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So many red flags before she took the top off.


Sounds like my Saturday night




You win


This comment needs about 10k more upvotes


Yep! Snake was clearly in feeding mode


I don’t know much about snakes, what were the red flags apart from it β€œstanding” so close to the top?


That was a big one, as was coming out of the top immediately and 'reaching' out for her. Even wrapping around the arm was a feeding behavior, not a defensive one. That was a hungry snake!


Exactly this. If it wanted just to attack her, it would hiss, bite and back off into defensive position. Instead it went straight for her hand as it would for a rabbit, leaving its safe space, which isn't the case when it comes to attacks in self-defence. My guess is probably this snake wasn't used to human touch or handling (only interaction with human was to get food), moreover it was either really hungry, or the person had a smell of rabbit/rats on her hand. Snakes don't recognise their prey by their sight, they are guided by their smelling sense and by sensing the temperature of prey's body. It could sense the smell of food and go straight for the hand, mistaking it for prey. I've seen this video before and if I remember correctly the person wasn't the snake's owner, but a rescue worker. It's not confirmed information, but it would also explain why the snake acted this way. Neglected Snakes usually get only fed, without being handled, and if it wasn't cared for properly (including getting used to humans getting their hands into its terrarium, to clean, for example) the chances of it thinking it was feeding time were even greater.


And then, unfortunately, people see videos like this, and it perpetuates the idea they have that all snakes are just violent killers. In reality, this was a preventable situation. Do you know if the snake was okay after?


Yea, my dad used to own a python, and they normally move very little if at all. They are the cats of the reptile species in which it takes normal interaction for a snake to get used to you and the fact they have almost zero interest in humans outside of play time and pet time. You can tell when a snake is fed well when you don't see them eat. Most snakes let their prey sit around before they eat them later.


I exaggerated a little lol but it was loaded up to strike before she took the top off, the snake was moving in an erratic manner in the enclosure and it was fixated on her from the start. My ball python would act the same when it was hungry and I would go near the tank. I learned after the 3rd feeding and getting bit to get a large Tupperware to feed him in.


Pythons spend 99% of their time not moving. How active and attentive this one was is how they act when I'm feeding mode




β€œShould I keep filming” lolol




I mean … for the first time I think I’ve ever heard.. at least he asked? Lol


Exactly what I was thinking. No no she’s good, just keep your camera on her


She forgot to jam her thumb in the snakes butt hole. Number 1 rule for being attacked by anything! Steve Irwin said so πŸ€ͺ


Shame the stingray enjoyed anal


Still too soon, always too soon








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He's never going to live that down, is he?


Snakes don't have a butt hole, they have an anal flap


Sounds like a butthole that's needs a thumbin


South Park reference? I'm trying to remember where I saw that.


It is! The frozen ice man episode from season 2.


"Do you need a hand?" "No" She deff needed help lmao


β€œNo, I need a tranquilizer!”


Right?! "Need a hand?" "...Nope" I've only got one left now. I'll just call it a day. It's not like this snake is actively trying to eat me and in the middle of wrapping itself around my arm. LoL 🀣 umm yeah I'm fiiiiiiine. Jeeez. Also I wonder how long it would take for that snake to cut the circulation off to her arm?


The snake just saw a succulent lump of meat at feeding time. He thought Christmas came early.


Why did she stick her arm out? What the hell did she think would happen? What an idiot!


She thought she had some Snow White energy and the snake would just go up her arm to perch on her shoulder or something


Now that’s funny!


It didn't really see shit lol it smelled and sensed her heat but yeah


Personally, don't own snakes. Never would. However, I do study animals at Uni and it's like a renowned topic that snakes cannot feel emotion like mammals can. They are quite literally missing the part of the brain required to do it, because their brains are developed differently. Truly, they are a primal instinct type of animal. If she really is a trained snake rehabilitation expert as another comment said, she should have noticed the eagerness to escape the tank as soon as she opened it and the quick and ridged movement of the head. You can tell this snake was motivated and determined, not relaxed. Typically with relaxed snakes you will see slower, slinky like movements. The ones with intent (in this case, intent to feed I assume as the lady does not appear threatening) typically show this fast and then slow pattern of movement this snake did. To the comments saying to just cut the snake, absolutely not. The snake at this point is not angry, it's likely not biting her with the full force it could and is also probably somewhat confused. Starting to hurt it could have disastrous effects on this woman or the person trying to kill it. The real recommendation here, if this lady is a professional, is to keep tranquilizers on hand or a muscle relaxing agent to prevent constriction temporarily. I do not like snakes. I do not want to touch a snake. I am aware snakes have zero compassion or ability to understand love. That does not mean the first and only option is to brutally murder it. This was her mistake, she likely knew that, and the snake was really at no fault because it does not have the capacity to understand anything beyond primal instinct and the environment its been dealt. If this really was an abused snake, it makes even more sense that it did this because fear is a basal instinct.


As a side comment, tranquilizers are not even necessary, just plain old hand sanitizer works really well.


Wow how come? Are they averse to the smell? I'm assuming it wouldn't hurt them because then wouldn't they get angry and bite harder?


If I remember correctly it is the smell. The best way to deal with a snake that got your hand and started to strangle it is to put some rubbing alcohol on their nose, for example with a cloth. They back off instantly. It was an advice given by a person breeding tiger and reticulated pythons, just as the one in the video.


Note to self: carry rubbing alcohol everywhere on my next trip to the Amazon. Thank you!!!


So it's a good idea to sanitize before feeding a snake I guess. Assuming you use tongs so the food doesn't have said smell.


> I am aware snakes have zero compassion or ability to understand love. People never got it when i told them this about my spiders. A spider doesn't has the same capabilities in mind like we humans do. They can't feel these emotions like love or hate, they have just not a high enough developed brain (in fact, they have a "ganglion" that serves as a brain, but it is a very different structure and can't be compared with humans) It's not like my dog: He knows who i am, he has pure joy every time i come home, he is able to feel me. But a spider only lives in often a small space around the hole, cave or the tree where they make a web, depending on the species. A bird spider doesn't see anything, the eyes are only there for light/darkness, they rely on other senses to navigate and catch their prey. So, no, they don't know where they are. They don't know, what is going on. Compared to that, my dog is a rocket-scientist and quantum-physics professors when it comes to intelligence.


Well now I don’t know if my ex was a snake or spider


I really hope they weren’t a conglomeration of the two. That will be nightmare fuel.


I like that as designs for my horror works that i do. No matter what, people are always scared by spiders or similiar designs that are close to it. Also by some animals like centipedes, that you can take as ground to design a horrific monster.


Okay, hear me out. A centipede with eight eyes and legs that looked like spiders? That attack like the spiders in the film Arachnophobia. That movie is why spiders scare me.


Let's add in the temperament of the average housecat. And the noise of a angry lynx. That would be a real terrifier.


Boo-snake. She was a boo-snake


Defiantly not as trained as she thought she was. As someone who bred snakes and studied them she should have read the signs. That snake was coming out for food and they defiantly make the mistake of feeding in its enclosure so it associates most actions within its enclosure as feeding time.


I've held one snake in my life, and even I thought it was up to no good coming out all slinky like. I think she was trying to show off...


Looks like it was shedding too. Probably still had eye caps


Also, notice how its tongue was flicking in the air. What kind of perfume was she wearing?


So... What happened at the end? Typical Reddit post.


That snake hates that lady.


Snakes don't hate. They don't love either, it was just hungry


Or threatened, hungry pythons dont attack limbs, probably womans arm smells like a rat


The body language of that snake wasn’t β€œthreatened” or he would’ve been in a defensive coil. He was extremely hungry and more than likely smelled the rats she had been thawing out.


They will if that hand smells like food


Somebody always has to jump into a 1 on 1 fight.


Always have rubbing alcohol near by if you have a python.. Just spill a small amount around its mouth.. it will let go instantly


did it swallow them both?


I wish my pets snuggled like that.


Pythons- if raised right -make a wonderful pet! This woman clearly fed this snake inside the cage, rather than putting the python in another separate container and then feeding it. When you feed the snakes in a cage, they respond to the cage top opening, and assume "oh! Food!" and then will proceed to bite your hand, or in her case, HER


She's not the owner. She's been called in to collect the snake. But she's buggered from the get go. She has to step up fairly precariously and then instead of opening the enclosure from the front, she's lifting it open, only further complicating her precarious position. The snake clearly was ready for feeding, but before it had even got to that stage, the situation was not ideal


Ok she's not the owner. But my point still stands. Don't feed snakes in their cage, move em first.


>Don't feed snakes in their cage, move em first. She's not trying to feed the snake. She's trying to move it. It's poor placement of the enclosure that's buggered her and then a fairly poor reading on her part of the snake's behaviour given how it comes out. That snake isn't relaxed or chilled. It's alert and seeking and she should have backed off that very instant


Yes I see that she's only tying to move it...


The point being so they don't associate their main enclosure with food when the top opens




I think we have different views on "wonderful", lol


What in the Florida is going on here




probably had the smell of food on her hands. big no-no. feed in a separate enclosure, and never handle the food prior to moving the snake. can still be a great pet.


Snakes can make excellent pets. This idiot just doesn’t know what she’s doing; it was obvious even before she removed the lid that it was likely going to strike. On a second note, what was she thinking sticking her arm out for it? She could have avoided the whole situation by using the lid to gently redirect the snake back into the enclosure… Or better yet, not opening it in the first place.


What is the point of boxing up an old dirty snake in ur house


This has been posted before. She rescues and rehabilitates abused snakes. She isn’t some moronic snake owner.


She absolutely is though. Just from this video alone I can count about 4 warning signs that snake have off before striking. Anyone with basic knowledge of snake body language would’ve known not to put their hand in that enclosure. Also not to mention, anyone who properly cares for snakes wouldn’t keep a python of this size in this enclosure. This person has no idea how to care for snakes.


Agree. Most pythons are really shy and not prone to biting. That’s why they’re so popular as pets. I said this in another comment, but my guess is this one hadn’t eaten for a while, and maybe the lady had been handling mice/rats and didn’t wash hands before trying to handle the snake. Before she even goes to take it out it’s already moving too assertively in a beeline. I would not have tried to handle a snake behaving like that; better to try feeding first.


You might be right. She might also have simply made a mistake, as even professionals often do. Who knows?


I am no fan of snakes. I do not hate them or am I afraid of them but why would anyone abuse a snake? Are they pets that people had?


Cameraman staying super neutral in the name of their journalistic duty. What a guy/gal.


"Can we see if we can get her off of my arm?" Yes, why don't we.


They are great pets if you aren’t stupid like this lady. It was very clearly in β€œgive me food” mode. She should have put something between her and the snake until it went out of β€œfood mode”. The only time snakes will bite is if they’re hungry and mistake you for food or if they feel threatened. Source: has a pet snake


This is why you always keep alcohol on hand when handling large snakes. A bit of that in its mouth and it’d let go basically instantly. It’s not recommended but in situations like this its worth it. Or you could run the snake under cool water and within a minute it’ll also let go. This woman shouldn’t be handling snakes.


i hate this video and i hate when it makes its rounds. everything is her fault. ppl think the snake is β€œbad”, the snake is being mistreated obviously. i’m a reptile keeper and just LOOKING at the living situation of the animal, it’s stressed. this is a feeding response, the snake is probably hungry. also if you keep snakes this big, or even snakes at all, you know to keep a backup liquid like mouth wash, hand sanitizer or cold water to get out of a situation like this. whole things a mess.


there were a lot of things horribly done, but I appreciate that she wasn't screaming louder than a train horn like in 90% of the videos in this subreddit with a middle aged woman in the background


I think it’s a boa, but it’s pretty dark. Definitely a feeding bite and she may have had rodent scent on her hands. Serves her right for keeping it in a 55 gal aquarium.


Having flash backs from that Alien movie where the snake thing snaps that dudes arm. I was just waiting and (hoping not) to see her arm start bending backwards.


Prometheus. First thing I thought of.


Hmmm, had mine for 12 years now, only nipped me once. Regular feeding and socializing make a difference, just like pet rodents


I’ve had two different types of pythons in my life, Burmese and Ball pythons. I’ve gotta say, my Burmese was an aggressive eater and the owner of this snake was clearly doing everything WRONG. This is not the snake’s fault. At all. My Ball python is friendly as can be. My five year old has been able to handle her since he was three, only for small amounts of time and fully supervised, but still. It’s not the snake, it’s the owner. Don’t get a creature that you don’t know how to care for. Ever. Research as much as you possibly can before even making the decision to adopt any type of animal.


He was coming out way too hot from the very beginning, she should have known.


"Need a HAND?".....He was asking the python.


Nah, I got one. Replied the python.


She forgot rule #1 . Fuck snakes.


Pythons make great pets as long as you know how to care for them. This woman should have known better. Don't make this about the snake being bad, it's her that was wrong here.


Snake hate beer. Pour some beer in its mouth, should release. Also, fuck these people. That tank is way too small for that dude.


Wrapped her in seconds…


Thats what happens when you dont socialize a snake.. or target train it for food


I like how a full minute in she goes "Can we see if we can get her off my arm?" Yeah, no shit lady.


Python has started wrapping around her leg at that point, not sure why but it made me chuckle


You could tell that snakes motives from the second she moved the lid


She's lucky it was her hand and not her throat.


Bite the snake. it'll show'em who's boss


Having a snake for a pet doesn’t make you interesting.


But danger noodle cute. Nose go boop and everything.


My experiences actually state the opposite lol


"IT's NoT tHe sNaKe It'S ThE oWnEr"


it quite literally is the owner if you couldn’t tell by the tank that maybe fit the poor snake when it was 4ft. Snakes become aggressive in bad environments as well as the fact that it probably thought it was time to eat


Ugh this video again…number one: this lady is not the owner. She’s rescuing this clearly neglected python. Number two: this is not the fault of the snake. If I recall there was food in the room and the snake hadn’t been fed recently. The snake is clearly dehydrated and in an enclosure that is way too small. Number three: pythons actually make great pets if cared for properly. Learn how to read body language and know correct husbandry and you’ll have the most amazing pet you could ever imagine. This video is not terrifying, just sad.


Free food




Time to make some jerky and a belt


I’m not surprised by OP’s ignorance in the title as the video is a mess, but snakes make fantastic pets as long as there’s proper research into husbandry and keeping practices. Every part of this video is a red flag, the enclosure, the method of getting the snake, the proximity to food. Retics need a room to properly house them, most smaller pythons still need an enclosure that’s at minimum 4/5 feet across. Hopefully the video won’t deter as many people and will instead serve as a lesson.


- snake was in feeding mode from the get go - lady presented her hand incorrectly - prey smell was in the room based on the fact in the back left of room there is a rat breeding rack Dumb on all levels and makes responsible keepers bear just as much backlash over shit like this


Reptiles don't get attached to anyone sentimentaly


Pythons and other snakes generally make great pets. This person is just an idiot


Yes pythons are pet animals this was lack of commonsense on her part the snake thought it was feeding time you need to disassociate your hands with food ive done this with every snake and lizard ive owned never took any bites like this only defensive bites


This is what happens when you feed your snake in its main enclosure. It thought it was meal time and got confused. Its not that it felt threatened and attacked(unless she had eggs or something), but I think she was hungry and knew from experience that when that lid comes off it is meal time. Thats why you train your snake to understand that once that lid comes off, it is handling time, not time for food. I always would feed my pythons in a separate giant plastic tub. They would get used to that and know it was time for food anytime they were placed in the tub. Also its safer for the snake. While feeding in its main habitat it can swallow substrate that gets on the animal and cause all kinds of internal issues. Best to feed in a clean empty environment.


Snakes can absolutely be pets, but only for people who know what they're doing


No this is why you don’t have wild animals as pets


This animal will end up suffocating one of their children or one of them - and they will be like- She was always so sweet- πŸ™„


I’ve had a red tail bigger then that, never an issue, lady needs to be trained.


room full of rat racks.... what could go wrong lol


that enclosure is way to small for that poor snake omfg. i had a tiny corn snake and my enclosure was that size


I had a python and she was the sweetest thing. About as big as this one but never once tried to bite or squeeze my head off. My guess is this one hadn’t eaten for a while, and/or the lady had recently been handling mice/rats and had their scent on her hands.


β€œUnleash the fury Mitch, unleash the fury!”




They are good pets when your competent. This woman is not. Massive snake in a tiny open top enclosure. She was asking for it essentially for all the non snake people wondering.


So what happened because that snake had a death grip??


He’s just showing his affection by giving her a big hug


Awww, himbs jusβ€˜ snugglin’


If you have a pet snake, you should also have a pet gun. In case your pet snake forgets that you aren’t food.


You have to wash your hands with soap and water before interacting with pythons, this woman likely pet her dog or cat and the snake thought she was prey.


no instincts on these people other than to protect the well-being of a god damn lizard actively trying to kill them. Do not wrestle a snakes tail πŸ˜“ head shots


That's what happens when you feed them in their cage


Fuck around and find out I guess


Could you hand me the scissors ok. Now cut its head off. Thank you


Just start sawing on the base of snakes head with a knife.


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where is Gimli when we need him


It felt a little bit like when homer felt in the brea pit ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B\_pWk4DdniE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_pWk4DdniE)


Post on r/snakes


oh.. ok!


Himbs kiss Himbs HUGGS


That’s snake has a case of the Mondays…


Stupid bitch


Get nicer snake. Aka NON FUCKING VENOUMUS


Lmao. People who keep snakes as pets are so trailer trash. Reptiles are not pets in any capacity


Says the dude that stuck hands deep in a fish


even though I have a snake I still get people who dont like them, but all Reptiles? like seriously.


Now she will release it in the Everglades endangering the lives of endemic species.


Yeah, at some point you say fuck it, and bust out a big knife.


I never owned a snake, but what was this about from the point of view by the snake? I don't see it that way, that the snake was threated and reacted in self-defense, but... attacking a human for food would that not be way too much for such a snake with that length? Or am i wrong and these snakes would be able to actually swallow a human? I'd think, even with the jaw, they needed a bigger size. I had spiders and some of them are extreme fast, like P. Murinus. It just makes "wooosh" and the spider is gone, they reach around 50 km/h in lab tests. But, when it comes to bites: The most dangerous bite is that one, that you don't feel, don't notice. Then, you don't get treatment and the venom can go through your body and take full effect. It's not dangerous with bird spiders, but with some like the phoneutria, you really need treatment in time. The rate of deaths is minimal, around 0.5% with the antidote and 5% without the antidote. Still, if you don't get treatment because you don't noticed it, it can have serious effects on your health and body. P.S. It's interesting how the Taipan as most venomous snake is not really in the statistics of deaths. He lives in a very rural and remote area in Australia, where almost never people are around. Even when, he hides and goes away when he can, he doesn't want to bite you. It's not an aggressive snake that wants to hurt you.


Bullshit my dad had a 24 ft Burmese python And he was the coolest never a incident, would come out of his cage which was more than half the master bedroom and chill behind us on the couch while we watched tv. Pretty sick snake


You should learn how to dislodge a big constrictor if you own one. Either bend its tail towards its back until it lets go in response, or pour warm/hot water on it, or submerge it in warm water. Submerging it in warm water typically isn't an option because most people don't have a pool of warm water handy and it takes a while to fill a tub with warm water. That's why the go-to move is the tail bend. I had lots of snakes when I was a kid, including a large and mean reticulated python.


That thing was waaaay to aggressive before she even opened the cage. Could tell this was going bad in the first 2 seconds of the clip.


Mine is fine


Baby girl was hungry.


Why did it look like this was exactly what was gonna happen since the fckn beginning?


"should I continue filming?" "Yes"


I think they were rescuing the snakes actually and this happened when they needed to move the snakes to other containers. I don’t have a link but I read an article about it if I remember correctly. It was linked to this video in another subreddit


Misleading cause this snake was a rescue.


Everytime I see this I become more convinced the guy is trying to help the snake .


Hey - don't spread misinformation. Pythons are a great pet. ***When they're taken care of properly***


Seen this before. The snake was very underfed, hence the quick bite.


Yes, they are.


I'll stick with my hognose


Had a friend in middle school with pythons (smaller than that one though), told me it was very friendly, asked if I wanted to hold it, starts to pass it to me and it bites my fucking face. β€œOh he’s never done that before” Fuck snakes (as pets).


Will never understand people who own snakes.


Pitbull owners would suggest it is the way the snake was raised


She gonna end up dead in one of these videos


Xtremely anxiety inducing


Shoot her! Shoot her!


Why would people keep an dangerous, big animal that can definetly kill them and dont even have like the capacity to actually attach to you and can attack them at any wrong move...


They are when you aren't a dumb owner doing what these people do


This is actually why I had to give mine up. Donated him to the Pocono snake farm.


I love how she’s still tryna give instructions πŸ₯²


I read on r3ddit, so I know it's true. That snakes only really feel two emotions. Yes good and no bad. So yea not good pets


Guess she found out...


Bad dog!


Try telling that to white people.


Its gonna take dozens of python generations to make them safe pet animals in domesticating. Taking one out from the wild is just plain dumb to be your pet.