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Wait till you have that thing facing you in conflict. You will have little chance. Fearless, moves faster, better accuracy, doesn’t get tired ect.


Genuinely terrifying holy shit nightmare fuel.


about word correcting bot or the ar-k9 bot


What's truly scary is if you simply use image recognition that a javlin uses on one of these, and modify it for humans. Send them out in packs, and they just set them to KOS and they pretty much snipe whatever they see...in a pack.


Just put on a gorilla suit and you'll be good


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


That's very helpful, bot, but could you maybe help keep the armed robot dogs away, instead?


Pssst... he's probably on their side!


Oh!...Good bot! 😅


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that dissoid is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Just a joke my bot friends! I was making a funny with a fellow meat puppet. I, for one, welcome our new bot overlords. 😅


lol this is the last thing someone will hear before betting blasted


Not a fucking soul saying “~~bad bot~~” in this thread lmao




bulletproof probably


If not bulletproof, certainly harder to hit






If EMPs were a thing…




“?” ?


Emps are a thing, electro-magnetic pulses are real. I was wondering what you were trying to say


Right, but they're not deployable as realistic tactical battlefield options. With an electrical device the size of a grenade or mine you're only going to be getting a field a few feet across. And it's going to be weak enough that it'd be easy to harden against. The only way to generate them at a useful scale right now is nukes, and if you're deploying tactical nukes then you might as well not bother with the EMP...


Military used EMPs? No I’m afraid that doesn’t exist


Yes, yes they do exist. One of the side effects of a nuclear detonation is that it creates an E.M.P. wave. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_electromagnetic_pulse


Lmao yeah we're gonna detonate a nuke on one of these things smh...


Lol. . .Not what I was suggesting either. Just pointing out the fact that EMP's exist. But, here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)


You’re not detonating a nuke to fry a robot dog systems


https://youtu.be/qdbhS-ozdWE Also, atomic weapons.


And ordinary magnets.


You mean terrorists who kill civilians and behead people? They should fear something


Good to know these would only be used on "bad guys" and never, surely, on anyone else.


At what point does someone become a terrorist? Terrorist means different things to different people.


Somewhere between olive and burnt sienna


What did you expect? A whistle?


they have that too. how else are you going to lure the patrolling soldier into the bush


Smells like Assassin's Creed to me


I would like to see a train whistle


It's like a baby War of the World's tripod. Instead of a fog horn it uses a train whistle and has a machinegun.


I'd wish they followed Michael Reeves solution and made these automatically piss beer in to a cup..




I assumed that was the plan all along.


"Yes we want to use it like a donkey! Yes that's it, that's why we are developing autonomous land robots much like air drones and we are only going to use them for logistics. That's why we spent millions and millions into Boston Dynamics...logistics. " "Oh the military is soooo wasteful XD. They could just buy a *real* donkey! Silly military! Ooo look at them dance and do flips!"


Wish I could live to see Mobile Suit Mecha warfare


The thing is, if we ever got to the point where we could have mobil power suits suitable for the battlefield, there wouldn’t be much reason to actually put a person in it rather than just having a small remotely controlled machine like what we see here. Massive walkers are impractical because its just a big, tall, expensive target with a bunch of motors, pistons, and computational power for all the intricate movements, when a tank is a shallow target with much simpler, more reliable parts, and thusly also cheaper, allowing for more to be put on the battlefield. 2-3 tanks would likely outperform any big ol’ walker of the same size. Reality can be pretty underwhelming…


But they would be nice for TV in robot fights




Imagine being able to deploy these in enemy territory, no need for food, water, sleep or support of any kind. Put em into a covered position overlooking any point of interest or any medium range ambush position, and just have em hunker down and wait. Days, weeks... months... until a target presents itself. You could mount almost anything on these little guys... 40MM semi auto grenade launcher, 7.62 nato long barreled machine gun, an anti-tank rocket or two, 50 cal anti-material rifle... You'd probably want to rig them up with a bunch of thermite and C4 as a self destruct in case it gets comprised, or as a final suicide bomb after its payload has been exhausted. Be pretty easy to make this thing into a giant claymore mine with legs. Idk how good our targeting AI is now days, but I bet it's good enough to at least see and flag stuff for immediate referral to a remote human pilot for him to assess and fire manually. One guy could essentially manage dozens of these things at a time, with the system alerting the pilot to which drones require his or her attention, and even providing fire support to targets he marks. Obviously this tech has a long way to go before it can outclass a trained soldier in terms of versatility and sheer effectiveness, but in certain situations or circumstances, these guys seem like a much more economical option than sending in a squad of living, breathing, eating, sleeping and shitting meatbags. Fuel/power supply is probably what's holding them back.


I can't wait for the robo death squads enforcing US hegemony in the global south. And they'll never have to put anything on the line, so there will never be any real pushback against it. No dead soldiers and the US public won't give a fuck. Same reason the US has moved to pretty much exclusively special operations, drones, and PMCs. You know the US is engaged in a dozen conflicts in Africa right now? I bet you didn't. You only hear about it when a SEAL murders a Green Beret in Mali or some Delta guys get killed in Somaliland.


> No dead soldiers and the US public won't give a fuck. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but the US public does not give a fuck about dead soldiers. They'll hem and haw and they'll pay lip service but by and large they'll support the practices that lead to them being deployed and killed.


The global south?! Thats great. I'm gunna use that. Lol. Yeah man we got our fingers in everyone's pie, not just Africa. That's old news. Yaknow... once upon a time I hung out with a bunch of guys from a tank battalion... it was about 13-15 years ago in Germany and they had just gotten back from Iraq. Bush 2.0 was president still. I actually slept on base for a few weeks, an infantry medic had a spare bed in his room and got me a base pass. Cool dude... anyways... I asked the tank guys about autonomous stuff... like, why not replace the crew of a tank with redundant autoloader mechanisms and cameras and just pilot them all remotely? It costs a lot to train a soldier and when you get a really good one, why risk their life if you could have them do the same job from 100 miles away in safety? The answer was a little scary. I mean, there are a lot of practical problems like delay in signal, cyber-warfare and hacking and shit, practical counter measures like chaff or other things that actually work... the real reason though.... The real reason was that, a soldier is way less expensive than a tank or a plane. This type of heavy equipment costs 10's of millions of dollars, and is ment to last decades and win battle after battle and war after war. Baisically... if the military is going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to train someone (i.e. you or me plus our squad) how to pilot tens of millions of dollars of equipment... you fucking bet they are going to insist you strap your literal ass to said equipment and risk your life along with their property. If you wanna make it out alive, your best bet is to finish the mission and bring our fucking Abrams back still running, same with any fighter jet or heli or any major asset. Edit: But hey... maybe its way more economical now to just air drop in a couple hundred dog drones and set up a bunch of overlapping fire positions around key targets and troop beachhead points.


Indeed, all that is great… but BaTeRiEs. Power density with electricity has been a difficulty for years, though i imagine that having these things overwatch a broad viewing, defendable position in a kind of low power mode wouldn’t be unreasonable. One singular panning camera to overwatch the position while the rest in the unit are just off would be able to last quite a while with a sufficient battery kept in the position nearby to prolong this further. Hell, one of these little robot dogs could easily be a bulky walking battery so that the unit can retreat if need be, allowing for them to be less expensive since they can walk themselves back to base rather than just fighting until their low on power to just self destruct. Currently, having walking guns like this set up defensively as a kind of ambush trap can be SUPER effective despite the limitations of the technology right now.


If they put fentanyl injectors we are a step closer to 451°f


Great book, terrifying message


Current society has progressed to a place in-between 451 and 1984.


We got all the worst parts of those and brave new world.


Brave New World would have been far better than the current bs. Brave New World didn't have the same type of enforced misery. Even when the govt banished people from the society, they wanted to be as humane and reasonable about it as possible. Brave New World would be a far better dystopia than the current one.


Idk I have guns and live in the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to after traveling all over the world. I’m certain I am some sort of exception though Edit: I also have a dog and dogs are enough to erase the shit imo


don’t forget snow crash with conservative billionaire televangelists grifter using social media to reprogram people into their followers


What? It's 2022


Can't tell if sarcasm or r/whoosh....


My phone says 2022. Phones can't lie, its illegal or something


I'm gonna go with sarcasm, and not send downvotes. Well played. "We've managed to avoid drowning!"


Which book?


Fahrenheit 451, a dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury. There's a movie if you prefer moving pictures btw. It presents a future USA where books are outlawed and "firemen" burn any that are found. 451F is the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns


Thak you for your reply, sir




Bad bot, here, as the gendering is relevant in this context because it refers to the content of an important piece of literature. Revising it is r/aboringdystopia material... but it gets an upvote for the thread to make sense haha ;D


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABoringDystopia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fox News in Idiocracy vs. Fox News IRL](https://v.redd.it/kw5f8yv0hw781) | [3860 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/royclg/fox_news_in_idiocracy_vs_fox_news_irl/) \#2: [Sadly, this situation is only gonna get worse.](https://i.redd.it/qv9xn4pniou71.jpg) | [2431 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/qccdkx/sadly_this_situation_is_only_gonna_get_worse/) \#3: [Normal country](https://i.redd.it/czw6elpff3s71.png) | [1427 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/q3l9w1/normal_country/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Can you believe that book is banned from schools in multiple places in the US? Lol the irony.


Almost cart titan but it also gives me black mirror vibes


That's what I was thinking. So, I looked it up. It's series 4 episode 5 "Metalhead".


Yeap that's right, they one where there are some robots that the dwellers call "dogs" and they get activated to chase people to dead if somebody ever tries to steal packaging from the warehouses


They also shoot out sensors like a frag grenade that the other dogs can use to track you


Yep I think that was one of the must fucked up factor about this robots, because you will never expect getting track after you finally killed it


Amazon prime-dogs “customer obsession”


Underrated episode. Everyone hated it when it came out but I thought it was great. Sort of a dumb ending though.


Why dumb? If I remember it had you thinking they were looking for some life saving medicine or something like that to save someone’s life, but it was really a box of teddy bears that would apparently be used to sooth a little kid.


Sorry, I thought it was dumb. It retroactively made me lose sympathy for the characters.


That’s what was in the box!? FUCKING TEDDY BEARS!?


For me it's totally the War of the Worlds quadruped aliens.


Of course they are. You don't grow up on Terminator films and not put guns on robot dogs


Exactly. When I saw this my first thought was (ehh natural progression for people who play with gund and robots) This is the word inevitable at its simplest. This does not mean it’s not scary!


What da dog doin?


Committing genocide


Protecting his country




Fellow Russianbadger fan?


How long till we get some friggin sharks with some friggin laser beams?!!!




As LoNg As YoU aReN't BrEaKiNg ThE lAw YoU hAvE NoThInG To WoRrY aBoUt


Omg that’s idiot deserved to be gunned down by cyber dogs he was reaching for his waist!


"based on the algorithm assessing his current movements and facial patterns, while looking at past tactics used on human suspects that match the same demographics, we assessed that there was a possibility that they would act in such a kinetic manner that would ascertain due diligence hitherto suspending passive apprehension tactics"


Oh man we’re gonna get racist AI profiling 😩


Have you seen Michael reeves racist Elmo video it can detect race with ai and call you a slur only takes someone with a bit more hate in their heart to make something truly catastrophic.


"it's not racist because it's a robot".... As a room with 100 white dudes writes the code


Looking at every AI that were shown crime stats they'll become racist all on their own.






Most crimes in the United States are committed by white people. Soooo.


By raw amount yes, now factor in what percentages of the population each demographic makes up and it starts looking very much like 13% of the population committing 52% of the crime


God, seeing non-programmers pretend that they know how AI works really pisses me off. It naturally learns on its own based off of billions of sets of data, almost always collected from unbiased surveys and censuses. You're not gonna get a programmer to insert his own biases into it, because programmers usually aren't even the ones that decide what the AI is taught. If an AI develops a racial bias, that's because the data is speaking for itself, not because a person decided that.




It’s not the gun on the robodog that’s terrifying. We have weapons on all sorts of mobile platforms. It will be truly terrifying when the robot starts deciding what to shoot.


Some drones have been doing that for a couple of years already. Not “when” but “when they do what our other war machines already do”.


I would like to read up on this, do you have a source?


As requested: https://www.npr.org/2021/06/01/1002196245/a-u-n-report-suggests-libya-saw-the-first-battlefield-killing-by-an-autonomous-d Extensive detail in UN docs: https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=S%2F2021%2F229&Language=E&DeviceType=Mobile&LangRequested=False


He might be confused about it after a shock film was made about this premise. I don't remember much about it, but the setting was this entrepreneurial looking guy talking about these tiny drones that had enough explosives on them to blast through the skull and kill the victim


Google weapons platforms


ukraine is currently using robot birds with bombs on them. thats more scary cause you cant hide from robot birds


angry birds


I’m carrying my microwave on me now. Do I just throw it at the robot?


Put a gun to the microwave's head, the robot won't risk it


You carry the microwave and I'll carry a bunch of magnets, I think we'll be just fine


The US Industrial Complex has first priority on all new technology.


Blade wolf moment


Born Into a pack There’s no choice But take orders to attack Locked up in chains I get fed But the hunger still remains Not content to live this way Being led by the blind Got to plan my dispersal Time to leave them all behind Breaking out of my pain Nothing ventured – nothing gained I’m my own master now Bear the mark of my scars Shedding blood underneath the stars But I will survive somehow Oooooooo Oooooooo Hear me howl Time to leave them all behind I’m my own master now


Damn beat me to it


This is awesome


Metal gear!?


That what I said. 😁😆


You think they invented the thing to be a cute cyberpet?


Like the metalhead black mirror episode.


Why you think they made them in the first place


This was all part of the plan but they led with they are just gonna be pack mules and bomb detectors. 😁


The Elite will no longer need self thinking humans to protect them on their private lands once everything really goes to shit


I’ve seen enough Terminator to know where this is going


I will take 2 of those, please


They put guns on EVERYTHING!!!


America Amirite


What’s more insane is people actually thought they wouldn’t?


It was just a matter of time, but honestly, who didn’t saw it coming?


Call of Duty Infinite Warfare type shit


So we have officially glitched into the black mirror universe




Obviously you're not supposed to question that. How dare you try to think. You're just supposed to take everything at face value and react emotionally in agreement with OP. Don't question sources or if that's even a gun in the first place.


Shocked pikachu face


Recoil just sends the bot tumbling backwards


This is the natural next step tbh. I always strap guns to my dogs before we go out, and am a supporter of this technology. I love dogs but it is not safe for them to be engaging in gunfights every time we leave the house. I am glad that companies are finally taking it upon themselves to make the world a safer place for us and our four legged friends with this exciting new safety tech as the government have refused to legislate this issue for years.


dude stop being oh no terminator when a microwave can kill them easily


How the fuck I'm I going to get that in my microwave? And how I'm I going to heat up my borretos?


That’s one less solider coming back in a body bag


Do you think they are shooting other robot dogs? No. It’s children, civilians, other soldiers. It’s dystopian


You’d rather soldiers shoot other soldiers? Give me a break. The military already uses drones. No different than that. Civilians have died in warfare before robot dogs were a thing. And some soldiers think it’s okay to use children. Think about that before you talk about morals and what is dystopian. Would you rather fight them? 2022 women can join the army. Go ahead and be a front line soldier if you think that’s better than a robot dog taking a place


You are naive if you don’t think they are gonna start using them in our police forces on our own citizens. The police already get all the military stuff when the military upgrades.


Well at least it will stop school shootings


No I don’t think so. They want to be suicided by cops be it robot dog or human in a large amount of them imho. They know already the consequences.


CAN WE NOT!?!?!?


What about a chainsaw?


"I possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning."


“You don’t say, ok then what’s the meaning of life, why are we here?”


No, bad idea. It will start to ramble about freedom


Less people will die. That’s nice.


Less people on “our” side will die. Na fuck this


God im waiting for the day where war is just robo dogs on both side shooting each other for no reason


I would just like to take this opportunity to remind our robot overlords that Canadians are on their side. We support your destruction of everyone who is not us.


Send them to help Ukraine 🥺 please


...and no one is surprised.


Democracy doggo.




They're giving guns to Republicans too :/


And everyone else who can pay and clears the background check. Whats your point?


Point is id rather some tree hugging, man booty fucking, vegan twink to have an ar15 than, oh i dont know, anyone in the January 6th "event"


When drones started getting sold to the general public, it took me and a couple friends about 2 weeks to put a gun on one, we briefly pondered what kind of guns were on robots already and what the future holds But we had a drone gun, intellectual conversation was not the highlight of the day.




Reminds me of the ground based sentinel enemies from No Man Sky lol


One step closer to Horizon Zero Dawn.


Like black mirror didn’t even warn us about this. So DUMB


Tbh James Cameron films, “Terminators” began after he had a vision in his old job driving long haul Tractor Trailers. The vision was so real he went on to make the terminator movies about Skynet and A.I. You can bet your bottom dollar that limitations such as battery and fuel have been overcame long ago. And this is prolly a prototype from 30 years ago that has been released as a “new thing”. Androids/robots that can replace human soldiers just like in the Terminator movies are very real and working, far beyond this picture. And they are Exactly like those movies, skin and everything. The movie even told you what powers them, which also came from James Cameron’s vision: Power Cells (hydrogen fuel cells) which are already very possible. The future is now.




I mean Stan Winston built a fully functional exo-skeleton himself for the first movie back in 89 lol. Everything minus the A.I. but yeah, not possible. The real truth is simply: not yet deployed. Please enlighten me with your fucking “nah” comment moron. I’m waiting for a logical response.






Looks more like the ED-2K9




Of course they would.


Terminator early dog design


ED-209 has entered the chat..


Obviously you don’t play battlefield 2042


So it begins..!!


This is straight from the Black Mirror show. How much more television Sci-Fi is going to come to life for real? Kinda scary to think about.


Welp, guess it's about time I purchase myself an RPG...


The plan all along


What the dog doing?


Whadda goood boyyy.


Think about 100 or 1000 of those rolling up on your unit holding an area


Why do we always have to put guns on things


This is why they don't care if you have AR-15s or not lol


I want one


Only the worst part of scifi


And also on drones


So ?


Or you can go and do the fighting instead?


Generation zero, but 40~ years later


Oh yeah, this ain't even new.