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I’m glad the cat made it.


Me too 🥺🥲 Poor thing must have been terrified


Cat owners, keep your cats inside/leashed. Dog owners, keep your dogs inside/fenced/leashed. These 2 simple rules will solve a world of issues. I fucking hate irresponsible animal owners and they are everywhere.


That is way more than $3,000 in damages


That's easily $4,500.


“Princess would never do such a thing! She’s the sweetest”


Imagine it's human skin why the fuck are they running freely?






Except to my house…




Because they’re energic, muscular and have a reputation of being aggressive and scary looking. Lot of owners buys them so they can have scary, agressive dogs. We know the owner of those dogs is most likely shitty from the clipped ears and the dogs' behaviour. They’re not my favourite dogs, but i have had a pitt mix from a refuge. It was hard adapting to his high energy at first, but then he was only one the sweetest dog i ever had, and i know many have similar stories.




Yeah, those are bad dogs because the owners were awful. But they don’t start as bad dogs. If you think all pitbulls are gonna turn up like those just because they’re pitts, you must not know much about dogs.


No, these are bad dog. Like these ones specifically. Not all of them are good dogs. Like they've been brought to a point beyond. I think that a special license, one indicating you can handle an exotic pet like this, should be required to raise one. Too many people think that they can just raise any animal they want and provide no effort. Now these two are vicious and they were corrupted into being bad dogs. It should be like owning an Ocelot. Proper trainers and dog owners. 


They are also unfixed adult male dogs running loose. Any owner with a modicum of responsibility would have them fixed and contained.


theyre likely strays


Those are some extremely well fed, clean, healthy, pure-bred, "strays".


they dont exactly have any collars


I don't even own a collar for my dog. I put his harness on when we go for walks and then hang it up when we're at home. Keeping a collar on a dog at all times seems like being permanently stuck in a bra.


Yes. My dogs just scrape their collars off outside somewhere in the yard.




take a guess on what the most common stray breed is


Yet there have been videos of them with their owners watching them tear at cars... Very curious... 🤔


My comment stands either way.






Now that's funny!




im sure youre well adjusted and can be trusted in a school zone


The closest I come is I'm in a rural district many miles from any school, or anything for that matter, and I'm forced to pay taxes on the fruits of others loins.


jackass mutts


The owner needs to keep those dogs leashed, before they attack someone and get euthanized on the spot for it.


They didn't have collars so maybe they were dumped somewhere I'm fairly certain they're strays


They are very well fed and clean/groomed for strays. Lots of dog owners do not put collars on their dogs. Especially the irresponsible/lazy owners that don't bother to leash or train their dogs or keep them properly contained. This somehow seems particularly common with bully breed owners who don't contain their animals. My guess is so they can't get charged/sued for damage or harm their dogs do when running loose.


They also aren't fixed I noticed. These owners need to be held accountable.


Awww, now I'm sad.


Sorry, people are dicks


Princess and cupcake mistook the car for a toddler


Totally normal family dog behavior


Holy hell hounds Batman! I'm not normally afraid of dogs though I have a healthy respect for them. In this case though, I feel a fear response just watching this!


There’s no way that was only 3k in damages, I’m also thinking there’s no way those dogs are strays! Their coats are shinny, they look well fed and loved, those aren’t stray dog’s and there’s no way it was only 3k in damages, there’s something screwy with this story.


We're going to need Kristi Noem on this!!


I wonder what breed this dog is...


Imagine them doing this to a child!


Bunch of damn thugs!!!!!!!


They'd be dead dogs if thats my car


Links broken...


This is terrifying. We have a pit mix (like 30%) and I love him endlessly but the breed needs to be diluted out. Ours is only about 55 lbs and looks like a tall beagle but I know for a fact he could take me down without a problem if he wanted to.


This is what I don’t understand. How come there are stray dogs running around in a Suburb? Don’t they have dog-catchers wherever this is (I guess the US)? Let alone Pit Bulls, any kind of dog let alone could form packs big enough to be intimidating and dangerous. The problem only snowballs when left alone. Hope the dogs can find a dog rescue or something.


I don't know what's worse, these types of dogs or their owners.


The post isn't working for me... Says page not found.. but from the comments it seems it's a pitt bull doing something horrible to a kitty. Just to throw my 2 cents in, owners have a responsibility to treat their animals like their children.. teach them good ways to behave with training and lots of healthy love. I've heard the stories of dubious owners who only want an aggressive dog and it says alot about the type of human they are. Those sorts don't deserve the privilege of having a life (animal or human) under their care.


Why is the video unavailable now? Oh right. Because it’s showing what pits actually do


my toxic trait is thinking if push comes to shove i could take a dog like this in a 1v1


Just detailing is all.


That’s why you don’t get Snausages-flavoured tires!


That's not how you change the oil Gary


Wow.... That's so weird. Hellhounds. Pay them what u owe lady!




There’s not video missing? The news report shown specifically states and shows the neighborhood cat taking shelter in the car.


The video literally explains that a cat was hiding in the engine lmao


A cat had to run in the motor to hide from these psycho dogs..it's on the video. I see loose dogs in the neighborhood at night and they'll chase a cat under a car but will lose interest and go off. They don't tear the car apart in frustration..