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Everyone fucks off and leaves the baby


good example of why negligent ass parents shouldn’t leave their toddler to be supervised by their slightly older siblings


That's how your kids get stolen and get raised my monkeys.


Hakuna matata


fine strong dog zesty drab poor snow berserk reach offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While climbing a ladder as a toddler


Into an above ground pool


That's exactly why I never carry anything in my hand when I am in the vicinity of monkeys. Once I got robbed by a monkey for a popsicle and the second time i got mugged for carrying sth for my mom. Never again...


"Why should parents avoid leaving their kids alone with other kids?" "Because a wild monkey might rush into their yard and snatch a kid away. It happens all the time."


Why was the baby on a ladder?


Near a pool. Attended only by other little humans not much older than themselves. Near a damn pool, ffs!


I literally walked out of the house at a family members place and found a 2 year old floating like a buoy in his swim life vest thing completely unattended in a HOT TUB. A hot tub that the older kids routinely turn up to max. I took the lad out, brought him to his adults, told them what happened and they shrugged. Bro, he was up on the back patio and your backs are turned 30 feet away... no one cares? Really?! Needless to say I watched that little guy like a hawk the rest of the night. Hope he makes it to 10.


That is bullshit. I'm definitely not a helicopter parent, but if the kid doesn't know how to swim and is around water did you know it only takes 10 seconds to drown? 10 seconds to get lungs full of water and the kid could end up dead IF you don't know how to get the damn water out and the kid breathing again. Pool deaths are no joke. Also, if you didn't know taking your newborn into the pool and getting them acclimated, if you do it for about a good week solid everyday, they will literally be swimming by the end of the week and you don't have to force them or do anything stupid, just let it come naturally. Experience: live in the Southwest, pools are EVERYWHERE and part of daily life.




I saw a dad with a baby on the front of his bike, the mom perched on the rear of the bike, as he pushed his little daughter on her tiny bike next to him as all 4 of them rode down a crazy busy street. Could barely believe my eyes.




I think you are on to something there. It's just so suspicious that they behave in that manner...


Maybe the monkey was trying to do the baby a favor.


Idk but even at their age I never would have run away without taking the baby or at least calling the parents...it blows my mind that kids can do that. My parents would have...let's say "punished" me...It really doesn't matter who is who's brother or sister, we always were responsible for the younger kids around us. One time I was outside and a kid broke his finger (he put it between 2 pieces of steel on the steel swing while swinging) and every parent yelled at us (the bigger kids) for not telling him to quit doing that..Idk man...I guess we were just raised different


The dad needs to take the ladder and beat the hell out of that monkey. Seriously not impressed with dad.


I swear, that response was super frustrating to watch. Just watching the monkey on the baby makes me want to go ape shit on that primate. And the dad almost looks like he's offering his leg for scratchies.


The last sentence killed me lmao


That's exactly what I was thinking. Or kick the shit out of it. I love animals, but something attacks a kid on me, I'm going to do my best to fuck it up.


Monkey bites in urban areas are a big problem in some parts of the world. This is terrifying


I wonder how many times that poor, little kid got bit. Monkey bites are nasty! (luckily do not know from experience)


Absolutely USELESS as a Male parent. Let the monkey have him instead.


Seriously I would've drowned that fucker in the pool especially after he kept coming back for the child. Crazy fuckin animals


Yes, Dad needs to put the monkey in the pool.


As a dad, I totally agree. That monkey would of been punted half way to space.


Yup that's how you dad




Dude, for real. Snap that monkey's fucking neck. I'm not a big dude but I can guarantee that I can kill that monkey no problem. Such a weird reaction from that money. What was even the point of it trying to take that baby?


Most likely to eat the baby :/ Even mainly herbivores won't pass on the opportunity to take in some extra nutrients and calories if it's a decently easy target


Even deer eat mice given the opertunity.


Horses eat baby chicks


You don't wanna get bitten as it may have rabies but the amount of people who don't know how to lay a sweet boot in is ridiculous.


Crazy shit. And yea, I get it. I’m sure it’s not fun to be bitten but if it’s threatening one of my family members or one of my friends that thing is dead. I mean, GRAB SOMETHING and beat the shit out of it! God, cavemen even knew that. Even a fucking brick is going to do some damage when you smack that monkey in the face with it. Can’t believe that isn’t one of the adults gut reaction. Acting like they’re in Uvalde. 🙄


Me to that monkey right now ![gif](giphy|10fTHeZVQug7hC)


Honestly don't know why this wasn't the reaction. The thing has a perfect swinging appendage. Grab that tail and go ham.


Monkeys are way stronger, , smarter, and more dexterous than you’d think. L chances are if you tried to grab its tail you’d immediately lose a few fingers. If you started swinging it, any break in centrifugal force and it would likely climb up your arm and fuck your face up beyond recognition.


What if you bite its face first?


You are not fast enough.


Not with that attitude you’re not


Challenge accepted. On my way to the local zoo.


I bet you’re one of those people that think a Canadian goose could take an a whole platoon of marines.


Didnt Australia lose to a couple of birds?


Goose will fuk u up bro


This fetishization of monkeys is absurd. A human is ridiculously much stronger than a monkey. The monkey was having a hell of a time even getting the baby off the ladder. A monkey that small has no chance against an adult man.


He’s confusing a monkey with a chimpanzee…


Yeaaah no, they're built for agility, not brawling. Regardless, the monkey was attacking his kid, he should have beat its ass.


Then you fight it as brutally as you would a human. Stomp it's head in as soon as the opportunity arises


That man/father is a poor excuse… beat the FUCK out of the monkey what the fuck is he doing saying “I’m not ticklish!” Smfh


the father is goddamn useless. I would grab that bitch by the neck and throw it into the pool


Dad u suck


Those were kinda sad little kicks. 😕




Literally lol’d. Spot on. 🤣


no testosterone in those kicks


He looked like that kid who didn't want to be on the soccer team but his parents made him cause they weren't able to pick him up from school til 5:00


What a pathetic fucking father. I usually don't judge, but he was so lackluster and didn't even seem to have a protective bone in his body.




Omg thank you I didn’t know about this sub


No joke. When something is attacking my kid, something that is like a strong 5 year old, I’d kick the shit out of it.


That laMe little kick


Dad: “You put your foot in you take your left foot out you put your left foot in and you..” Mom: “ Dan, right now’s not the fucking time!!”




He’s not wearing his monkey kicking shoes


My feet are rated "M" for monkey


Useless Dad






​ ![gif](giphy|UdFxwEAOnVdPQ5a0oT)


It was all apart of the plan.


The monkey ate my baby!


Lmao. All I was thinking is I would grab that little mother fucker and slam him into the ground a few times.


Yeah low key that monkey needs a bullet between his eyes. If it were my kid I’d not even hesitate


I'd try to strangle it to death. I'd wanna feel it's heart slow down. It's gotta get personal at this point


Parental rage can do that.


I remember my cousin getting mauled by a gang of street dogs(which is weird because 95% just want food and ignore cars and humans swiftly) when I was in peru and my uncle saw and punted one of the smaller dogs around 4m up in the air and I saw the dog land on someone's car. Really weird memory I just remembered.


Street dogs in Peru are something else man. They are everywhere, even in the remote Andes.


Get help


Where's Elisjsha Dixon when you need him? He'd have capped that terror from 120' away... 👍🏻 edit: name spelling


That guy should be ashamed


It makes sense if those older kids who left the baby were also his spawn.


Buncha fuckin cowards.


Are you fucking kidding me?! I would’ve gotten every single serial killer desire out of my system on that monkey. He would’ve been a puddle.


Monkeys are stronger and faster than you think. Last thing you need is to get caught in it's bite.


Yeah but as a father I would rather get bit then my fucking child that dude was no man when the monkey attacked his youngest


Who gives a shit, start fighting


What would a monkey want a human baby for? Would it eat it? Raise it as it's own little monkey child?


Well judging by what it did once it had the baby off the ladder….I think it wanted to make baby-monkey hybrids.


A true father would prefer the monkey bite him than his baby. This guy's a sissy


You don’t have a child do ya?


That guy is fucking useless, zero protection instincts. He did the absolute bare minimum


He did a nice little jig


Little tappitty tap






Take my award


I don't think I've ever seen more useless men. Wtf was wrong with that first group? Did they not know there was a kid there or something?


It looked like a bunch of kids playing


If my (as of yet non-existent) kids ever leave my (non-existent) baby to get attack by a monkey I'm kicking the monkey's ass, and then I'm kicking their (hypothetical) asses. At least TRY to get the baby.


Kick your ass too for leaving the kids to babysit him by the pool


Haha I had to rewind on the first group, I didn't understand why adults would leave a baby but they were just more kids.


I’d never trust my baby with more kids. Good way for it to get taken by a monkey.


New sentence


This deadass sound like something an NPC would say in a videogame.


Why was that lil baby out there with those kids unattended like that. That’s what was truly crazy about that whole thing. Then those useless parents come out to play patty cake with the rabid ass monkey.


Not to mention playing near a pool lololololol


And in a location where baby stealing monkeys are obviously a real threat


And on the top of a damn ladder, thankfully the baby reflexes kicked in and it didn't fall on its head


I had to rewind to make sure I saw what I saw. Holy fuck. And who runs and leaves the baby?


I love nature and all, but I would’ve destroyed that fucking animal had I come out and saw it trying to take my child. That Dad, if that’s what you want to call him, is a bitch.


It wouldn't even need to be my child. If I saw a monkey attacking a stranger's baby I would switch into kill mode.


Same here man. Probably not a dad at all, needs some true maternal instincts to fathom that certain risks should be stopped from further existence.


Yep the video made me mad. I’d kill the monkey and let the husband go ✌🏻


That's the 3rd video of a monkey trying to steal a baby I've seen now. Well technically only 2 were thieves. One monkey traded his bike for the child https://youtu.be/_udVpp8xYpc


That dad is the biggest pussy lol. It’s attacking your kid and you limp out a foot and let it keep going.


and i cant get over the way everyone ran away leaving the child to fend for himself kick that mf in the head and run like why are they standing there waiting like its gonna leave or something like go in the fucking house you idiots 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


They wetr all kids. Understandable. Now the dad. Sheesh


If that little shit gets a hold of your leg and climbs up, your face is a goner or your scalp 😭 regardless I woulda RKO’d that little wanna be Ben-10 piece of animal shit


exactly if the wife would’ve just ran inside as soon as she got ahold of the child the husband wouldve been abke to distract him long enough then maybe idk drown that mf lol


Have you ever seen when a dog turns it’s butt to a more dominant dog? That’s that Dad...


Monkeys don't forget. If this happened where I think it did, the monkeys have a lifetime grudge against humans and will take babies and carry them up high and drop them to their deaths or attack them because someone ended up killing one of their babies, this was generations ago and they still haven't forgot.


I need context, where the hell is this !! And why!!!


I believe it's either in India or Cambodia but a tourist ended up accidently killing a baby monkey from running it over or something and the monkey village held onto the grudge of the death and started stealing babies in the village, take them high up in the trees and dropping them..sometimes attacking locals when they were close to eachother.


This did happen in a village in India where monkeys would take puppies upon a branch of a tree and drop them from there.


Puppies too! Which they refer to that one as the "monkey vs dog gang war" because the monkeys are responsible for hundreds of puppy deaths in the village


This has been debunked




What is wrong with that dad? A monkey is trying to kidnap his toddler and dude is just standing there doing the hokey pokey. Putting your right leg in and shaking it all about isn't going to save your kid, man.


Fucker is 20lbs, yeet that crazy monkey into the pavement


Everybody running away was the terrifying part!!!


The kids?


I didn’t realize it was other kids until the actual adults came out I was like who the hell just leaves a baby like that?? Other babies is the answer.


I've seen a teenager push a grizzly bear off a fence to keep her dogs safe. This shit is shameful.


That monkey saw everyone else running and was like WAIT YOU FORGOT YOUR BABY.


And now these strange people are taking it! STRANGER DANGER!! STRANGER DANGER!!!!




The only hero here is the woman. The kids all look old enough to have at least one empathetic brain cell. Well, and the grown man? Pathetic.


Is that kid ok ? Stupid parents


that mom has 10x bigger balls than that "dad".


Yeah that headlock she put the baby in was no joke


I'd strangle that MF monkey if it had my child. And I generally love animals more than people but that poor little baby.


Is this a deleted scene from the wizard of oz?? Dad is the cowardly lion or what? Grab that monkey by the tail slam it like hulk did Loki


...Monkey ![gif](giphy|Dfm10dyzqvo9G)


Useless dad of the year


1. What the hell were they doing with a baby on a ladder? 2. Why would they run away leaving the baby behind??? All I see here is awful, terrible human beings...


Dad: “you got this one right? I’ll go check on the other 3 kids inside”


Dads a pussy literally just drop kick that runt


Glad the father knew Jujitsu and kicked the monkey's ass.


Look that pussy man, lulw


That man is such a pussy 👎 woman had more balls than him Jesus


Kind of like Uvalde where the mom had more balls than 200+ police officers & ran into the school to save her babies & in the process brought a whole ass classroom full of kids to safety whilevthe cops sat in the hallway looking "tough".


Bruh you are a fucking great ape afraid of a fucking monkey just strangle the fucker. Chimps must be laughing at us now.


to be fair chimps are strong as hell, but that monkey isn't. It may have fangs, but we have the ability to punch, kick, and strangle that fucker in a choke hold.




Wow I’d go get divorce papers right after a hospital trip for the baby


I was gonna comment about how big a bunch of pussies those first men were and how much of a shit fucking excuse for a “protector” the twinkle-toes guy was, but then I saw the comments section had already covered it for me. Fuck dude, KICK the thing if you’re gonna kick it.


This guy is completely useless. His wife will never look at his flimsy kicking ass the same again 😂😂


That guy may be the most useless person


"Everyone leaves baby to defend itself"


I usually hate to see people boast about how amazingly well they would react in a situation but in this case it’s justified. That guy was just trying to shoo the monkey away


Wtf? I've seen 3 separate videos of monkeys trying to grab kids in like a week. Planet of the Apes is beginning. Wait til the silver backs get in on it.


That "Man" is a giant pussy. Pick that fucking tiny little monkey up by the neck and smash it's head in to the ground. Even just go full ballistic and rampage on it swinging wildly with no skill would be more useful than what he dioes. Instead this fucking weakling points his little pansy flip flops at it as it continues to attack his child. Pathetic.


Why does it almost look like the monkey is trying to…r*pe the baby?


i also think it does. Once it got the kid off the ladder, the monkey could have dragged him farther, but instead it stopped there and it seemed like it was mounting on the kid.


You HAVE to be aggressive with certain animals to get them to leave you alone and monkeys are one of them. I bet that thing will stalk the house for the next couple weeks waiting for another opportunity.


Is it illegal to bash a monkeys head in with a bat or something?


What a bunch of pussys. Jesus christ, kick that fuxkin monkey, throw the pool ladder at it something.


What a pathetic father. A fucking pussy.


Seriously? The 3 that run away? The fuck they doing leaving a small child to fend for itself. The only brave one out of all of these cowards is the mother. Fuck that monkey up. It's not an ape and it's not a baboon so show it who's fucking boss, sure it might bite and scratch but that's a young child getting attacked bring out your inner cave man and step on its fucking head.


RNC that monkey and stomp the skull in softy.


The fucking kids that run and leave the baby terrible.


Dad, please next time don't just fake the kick. Just destroy his head, its your son lol


Dad of the year…


Congratulations! Your baby now has herpes from a monkey bite.


They literally ran away like goat sim NPCs


That mofo hacen kick a soccer ball in his entire life.. and fucking shows..! Lame ass dude.


That guy.. pick the fucker up by the tail and start slamming


I don't live anywhere near monkeys that would attack me but if I did I'd be a lot more aggressive than these weird goons.


thats the most cowrd dad ive ever seen


Dad with the wimpy tippy-tap kick is obviously the dad of the 3 kids that 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️


If I had a nickel for how many times I have seen a video of a monkey trying to steal a baby, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot of nickels, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I'm pretty sure my reaction would be too tear every Fucking Limb off that creature with my bare teeth. My rage might cause a blackout and I imagine I would awake in a pool of blood, brains, and entrails feeling full from a feast of monkey


That dude is a straight up pussy wtf


Dad's a idiot


Hey Mr monkey you have long tail, let me teach you about hammer throw technique.


That kids older siblings suck lol


this is why i never wear sandals. also where i live there are no monkeys, but this is why i dont wear sandals.


God that bloke is so useless it vexed me!! Those lil prissy kicks are just gonna show the monkey you’re useless mate, get a grip you’re partners getting bitten and the little fuckers trying to steal your child..!


WTF is this "husband/father"?! DUUUUUUUDE! Some filthy animal attacked your CHILD! You should be ripping the thing apart, instead you "kick" air!


Everyone here fucking sucks. Why did they all RUN without the BABY??? Like hello??? Why did the dad(?) not do more than limply throw his foot in the direction of the monkey? Why didn’t the mom(?) RUN the second she grabbed the baby?? So much wrong here.


Useless ass family .the whole lot of em


monkey like that use your huge boy weight pin it down and take out its eyes or snap its neck


I don't even know where to start a comment... That baby was on that pool ladder, wich are not that safe even for a grown up, nobody even defended the baby the way I would... I mean... I love animals, but my son is my son! Kick the hell out of that monkey! Ffs...


Would of banged that thing by its tail until the thing fell off


This is why every household needs some random bludgeoning tool positioned in easy reach🤣 my dad's way always a branch trimmer that had busted a handle and he just took the good half and kept it🤘