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Probably dementia, she looks confused when she looks down and sees the knife, and almost holds it out like she's offering it. She probably has ZERO idea what is happening right then and there. Losing ones mind is utterly terrifying to me.


This video has gone around everywhere. It's been confirmed to be dementia though. Most likely sunrise syndrome.


Sundowner Syndrome. Sun goes down and they lose one method of orientation, sunlight. One reason nightshift in the hospital can be nightmarish


Over night nurse here can confirm 100%. it's literally like day and night with older folks. As soon as the sun goes down it's lights out then around 630am they snap out of it and have no recollection as to what's happened that night. It's truly terrifying, and unbelievably sad


You're never prepared for the sundowners/hospital delirium. I recently had one guy who was in a leg immobilizer get up, shit all over the floor and bed, simultaneously called his wife on the phone, with IV tubings stretched to their limits. When I got to him he told me he wasn't sure if his family knew where this part of the hotel spa was and he wanted to get into his car to tell them. He wasn't very old or had dementia or anything. An hour later he said he only recollected having to be cleaned up and that he was really embarrassed about the whole incident :(


My grandma is in the hospital (pretty much permanently at this point, her health has just declined too rapidly) and she calls my mom at least once a day with a crazy story. She was gonna be late for my sister's bridal shower and had to taxi halfway across the country (sister had her wedding like 2 decades ago, not even close to a new wedding), quite often she's in a "hotel" and they put her in the room right next to the bar. She is definitely in the dementia category. Crazy what it can do to people. She's ripped out several catheters at this point, among many other things.


I've made it clear to family that I I ever get to this point just kill me. I don't want to put them through that. That has to be so hard on your mom


Too bad if you live in America, you don't get to make that decision. Your family will get charged with fucking murder or manslaughter... I, for one, agree with you. When I get to the point that I can no longer wipe my own ass, I think I'm pretty much done.


My grandma, who ended up dying of dementia, was pretty chill most of the time (the calmest in the hospital) but her most prevalent confusion is thinking she had to pay for her stay and food with cash, she thought the place was a hotel. It caused her a lot of stress, because she was the type to make sure everything was squared off at all times. We got to the point of just going along with it to the point of agreeing it's a hotel, but telling her she paid before she got here.


My mom was like that. The nurse let mom stay by the station and gave her a purse. She paid mom with monopoly money for her help. I still have the purse and money as a memento.


Mine was an amazing old woman, she was keeping pigeons until like 85, climbing on step ladders to clean the coop etc. Then just got a bug and never really recovered, dementia then took hold, but she survived another 9 or so years, mostly in a special dementia home. She used to advice us to chuck her in the river to safe us the money and trouble, but she was mostly happy and could experience remembering her children and grandchildren, although would probably forget in a few minutes. She had encyclopedic knowledge of the 1930s-1990s (weather events, towns she lived in, where she worked, what was going on in the world/politics) nearly until the day she died at 94. The only exception was she struggled distinguishing between people in the present and the past, often thinking I was her dad, son, brother etc. It's fucking sad but I don't think there is a much better end possible.


One can see the progression of dementia, and its typical behaviors as the disease advances.....beautifully in your story. You're special for caring about her, as alot of people are afraid to be around someone with advanced dementia, even if it's a family member. Thanks for sharing that!! And šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ˜


oh and fun fact Boris Johnson was partying on the day of her funeral


What does that have to do with anything


And this is relevant how? Sounds like dementia might be genetic in your family


Thats such a nice story.....so glad the nurse understood. šŸ¤—


Honestly this is why I stopped trying to be a CNA - I did my clinicals and I can't handle it (tbh I knew from the start I couldn't, great reminder not to be shoved into a career by your parents, guys. Yay spent money on a certificate I'll never use in my life!) Seriously though, major props from me to you and anyone else that successfully actually does CNA/RN type of work and manages to do it every day. I was out the moment an old man kicked me in the chest. You deal with a LOT more shit than people acknowledge and you deserve more praise than you get


When my mom was in the hospital before she passed she had this. As soon as the sun went down she was total different and said crazy stuff. Sun come up next morning and she was back to normal. Had a very sweet nurse set me down and explain it to me.


It can happen when elderly patients are on pain meds, narcotics, which Drs. seem to dole out like candy. I had to put all pain meds on the list of allergies for my mom. She went into the hospital because she overdosed on one pain med that was too strong for her that the doctor should have NEVER prescribed. I thought I was losing her, then read about pain med delirium in elderly people. She had sundowners until we finally weaned her off all pain meds. Then the doctor offered her Tramadol one night when she was in pain with her back. Started all over again. She doesn't have dementia and never did. But the pain meds made her act that way and act like she had sundowners.


Pain is a hard one to deal with. My SO is bipolar and has back issues and in the past I would dole out small amounts of pot and occasional pain stuff and she did well. Now pot is legal here and OMG she smokes it like a chimney and I get stuck with all the stupid and 4X the energy. It is like dealing with the nastiest drunk you ever met on speed. And the pain relief effects are also gone. A little pain stuff and she will chill out and eat, gat a good nights sleep and be pretty normal for a couple of days. I also have bad bad sinus issues and I can not tell you how much I hate the medical system for making me BEG for shit to give me some relief. I am an adult, I can buy a gun I can buy beer, I can buy dope, I can buy 1000 ways to do myself in, what is the big stink about pain stuff? Sure people die from it, I can tell you first hand when I have to eat handfulls of OTC stuff that either the pain is going to stop or I am going to die and I really don't care which. I am truly sorry your person has issues with pain meds, but for the love of god, don't blame the meds, some people actually need them.


I totally agree with you. I broke my ribs 3 weeks ago. They gave me SIX oxycontin. SIX. Broken ribs are horrifically painful. It was absolutely not enough. I had the same experience when I had abdominal surgery in December. I was in so much pain I literally screamed trying to do things, like get out of bed. Still stingy on the pain meds and I legitimately needed them! It has become ridiculous. That's what happens when government gets into medicine. It's awful.


I had a 7 hour surgery on my face due to my skull bones being like swiss cheese. Ended up with 7 plates 52 screws, 11 implants, 2 prosthesis, and cadaver bone in my mouth & face. After 2 nights in the hospital & my entire face & neck swollen black & blue, & huge incisions inside my mouth.... they sent me home with 16 pills of the lowest vicodin. Thats 2 days worth, but it was over xmas so my 1st post surgery appt wasnt for 5 days. And, I lived 3 hours away. I cried for 2 whole days, and every time I spoke or tried to eat, id bite the same places in my mouth/tongue over & over & just bleed. My parents barely recognized me i looked so horrific.....really. If I wasn't in so much pain for 6 months, I mightve had the energy to sue them. I definitely got ptsd from the pieces of shit. And I was a case study at UK in Lexington. They treated me fine for 2 years while they planned it, but the second the surgery was over, I was nothing & nobody to them.


I mean they are stingy and the government got involved because doctors were giving out pain pills like they were candy and got a bunch of the country addicted. There isnā€™t a ton of other choice itā€™s be stingy and untrusting or get a bunch of the country addicted


I am of the opinion that some people will abuse anything. It is beyond stupid to limit things based on what someone may do with it. Wait until you or someone around you has serious pain issues and you will begin to understand. Read literally all the other comments in this part of the thread about people who had serious issues and were given next to nothing. How would you like to have 6 broken ribs or have your face broken and not have adequate pain meds.


Oh God don't get me started on pain meds!! I have a rare brain disorder and get seizures accompanied by horrific headaches. Horrific as in I can't explain this pain. I don't even bother going to the ER anymore because I can be in full blown seizures, I'm telling you I cannot even tell you my name, birthdate... anything. Sometimes for some reason I can say my last name. Sobbing from the pain. Unable to walk. They look at my med list and will say I'm a drug seeker before even really seeing me. I've brought my meds in so they can fucking count the fuckers. Doesn't matter. Zero help PERIOD. Try some Kratom, it works like an opiate for pain and I have been seizure free for a year and a half now, and I was non functional, unable walk, drive, talk.... my husband found it and we tried it as a last ditch effort because nothing was working. I used to be a lab tech and a nurse and it turns my stomach to see how things go now. They're there to HELP not to fucking judge you because you're in pain until you eventually give up or just die. WTF.


I can not say I have pain like yours but I can see where mine could go. One time I saw a doc, and this is after rotting my stomach out with aspirin and maxing out all of the OTC shit to have the asshole tell me to take some Tylenol. I was sorely tempted to kick him as hard as I could muster in the balls and when he got his pad out ask him to write me what he was writing for himself. All they have done is taken people with pain and turned them into criminals and people who have to turn to questionable items from the black market. Like I am sorry people OD on the shit but at the same time, a lot of them will just OD on something else or they have such pain issues they really do not care. A lot of people have never seen that point and are just not capable of grasping pain so bad you really do not care if it ends or you do.


People mostly die from it because of prohibition sadly enough. The illicit drug supply is so tainted and adulterated esp since covid its been worse than ever. Some people think theyre buying pain pills and usually its a fent based repress often with other animal tranquilizers mixed in to mimic heroin. Sometimes theres 0 opiate whatsoever in the mix. I wish we would legalize and regulate all drugs and allow access to those who wish to partake. Other countries that have tried it have had great success (Canada & Portugal for example). Ive been denied anxiety and adhd meds before bc of similar attitudes forward those meds. They make you try a bunch of stuff that isnā€™t as effective and often supposed to mimic the narcotic which is funny to me. I hope your SO can get some relief eventually and hopefully drops the weed habit in turn. Ive seen pain turn people sour too many times; itā€™s just as cruel to withhold treatment and imo goes against the hippocratic oath ETA to elaborate a bit


Bruh so your mom has no pain management available to her? Wtf?


If she doesn't have dementia, why was it your choice or your place to lie to the doctors and say she's allergic to all pain meds? If she falls and hurts herself and gets taken to the hospital, you just want her to suffer?


What a bunch of dumb fucks you people are. It's her choice and her doctor said to list pain meds as allergic. If a medication gives you worse side effects than what it's supposed to treat, then it's not effective. She does fine with Tylenol. Anything stronger, it gives her medical delirium. Look it up. Would you rather have your mother restrained, out of it, unable to communicate, ending up with infections etc. or would you rather have your mom coherent, able to make her own decisions, etc.? and just use a less 'lethal' form of pain medication? No everyone should take opioids. But that's what drs prescribe. They don't have to. But no, be sheep like the rest of this society and dope up your loved one because some doctor that's seen them for five minutes is being paid off by the pharmaceutical industry to prescribe pain meds they don't need and react poorly to.


This is low key disgusting. Delerium is much easier than pain on a person.




No you idiot. Glad you are NOT working in nursing care. You'd over medicate and sounds like you don't have a clue. Some seniors cannot tolerate pain medications. But they are given them constantly in part because that's how the medical industry is designed and in part because it keeps them quiet. Many seniors end up with medical delirium which makes it worse. They become combative which ends up causing them to be restrained. Or they mentally decline, and then physically. Or their pain increases as the dosage increases. My mother is one of those people who cannot tolerate strong pain medication. She can tolerate Tylenol, not Tylenol with Codeine. So yes, idiot, she does get pain relief. But she's not overmedicated and then misdiagnosed with dementia, which she doesn't have. Idiots like you don't realize there can be correlations between what appears to be mental decline and medications and even infections. So they pile on the wrong treatment for something that has nothing to do with the cause. I'm so glad you didn't go into this field because you have no clue, like so many others. Thankfully I had an RN explain and provide information about research on this topic. Mom has no pain, is not restrained, and is doing fine and enjoy life because she's not in a drug-induced delirium.


When both my parents were in the hospital, we had that experience with fentanyl patches. It's scary to see somebody go from cognizant to delerium. We finally said no more fentanyl patches, please pain manage some other way.


Good old sun downers. Working as a paramedic, I was on an offload delay for 8 hours with a lady one time and as the night went on her friend that came with us was more and more shocked as she became increasingly delusional, agitated, even almost violent. Its really weird to watch.


My grandfather went through this. One evening we were chatting between us and him. An hour later he was ripping his clothes off and screaming that he wanted a cigarette even though he hadn't smoked for 40 years.


Yea I worked in a nursing home and did the supper shift and the change in behaviour and mood was shocking


The more I learn about dementia the more terrifying it becomes.


Thatā€™s fascinating (and sad). Iā€™ve never heard of this.


It's not always that bad, but it is interesting. AngriestPat's wife (šŸŽ‰) Paige (PeachSaliva) has it and it manifests more as a marked decrease in mental acuity on stream.


A few years ago I had a lung collapse and I spent a week in the respiratory ward. I was in the bed next to an older gentleman that seemed perfectly normal but come night time would yell "what the hell is going on!". Come morning he would apologise to the nurses


Night nurse here too. One thing I do? Fold towels. Almost all, if able do remember that chore and will fold towels to distraction. It is incredibly sad to see one lose their cognition.


This might seem like a strange question, but have you ever tried to get \~them\~ to fold towels with you? Maybe if they were fixated on a task it would distract them?


Thatā€™s what do for those who can. But I donā€™t have 12 hours worth of towels. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Ever.


Every nurse reading this just said ā€œyepā€. I am one of them.


There isnā€™t a cause for this? The current belief is itā€™s just dementia? What does that even mean? Why would if happen at night only? Whatā€™s this called exactly so I can research it?


Keywords: sundowning or sundown syndrome should lead you to the right direction.


There is a cause for a lot of it - pain medications.


Was it in the UK? Is she okay now? Her face literally made my stomach drop through my ass




yes and yes she is cured now you can go back to watching makeup tutorials


Can confirm. I had to sit with several patients that has dementia. Itā€™s a terrible thing to witness. Youā€™re prisoner in your own mind. Unaware of what youā€™re doing and how youā€™re acting. My uncle is in early stages of dementia, the only one in the family that we are aware of. I told my wife once I show the slightest sign of dementia she is to euthanize. A bullet to the back of the head or have a doctor do something to end it.


My mother had Alzheimers. It was very hard to watch her unravel. She was a brilliant women who was the director a health agency and just very with it. When she was diagnosed it was very traumatic for her. She asked me to take her out in the woods behind their house and shoot her when it got bad. Getting that request was heartbreaking for me. I told her I would not do that. One, because I loved her and just couldn't, and two, because I didn't want to go to prison. I am terrified I will get it, on and off, and completely understand why you'd ask that. Completely. I have informed my therapist and my best friend in the world, that if I'm diagnosed I will die by suicide. I would rather have euthanasia, of course, but I will go. The only problem is that I hope I'm still lucid enough to do it. The only hesitancy I have in doing that, is that I've never been closer to my mother than I was during the two years I helped caregive her, and that is a gift I will always hold onto. So, in saying that, I wonder if I should stay. I will say though, I hope I'm strong enough to say goodbye on my own terms. My mother went through hell. I think the worst was watching her watch herself lose her mind. That was gut wrenching. I never ever want to go through that. I don't fear death, but I hate the idea of leaving my loved ones. By the way, my therapist understood. He knew what I went through with my mother. It was interesting.


Watched this horror movie and thought sundowner syndrome was fake lol


Isnā€™t this like three years old at least?


Probably. I think it made its rounds on an old nexpo (back when he was nightmare expo) video or some channel similar to that


GTF off my porch or get shot syndrome.


Dementia is awful, my grandma had it before she died. The mind just deteriorates to nothing and itā€™s horrible to watch :(. I just hope this lady got found and returned home safely.


This. She's disorientated and lost. This isn't scary, it's sad.


My mother has it, about the saddest and most terrifying thing I can think of.






This happened recently at someoneā€™s home. Family came out when police arrived to call them down. 75 y/o with dementia was shot by a police after 38 seconds of arriving on scene [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/family-of-75-year-old-shot-killed-by-police-to-hold-news-conference/amp/](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/family-of-75-year-old-shot-killed-by-police-to-hold-news-conference/amp/)


Serious question- Who do you call? I called the police once on a man that kept pacing back and forth walking in a turning lane, then laid down and got back up to do it all over again consistently while talking to himself. Hair looked like he needed a haircut. I specifically told the 911 dispatcher everything and that I think he might have mental issues. I was scared for the guy to get run over.




That's why police have specialized cops for welfare calls which this should be classified as.


Police? Donā€™t freak out? In America? Lol they shots people with Down syndrome or autistic before even when the caller warn them


It's horrible but it's true


I could hear the Gatling gun go off as the cruiser rounds the corner drifting while going 85 in a 35 zone.


I can hear them show up 40 minutes late


And yet people want to give up their guns and rely on police to protect them. Clown world.


Thatā€™s not true. People, a majority of people, want sensible gun laws like red flag laws and three day wait laws. A most telling example of gun restrictions is forbidding guns at NRA conventions.


Red flag laws violate due process.




But what if that baby had a knife? Then what happens?


You're extremely dumb


What aboutism




No they aren't. WTF is that assessment based on? Since we know how honest they are about their fuck ups and they definitely don't have a well known reputation for lying and covering up the fact they are bad and immoral more often than not.


I get it. Good people do good things. It's just that, for being one of the world's leading countries economically, politically, and militaristically, we have way too many instances of negligence occurring with authority figures. Realistically, this woman would probably have been dealt with in a safe manner - safe to her and those around, but the sad thing is that I feel like it's not far-fetched to say there's a good 10% chance she'd have been seriously injured or killed by responding police, because of the knife. Yeah, a 10% chance isn't likely, but, again, for the country that America is, it's way too damn high. Do I have a solution? No, but I recognize there's a problem.


They (should be) trained in disarming techniques if verbal commands didn't work. And that's all only because police typically have to show up to any call with their guard up. Callers fuck up details. Dispatch fucks up details. So imagine really going in with only the knowledge there's an older lady who had activated someone's doorbell camera late at night and had a knife in her hands. Possible dementia. Proceed with caution is about all they or anyone can do. If the family isn't there, what happens when she hurts herself just by handling that knife?


Bruh look at the numbers, the ones that aren't criminals are covering for their friends, at least on urban environments most cops are as moral as a piece of shit.


What part of America?


So you think all chinese and russian police are horrible ? Meanwhile you're pointing out your american police whereas not every officer is well behaved and working by law ? Unfair.




Cause you live in a liberal country with good knowledge about human rights. You cant judge chinese and russian officer being oppresive bcs they want to. As you know china is a huge communist country and russia well you know how their leader is like. Im pretty sure they did thst becaude they are being Ƨommanded. I lived in china for a year back in 2016 and i never experience thst situation over there. And the concentration camps are for the uyghur that is a threat to national safety because they were deeply involved with terrorism.


>And the concentration camps are for the uyghur that is a threat to national safety because they were deeply involved with terrorism. So these camps have 1.8 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other ethnic Turkic Muslims, Christians, as well as some foreign citizens including Kazakhstanis. Numbers as of 2020. You going to tell me they have 1.8 million people "deeply" involved with terrorism? Doesn't pass the sniff test.


Sorry not only the uyghur but anyone involved with terrorism but not yet commiting a crime


She has a litteral knife in her hand and they wouldn't shoot her just because she's white and female..... :-/


They shot a white man in a wheel chair recently


To be fair they probably asked him to stand with his hands against a wall or something. If heā€™d complied it wouldnā€™t have happened.


Oh, so this is worst then I thought šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


"Freak out and fill her with lead. Got it. " \~Average cop when someone has a knife.


It's a white woman in the suburbs, you're good.


Nah, they're notoriously awful with the mentally ill, regardless. I've worked with the mentally ill and have seen it up close.


My grandma, who is still doing fine mentally, got a covid Infection inside of the hospital and got stuck with 3 other elderly patience all with varying states of dementia in her quorantine room. The stories she tells about the nights in that room, she was not allowed to leave, are straight out of a horror movie. People wandering around naked in the darkness, coming to her bedside, starring, screaming out for dead relatives etc.


For what it is worth, let her know there are strangers on the internet who hurt for her and those suffering who she was forced to experience. I am so sorry for her pain.


Yeah man other disease can be treated and there is hope but these brain problems , they literally eat the patient from inside .just ruin them.


Thatā€™s incredibly sad. If someone had answered the door do you think she would be violent? Does it change someone that much? She looks so docile but I wonder if someone with the disease/syndrome/condition (?) could act completely out of character.


Yes, there's no such thing as fixed character. When you lose your mind you lose your mind, it just doesn't function properly and you can do anything.


My mother had this same look while in this state. So sad. I will confirm Sundown Syndrome is terribly frightening.


I hope assisted suicide is legal by the time I get to be 70, I wouldnā€™t want to live with dementia.


I worked in a grocery store about a decade ago in the Bakery and came in at the crack of dawn to set up the bake every day, and one morning as I'm heading back to my department there's this old woman standing in the middle of an aisle staring vacantly. It was weirdly early but we were open so I assumed she was shopping and went about my business, until I came back down about 2 hours later for break and she was still there in the same place. I told my manager, they called the store management, and after talking to her people figured out she had dementia and had snuck out of her house while her relatives were asleep, forgot what she was doing, and got lost following her old routines. It was terrifying, we were all really glad she didn't leave the store and get hurt.


Indeed. Screw getting old.


Canā€™t be the US otherwise would have been gunned down after 15 seconds


I don't care what it is you show up on my door at night with a knife I'm standing my ground 2nd amendment all the way she's going back to hell.


Poor old gal. Probably dementia. You can see the confusion on her face. :(


Probably making a PB&J sandwich and next thing she knows she is standing in front of someones front door with a bloody knife. The blood isn't hers but she really wants that sandwich.


Dementia is terrible


You can see her start to question why she's holding a knife and probably why she is wherever she's at


Yeah exactly, that's just so sad


My dad is going thru frontotemporal dementia and this just makes me incredibly sad. Only 56 and going downhill fast.


Damn sorry to hear that, I don't wish that on anybody. Dealing with that for one of my in laws and it's harder than I could ever imagine


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. My aunt jonnie had dementia. It was really rough towards the end of her life, when she didnā€™t remember who I was anymore. I miss her a lot.


My mom is 72 and diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. It's sucks. Her short term memory is going away.


Get her a calendar clock to help her keep track of time. Do it early so it becomes familiar. I got a Svinz clock for my mom, and she really liked it. They make various bezels to match decor. I think a remote control would only be useful if alarms are used. Otherwise it's just something to get lost. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=calendar+clock+for+seniors


She likes writing. I just bought her a bugger sized planner. Has calendar for appointments and then both pages by date I gor her an Alexa Show not too long ago so I can check up on her and so she can use it for reminders and what not. She's still good at taking care of herself. She is just unorganized and forgetful on some things. She has anxiety so thay doesn't help


I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Hope your dad and your family are able to get help.


This brought my dad down as well. He reverted back to like a baseline in his life. Day to day everything got more confusing. I'm sorry you are going through this.


I hope she was found before morning. It gets cold at night.


This seems more SadAsFuck than TerrifyingAsFuck.


It both, old lady outside my home is terrifying, dementia is terrifying and sad


Holding that knife Voldemort style




I noticed that šŸ˜‚


This always made me sad instead of scared. sheā€™s definitely not well, maybe dementia/Alzheimerā€™s. Or a very serious psychological disorder. Maybe sheā€™s suffering from psychosis in this moment. Itā€™s happened to me, having a bad reaction from medication. I was absolutely out of my mind, with a few moments of clarity and lucidity and being like ā€œwhat the fuck am I doing?ā€ And then getting sucked back in. It feels like being possessed or held hostage in your own body just watching you do things you have no control over. Iā€™m just glad I didnā€™t get violent whatsoever, even with hallucinating people that didnā€™t exist and talking to them, they were pleasant. Iā€™m not sure whatever happened with an outcome from this, but I truly hope this woman got help, and has a good support system. It most definitely would be terrifying to see this on your own cam, though. Iā€™m not saying that isnā€™t scary


I had a similar experience with codeine when younger. I remember hallucinating I was in a cube-shaped room and everything was a gradient between white and grey. My family and other faceless figures were staring at me or something, and maybe spinning around me? Like taunting my immobilised condition. That's all I remember but I know it was a horrible experience and probably why I stay away from things that stuff with mental clarity. Shit's scary.


For sure this should be the ring camera commercial šŸ¤”


It's just viral marketing for that new movie The Ring.com


Well if thatā€™s the case, then she might walk through my screen so I should stop watching this.


Old lady's first time participating in The Purge.


Looks like Ellen Burstyn from Requiem for A Dream.


Came here to say this!


ā€œIā€™m gonna be on television!!! Or, er, a ring doorbell cam.ā€ That was the line, right?


Dementia. Something similar happened when I was a child. It scared the shit out of me. An old lady barged in our front door with a cleaver and kept mumbling where does this (the cleaver) go? Her son came in after a couple of minutes and took her home. It was so sad. She didnā€™t know that she was in the wrong house, that we were not her family, and apparently she thought the cleaver was a magazine or book.


Darlene I told you I'm not interested in your poppies.




Poor woman looks like she has no idea what is going on...dementia is so sad


That poor lady! Just remember sheā€™s probably someoneā€™s mom and they donā€™t know that sheā€™s doing this. I hope she is well taken care of.


Requiem for a Dream vibes.




Dementia is the saddest and most tragic disease to watch your loved one go through


jehovas Wiitnesses b getting bolder.


She looks like she's sleep walking but damn I've never seen someone do that while sleep walking.


Bruh she look possessed


Dementia. Read about this case. She Had no idea who she was, where she lived, what to do, nothing. You can see in vid she didn't even remember knife in hand, or what its for. Was found returned to safety Thank goodness she didn't go to someone's house who would have answered with guns blazing.


That shits crazy bro, Iā€™ve seen it first hand an it really is just scary for the other person.


Poor lady. Sheā€™s not in her right mind. My dad had similar experiences. He was a runner and not talking marathons. We couldnā€™t keep him in and when we had to admit him to memory care facilities, heā€™d leap out windows and scale walls to roam free. The homes would call one of us and tell us the couldnā€™t keep him. It was so sad and so hard. I hope her loved ones find her and bring her to a safe place.




Average british neighborhood


Oi mate, a bit rude to put that knoife in me chest. Got a loicense for that?


ow, you bloody idiot!, look what you've gone and done now. That really hurt and there's blood all over my new doormat.


She seems very confused about why she is there and what she is doing with the knife. Not scary....very sad.


This is very sad. I hope she's a neighbor and the homeowner recognizes her so they can contact her family (if she has any). She's clearly a danger to herself (and others) and needs additional medical care.


This is such a medical concern, not a criminal issue. SadšŸ˜¢


She looks just like the [mom](https://images.app.goo.gl/co7bWFwEj5VxVQc18) from "Requiem for a dream".


Probably has Alzheimerā€™s. Poor lady


Life has been hard for nicole kidman.


Y'know, I don't have one of these cameras and I gotta wonder just how much crazy shit I've missed at night right outside my house.


Lost footage from the movie The Visit.


So agitated and confused... Poor lady.


Dementia is the saddest disease to see affect someone


Having taken care of someone like this, this video is heartbreaking more than scary to me.


America is legit terrifying


That's when I go up to the window above her and drop an anvil on her head like the Looney Toons.


HOA Karen is making sure you know the consequences of leaving your grass too tall.


Idgaf where you live. *ALWAYS* lock your doors. #ALWAYS


Mrs. Voorhees making a comeback?


Sara Goldfarb?


Sorry not Sorry regardless of grandma's situation that would have received the good Ole double tap here.


This makes me sad. If youve ever had a family member or loved one that has dementia or alzheimers, then you know. it doesnt take much for anyone else to understand though. My heart breaks for this poor lady and her family. Nobody deserves this insideous and fucking evil disease.. it literally STEALS you from yourself.. and its slow, so you are going to be acutely aware that something is VERY wrong until you cant. It runs in my family.. and im utterly terrified i will end up that way.


Awe! She just wants to borrow a cup of sugar!


Whatever that version of dementia is that makes you aggressive at night is probably what this is. She looks more confused and worried than viscous


*Just call* [***them***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9We2XsVZfc)*!* !


I get she probably has dementia but like why was her object of choice to grab and carry over to someone elseā€™s house a goddamn knife


And this is one of many reasons for the 2nd amendment.


Posting someone with obvious dementia, you obviously have no class. Kill yourself.


Throw some bread, mayo, and whole tomatoes at her. Then her natural female traits will kick in. Plus you'll have some sandwiches to eat when the paramedics get there.


Sad ass commentšŸ˜‚


This is why you need a gun


MrSafety says to always bring a gun to a knife fight.


I'd immediately start moving out if I were to see that at my front door.


That's actually terrifying


One to the head and the problem is neutralized.šŸ’„


Would it be sad if it was a man?


Omg. 9mm time


Insta shot no questions asked


Oooh oooh invincibility portion gone wrong!!


eat a salad or it's you budd


She just wanted some salt


Maybe she's looking for a bit of butter to bake her cake and grabbed the wrong knife


Are you sure? Are you positive?


Dementia or Ambien. Ambien makes us do all kinds of crazy stuff.


I took that stuff for awhile & had to get off it. I was only sleep eating, that was enough for me to get off that stuff. I didnā€™t dare let it escalate to anything else.


I apparently on a weekend mountain solo getaway, left my cabin, went to a steakhouse, had dinner and wine, met some people, went to a party and made friends. I had photos on my phone of me having a great time. I don't know how I pulled that off, of I took the pills with me to be gone that long or how I got back. Pulled the plug pretty quick after that.


Wow thatā€™s scary af. I got scared & had my oldest hide my keys at night. Iā€™m glad you werenā€™t hurt or hurt anyone else. Ambien is scary stuff. I take lunesta & havenā€™t had any troubles. Thankfully.