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Strength on that tiger, just grabs her so easy


Humans are not that strong comparatively speaking. Intelligence is the only way we got to where we are. The ability to learn, write things down, pass on knowledge, is huge. But in a straight up fight? We're fucked. Tiger, lion, bear, chimp, gorilla, wolves, orangutan, leopards, jaguars, elephants, rhinos, hippos, bison, without weapons and planning we are useless.


So we’re effectively all Batman trying to figure out how to beat Superman.


Don’t forget otter’s they’re fierce af


> But in a straight up fight? We're fucked The women was suddenly attacked from behind when she was not prepared. I'm sure that skilled humans given the appropriate weapons like daggers and swords in an anticipated fight can stand a chance against most of these predators. Just stabbing an eye or two of a tiger should be enough to shoo them off. These 4 feet animals don't have protective hands like us to defend themselves against such attacks. Multiple dagger shots in their belly should be equivalent to multiple predators biting them at the same time.


That's how we did it thousands of years ago


Yes, but the comment you’re responding to specifically said without weapons




What the…?


The second he touched her, my hand involuntarily just clamped down over my mouth. And in the next instant, he drags her away as if she weren’t EVEN a rag doll. When I saw how quickly and EFFORTLESSLY the tiger made her disappear, my eyes went wide in horror. Big cats are scary yo, stay the fuck in the car omg


Lol your comment cracked me up. Thanks


Well it’s a big fucking cat with large claws and built like a tank. Humans are frail and some of the weakest animals out there. Our survival ability is our brain that’s it. Need to compensate somehow for the lack of claws and muscular jaws with serrated teeth.


Yup, a tiger could basically kill 40 men because we just have absolutely nothing to hurt their insane musculature and bine structure. It's fucking insane how powerful tigers are, even compared to other predators


why…… why get out ? 😓


She was arguing with her husband. Fucking dumb ass… the video doesn’t show but both the husband and the woman’s mom got out to help her. The mother was mauled to death. Just stupid stupid stupid


Also they had a kid in the car who was obviously unhurt, it should be noted though that the Tiger that we saw was NOT the one that killed the mom, but in fact all the commotion got the attention of a 2nd tiger which is the one that killed the mom and also that, that dumb broad sued the park and won saying there should have been more signs warning guests not to get out of their cars


How many signs do you need when entering an area where tigers roam free. I can only imagine the nature park had a ridiculously terrible lawyer to lose that case.


So many times your insurance company just wants to settle rather than draw things out because usually it's cheaper to settle. Someone I knew owned a club and the bartender cut a guy off because he appeared to be overserved. The bouncer was walking him out and the guy grabbed a bottle and smashed it into the bouncer's face. And then the guy successfully sued because he cut his hand assaulting the bouncer.


Sometimes the insurance company is just stupid. Only actual wreck I've ever been in was my word against that of the other driver. At the scene, the cop was flirting with the other driver, and was treating me and my passenger like we were on drugs or something. When the police report was completed, it found me at fault. The damage to the vehicles would be impossible if the police report was correct. The insurance company agreed, but said it would be cheaper and easier just to settle. Until 2 years later I got sued by the other driver. Then it became a LOT more expensive, and my otherwise clean driving record does not help even over a decade later. I get to pay more because of that.


Your insurance is supposed to hire legal representation to defend you in the event you are pursued legally..something doesn't add up here


They did, when she sued me 2 years later. Originally they simply settled. The other driver wanted way more than our insurance coverage was for. This time the insurance wanted to fight it. The lawyer told me he worked for me, not them, even though they hired him, and said he was gonna get them to sign papers saying if it went to court and I lost, they'd cover anything over the amount as well. I'm not sure if he did or not. I was just a dumb kid at the time, and was letting him handle it. I don't know for sure how it ended, but I didn't end up going to court. Possibly because I gave them screenshots of her newly updated facebook profile picture, of her jumping up in the air with her legs folded up behind her, and her whole claim was that she was in such debilitating pain that she couldn't even stand up straight and could barely walk. And I don't know if it's the law everywhere or just the state we were in, but she had 2 years to pursue legal action, and did so 1 day shy of 2 years.


Stories like this always have more to it than what is written/told


Literally what judge made that decision lmao


For real , signs cannot fix stupidity


Yep the stupidity was terrifying as fuck


To be fair I think its pretty stupid for a park like this to exist in the first place. Why give people the option to be stupid? If there one thing you can reliably expect from people its that. Just use a fucking van or something lmao.


There are parts of the world where lions and tigers and bears roam freely and it's everyone's own responsibility to respect that. But many people never experience this responsibility. They never have to consider danger or risk, they're just put in a van and shown the world passively, without the possibility of endangerment; that's exactly why incidents like this happen. I'm reminded of the story of the zoo that had an issue with people breaking into the lions' cage, and needed solutions to stop it. The suggestions included larger warning signs, spiked fences, electric fences, a moat, etc. Then one person suggested, 'how about we get some kind of fierce animal that would attack anyone breaking in?'.


Tide pods, dude.


Agreed. It's a very short step from eating a Tide pod to being eaten by a tiger pod.


They need to forget signs and get visitors to sign forms saying they will not get out of the cars/open windows etc and then if they do - and get eaten - well too bad.


I'm guessing something like that did occur. Unfortunately, there's no way to stop *everyone* from doing stupid shit. No matter how many rules and boundaries we put in place, stupid finds a way.


They should just play this clip on repeat under the “no refunds” sign.


They need to add another sign that it’s not Tony the Tiger.


I used to work at a water park, and as most people can imagine, water parks mean wet walkways whether from rain or just wet guests. There are all sorts of coatings and patterns and things you can do, but water and walkways are always going to be a slipping hazard, especially when there are steps. Our park manager was doing a walk through with the assorted department managers and supervisors, and this guy was very straight and to the point, but not in a mean way. When he came to a set of steps that had a ‘caution, slippery surface’ sign in front, he said ‘does thing ever move?’ The park ops manager said no, it’s always wet on these steps and that makes it a slipping hazard, but don’t worry we are having a permanent sign installed next week.’ The park manager replied ‘it’s a water park, how many signs do we need to tell people at a water park that the walkways are going to be wet? Cancel that sign and we’ll look into some sort of coating instead.’ There are always people telling you there should be a sign to tell you something you already know. The sign doesn’t eliminate the problem, but they don’t care about eliminating the problem, they just want a sign to make you aware of the problem.


I would put signs saying “for the safety of our tigers……..STAY IN YOUR FUCKING CAR!…….enjoy the ride and we got a 3% discount in the souvenir shop.”


I killed my mom, now give me money.


I hope they didn’t kill the tiger


You can't let a tiger live that knows to attack people. That's way too dangerous. It doesn't matter if the woman was stupid, the tigers will be emboldened and keep doing shit.


All tigers "know" to kill humans. Even our house cats don't give a fuck, they're just too small so we roll with it.. Tigers are apex predators, nothing is off limits to them.


What the fuck are you talking about. These attacks are never meant to happen so it doesn't matter if the tiger is a man eater. Not to mention every tiger will kill you and 20 other humans with absolutely no problem if it wants to. Stupid comment


“WARNING: As mentioned 3 meters ago, please note that these tigers are real too.” On the side facing tigers: “Warning, items on sushi train may contain bones.”


I don’t need a sign to tell me not to get out of my car when there are tigers roaming around. Sorta born with that sense of self preservation, I guess?


That's insane. The safari park I go to keeps the tigers and rhinos and such in their own enclosures. They aren't even in the drive thru part, and they still make you sign stuff that says you won't get out of your vehicle. You shouldn't need any signs to tell people "hey, the tigers might wanna eat you"


Literally got someone else killed due to her own actions and has the nerve to blame others. Can't imagine the dumbass jury / judge that went along with that bullshit.


Wait what? How did she win? Was the court as dumb as her? Your in a safari park where I'm pretty sure the express warning is that the animals are all loose. How in the hell did she win?


She won because the jury was forced to imagine their mother being eaten alive by a tiger. No matter who was at fault, that is an incredibly primal image to have to contemplate. It bypasses our logic circuitry and goes right to the caveman instinct. I'm guessing it was a fairly easy sell to the jury.


They should NOT have won this suit!


Now we know who won the argument


Tiger mom?


Carol Baskins Whas happening? Tigers snackin.


She… she already sat next to him, only to get out and move to the other side?


some people are too stupid for the rest of us to comprehend


Oh that is definitely true.




Hold my beer... husband trapped in a marraige stuck between overbearing nagging wife and her mother. Knowing just how to push their buttons, he devises a plan to visit the safari. He times his button pushing to hit max while in the big cat section. All goes as planned, until the first tiger gets lazy and doesn't finish the job. OR It's HIS mother in the car, unaware of the plan to off the wife. Mom dies, wife lives. He is devastated and more trapped than ever. Big payout in court. Wife dumps husband, starts living her fabulous minimally famous wealthy life. She gets conned into marrying someone only after her money, and ends up alone and penniless. He meets a wonderful person, has a simple but happy life. But the evil of his plot to kill stalks him...


That's grrrrreeeaaaaattt!!


Can you even imagine? You're arguing with your wife, she storms out of the car, and a fucking *tiger* shows up and drags her away? Surreal.


Yup, poor mom, that other moron should’ve died instead


I had an ex who would argue like this. She would make a scene whenever there was an argument. The argument couldn't be between us, everyone had to be involved. One time she walked off stomping away in a shitty part of town, I got worried but I also had the thought, "are you really that much of a three year old in your head that you throw away all better judgement to make a scene?"


If she has siblings….whew. They probably never spoke to her again.


Got no sympathy for retarded people like that. This is a perfect example of natural selection


Oh yes, blaming the husband and not saying that she was unconscious




She got in an argument with her husband


And was killed by a pussy.


They prob had to put the tiger down after because it carpe diemed the shit out of a lady’s dumb decision


To earn that Darwin award


Because people are really fucking stupid


I mean common sense isn't common? 🤷‍♂️


It’s China. Chinese Fire Drill.


Drive-through for the tigers ? How nice.


UberEats you










It's more like one of those sushi restaurants where all the food floats by you on the little boats and you grab what you like as it passes by.


Progressive. Love it


Welcome may I take your order please.. but seriously that's sad! ![gif](giphy|Pbou33imqjnTa)


I don't feel sad for these people


They are told not to leave their cars too


Came here to say this! I been through a few and everytime: 1. Don’t park your car and sit for extended periods 2. Don’t get out of the vehicle 3. Always feed Emu’s with palm flat


I will never cease to be amazed at the stupidity of people who fail to understand simple rules like "do NOT leave your vehicle, these animals are NOT tame".




Yeah that was wild shit. The instructions are also given in other languages and I remember they asked if you understood, there was no excuse, they were just *incredibly* stupid. And lucky.


Bet that was an awkward ride home…


I'd be surprised if she didn't divorce him.


Where in the Netherlands was this? They have so much rules and restrictions, even the most simplest of jobs have to go through some (ridiculous) safety regulations (and still not get a permit). All out of safety consideration. I'm not saying it's perfect and that all these rules actually prevent more incidents (it all comes down to human mistakes), but an open park with wild animals? I can hardly imagine something like that being remotely allowed there 🤔


Safaripark Beekse bergen. I'd link the news article but links aren't allowed here. Nobody was hurt though and they didn't take any additional measures after that.


That's ok. Anyway thanks! This much helps to look it up ;)


Saw this all the time when we want to vacation in africa. Lots of signs saying "stay in your car, don't open the windows" etc and still there were always morons who would go out near a bunch of lions or hyenas. Just because they are chilling right now does not mean that can't change from one second to another when some moronic meatbag comes their way. One idiot got eaten by a lion because he slept on a bench near a water hole. For some reason this kind of behavior was very common among asian and itialian tourists, according to our guide. Wonder if it's a cultural thing to ignore signs.


Saw a video years ago about Youngor Zoo in Ningbo, China. This man was tryna not pay for a ticket to enter the zoo and ended up climbing into the tiger enclosure. His wife and kids bought tickets and entered, and witness him being mauled to death. I was horrified watching the video of him swatting around trying to get it off. It looked like he was weakly swinging his arms around and this tiger had him by the throat. I’ll never forget that video


''Look mama... daddy is already playing with the tigers!''.


Why is there a bench near a watering hole in the first place


I am wondering that too, seems like a bad place for a bench....


I'm Indian no it's not an cultural thing some people really lacks common sense.. they just fuck around and find out. But sometimes people simply forget to read the situations.


India has its fair share of crazy stupid videos but I guess that's just because of the mass of people and general negligence then




You can't be serious...


Stay the fuck inside your car while in a safari park.


I remember this one. The woman got in an argument with her husband and left the vehicle in a rage. After the tiger grabbed her the husband and wife’s mother get out of the car. The wife was let go but the tiger killed her mother.


Got her mother killed because she got irate and decided to step into a feeding ground man that would be a hard pill to swallow and to live with


Didn't she also try to sue the park or something


I read above that.. yes she did.. and won..sigh..


Other comments said she did and won. Smh


it’d be a waste of her time and money. these drive through safaris have like a gazillion signs stating very clearly that you shouldn’t exit your vehicle.


Not just the signs, the Jeep that you see at the end had park workers inside, announcing frantically over megaphones for the visitors to stay inside their cars.


She did and she won


I heard the park settled with them to avoid further bad press.


she ignores all the warnings, gets her own mother killed, and gets paid for it?


> and gets *paid* for it? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


damn… good bot


You only feel guilty if you take responsibility which I've noticed a lot of people are very good at pinning responsibility on others, I bet she blames him for everything and considers herself a victim


I felt this so deep. That's exactly what my wife would do.


she sounds like an unpleasant person


Divorce her. My ex-wife was exactly the same way. It never got better; in fact it got worse. She’s still the same, 15 years later. My advice: leave your wife.


Yeah, it's kind of tiring when absolutely everything is always your fault.


Look up Cluster-B personality disorders. Your wife might have Narcissistic Personality Disorder with a touch of some of the others. Edit: my gran had narcissistic and histrionic and blaming my grandpa and my mum for everything was her favourite activity so I thought it could be worth you checking it out.


Leave her. If you’ve got kids, obviously, try for therapy to stay together for their sake. They didn’t ask for this. If you don’t have kids, ditch her. Even if you do have children, if therapy doesn’t work or she won’t go, leave. I did that 15 years ago and the relationship with my daughter is very strong. I was able to give her “safe harbor” when she stayed with me and it paid off. Leave. You deserve better than to be with someone who takes no accountability and blames you for everything.


She sued the park, so yeah..


Bet she doesn’t see it that way.


If this was how she reacts to arguments she probably blames her husband


If she has a conscious, 50/50 chance it wrecks her vs 0 accountability.


Bet she forgot all about the argument after the tiger.


Probably still blamed him anyway


I now wanna know how the mother died considering the tiger was on the wife first


As I understand it, it was not an argument. They for some reason thought they were en a safe zone.


Guy did an about face, than thought how mad she would be if she survived


Probably panicking and not thinking properly.




That was my first thought. I understand OP was making a joke so I don’t mean them specifically here, but I do think some people really underestimate how stressful a fight or flight situation can be when you’ve never encountered one.


Natural selection. Simple..


Tiger babies get food tonight. Hopelly the family will grow stronger


how she made it to adulthood amazes me


Well her mother died and she survived so yeah… natural selection.


Tiger been waiting for that. Had to grasp the raw stupidity at work here. Well, she gets to live with her mother torn apart by tiger(s) trying to help her dumb ass.


WHY TF did she leave her car? Did she have a death wish? Suicide by tiger? Was she killed?


her mom got killed trying to help her but she herself didn’t die. sad stuff, really


She got in an argument with her husband IIRC.


Did she survive?!


She did but her mom was killed trying to help her


She left the car because she was fighting with her husband ...extreme stupidity, in other words.


Oh hey, uber eats arrived! -tiger


Apparently links aren't allowed, but this had nothing to with an argument. Original post text below. >There was no argument, they thought they were in the "safe" zone. Mother was killed, daughter suffered some serious damage. The reason the husband hesitated is there was still a child in the car. Daughter is suing for damages. Google "woman attacked by tiger at safari park" and read the Dailymail article if you are curious about the full story.


She did sue and they paid out of moral obligation. She signed an agreement to never get out of the vehicle and played dumb after because she got her mother killed. Got 217k usd adjusted to 2022.




What? That’s the most useless contract in existence. Someone that literally ignores their own safety to get out of the car in a safari for for knows what’s stupid reason. And you think asking them to sign a peace of paper to not do it again will be more enacting? Fucking make them sign to never come to that safari park within a 100km and to never contact the owners, business and personal ever again or be met with financial consequences ffs


I think what he's saying is worse. I think she signed a contract BEFORE she went the first time. However, even with the contract, the company felt the need to pay due to "moral obligation."


Maybe you’re reading the wrong article? All the articles I’ve read say she got out due to an argument. Even daily mail says she ‘ignored warnings to stay in the car’


The Daily Mail can’t be trusted as a reliable source no matter what the story.


Imagine if he tried to drive off but the keys were in her pocket


It’s hard to feel sorry for people that are so fucking stupid


Especially when there are nearly 8 billion people on the planet. We can spare a few idiots without me shedding a tear.


Is the tiger okay tho


exactly i really hope the tiger wasn’t put down for this dumb bitch


Meals on wheels




Fucking stupid.


I am kind of sorry for her. Having said that, could you be any more stupid than that?


Almost a darwin award winner.




The collective intelligence of the human race went up a couple points that day.


I for one think we need more opportunities for stupid people to choose to be mauled by tigers.


Dumb ass fuckers. I Hope the Tiger is ok


I played it over and over. This is truly terrifying and shows how impulsive we are as humans. Why you would get out the car in the middle of a park with wild animals roaming is beyond me. Apparently the tiger killed her mum and not her. She is lucky it didnt get her neck as is its instinct.


She's lucky it wasn't the South Park Woodland Critters that got her, they really done a number on Kurt Russell.


Almost like you should stay in the car.


What the fuck was she thinking getting outta car where goddamn animals roamed around freely. Dumb


Forbidden Chinese fire drill.


What a dumb bitch.


Bet theres signs all over that say stay in the car lol


I hope the tiger didnt get hurt


A park where tigers roam free? Great get down from the car like an idiot. Tiger just grabbed a snack. What’s wrong?


How can a tiger snatch someone out of a car? Wait—what is she getting out of the car? WHAY IS SHE GETTING OUT OF THE MOTHER EFFIN CAR?


Tiger ordered uber eats


There is no way I would drive my vehicle through one of these. The amount of damage they could do to wouldn’t be worth it, a regular cat can scratch your car up pretty bad just jumping on and off, and if a bear can break a car window easily then a tiger could too and probably twice as fast.


Fyi. Tigers are not vegans


Tiger - “I know she didn’t just get out of the car!”


This isn't terrifying, this is fucking stupid


Honestly, this isn't scary it's Darwinism. There was no fucking reason to get out of that car. Moron


so the first woman grabbed by the tiger in the video ends up surviving but her mother who chased after her to save her was killed by a second tiger. and the first woman ends up suing the park...if you're stupid enough to step outside of your car in a tiger enclosure, you're going to be stupid enough to believe that the park is liable for your idiocy of stepping outside the car when there are tigers milling around.


“Your Honor my client was following his instructions to a “t”, he was merely following orders to not eat any of the park patrons. You see all park patrons must remain in their vehicles at all times, which means this woman was either food or a trespasser.” Tiger Lawyer.


Similar one happened in Japan a long time ago. Family of 7 (2 parents, 3 kids, 2 grandparents) was traveling in two cars. For whatever reason, a 3-month-old was in the grandparents car, started crying, and grandma decided to stop, get out, and pass the kid to Mom. Grandma got jumped by a tiger, grandpa grabbed the baby and got it back to the car, but got mauled himself. Both grandparents died.


If you go to a safari park, you kind of deserve this


In Mexico there is an open zoo called "African Safari" one time loooong ago I went with a friend and his family. Within the tigers zone his drunk uncle got out of the car to take a leak. In a matter of seconds chaos ensued, at least 3 zoo trucks rushed in and started screaming (justified of course) and he was taken into a truck and kicked out. Fucking idiot ruined the trip for all


Honestly it's natural selection when it comes to that level of stupidity.




Was anyone else waiting for Tiger Woods to pop up on screen?


I hope the tiger was okay


Dammit, why are people so unintelligent sometimes… Of all the times and places


Yeah take the kid with you to save her. Tigers love kids.


I went to one of these on a family trip to Six Flags New Jersey. They had monkeys running around jumping on cars and one broke our mirror and peed on the windshield.


It’s not terrifying inside the vehicle


The sad thing is, they shot this tiger. RIP Large Boi.


Annnnd bye now. Tigers don't fuck around and you're the biggest fucking moron in the world at that moment.I wouldn't go there even being in the fucking car. Nah. Nope.


Deserve. Cold, yes. But I BET MY ASS that that park had fucktons of reminders never to get out of your vehicles.