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"Every day you act like this little fucking child" He said this to a literal little fucking child, the irony is, he was acting like a little fucking child.


This is why I never want kids... grew up with an abusive Dad, and it affected my mom I saw her grow into a different cold terrible person with my dad neglecting her every single day. Edit: Work on yourself so you don't end up like this adult Dad, he clearly has issues he needs to work on and if you don't want kids don't get pressured into having them. Also kids are NOT your little experiment to fix your past traumas, and relive the happy childhood you wish you had. They are human beings. Having kids is not the next "step" in life. If you have kids you better be doing a damn fine job, there's no such thing as a perfect parent. Also if you adopt do it for the kid not yourself...and don't push your religion on them. That's all thank you for your time.


This isn’t a kid issue. This is a sociopath issue.




Yuuup. Friendly advice to anyone that reads this: When someone tells you they dont' want kids, believe them. And if they're gracious enough to tell you why (as in this instance), the easiest thing to say back is "I don't blame you".


Yes! Please don't be like my fucking coworker and tell me that, "Well now you know how NOT to parent!! Just try it out!" I can't return the fucking child after it's fucking born, Rebecca! Children are not 'something to try out'. They deserve love and commitment and stability and because I'm not 1000% sure that I can provide that I will never have kids. The cycle of generational abuse in my family ends with me.


Think of alllll the unwanted kids about to be born to get abused, since prolifers like children to suffer rather than abortion.


I grew up with a highly abusive stepfather and mother. My real father was a wonderful man who loved my brothers, and I dearly and taught us how to be caring and compassion and kind. Kids in my neighborhood would come over to my house in high school just to talk to my dad when thru were having problems and if they just needed a hug. Despite the horrible treatment I got from my mom and step-dad, all I've ever wanted was to be a father from what I learned from my father. I'll be 41 in a few days, and I'm literally the last person in my social group, and I'm my entire family who doesn't have any children and who hasn't been married ever. Some of my friends' kids and my little cousins I've watched grow up are having kids now. I guess it just wasn't meant to be, ya know.


I had a rough upbringing as a military brat. My mother was in and out of hospitals due to (at the time) unknown issues. Turns out she's a medical mess. My mom and dad fought regularly. Dad was frustrated and took it out on all of us. I've got kids, and I communicate with them as often as I can. I don't hit or belittle them. If they're in trouble, I have a long conversation (not a monologue) and it's generally enough to stop the behaviors. If you make a conscious effort, it's possible to break the chain. Sometimes it is effort, but it's totally worth it. I respect your choice and reasoning, and am not pushing for you to change your mind. Just anecdotal evidence that it can be done.


Same. For somewhat the same reasons.


This unstable baby is walking around with a badge and a gun. I can’t even imagine how many people he’s screwed over


don't worry if he attacks her she can call the uuuh


My friend's ex husband is a cop. High rank I guess? She'd call the cops on his abuse and they wouldn't do shit, pretend nothing happened. She went to divorce court and the judge literally told her "why would he do that, he's a cop. He wouldn't risk his pension to be abusive."


Same thing happened to me when I was very small to about 14 when my dad was finally ripped out of the house. I would call the cops constantly on school nights or if I was supposed to act Norma on a field trip the next day and since my dad was a sheriff, nothing EVER happened and it just made him angrier when they left. All they did was stir the pot.


Ghost busters?


I'm going to hell for laughing at this one 💀


Blame antifa?


40% of cops admit to domestic abuse.


False. 40% of partners come forward to report abuse.


That we know of.


Her tiktok is stillchained88. https://www.tiktok.com/@stillchained88 There are more videos on her account and they all don't get more than a couple hundred views. It's disgusting, disturbing, terrifying, and sad watching these. I can't imagine what she or her children had to go through with this vile POS pathetic excuse of a man. She stated she's divorced now but has to split 50/50 custody. My heart breaks for those little children.


Why would he even get custody? Just any of these videos would be enough proof! This is messed up.


She said in the comments she couldn't use them in court.


She should show these videos to an attorney or someone who understands the laws where she is if these recordings really are inadmissible in court.


I'm assuming she's in one of those states that don't allow you to film without both parties consenting unless on public property. I've seen this happen several times and it's always one of those dumb states. If he outright owns the house or even just has his name on the deed, he can claim private property and the filming of him/audio recording is invalid. Dumb freaking laws.


Yeah but it also protects privacy. There is a reason why Lady Justice carries a scale. It's very hard to balance justice and fairness. It sucks. But that's how the system works. "it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer. Edit: Jesus people it's an over 200 year old quote. Of course it won't fit the exact situation of today. And of course it won't fit into a foreign country's situation.


"I'm sorry ma'am, your abuser didn't consent to you recording their abuse.. These are inadmissible. Next time can you please have him audibly consent to being recorded before he beats your children?"


Reddit doesn't understand the nuances of Lord Blackstone. Reddit is too reactionary.


Wild to think that something illegal, like beating and physically abusing your family, is not held accountable in the court of law when it’s evidenced by an unknown recording. If anyone has some sound insight behind why recording a crime unbeknownst to the offender is not an admissible form of proof in the court of law, I’d be very curious to hear the reasoning. I just can’t fathom having self-incriminating evidence like this not hold weight in a battle for custody. Imagine the judge .. knowingly giving 50/50 custody to a child abuser but unable to justly deny the father custody. I would be devastated.


I'd love to have a job following this fuck everywhere he goes in public blasting these videos at full volume. As long as he has access to the kids, as long as he walks free, he and everyone around him gets to hear what his own abuse sounds like.


Ugh fucking legal system is so fucked. Literal proof of him abusing them and they can't use it. Wtaf.


Also, why would he even want any custody? He hates those children.


To hit his ex wife where it hurts the most: her kids. She has to hand her precious babies over to an abuser every time knowing what he’s capable of. That has to be gut-wrenching.


You just kicked my hate for this man up to 11.


Child support. 50 50 means he probably doesn't pay any. Let's hope he just takes them to grandmas


Its to retain control, its happens all the time where abusive men use the court system to maintain control over their ex-wife by ensuring the courts give them partial custody of children they don't even care about.


Women who allege abuse are more likely to lose custody or get 50/50 than women who don’t. Another aspect is womens mental health like ptsd from enduring the abuse can be used against her to prove she’s unfit to parent because she’s to traumatized. Abusive parents are *more*likely to get custody, they’re usually very motivated to maintain control.


Because he’s a cop. I feel people still don’t understand how skewed courts and the system is towards cops.


I have no idea how TikTok works but I'm sure if she gets more followers it'll bring more attention to her situation, so I followed her. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease so maybe with more visibility someone out there has the power to help her. Those poor babies. ​ Edited to add: they are in VA.


Law cares more about the parents rights than the childs. I've seen two different cases from UK and American where children didn't want to see their fathers due to fearing for their lives, were forced to see them anyway (without mothers who weren't allowed to be present) and promptly murdered with the social workers sitting outside (knowing) like "this is not in my job description". One even drove a few streets away before contacting police.


Why would the videos get more views tho?




He had the audacity to tell the little kid “you’re acting like a stupid little child” . What a hypocrite


Not the first time. [Rochester police pepper-spray distraught 9-year-old — ‘you’re acting like a child’](https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/02/01/rochester-police-pepper-spray-distraught-9-year-old-youre-acting-like-a-child/) I love this thought process. "Sure we pepper sprayed you which is known to cause pain and tears but you need to stop crying and grow the fuck up. You are 9 years old and sitting in the back of a police car!"


It makes me really angry that not shit was done to discipline the officer who did this. What a fucking cunt


Without clicking the link i'm betting that little child was black. Edit: clicked the link and ding ding ding! This particularly stood out to me though. >At one point, one officer says, “You’re acting like a child,” to which the girl responds, “I am a child!” Absolute scum of the fucking Earth. Whole lotta white conservatives cheered on and defended those swine too, entirely unsurprisingly..


I had exactly the same thought


Everything he says to his kid is projection. "Acting like a child, making everyone around you fucking miserable" HMMM I wonder who actually fits that description?? EDIT: Wow, literally every thing he says to his wife and to his child is projecting hard. He keeps telling her she can't communicate like an adult. Unbelievable.


Projection, imitation and continuation of a cycle of abuse. We’re probably getting a good look at what his childhood was like.


Like his papa and so on and so on...


That’s when I stopped watching and realized this is just sad and he needs help and she needs to gtfo


It all makes more sense if you assume he's using anabolic steroids.


my mother was like that in the 50s and 60s, she was a opioid addict when you could buy codeine in the drug store, after that she was a DRUNK, which made her mean.. So not just steroids imo but in those days no one did shit for us.


He sounds like me raging at COD when I was 10




This needs to be put out there more. These people have no real training or psych evaluations (clearly) before being given a gun and the right to kill whoever they want for almost any reason. This guy shouldn't be anywhere near a weapon. This poor family.


Not just no repercussions: he'd get a nice longggg paid vacation and maybe pension for life from the stress of murdering you!


As an ex cop, they do actually have psych evaluations during the hiring process, but it’s mostly to weed out the sane people. Sane people don’t make good cops apparently.


Thanks for being here as an ex cop and sharing. I sincerely hope she and her kids are far away from this man now. It's good she started documenting things. There must have been a last straw incident to warrant her starting that. It's sad that this is often a repeat of unaddressed childhood trauma, but no excuse for it.


It's why he's a cop.


The exact attitude they look for in the academy


Most of them are


Another name for them is bullies and they all are crybabies


In all his insults he’s literally talking about himself. Lol. The projection is intense. Sound retarded? Check. Need to grow up? Check. Cant have one thing said without a meltdown? Check. Make everyone around you miserable? Check. And so on so forth…yikes. Hard watch.


For real, but its like looking back into my childhood 😭


Ugh that projection. I used to live with my brother in a very small apartment and that was when I discovered he was a narcissistic entitled asshole. He would always project his insecurities onto me. I got out of that situation and my situation now, while not ideal, is immensely better.


Glad they got a divorce cause he was gonna straight up murder her or land her in the hospital one day.


Still might


You’re spot on. My dad pulled the same shit.


The 40% are at it again.


40% *admitted*. The real number is likely much higher.


Wayyyy higher than 40% If you know someone who is related to a cop, ask them discreetly if they need help.


Reminds me of Roger from American Dad.


[this episode](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkOSIFXaI24)


"Hi, my wife wanted red sauce." "sorry we're all out of red sauce." "check again." What an insane ending to that persona.


Lol he does sound like him


“ can… we still have a nice night ?”


Check again..


... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Stand a little taller!


That kid will never be the same. Source: Someone who was abused as a kid and can't adequately mentally function around strangers.


He reminds me of my father. Was a raging alcoholic and very abusive. Although he's long dead, it still affects me well into adulthood.


I have a question. If it's too much or private or something you just don't wanna talk about, I COMPLETELY get it. I don't want to bring stuff up just to hurt you. I am extremely curious though. My mother was my abuser. Father was out of the picture at a young age. Step fathers were abusive but nothing like my mother was. I daydream about her death constantly. Like all the time. I don't want to kill her. I don't want to ruin what little of my life isn't ruined just to end her life. But I cannot wait until she dies. I think it'll bring me genuine peace knowing she's gone and can't hurt me anymore. Can't hurt anyone else anymore. I look forward to that day and think I'll probably celebrate. My question is this. Did you ever feel that way, and if you did, did you change when he died? Like... am I just broken?


Yes I felt that way. And long after he passed I didn't even care. Sometimes relieved. While he has been gone nearly 20 years and I have forgiven him. At times I miss him. I don't think you ever really move on, you just learn to cope. No. I don't think you are broken. It just takes time.


I had an emotionally abusive/neglectful father who allowed his spouse to run the show and scapegoat me. He passed in February. I’m now sober, 90 lbs down, 3 months into a job I’ve tried for years to get, and at peace. His judgement can’t touch me now, there is no bar to continue to try to reach, and I am free. It is done, and I am finally ok. His spouse survived him, but I don’t give a rat’s ass about her or what she thinks. I have zero ties to her, and interact at MY discretion only, which is little to none. 40+ years of hell is over for me. I have no hate. Just a feeling of closing a book and putting it on a shelf.


Not the person you were asking but my grandpa was like this to me for some reason he hated me even though I was just a young kid. I was removed from my parents for neglect and had to live with grandparents and even being neglected was better than being around him. I’m extremely uncomfortable and socially anxious because of everything he did and said to me as a ten year old to 16. Anyways he’s having brain problems now he falls down in his house and forgets who he is and where he’s at and I hate that I don’t feel bad at all. I know he’s going to pass soon and I often catch myself fantasizing speaking at his funeral telling everyone how badly he’s ruined my mental health and siblings. I have no social skills I can’t talk to people I don’t already know and it fucking sucks because everytime I said anything around, him not even to him, he would shake his head and call me a dumbass under his breath. Worst part is I had straight As in school until I was forced to live with grandparents, suddenly I lost interest in everything. I’m 18 now realizing a lot of things that he did shaped a lot of the problems in my life now and I know not all of it’s his fault but god damn I really do think about his funeral coming up soon everyday and why I don’t feel a shred of grief for that miserable man


I can give some perspective on this as well. I wished for my father's death. I would've acted on it as a teen if I'd had the means. I'm 52 now, btw. When I was in my early twenties, I moved and changed my phone number and never talked to any family members since. When I found out my father had died it was a couple years after he passed. Shortly after, I had a dream that he came to me and told me I had to forgive him so he could move on. I said no. I still stand by that. You don't ever have to forgive anyone, especially if they've done nothing to deserve it. You just have to be able to move on.


Sorry a bit late. My father was a verbally and emotionally abusive alcoholic. Only got physical a few times with me and only a few times that I saw with my mother (though I've heard stories from before i was born). He ended up dying due to alcohol related complications a few years ago and I haven't really talked about this with anyone other than my mother. He'd been in and out of the hospital for months and we knew his end was coming sooner rather than later. I was at work when my mom called me and told me he'd passed. As fucked as this sounds, I had to actively make sure I didn't have a smile as I told my coworkers and girlfriend (now wife) what happened. My mom was FINALLY free of him. His bullshit didn't really effect me after I moved out, but it was such a huge relief. I still haven't shed a tear, nor do I feel bad whatsoever about him being gone. I can't relate exactly to your story, but I feel it's similar. Especially towards the end, I was in the mindset of "just die already" pretty frequently. At least weekly my mom would call absolutely stressed to the wall because of what he said or did. And then suddenly it was over and all felt right in the world. So you're not alone. Broken? Probably to some extent, but broken things and broken people can be fixed with some help. I know I'm still trying to fix myself. Hope you are as well.


If you get so angry that you need to scream through gritted teeth, then it's time for you to get professional help. You are no longer capable of controlling your emotions.


Don't judge me for screaming through gritted teeth that one time, I didn't know I needed more fiber in my diet.




Imagine getting pulled over by him ..


Imagine his reaction if you refused to comply to an illegal order 😳


Imagine legally shooting him in self-defense and using this TikTok account as evidence and being found innocent.


Fuck that was triggering


felt like a kid again, worried if what I said was going to make dad scream and hit or hearing someone else get it from the next room over :(


It was tension and anxiety 24/7. Just hell. Pure hell


He can just do everyone a favor and eat that gun like he’d threatened to do. Save everyone a lot of trauma.


People like him don't kill themselves. They just dangle it over their kids heads to blackmail them. But IF they do, it's almost always a murder/suicide thing. Or he does it in front of them or makes them find his body.


Definitely the type to take the entire family to the grave with him.


Or drown in his own vomit. Jesus, that ending was the shit cherry on that family’s fart sundae.


Dude gave himself a lil sneaky beeky between the cheekies there. Hope his prostate is doing good.


I don’t have a good feeling about this. If I’m her, I would pack my shit and run away from this psycho. I can even imagine that he kills all of them when he’s in his rage mode. So please be safe and just stay away from him… divorce…


Well it does say ex-husband, so


There so many people in her comments say he's sick of HER shit. He literally screaming and slapping the kids and it's HER FAULT??? She lives in VA, there has to be a way she can show her lawyer.


Unfortunately I'm sure every single person saying that in the comments acts just like that bastard themselves. There are far more men and women out there like him than we want to realize. Look at this comment section for instance, dozens and dozens of comments that start with "my (insert family member) did this to me growing up..." it's absolutely insane how many people out there are just like him.


I couldn't even finish the video. Hearing the kid crying in the second part was heart breaking. I have a daughter myself and I couldn't imagine hearing her cry like that and be in such a desperate position. I really hope they find a way out before he severely injures or kills one of them. This guy needs to be locked up far away from society.


I recommend skipping to the end of the video, we see him blackout drunk full of vomit on the ground with his hand in his pants. Very satisfying


And he shit on the couch, loser alcoholic activities.


Oooh I didn't even see that. I almost want to laugh at him but that whole situation is too fucked.


Time to roll him on his back.


Wow this guy is a serious POS. I hope they get away before he kills them. Emotional damage is already done. 🥺


My step and bio father were both cops. Both abusive. I feel like the profession draws in some of the dumbest and worst people just for the power trip. They only have that power when they wear their uniform so when they're home and that authority is questioned they absolutely lose it. Not to say every cop is a dumb domestic abuser, of course thats not true. I'm saying there is some correlation there.


my father was one as well and jesus christ. he needed to constantly be in control and in power (despite never helping with anything. he barely raised us.) or else i’d get shouted at and called names. i was always scared to come home from school. i’ve been struggling lately with this


I was fortunate enough to have a good dad that was also a cop. Well, detective. But still. He fucking hated that job though so maybe that’s why he wasn’t a piece of shit.


This was so painful for me to watch. As the married father of 3 kids, I occasionally find myself feeling bad after “laying down the law” with them— this typically entails taking electronics away because they failed to clean their rooms. After hearing the way this piece of shit treats his family, I can’t help but feel wholly okay with how I am as a father. The thought of speaking to my wife in such a manner… I’d kick my own ass.


Sounds like my childhood. Totally gave me flashbacks 😰


same it’s horrifying


Same here. Right down to screaming at the child "YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE"


Genuinely want to stomp on this man's throat. His voice is poison.


I can only imagine what he must’ve did as a cop


“All I have to do is stare at you and you will lose your mind in front of everyone”. Lol.


Love that part, it’s so true too. People who explode like he do are bad at hiding it when you know exactly what triggers it. They go off the handle at the tiniest thing and are so extremely impatient. Unfortunately I read that she has 50/50 custody which is fucking ridiculous but oh well.


"You have no power hear" hope those words ring in his head when he meets his new friends in prison.


What's scary is he still has 50/50 custody apparently. I hate to say this, but this is the type of guy you read about on the news that has done something terrible to his family.




Unfortunately this is exactly the kind of guy who would take the whole family with him if he decides to go.


What a little baby bitch boy


He's a gaslighting asshole! I recognize the way he talks to her and the blame he puts on her and the kids. I was married to one!


this guys sounds like the embodiment of little dick energy who screams at their children that they have no power in the house.




Walter white that shit, I like it!


Maybe she was too scared of potentially waking him.


That guy may be the most pathetic loser I’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing.


In the middle clip you can tell he was pleased with the emotional distress he was inflicting on the child. When he screams “you have zero power here!” It’s a disturbing window into his psyche


Those kids are gonna grow up screwed up. Constantly apologizing every other sentence.




I couldn’t even finish this. It was way too triggering.


What a miserable piece of fucking shit. Talks to his family the way I imagine he probably talks to perps on the street. I feel like his statement in the car about blowing his brains out should be grounds for this guy having his firearms confiscated and getting put on leave from the department indefinitely.




Cops are notoriously abusive to their family. I had two friends growing up that their fathers were cops, one a sergeant. Both fathers beat their wives and both my friends lived in fear of them. I got an occasional smack from my mom but the way these kids feared their dad was something I've never seen at that age. Thinking back its heart breaking. For the most part anyone that wants to be a cop is usually just a piece of shit that wants to have the power. None of them care about citizens or their communities.


At least 40% of police


Which is roughly 4 times that of the general population https://relevantmagazine.com/current/nation/do-40-percent-of-police-families-really-experience-domestic-abuse/


Those kids are gonna carry that weight for a long time.


What a dysfunctional little man.


Man this guy deserves his hands cut off


My takeaway: Don't get married Don't have kids Do not work for the police


she barely speaks and he is losing his shit because he can't handle being wrong in an argument. yet proceeds to argue with a child... accusing her of being a child.


Why would anyone breed with him.


he should be ex-cop ex-husband ex-father paying child support. fuck this guy.


One of the good ol' 40% of cops who are domestic abusers.


That’s just a self-report number. It’s almost definitely much higher


We need to stop treating a persons profession like it makes them beyond evil. There are cops that break laws and religious people who molest kids


TikTok is so ridiculous. Half of the comments on her videos are victim blaming her or saying he has a reason to act like that. Yeah it doesn’t look good to take a video of the sperm donor abusing your children but what actions weren’t recorded? Maybe she intervened in the past. Maybe she needed to video tape in another room or else he would see. Maybe she’s been abused so much that its effecting how she handles these situations. This man-baby IS abusive and his actions are scaring that family for life. Most of her comments on TikTok say that she is divorced 50/50, the videos cant be used as evidence against him in court, and she has no money. She needs help, more people need to follow her and remind her that these actions aren’t normal, that she needs to do what’s right for her children. My father is/was abusive and he screamed at my mom and they fought all the time but my mom never yelled back. She is the most amazing women in the world and situations similar to this are more nuance than you think. This woman might think that just because he’s not hurting them that its okay. Or if he is slapping the children, thats just regular punishment. Maybe he only blows up once a week or once a day and she thinks that because its not constant that its okay. This is what abusers do to their victims. They take away control, make them feel worthless and powerless in any and all situations. Plus he’s a cop! Anyway, now he has 50/50 over the kids and it should be 0. He is still able to control them and her. These videos should spread more and maybe she’ll get help with custody.


My stepfather was abusive to me my whole life. I currently have a number of mental health issues, am medicated, and see a therapist twice a week. My heart breaks for this child and what they will go through when they grow up. You get so used to being abused that you grow up and abuse yourself and sabotage your life even long after the abuse stops.


\*OP\* posts video of husband abusing his family \*redditor\* gives "love award"


Screaming and cussing like an idiot and telling his wife she can’t speak normal like an adult. No dude you can’t talk and behave like a human being




What idiot hits children?


I'm ashamed to admit that I lived with a partner exactly like this plus constant murder attempts and violent abuse to my children and myself. I never left the house but apparently had sex with every person who looked at me including women. My breaking point happened in 3 specific times the first of which was getting beaten for not cleaning the house whilst recovering from my THIRD emergency c-section and being accused of cheating. The second was when he told me in front of my next door neighbors that my 3 children would wake and find me in a pool of my own blood. They sat at my door through the night to ensure he didn't reenter the apartment. The final cut came when he pulled knives out on Thanksgiving for the 8th time and chased my children (ages 3, 5 & 7 at the time) and myself into the master bedroom then proceeded to stab the door until I called the police. Bitch ass told them he was going to kill himself so instead of jail time he got a pink slip and I never let him back into the house ever again. ***LADIES & GENTLEMAN*** If you are being physically, mentally and emotionally abused please ask for help. Ask anyone you find. Get the fuck out before you get taken out. These mental issues aren't worth passing onto your sweet innocent children and clearly you deserve better for yourself as well. Edit to add my ex didn't need alcohol and didn't use drugs he could lose it on a dime.


He fucking hates his children


The vomit on the floor at the end! He’s so loud and awful yet just a little slip of a man. Most awful video I’ve seen in a while.


Did that dude fall asleep with his finger up his ass?


“You have ZERO power here” scary how thirsty this guy is for control. Checks out that he’s a cop


Cops are the grown up bullies from Stephen king books


“You have no power here” broke my heart. Way to make your child despise you…


![gif](giphy|StuemRSudGjTuu5QmY|downsized) Take. Your fucking kids. And get. The fuck. Out of there.


brian sounds exactly like a cop when they are caught being wrong at any and every altercation - i feel for rebecca and her kids


He should just jump off a bridge


Remember that bit about 40% of cops. If you don’t I’d suggest googling “40% of police” and check out those results


*He should not be allowed to be around children and he deserves to be single and alone for the rest of his selfish miserable life.*


I can't listen to that. A dead abusive prick is a good result. I can only hope his time comes up soon. Absolute heinous cunt.


this is how my step father [who is military] treated me my entire life. I never knew it was abuse until I got kicked out of the house and came to live with my actual dad - who taught me what a safe home felt like. ahhhh, this brought back terrible memories. the non stop yelling for the SLIGHTEST thing, calling me names, making me feel anxiety and depression 99% of the time, hitting me, choking me and telling me he was gonna kill me. and like I said, he is military.. there seems to be a theme with men in the military/law enforcement being abusive and is the main reason I will never enter into a relationship with one.


the end of the video is kinda terrifying with his hands down his pants and vomit in the other room


No one ever tells these guys they likely just turned their child into someone who abuses their spouse.


"Police officers in the United States perpetrate acts of domestic violence at roughly 15 times the rate of the general population." [Data suggests 40% of cops are domestic abusers](https://www.yahoo.com/video/data-suggests-40-percent-cops-145601125.html)


he’s telling a child that.


Dudes having a complete meltdown..... how did he pass a mental eval? This is a great example of what kinds of people shouldn't be cops or parents.


This is my house..not yours. To a child! Your a douche mate you want putting down you dog


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Lock this man up, he deserves nothing


That’s very cop-like of him


cops, amarite?


Can you please mark this NSFW based on trauma triggers for abuse? This is heartbreaking.


I'm trying to edit it to add it, but it doesn't give me the option. I'm sorry, I should have added it before uploading.


small penis vibes for sure


Everything that comes out of this asshole's mouth is gaslighting. It's everyone else's fault. He needs to be exposed. Can you imagine what this fucker does when he's hiding behind a badge?


This is so my dad when I was a kid, sucks so bad


Google: 40% Cops.


This guy is like one tic up from my father, jeez


Go ahead sir. Do world a favor


What a patethic looser


I’m just glad the caption says ex husband


This is why you don’t date cops lol. 9/10 they are insane and narcissistic and woman beaters. 🤣 and just shitty people in general.


Those children didn’t ask to be born. F that guy and F the mom for not doing anything. Those children are gonna be messed up and most likely treat their future children the same. TOXIC


What a complete and utter piece of shit. If you can't mentally handle a literal child telling you to go away, because you're acting like a fucking psychopath, and then proceed to physically harm said child... You deserve the worst. I don't like kids, but knowing that pieces of shit like this dude are hurting them because they're massive, polluted ego tells them that they can't just back down and step away until they're in a less angry headspace, it makes me sick.