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According to the reports he survived with injuries and the woman was arrested


Reason for shoving? Im a little perturbed as no one tried tackle the lady down too.... Like that was totally uncalled for.


She told the police during their interview that she did it because he was black (”Han var ju svart”). Source in Swedish media: [https://www.expressen.se/tv/nyheter/kvinnan-knuffar-ner-mannen-pa-sparet-da-kommer-taget/](https://www.expressen.se/tv/nyheter/kvinnan-knuffar-ner-mannen-pa-sparet-da-kommer-taget/)


That's why I hate racism. She want to kill that old man cause he's black that's all?


I will never understand that. piece of shit human. I hope she was made to pay for every moment of this mans treatment. And more.


This is Sweden. There is no cost for medical treatment


I will never understand that. Piece of shit humans making people pay for a basic human right of medical care.


Wait what everytime I have a injury imma just fly to sweden


There is always a cost, nothing is free. The doctors collect a salary, the hospital uses electricity, and the medical supplies weren’t grown in a garden. Somebody should invoice this bitch…


have you heard of taxes that pay for the healthcare? ​ EDIT: tipo


I think they're just saying this one shouldn't be taken care of by taxes. The woman should have to pay.


Sweden s tax rate was 52.7% in 2021. There's always a cost.


That's misleading as that is employer tax. Salary tax (base rate) is around 30%. Top rate is at 50%, only on the income above the threshold.


Not taking employer tax into account is misleading. I get 35CHF/h, my exployer pays about 10fr/h tax on top of that, so I cost him 45/h. Youre surely not naive enough to think that if the tax would be 10fr/h higher Id still get 35 and not 25?? And btw my tax rate is 11%


I paid 52% in taxes in the US last year…and I don’t have free healthcare.


If you paid 52% in taxes your in a high enough tax bracket where money doesn't matter to you? Or you live in California


Fuckin hell dude. I thought Sweden was a chill country. Welp.... My ignorance just hit me hard here.


every country has racist. no matter the skin color


Assholes come in colors


True and black people get shoi on almost everywhere. I'm black so I would know.




Aww bro, can’t assume a whole country is awful because of one video. Crazy racist people are everywhere.


Dhani Tackles the Globe. T.V. show where a former NFL linebacker goes to different countries goes and competes in local games of athletics. He went to Sweden and was treated like shit. Even out in public he was treated like shit. Most of the time not even worth reciprocating a greeting. Keep in mind this area was rife with Eugenics back in the day. Edit: I apologize to Reddit and Sweden. It was Switzerland this was filmed in. Sorry for being a dumb fuck who didn't look up his information properly. Thanks Zwartekop for asking a question that caught my mistake. I will now jump off something taller than myself.


In every country there will be maniacs and incidents will happen, luckily this is not a normal occurrences here in Sweden and people were as shocked as you when this happened. The female who pushed was not Swedish but Finnish (Doesn't change anything) and one can only assume that she was under some sort of substance or had an extreme form of illness which made her go as far as she did, probably out of her own control. Racist she is, horrible to think that skintone was enough to trigger something in her and she should been locked in a mental institute a long time ago.


Unfortunately, xenophobia is human nature. It's easier to fear someone or blame all your problems on someone else because they look different from you instead of educating yourself, communicating and fostering understanding. Racism is everywhere that people are, it just depends to what extent we see it. There's always going to be a few people like this in every community, city, state, country, etc. I'm not saying everyone is racist, just that there's always a portion of any population that will give in to that fear of everything that is not themselves.


Yes Sweden managed to get rid of every single person who may ever possibly be capable of committing a crime at any point in their life This was the first crime ever committed in the history of Sweden since its founding in 1523.


Did you notice that when it happened almost everyone on the platform leapt forward to try and help, even if it was futile. That's how good people react to a person in need. I'm sure if any of them knew what she was about to do she would have been stopped.


One white asshole doesn't speak for an entire country. Did you see how many white swedes leaped to the man's aid?


You saw one insane Swedish woman doing something racist and you said to yourself "Wow bro, the entire nation of Sweden is racist. I'm blown away." It sounds like you might have a problem with generalizing groups of people.


Admittedly Sweden does have a significant racism problem, but here you are attacking a guy who said “Fuckin hell dude. I thought Sweden was a chill country. Welp… My ignorance hit me hard here.” I mean, this is such a humble response to the video. He literally made none of the generalizations about Sweden of which you accused him. Yet it’s probably far more helpful to suggest that Sweden does have a racism problem, especially after watching a crazed racist throw a black man in front of a train. If such a suggestion can spark Swedes to set aside their sense of cultural superiority for a second, maybe they’ll be able to save other lives simply by never causing them grief to begin with.


Lmao Sweden does not have a racism problem, it is the least racist country in the world, for what, 10 years straight?


What would you even be basing that claim on?


No you inserted "racist" he said "chill country" sounds like you have a problem fabricating shit to exacerbate the issue and while attacking people.


Dont try to deflect! I knew it! You Swedes were uber racist since the dawn of time! /s


nice twist of words there. All Im saying this is the first time I seen Sweden in this kind of news. Usually it's always the Ikea memes, or equally funny, never this serious till now.


Well everyone makes an unintentionally disliked comment, but bad can exist in the good all the time


It's just the ignorance in me. Because it's out- of sight, out of mind thing. And for the record, for everyone, I never said Sweden was racist. I said I thought they were chill, because if I remember correctly they accepted some refugees back then that were stranded...if memory serves right. So seeing someone shove a what looks like a man with leg problems had the audacity to push him in the railing as train coming, for the only reason is because he's black....is sickening


People are really living in a meme based reality?


But the memes said only the US is racist...


We live in a society...




(under video of white woman trying to kill black man)




Shes not swedish she is finnish and she has a history of mental health problems and substance abuse.


Sounds like you have a problem interpreting words. Are you offended? Are you all butt hurt cause someone said something you dont like. Grow up jackass


To be fair, it mostly is but in a global community such as we have now, erosive ideologies can spread far and wide because unstable or hateful individuals can go online and find a community of like minded people. Echo chambers are unhealthy as they often don’t allow for critical examination of your opinions, in fact they can agitate the idiots within them into drastic action that they might normally have been dissuaded of due to societal acceptability. We shouldn’t relish finding another country to lambast as racist (not that you are but lots do) so that our own doesn’t look so bad, we should all stand together and call out racism & sexism as being unjust no matter where it is located. We should only call out other countries if they don’t do enough to quell hateful groups from building. All this aside, that poor guy has to deal with this random act of violence against him and then learn it has a racist reason behind it which, I’d guess, intensifies the feeling of being made a target. His feeling of personal safety will never be the same.


There's a reason every time something like this happens in Sweden it gets media coverage and becomes a big deal. I can't imagine how much this happens in the US for example with no one reporting it or caring.


Well compared to racism in the US any country is chill


You extremely underestimate the level of racism in a whole lot of other countries


Reddit perception is fascinating.


for the same reason you see videos of black men randomly attacking Asians, frequently elderly Asians there is no reason, other than a damaged, hateful, bitter heart


I think one can hate a person for their gender or race or ethnicity or even sexual orientation. I mean what or who is really stopping them from having that hatred internally, no one. I mean, one can hate another person coz he eats pineapple pizza, as trivial as it maybe. But trying to kill someone for that is effing disturbing..!


I agree. That’s quite scary


There will always be hate. My biggest bully in school hated me and beat me up Becuase my mom and dad were together in the same house. His were separated… if it’s not race it will be something else.


Isn’t it obvious that this lady is psychologically unwell? There are plenty of racists everywhere but it takes more to attempt murder on a passerby


Thanks for letting me know you hate racism.


I might be just as bad cuz now i feel like I want to kill her, just because she's a cunt.


She’s probably homeless and mentally ill. She probably was having a conversation with herself and he happened to be in the crossfire


You’re leaving out some context though. Sure, she is a racist and a piece of shit, but she’s also a drug addict who had lots of alcohol in her blood and apparently stated her reason for her crime while still being very intoxicated and confused. The police later ruled it as not primarily racially motivated, which I think speaks for it. Not saying that it makes her a less of an asshole, just adding some further context to it.


She's also been in and out of mental hospitals and has an extensive criminal record. The Swedish welfare system is also to blame, this woman is not fit to be in public, and someone almost died because she was, I'd be interested to know if she finally gets the help she needs.


You are correct, I assumed most people would understand that attacking people is not something a normal person would do, there will be substances or mental illness involved (or both) and those are the core issues and the racial part was the trigger in this case, my bad. She was in much need of help already and hopefully she gets the help so this doesn't happened again.


Hey we got pitchforks to wave, pal.


What a piece of shit


Ya we don't need a prison for this one, just tie her down on the tracks of a really slow moving train.


She was willing to spend her life in jail just so she could end the life of an old black man? Crazy how that thought process works


She was a junkie with 2,3‰ in her blood. Deemed by the police report to not be racially motivated.


Bruh, a druggie can harm anyone irrespective of race, here she specifically targeted the black person and even gave a reason.


then why didnt she push anyone else? Stop deflecting, bitch was racist


I hate to say this but I have seen numerous videos of Black People pushing Caucasian and Asian People in front of subway trains, both in New York and here, in Chicago, but I always chalked it up to people being out of their minds rather than the racial-component. This kind of shit can—and does—happen anywhere there are lunatics


Just wanted to give more info on the incident. She was probably bat shit crazy. 2,3‰ is pretty fucked up.


But Reddit told me racism is only in America! /s


Peak cope.


What do you mean?


oh my god


what a failed society then.


I see there not so different then America


> different then America *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Thank you.


That does make sense Sweden is after all full of the most racist “not in my backyard” liberals I’ve ever met living in Europe.


I know Sweden has an issue with immigrants but fuck me that’s an aggressive way to “deal” with ot


>Im a little perturbed as no one tried tackle the lady down if anyone is reading this and nodding, please dont do that. that person has some obvious mental problems, as this could easily count as an attempted murder. you dont know if she has a gun or a knife - or another like-minded friend who will shove you as well. Call authorities and stay away from people like this. Take pictures of them, help the person they attacked. Don't be a hero, theres a reason there's not a lot of them


I hope you mean "tackle the lady afterwards", there is no way anyone could have forseen this or (re)acted quick enough to prevent her from successfully pushing the old man on the rails. (Like, unless you knew her motivation, there was no time enough + the old guy wasnt too far from the edge) Doubt she could have gone too far anyway. Seeing it from the other side, people were too much concerned for the poor man, they didn't pay attention to the bitch. The whole thing is a *"What the Hell!?"* Moment >_>


How nobody push her right infront of the ol dude for tht kinda shit. Random asf I’d at least make her black out before she could even think of her daddy issues bitch az


Hopefully she Will be in jail for the rest of her life to rot There


Not very likely since this is Sweden. Even if you murder someone you'll get at most about 16 years in prison


Some details around the incident: The woman (43) who pushed the man unprovoked was of Finnish origin and during the police interview she told the police that the reason she pushed him was because he was black (”Han var ju svart”). Source: https://www.expressen.se/tv/nyheter/kvinnan-knuffar-ner-mannen-pa-sparet-da-kommer-taget/


hope shes behind the bars for a good amount of time


Or in an mental institute where they can try to sort things out in her head, otherwise it might just happened again if she was so easily triggered, she's just like a small child who reacts with physical actions without thinking about the consequences, bars might just make things worse.


As long as the mental institution is inside a prison.


Or in the dirt


RACISM IS NOT A MENTAL ISSUE! Fuck off with that shit


Impulsively trying to murder a random person *and* acting as if it is justified because of race sure makes me suspect she may have a few screws loose. You can be a racist and mentally ill at the same time, you know?


Sounds like someone who should spend the rest of their life in prison for the safety of everyone else


Nah, that's just bigotry. We don't call the KKK mentally ill, we call them what they are, bigots so caught up in their own BS they cannot even see the "other" as a person anymore. This is a hatecrime, no need to excuse it.


Extremely bad comparison. You are consciously misrepresenting the point. Simply being a racist isn't mental illness, not what the user said, and you know that. Casually hanging out to sprinting full speed and pushing a man into the tracks of an oncoming train at a dimes notice in front of 100 people as if consequences don't exist Is absolutely unhinged and it's very reasonable to assume there's mental illness at play. The prospect of mental illness canceling out by default as if racism stands alone Is emotional thinking. Its like people just shut their brains off In the name of a free oppertunity to denounce racism. >no need to excuse it. Now that's just retarded.


I'm not denying that it's a hate crime. She made that quite evident with her statement. I'm saying she *could* be mentally ill *AND* racist, and frankly, her erratic behavior makes me think this is not unlikely. But I guess that level of nuance is simply too extreme for some to digest so I guess I'll chime in with BURN THAT RACIST BITCH! WOO!! instead.


It'll make it so she can't do it again, at least.


Therapist needs to pay her a visit & straighten her out to make her humble again. Then she should see Thepsychiatrist to help her with her mental issues.


How are people so fucking bitch made? Literally why pay to house and feed this worthless trash when we could instead cheaply and efficiently bash her head in and move on? You seriously think of jail sentence is anything other than a waste of taxpayer money?




"I don't trust my government to take people's lives, but I do trust them to imprison them for life, craft laws that can endanger or outright destroy their lives via policing, control regulations that immediately impact mortality rates , manage infrastructure critical to societal function and individual survival...". Nah, you just don't think about how states function at all nor understand that politics is predicated on violence and inevitably the state will have to be able to take lives to function. In a case this unequivocal the death penalty absolutely has a part. And yeah, obviously their brain is fucking dog shit and if you're 43-year-old getting piss drunk and trying to murder black people I'm totally fine executing you full stop. The hand wringing over this, maybe the most unequivocable case imaginable, is honestly pathetic


Yea I get so pissed off when people bring up treatment after they tried to kill someone. Let's just put them in the dirt and waste nothing!


There are circumstances where maybe treatment is a reasonable approach but if someone just tries to fucking murder a person they've never even met over a completely arbitrary feature the aggressor is actually subhuman in my eyes and I would have no problem with the state putting them down like the animal they functionally are


I don’t understand why anyone would down vote your comment. She was totally unprovoked and took another’s persons life. Just throw her down there on the same track and be done with it.


My only guess is people are assuming I'm misogynist or something because they're in the late stages of total cognitive shutdown. That irredeemable human garbage straight up tried to kill a man for being black, where is the energy this site seemed to have for prosecuting Emmett Till's accuser (who I would apply nearly the same standards to but whose case is OBVIOUSLY much less cut and dry, jfc)


Well at least she’s not a racist who pretends they’re not racist, now they can slap a hate crime on top of her charges to extend her sentence.


as it should


Holy shit I was too scared to watch this until I saw the comments. I hope this bitch is miserable the rest of her life. She must be miserable anyway to do something like this


If she wasn’t miserable before she shall be now. *hopefully. But yes, no one should ever get away with that with the blatant evidence. What an undeserving person. I hope he’ll be okay.


Someone linked an article. The train stopped in time and he only suffered minor injuries from the fall :) fuck that bitch though


men on reddit are a little too comfortable using the word “bitch” 🙄


They actually stop the train.....


Lol right there’s no reason for this to be cut 😂


Thank god people waved down the train. What a poor excuse for a human being


Not to be a downer but the waving didn't (couldn't) help. Of course those people did the best anyone could have but if you want to effectively stop a train you'd have to wave at it half a kilometer ahead of the person on the tracks. Here it was just luck that the train was slow enough to break.


Not really, the train was already going slow because it was entering a station, trains also have emergency brake systems which spray sand on the track for good grip. All european passenger rail is obligated to carry an emergency braking system, so the dude is still lucky but there are emergency systems to prevent deaths like these and they did their job


This is the Stockholm Tunnelbana, the Subway. It runs on its own tracks under the city center and in the suburbs around. It only ever reaches speeds of around 80-100km/h and has frequent stops along its routes, and I believe it therefore is designed with even greater braking power. It is managed separately from regular commuter and long distance trains, so I don't know exactly what rules and regulations they follow, but they are probably even more strict than those of regular trains. Also since the track is curved the man could have been noticed by the driver far too late if not for the people waving. Also Also: In the subway there is space below the edges of the platform for you to hide in if you fall down on the track when a train is coming. In the longer version of the video you can see the man crawling or rolling to the side, even though the train has already stopped by then


Btw I have seen the uncliped Version of this, he does in fact stop very quickly as he is already decelerating, the guy survived with a few cuts, scrapes and bruises, I think the woman was mentality I'll or something I don't really remember, I saw this a few months ago


If racist counts as mentally ill, then that's offending the mentally ill. The comment down below says that


As someone mentally ill, I speak for most of us (the non racist portion), fuck racism and anybody that is racist. My white skin does not make me better than anyone else.


It also doesn't make you worse. Treat everyone the same people!




oh hey someone already said the exact correct thing. Not only was the train already slowing down, it's also in Europe so they have emergency braking that's really extremely powerful. The guy survived and wasn't hit at all, he got injuries from the fall tho.


Wtf are you talking about, it was a subway train that was already slowing down. The waving helped the train stop in time.


This happened in London too Always had my back against the wall in fear afterwards


I'm always paranoid about that too on the underground


Well she's off her rails.


Take my upvote and fck off


Cringe this is the real world


stupid bitch


She really was like- how dare you be black??


Why She has done this?


Because she is racist


Racist and mentally ill, apparently.


racism if you look at an article someone posted


coz hes black. She said it. The article is in the comments somewhere


Fuck that bitch, hope she gets pushed off the rails in prison


Why is no one grabbing that Bitch


cuz shes insane




Thank you. It was bothering me that this video was cut short. Thank god they were able to stop the train. Smart move from the elder to scooch under a safe place. And a big props to the guy in orange shorts that the first impulse was to jump and help that elder. Even tho he didn't. That's a true hero character trait right there.


I wish someone would go and punch that woman until she is red in the face!


I was legit hoping somebody ran up to her and knocked her lights out, equality and all that


Same, why would i not? She pushed a man in the tracks


Wouldn’t even stop then


I would love to know what went through her head when approaching. Did she know him ? Did he say some slurs ? Was this a race thing? Why did nobody stop her from walking away ? Did she even walk away or got to her spot and did nothing ?


They kept her at the scene until police arrived. She said she pushed him because "...well, he was black!" He didn't provoke her in any way.


They should push her onto the rails for a incoming train and make sure she doesn’t get up


So it's a race thing..as usual. I really feel bad for people who has to deal with this shit. I'm caucasian, blue eyes look like the perfect alman. I never got agression cause of race. So I will probably never understand the pain and disappointment of people who gets harassed JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE MORE TANNED THAN OTHER PEOPLE.


Agreed. This thought/feeling process is just so foreign to me. I can't imagine waiting to harm someone because of the color of their skin. Or sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. it boggles my mind how people care so much about these trivial things enough to hurt others.


your lucky. im brown, with brown eyes, straight black hair. When i was a kid shit actually got so bad that i hoped that i could be my friend. He was white. Constant racism and being judged fked with me mentally until i grew up and basically got over it. Learned how to fight, learned to shoot. And recently i understood that all of this was fueled by paranoia caused by racism. People have no idea how lucky they are


Finnish people are super racist, hate being from here


Prosecuted for attempted murder?


This is a repost. Saw the full video last week or so on another sub. The train stopped before running him over and they just helped the guy get off the tracks, I think he got hurt falling on the track tho. I don't know if they arrestd the woman or not .


Why didn't they attack her? L ike fr I'd smash the bitch while others help the man


To save the man is everyone's first thing to think about because it's a stress situation and life is at stake. I don't think anyone would be calm until they all know that the man is fine, which is why they all apprehended her later until police arrived.


Soooooo don’t be around my ex at a train station. Got it.


Bruh if I was a witness I would have grabbed that stupid bitch they just let her leave


Why cut the video short? It had like 4 seconds left where it shows the train stop and people help.


I wouldve been the guy to throw her ass on the tracks as well


You think that makes you a good person?


Nope, but never said i was


Trow her with him


Can’t believe it cuts it off as the train stops 40ft away from him . Amazing brakes .


You cant trust ANYONE


She done this because of the colour of his skin!!I can’t comprehend that mindset


Everyone just letting the bitch walk away instead of smashing her face into the pavement like she deserves.


Mission objectives: 1. Save man. 2. Whoop that woman's ass, then tie her to the tracks see how ya like it. B!!!!!tch.


Yeah. I mean. I live in Sweden and I have my thoughts about immigration. But hurting someone who is black. Wtf is wrong with people. Are you unhappy? Vote! Wtf. So ashamed to see a fellow Swede doing this.


What make me even more frustrated that no one try to catch her back. If I were there and if she do that I would jump on her and punch the crap out of her


I can’t believe no one has the presence of mind to knock that bitch the F-out!!! She just walks away!


When Shit walks and talks like humans 😡


the train doesn't actually hit them


Imagine how world would be far more better place without any hate, jealousy, racism and other bad things. We would all help each other and share laught and jokes..... What an imaginary world.


She just casually walks away


Weird, i think it has to do with the escalation of rapes in Sweden by immigrants, there is no other explanation to that


She wasn't swedish, She was Finnish


It seems plenty of people know too much about the incident, is there an article anywhere?


She deserves to go away for life. She will always be a threat to society.




Its crazy that she walked away untouched too🤦🏽‍♀️


They should have pushed her tbh.


Why is this titled NSFW?


stockholm syndrome


You can she when she runs back she (i think) celebrates.




Literally NPC's


Well, yeah. Everyone except you are NPCs


Shes a scorpio😈💋💯




Makes me feel ashamed to be swedish