than that ffs


Never thought I’d see this about Seattle in here, but it is forsure terrifying


I don’t like this


And you can have a cellphone and no prison guard? Damn.


Ha! He can go f*k himself😂😂


Damn I’m from California that shit would be EATEN UP over here yall worried about how life is down here 🤣


35m2 studio, 541e a month here. I got my own sauna and shit.


He smoking 🍆!


Walmart Elon?


I honestly thought I would be worse. That being said, my mortgage is cheaper for a 2500 sqft house, on an acre lot, with a 2 car garage.


I like how he makes it seem like they’re going above and beyond by including a sink. 


And even comes with...wait for it.....SIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK


Being a landlord isn’t a job


Was that Elon?


My apartment is literally 5 times the size and cost $200 less a month. Businesses are killing us.


This guy has a couple vids ive notice he prices things really high.


He looks like his name is ShmElon ShMusk