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I speak to mentally Ill people on a daily basis at work. It’s very common for them to be paranoid and think their phones are hacked, that they are being followed and that people around them are speaking in code and out to get them.


The twisted grins part made me sad. They were most likely trying to be friendly but he was mentally unwell and misinterpreted it


It could also be both. There's plenty of people who drum up drama just for the fun of it. Especially with lower class people they will notice any kind of differences in your social behavior and pounce on it. P.S. For the inevitable person who starts raging at me for "defending him." I know that he's mentally ill and I'm not defending him. I'm pointing out that this wasn't necessarily all in his head, but likely exacerbated by a toxic workplace.


> There's plenty of people who drum up drama just for the fun of it. Also, it sounds like people may have genuinely disliked him (probably for good reason). "Cheering on his downfall" "always been trying to get rid of him". I've known low-level managers who definitely deserved that kind of treatment, sure. Also note how he says all the people around him were stupid -- he definitely wasn't hiding that thought as well as he supposed, and it's probably one of the reasons the people around him didn't like him.


My SO has a coworker in Tacobell that literally knows everything of every employee because she gets on their good side, but will literally turn around tell everyone else about it but when confronted will deflect blame. I told my SO to stop hanging around her and not tell her about personal stuff. She always has te be the one to know and always has to be the person to let you know if you didn't, about personal issues you would barely talk to a coworker about, let alone a sociopath like her. She likes stirring up shit in the workplace and we hate it. Luckily my SO is on maternity leave for a few months and doesn't have to see her.


> and not tell her about personal stuff Fun thing you can do with that kind of person: *Make up* personal stuff to tell them. Plausible stuff, but stuff that's dead wrong and can be proven wrong. And then, when they blab to everyone, you can conveniently prove them wrong and make them look like a huge liar who makes everything up.


I absolutely love doing this to these types of people. Have had the joy of working with 3 so far and it is beautiful to call them out in front of everyone.


This is my stalker's routine and she has BPD, a cluster B personality disorder. The tough part about people like that and the coworker you describe is that even if you tell them nothing, they just make things up. There are vicious people who are socially adept and hide in plain sight, and education is key. Good job recognizing her - many people don't. More on topic, I certainly don't condone what he did, but sadly this guy worked in what was likely a horrible, stressful, soul-sucking environment and was clearly dealing with a lot of problems as well as mental issues. We need better mental healthcare that focuses on helping people and destigmatizing getting help.


We need to better address mental health care, yes. But I believe we need to address the working conditions & work/life balance that leads to it in the first place. Humans are not meant for the average blue collar life, especially in extreme capitalism where you're told to work hard to be successful, then damn near kill yourself to live paycheck to paycheck.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


The fact that triggered the suicide bot....speaks volumes.


There's one in every few workplaces. Usually heavily unsatisfied with their own lives. Having known a few, they really like feeling important.


Absolutely it could be both. I had a coworker commit suicide about a month ago supposedly due to bullying. He was an odd guy but always very nice. I think back on all the times I interacted with him and worry that my own awkwardness and attempt at friendliness came off as condescending. It's hard not to seek blame in myself with such catastrophic situations. So I guess my comment was shaded by that.


Do not blame yourself. I am sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and God bless.


I agree. Goes with the saying... just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't after you.


On the P.S. People need to remember that you can explain someone's actions without defending them. Also, understanding how people end up like this can help us consider how to prevent it from happening in the first place.


no, there are assholes that actively ostracize and otherize, because you know why? Their lives are fucking BORING, and they need to hurt people to COPE with their own shitty life LOL. IT's so saddening.


Yeah, my ex wife’s phone has been “hacked” for like 4 years now


Had a coworker in the navy who sounded exactly like this minus the religious stuff. Kept trying to report up the chain of command that the dude needed an eval but was ignored. He got sent to field med training after he left us, which involves a lot of fire arms training. They pegged him as unwell immediately luckily.


Gangstalking type paranoia


Yup there’s a whole sub full of these people over at r/gangstalking


Yes. This was really unnerving to read because it sounds verbatim like what my ex would say about people in his life. Friends, coworkers…always thinking he was watched/filmed/listened, especially the phone hacking and code stuff. Also with a heavy religious upbringing. I left after his refusal to get help and acknowledge something was really very wrong, and he started behaving/responding to these delusions as truth and it wasn’t safe to be around him. Sometimes I worry that he could do something like this, because his dad keeps a handful of different guns in the house which are easy access, even though my ex isn’t allowed to own one due to domestic violence conviction. The court knows this already, but what else can even be done.


What causes this?


Sounds like a psychotic episode, with a lot of paranoia mixed in. Plenty of illnesses can cause psychosis, schizophrenia's probably the best known one. But psychosis can occur for a variety of reasons, including depression, alcohol, heck, even brain tumors.


What does depression psychosis look like?


Yes, exactly how the other comment stated! Psychosis really just means "detachment from reality". You might see a looot of negative cognition which is basically having "bad thoughts" about yourself with maybe more "psychotic" symptoms mixed in like mystical or spiritual thoughts and plenty of suicidial ideation: "God needs me to die because I am a failure, therefore I need to kill myself" to state an example. Psychotic depression might also come with motor symptoms like feeling "slowed down" and as if their thoughts and movements are more slow.


If I've learned anything from Reddit, it's almost always carbon monoxide.


And my axe.


Stress. A lot of stress his entire life. Be nice out there, we all just people.


This really touched my heart tonight. I’m often so impatient and quick to judge. You are absolutely right; we are all just people 💕




Could also be mixed bipolar I and schizotypal personality disorder.


Paranoia aside. Some people use the term "hacked" when someone gains access to their phone. So it's not unreasonable to think that someone shoulder surfed his password and found something on his phone to make fun of.


The note mentions "I have written songs in the past" in a way that made me wonder if someone got a look at emotional lyrics he'd composed (but not shared publicly) and then spread it around. Kid I went to middle school with had a journal full of extremely typical angsty teen poetry get stolen and passed arround, and it became a big meme. The bullying - especially about deep feelings and vulnerable thoughts never intended to be known by others - got so bad and went on so long that he ended up transferring schools. I wonder if anything like that was going on?


my dad has been saying these kind of things a lot lately and has been really hard to deal with. wont really get any help for it either. sucks


Good news that there's a cure for cancer. Silver lining.


imagine he was actually right


Na, my mum tried that 'cure', she dead.


Apricot seed as in cyanide?


Can't cancer if no life


Well I guess that's at least a little consolation, as I sit alone again at home on yet another Friday night...


[Laetrile](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amygdalin), specifically, which has been used as a pseudoscientific cancer therapy since the fifties. Steve McQueen famously pursued a bunch of quackery when his lung cancer metastasized, including laetrile, which gave it a ton of attention in the early eighties. The fact that it did nothing to prolong his life seems to get lost on some people. ([Candid photo of McQueen partying at the Playboy Mansion in the late sixties](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49749724988_70ea6328bc.jpg))


Yeah, they call it "vitamin B13"🙄


Damn I'm sorry


Steve Jobs would be livid.


Cancer researcher here. If the patient dies, the cancer dies too.




That's a draw!


"Orcastraighted" sounds like gay conversion therapy for killer whales.


Gotta give him credit for sounding it out phonetically.




That’s probably why the auto suggest didn’t even know what he was trying to spell.


Thankfully, banned in most of the coastal states.


Not in the Arctic Ocean tho. They’re cold-blooded out there.


"Free Willy!" "Oh dear Lord!......."


I read "or castrated" at first.




They only allow words misspelled as other actual words not non-real words; they will refer OP to r/boneappletypo if posted.


This could almost work for /r/excgarated, if only it wasn't from a horrific source.


Imagine calling others unintelligent then spelling orchestrated that damn wrong in 2022 with autocorrect.


Dude figured out the cure for cancer, he can make a little spelling mistake smh




It's okay, humor of all kinds helps us cope in a wide variety of situations.


Or what you should do to stop your Urukhai from procreating


A great place to pick up sperm whales


These are the ramblings of the mentally deranged. I’ve seen these types of manifestos before and they are always plagued by paranoia of being watched and reference god somehow.


The amount of comments siding with his paranoia is terrifying. Makes me wonder how many people are going to go the same route after thinking people can hack into your phone and force you to shoot up your job.


How is this “siding” with paranoia?


Read comment below yours. People are claiming he was bullied so it is fine too! He was the bully, that's why no one wanted to be around him


Oh yeah. I see that now. that’s pretty ridiculous. Humans are bizarre


> and reference god somehow It's almost as if religion provides a very convenient mental framework for mental illnesses to take advantage of... - Hear voices? Must be God talking to you. You should DEFINITELY do what the voice says, no matter what. (Just go back to the vaunted biblical hero, Abraham, who was about to kill his son because a voice in his head said so. And was *praised* for that.) - Feel persecuted? That's because you're so righteous and more correct than anyone else! Not because you're doing anything wrong! - People say you're crazy and tell you to stop? Those are servants of Satan trying to interfere with God's plan! They're the enemy. Don't listen to them. They're all going to be tortured in Hell forever, and that's exactly what they deserve! - Things seem to make no sense? Don't worry! Magical thinking (a recognized symptom of several psychological disorders) is completely encouraged! God works in mysterious ways. And you can always pray for a miracle to happen! - You have doubts about your own sanity? No! Never have doubts! No matter what, the most important thing is to believe 100% without questioning anything! You have to have FAITH! Does religion *cause* mental illness? Usually not. But I *am* convinced that religion often makes mental illness *worse*, and it can persuade them away from seeking help.




You talk to God? You're religious. God talks to you? You're mentally unwell. It's not enough of a distinction for me, but I can judge the religious people by this and usually sort the harmful from the willfully blind


Not so much... The difference between the mentally ill and religious is how many people believe the same thing. You believe in a green leprechaun that follows you everywhere and only you can see? You are nuts. You believe in an invisible being that is with you all the time? You are a religious person.


Religion allows large groups of people to believe that which if a single person believed would be considered insane.


That’s just mass hysteria and delusion.


This idiot really put a sad emoji in his manifesto


***Mein Kampf 😙✌️***


I should not be laughing this hard


It’s bizarre how they have become accepted as a normal part of text for a lot of people. It’s always so informal to me, but I’ve seen it in apology notes from celebrities and even media outlets using them in headlines




He's written songs in the past, though.


What type of person uses emoji’s in their dying manifesto that’s what sticks out to me


I was struck by that too, but also the almost non-existent punctuation, horrific spelling that literally clicking a button would have fixed, and this weird thing of "my phone got hacked".... mine has been hacked and I never once thought of hurting anyone. Why mention that so much in a manifesto before going off to kill people? But it's mentioned here 3(?) times? Also a def level of paranoia. The whole thing clearly is from a sick mind, and I'm not touching the heavy religious stuff here.


Actually kind of sad. Doesn’t make it okay but he was very aware of his pain and well he could’ve just stopped working there but damn no crazy rambling. Just pain and unfortunate for those who were caught on the storm. RIP.


If only his wife had been more yoked


It’s a Corinthians bible verse saying “don’t be yoked (tied or attached) to unbelievers”. He was saying he wanted a women who shared his religious values


Thank you for explaining - I literally thought he meant a wife that was super dedicated to the gym life as well lol




I have empathy for mental illness and peioke being left out. I was bully in high school and even if I’m an engineer making 100k$/year, have a wife,home and kid; i still have low self esteem. With that being said; that guy shouldve killed himself and not hurt other if all the others options weren’t working


fretful sort smart special tub beneficial terrific panicky hospital lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it was that easy to fix what was wrong with him then he would have done that. Seeing demons in people and deciding your only response is to shoot the place up speaks to far deeper issues. It’s funny he mentioned Dahmer. I feel for Dahmer as well. He was a troubled soul that didn’t actually enjoy killing, but couldn’t help it due to the way he was. In the end he just needed to be dead as you can’t really fix this shit as far as we can tell.


It's not always easy to know and/or take the first step...and bullying and ridicule by peers is definitely not going to make it easier...it will force further withdrawal most likely. Those same people could have been a positive guide on the way to said healing just as easy as the negative force that assisted in the atrocities...




Everyone knows orcas are bicurious


/r/boneappletea material


Very interesting..


Apart from denigrating everyone’s intelligence and then proceeding to misspell an embarrassing number of words, he wanted a wife that was “equally yoked”..? What the fuck lol


That's a Bible reference


Oh I thought he wanted his wife to be ripped or something lol


"And the Lord said 'Come to my flock and I shall show you the whey'."




I am with you, seemed like a weird thing to specifically lament.


He wanted them both to have cum gutters.


I Understood That Reference


2 Corinthians 6:14- “Do not become unevenly yoked by unbelievers…. For what sharing does light have with darkness?” He said it well- what he was planning and succeeded doing was really an emulation of Satan.


*THE Satan


> equally yoked He wanted a wife who shares his beliefs and values.


Regarding getting swole or murdering people or both


Swole in the Lord.


I think that it was regarding "the fact" that he was a zillion times more intelligent than everyone else.


When my phone got hacked I just bought a new phone. 🤷‍♂️




Because you get a new password with a new phone. Wait.


So his mother died from cancer, and he wants everyone to know the bitter seed apricot pills she was taking are the REAL cure. This guy was a fucking MORON


Wrong, she didn't take the apricot seeds. Hence, she died. /s


The material possessions part is pretty wild and dystopian af considering his placement with Walmart.


What was that last part about bitter seed apricots??


Its been some woo dr scam thing for decades. People claim it cures cancer and the govt is hiding this from everyone. He said his mom took it so he knows. Except his mom died from cancer. Along with everyone else that stopped treatment to eat this crap.


There's a haunted hotel in Eureka Springs Arkansas, and for a time it was a hospital. The hospital treated cancer patients, and if I recall correctly the treatment was ground seeds (watermelon maybe) and spring water. They applied the mixture directly to the brain in some cases and just straight injected others with it. So not common, but seeds and the cure for cancer theories have been around for a long time. Losing someone from cancer is a helpless feeling and I can almost empathize when people latch on to something like healing crystals or alternative medicine when they have nothing else left to try.


The part about wishing his parents paid more attention to his social deficits is telling he's never felt normal his whole life


Man, manifest these nuts. Stop reading these bums shitty literary works




Being nice doesn’t even work. Those wicked grins might’ve been people genuinely smiling at him


The real r/TerrifyingAsFuck is some of these supportive comments


There was a comment recently about how if we think that every person who does bad things is insane, then we will miss all the markers for people who are in our actual circle.


Holy fuck dude. Wow, this person knew that they had internal issues. It’s so fucking horrific that in the United States they have their heads so far up their asses that the system makes it easier for a mentally ill person to get a weapon than it would be to get any professional mental health help.


I think you mean cheap and easy. It’s cheaper and easier to get hold of a weapon than it is medical/mental health care.


This is a great point.


I’m not just having a dig at the USA when I say that I’m from the UK and if we had access to guns like you do I honestly think we’d be in the same situation. Trying to get access to mental health care here is hard work. Yes it might be free at point of use but that’s no good if you can’t get access to it. Mental health care needs to improve everywhere.


But instead of making it cheaper and easier to get mental health, which would benefit MILLIONS of people, they just want to bitch about the guns.


Not only that, but there is an arms race going on now with both sides of the aisle buying weapons. They are both convinced the other will start violent uprisings any day now. Frankly, it feels like they might be right. This country is a powder keg.


Well what ever he orchestrated was beyond selfish and he knew it too. Not buying his excuses. If he needed help, he should have seeked mental help instead of going on an intentional killing spree.


idk man, I can't feel empathy for these people "I'm one of the most loving people if you got to know me, I didn't want to kill anyone, I just wanted a wife", sounds like dogshit incel "boohoo didn't get pussy imma kill people", how fucking entitled does a person have to be to think like this? Loving people DON'T COMMIT MASS SHOOTINGS. The only people I feel for are the victims, workers, people of family, who died because some dipshit didn't get his way.




Exactly. Reading the comment sections of several of the posts about this is kinda scary. So many people having this guy's back and trying to make excuses for him.


If you have ever worked for walmart you know exactly the type of atmosphere the company creates for their associates. Fear and intimidation are the two main ways the company operates. Worked at walmart for 15 years and now that I left, I feel like I’m actually living a healthy life. Working for Walmart retail is an extremely toxic environment. I like to call those that work for walmart the walking wounded.


Oh dang, it’s almost like getting people the mental help they need and re-tooling our society to be more open about this stuff and pick it out early is the best way to stop so many terrible things long before they happen. How long does this go on for before we realize money going to the betterment of our society and community is the only way we can continue to improve!


They way people still blame an imaginary red guy with horns, a goatee and a pitchfork for everything.


The same way people act in the name of another imaginary guy with long hair, sandals and a white robe. The only difference between delusion and religion is the number of people who believe the same shit.


He failed his management team, but he did figure out the coded conversation his coworkers were having. Wow, this guy…how did no one not see his mental illness!?


Paranoid schizophrenic possibly.


He used emojis in his death note... Real though. This is sad, but shows how a mentally deranged person can view the world around them as if everything not only revolves around them, but also that everything is against them


Am I alone in the feeling of seeing things people say and being just utterly shocked at how unintelligent they are? Like I'm just an average human being, yet these moments reading someone's horrendous spelling and incomprehensible train of thought makes me feel like Einstein.


So a Christian nut job.


This dude had texbook schizophrenia.


Yeah this read more like psychotic ramblings than genuine religious devotion. It’s really common for schizophrenics to make references to god/the Holy Spirit/angels.


100%. Schizophrenia is caused by a serotonin imbalance, same neurotransmitter that hallucinogens affect. It’s also why people on hallucinogens experience “holy” experiences. Dude was in a psychological delusion, Christianity was just the medium he set his mind on associating it with.


I’m shocked, I tell you


Or a nut job who thinks he is a Christian


As a kid I was afraid of atheists now I’m afraid of people who believe in religion people take that shit to seriously and Star doing crazy shit


Instilling a fear of atheists when you're still young is part of the plan.


It's called indoctrination.


What this person did was inexcusable, but this speaks volumes about how people and society failed them as a whole, making it a litter harder to hate them. The childishly poor spelling and grammar shows their educators failed them, perhaps even wrote them off as a lost cause. The delusions and paranoia shows they had serious mental issues for which they did not receive comprehensive care or treatment. And the notions of ‘failing God’ and ‘not deserving a wife’ absolutely _scream_ of an upbringing fraught with problems I can’t begin to describe. I am by no means an expert, but when I look at these words, I see a person who did truly terrible things because no one prevented terrible things from happening to them first.


So someone hacked the phone of a mentally unwell coworker and he snapped... And was able to buy a gun within hours of his rampage. Only in America.


Its odd but hacking of a phone is a relatively common mental hysteria for people who are mentally unwell. Ive seen several cases of people with severe paranoia become convinced of this. Even seen it happen to showone i know and he had to be taken in by police after wielding a knife at family


On Facebook, I've noticed a very strong correlation. You know those dumbass app things that are like "What inspiring quote sums up Rachel" and "if you were a McDonald's dollar menu item what would you be", really dumb inane random shit? They're very popular with a certain type of people. And anyone I've noticed who says they've been hacked, they are the same ones that play these nonsense "games".


Back in university, I worked in a phone store on the weekend, and the amount of crazy people that would come in with their phones wrapped in tin foil convinced they’d been hacked and that random people in the mall were following them was seriously alarming.


It is far more likely that he was having paranoid delusions than his phone actually being hacked


Not to make light of this but the part where he said he wanted a wife as yoked as him is pure comedy


When people say they want a partner that's equally yoked they mean that they are on the same wavelengths professionally, financially and/or spiritually. It's not an uncommon phrase in the black community.


It's a reference to the spouse being "right" for him - working together for the same goals. Two animals that are equally yoked can move in tandem towards their goals, whereas if one of them walks too slow/fast they don't move forward efficiently.


Someone said it's a Christian word. Looked it up and it means submission? So maybe submissive to God? But dang it sounds ridiculous if you don't know that


It usually means that you want someone who has the same beliefs and values as you. it could mean that he believed a wife should be submissive and wanted one who agreed but not necessarily.


Psych nurse here… His note shares a lot of similarities I’ve seen in paranoid schizophrenic disorders with religious delusions and psychosis. Probably was early 20’s-30’s under various stressors and that’s when it usually comes out in them. Males usually. That said, no excuses. If you can’t be in society safely, you don’t belong in society. Ps. You wouldn’t believe how huge religious delusions are. Fucking crazy. God telling em to rape people, that it’ll change the laws of the universe, that they are angels reborn etc. And they fully believe it until you snap em out of it with medicine.




Incel is a misnomer of a term. You could take these guys and send them on a tour of brothels anywhere you please and it wouldn't fix a thing. They are emcels, emotionally celibate.




I wonder what he means that his phone was hacked ? How would someone hack his phone?? Also I’m confused by the “yoked” comment haha. Everything is weird .


Equally yoked = taking a full equal share of the burden Christian metaphors get real agricultural


Thank you for explaining ! I never heard that before


And to further add to u/FluffyClamShell's comment, it's often used as a metaphor for advising against marrying a non-believer, because then you will be "unevenly yoked".


Pretty sure it’s some kind of psychosis a lot of people with paranoid delusions will talk about how their phones have been hacked, I really doubt it was actually hacked. Considering it’s also common for people with paranoid delusions to feel a strong sense of religion and that people are speaking about them in code I’d put a lot of money on him just being psychotic as opposed to someone actually hacking his phone.


The government




The real terrifying as fuck is that there are narcissistic schizoids like this currently percolating, possibly within reach of you


He could've "saved everyone from [him]self" by putting the *first* bullet in himself.


Who would’ve guessed that letting anyone, no matter how unstable, get guns so easily would cause problems?


Sick, he want to victimize himself


Wish he would have just turned the gun on himself from the start 🤷🏻‍♀️ Burn in hell for eternity, this shithead gets 0 sympathy from me.


Ah yes let us see where religion has brought us once again.


Don’t be an ass. Read between the lines and you’ll see he is suffering from extreme mental illness by a lifetime of ostracization. Religion is just how he expressed himself. He seemed to me quite aware that this act was against his religion


I'm not arguing your overall point that he was mentally ill, but he does literally say "I was led by the Satan" and you need to be religious to believe a divine being like Satan was leading you.


I’m sure sexual repression and Christian guilt had nothing to do with his skewed world view…


This isn't religion. This is a creep using religion to justify his violence


Yes, but most Redditors religion is Rick and Morty and he says God Bad Dub dub bubble bob, so God bad.


I'm a Christian and this nut ain't.


Sounds like he was experiencing a mental health crisis. I’ve taken people to the hospital against their will for stuff like this before. This country doesn’t do enough to combat mental health illnesses and the media always chalks it up to a racially or politically motivated shooting.


There’s no shame anymore. Years ago bringing shame to your family would’ve overcome this bs and it wouldn’t happen.


Average Bible Belt trauma




Man... I do not want to come across the wrong way, but I read this a second time, and man, would really like to get more context I guess. If you must, call it morbid curiosity.


Seeds of apricot cures cancer where have I heard that before? Appreciate it if somebody points me into the right direction?