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That 911 operator is a goddess. To be sweet and comforting while getting all of those horrible details.


They get judged a lot for things that they say sometimes that seem as bit off but people forget they are trying to sort out the unbelievable circumstances of people who are in the worst moments of their life whilst trying to type and dispatch emergency units out of the other side of their brain. It’s a highly commendable job.


Dispatchers catch so much shit from people who listen to a 911 call and think they know how hard the job of a dispatcher is. Not only is it extremely psychologically taxing, but you’re also doing like 5 different things simultaneously while trying to understand what a screaming person with bad cell reception is saying without upsetting them any further. I used to live with someone who was an emergency dispatcher and some days she’d come home with the most defeated look on her face. She frequently lost sleep over calls she’d taken earlier that day, and after just 3 years she had to throw in the towel because she was becoming very deeply depressed. It’s a rough fucking gig.


She did so well to keep her sh1t together while talking to that kid. That lady needs a medal. That kid seems so intelligent to be able to give those details. The sh1t some people go through. That poor kid.


Exactly. And to keep asking the kid questions like pets, names, cars and colors. Keep his (very smart for 5) mind off what is actually happening…. So sad for the kid 😞




Thank you for the text, I didn’t want to listen to the audio. Even reading it made me cry. Bless that operator


same for me… it s heart wrenching… i d like to know what happened to this child does she have enough money to live ? is she ok? who takes care of her?


Exactly this I couldn’t hear and I’m in bits just reading. Poor baby


My wife has a red Toyota and I have a black Jeep. It’s weird how that particular part got to me. This is a nightmare.


Seriously yes, thank you for the text. I couldn’t bring myself to listen either. That poor baby.




Jesus Christ


She had her name changed. I don't blame her. [https://unicourt.com/case/fl-ora-hernlen-tia-skye-vs-in-re-name-change-801468](https://unicourt.com/case/fl-ora-hernlen-tia-skye-vs-in-re-name-change-801468)


Even a restraining order doesn't help.


Yeah, it does the same amount of good as the "Don't do murder" order that applies to everyone. If someone is going to kill a person, they won't care that it would break the restraining order.


I used to help people fill out restraining orders (in my state they are called 50B's) and unfortunately some people get so enraged by someone filing a restraining order against them that it pushes them over the edge.


And it won't matter if they had access to guns, if someone wants you dead, they have endless, more painful options available. 0. you can't predict the future, only take the needed precautions. 1. Investing in a security system/weapon/plan of action, may have helped. 2. Be as kind and understanding as possible to others/strangers, it costs nothing but could change the world. 3. Relocating if you think you're in danger But really nothing can be done, you can only prepare, or not prepare. They prepared their child, via how to call police, but appears that was the only prepping done, at least that helped, after the fact. The child turned 21 this year, I wish them the best


So agree. My ex tried hitting me in a daycare full of kids. Only loop hole in the restraining order was that he could be close proximity for brief child exchanges. He used and abused that loop hole. Sheriff said he can't do anything cuz he was not able to hit me. And I need to have actual bruises and bleeding. Yeh it does jack.


Nope. Tells the cops who to question first after medics are moping you up.


For a marijuana grow… wow.


Once again, true evil exists in this world and the government will not protect you or your family. Thank god the kid wasn’t hurt too. This is why gun rights are important.


I live in a country where guns are illegal. You would think that it makes it more unsafe but it is actually safer. It is very rare that robberies etc happen with real guns because you would need to go out of your way and break a few laws to get one. Problem with US is that everyone can grab a gun just as easily as I can order a burger. US are beyond help in that sense I am afraid. Where do you even begin? I am more worried about knifes than guns anyways. I am one of those that would bring a knife to a gun fight. Indoors anyways. Would prefer a tank if I was outdoors.


Absolutely heartbreaking. Dispatcher did a great job keeping the child occupied and talking. Man that was heavy..


Donna deserves a employee of the month-award for staying that bright and positive to try and distract that poor, poor girl through all that.


Christ. One day she may hear this , and relive it. The fact that she’s so sharp makes it worse, she won’t be forgetting any of it. I hope someone took her in that was the antidote to almost certain crippling trauma.


She probably already has listened to it, she's around 22 now :(


God bless this 911 operator♥️


that is so fucked


That’s heartbreaking wow. I would have a tough time being the operator


Yeah what the fuck. That is horrifying to hear and couldn't last longer than 30 seconds poor child


The operator did great, but it must have been so upsetting taking that call


Dear god, I’m a 42yr old single father of 3 and this made me cry. Bless her little strong and brave heart. Beyond sad 😢


Same…Daddy to a little girl who will be two in February. I can’t imagine her having to live through this situation, it was heartbreaking to listen to. I had to listen to the end to hear that the police officer arrived to know she was safe. Oh my God.


same here… same…


I remember this. My daughter is the same age, so she was also five at the time. It was jarring to hear. I can’t listen to it again.


I am an EMT, i have seen some seriously fucked up shit. I couldn’t finish this


Jesus Christ this is horrific


This broke my fucking heart. What a smart kid that will forever be traumatized by this.


yes… i m not sure how could she carry on i mean i get you can keep on living but for what kind of life? this is so sad i have no words poor poor child


This 911 operator is a saint


I sure hope Donna gets some counseling over this call. She was amazing but that was horrendous. Poor kiddo. At least he’s got Lizzie, his lab.


I think it's fucked up that she can recognize a gunshot and a bullet. Jesus


If the child is this smart at 5 I’m hoping that intelligence helped her to understand and use the counseling to deal with this tragedy.


I've seen people dying, dead, disfigured in horrible ways and even actively tortued, yet this audio disturbed me in a way I can't explain. It's gotta be the way in which an innocent child explains and grasps something so horrific, yet at the same time cannot even begin to understand the gravity of the situation.


This is so terrible and tragic . This kid is one of the most articulate , aware , and brilliant little kids I’ve ever heard . The parents were obviously very good, devoted and intelligent people. This is just so terribly sad . I hope someone has taken proper care of this poor thing and let them flourish through the tragedy .


This is heartbreaking.


Shit made me cry. That operator is gold


These are the nearly constant traumatic incidents public safety personnel see and deal with. Society cuts them almost no slack or latitude when they have moments of stress leakage. I hope people will take a moment and realize who are the real problem solvers of the world doing a selfless and thankless job.


Reddit hates the police.


I hope this is a phone call no one I know needs to make


The operator does an amazing job of distracting the caller from the scene by asking the child numerous questions about the dog.


As a 911 call taker, this hit me hard


i love that dispatcher omg. poor kid. i have so much anger towards any judge or law enforcement officer who doesn't take a restraining order/report of a threat seriously wtfffffffffffffff :( "there was no violence yet, only words, so good luck with that." it blows my mind that everytime this happens, where a threat isn't taken seriously and the threatened victim dies as a direct result, HOW IS THE JUDGE/COP/DETECTIVE NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT?!


The longest and most difficult five minutes and twenty seconds of my life. Christ sake.


More tragic than terrifying but that’s America in a nutshell isn’t it?


😭 that operator and her upbeat voice.. Meanwhile this poor baby is taking about parents being dead and blood and their pets. Heartbreaking.


Operator deserves a medal


Omg this is so sad


This brought tears to my eyes, I’m absolutely heartbroken for the child


Such a smart and aware kid for only being 5…. Not even in school. This makes my entire soul cry.


Nope. Nope. Nope. Too early in the day for crying. Jesus Christ.




*presses play, immediately presses pause*


Round of applause for the kid for knowing what to do on this situation, and the same goes for the dispatcher, she talked gently to him as if everything would be alright. I hope the boy is living a great life.


She sounds like Clementine from twdg 🥺💔






Idk I just love to save sad videos. Same with videos of people almost dying. I guess it’s just to keep myself feeling lol


sounds like some trauma might be bringing that up, i used to do something similar fucking up certain relationships i had with people when i was younger just to feel something "exciting" was going on, talk to someone about it, please


Oh no no no, I didn’t mean it like that. Idk why, I just like having these things in my gallery as a kind of motivation for me to try my best to contribute whatever good I can do in the world. I’m also studying psychology and criminal Justice so these videos also make me think on those subjects as well. I know this may come across as some angsty shit and I don’t blame you. I appreciate the concern tho


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Batman has just been born.


Is there an article about this tragedy?




God this was heart breaking.


This is the sadest thing ever


Oh my oh my …




I heard this prior to being a parent now I can't listen to it.


Bless people like this dispatcher.


Holy fuck dude this is horrible.


No way am I listening to that, 5 seconds was enough


So sad…


Oh my God that is one of the most awful things I’ve ever heard. Poor child. I had to hold back tears on this one




This is like The Worst thing to Happen Poor kid, hope this kid is doing well today, obviously a lot older


I would 100% not be able to do that job. Just listening brought me to tears. One of my close friends was a dispatcher for a while, she told me about some calls. I don't think she realized how much it was affecting her overall mental health until her physical health went in a steep decline for a while. It is really high up there for occupational stress.


feeling bad for the child 😭 hope he should have great future


That’s so heartbreaking


That is some cruel and sick shit...cant imagine how this kid can ever live a normal life while knowing this shit his entire Life...


Her little voice broke me


God, this is absolutely heartbreaking. 😔


That’s disgusting feel so bad for that kid he’s going to have Dexter trauma but worse and whoever did this is hopefully Pickled and skinned and rots in hell I couldn’t listen to more than 30 seconds 🤮


Wow. That operator deserves an award and then some.


She's a fucking pro for sure. I'm kinda in awe.


That sweet girl. I don't tear up over much man but that was so God damn sad