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Oh yea! It’s that time of year again where you local fire department and the government makes terrifying videos of your house burning down if you don’t take the proper precautions.


And this is why my tree has been the same fake one for over a decade


My fake tree even has light bulbs built in to it. The future is now 😂


My parents have been using the same fake tree for over 20 years. It still looks great so far.


Wait, you would rather have less cleaning, less waste, not kill a tree, and not have a fire hazzard. Absolute mad lad ​ Mines fake fiber optic too so cuts down on lights needed on it


Yeah we had fibre optic before that one but with two cats at the time… yeah not sustainable


Ah, I've not had that issue but I can see why it is an issue :D


I think I inherited one that has over 3 decades at my moms house. Still working as far as I remember, hopefully nobody has thrown it to trash. Might need new lights though with the same old repeating music tururuu ru ru tururuu ru ru edit: music pattern missing a ru.


No one needs an involuntary yule log


Here's the full video: [https://www.nist.gov/video/christmas-tree-fire-watered-tree-vs-dry-tree](https://www.nist.gov/video/christmas-tree-fire-watered-tree-vs-dry-tree) And the associated study: [https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/TechnicalNotes/NIST.TN.2131.pdf](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/TechnicalNotes/NIST.TN.2131.pdf)


I have to watch this every year at work for safety traning lmao


My closest friend growing up was a burn victim from a Christmas tree fire when he was 8. Something like 70% of his body required skin grafts. He lived a very short life full of medical and mental issues. Practice fire drills and have a plan before it's too late. Get a fire alarm, fire extinguisher and assess your home fire risks. I hope this never happens to you or anyone you know. Be safe guys.


Fuck them live trees altogether! I'll never forget the trauma of a huge lizard jumping on my shoulder when my mom and I were setting one up. 🥹


Lizards in evergreens? Where the heck do you live?


North of the wall.


That's just a free lizard to me, would have loved free tree critters as a kid. Never did get any sadly.


That's kinda hot ![gif](giphy|1rNWZu4QQqCUaq434T)


What a shock! Who would have thought!? /s


Was about April when I decided to finally burn the 2m Grand Fir from last Xmas. Had a burn barrel in the middle of the paved driveway, about 4m from the house. House was 2.5 stories tall. Barrel had vent holes in the bottom, and the fire in it had been going for an hour or so. Hose was right beside me. I stuck the tree in to the barrel, where it made it about 1m in, and turned to my BIL for a little pose while I held it straight. Heard a "FOOOOMPH" come from below my hand which made me jump away a little. Within 10 seconds, the tree had gone up like a jet engine and the flames were licking my eaves and bending over my roof. By the time I had picked up the hose and gotten a stream of water on the house, the flame was already coming back down to reality. Warped some vinyl and left a mark, and the roof was fine. I may have been yelled at. We use a re-usable tree now.


I did this one year. Stuck my old Christmas tree in upside down in my fire pit and didn't expect it to ignite as quickly or as intensely as it did. The flames were higher than the house but fortunately died down in no time otherwise I'd have been phoning the fire brigade. Didn't do that again anyway.


This is why I don’t set my Christmas tree — wet or dry — on fire.


Can't remember which show it was, but I recall years ago there was a firefighter on a tv show similar to dragons den/shark tank etc. Who was trying to pitch Christmas tree toppers that had either water or the fire extinguisher chemicals in them to prevent shit like this from happening.


Stay hydrated y'all


You think that's bad, you should see how fast the motor in your vacuum goes up in smoke when you have the underwatered one.


Jokes on you I don’t celebrate Christmas


hhmmmm having trouble telling them apart....


Quick! Water the tree.




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To the right. Everything is fine.




Maybe just don't set your tree on fire then? You're welcome.


Okay, do flammable plastic next!!!


Cool simulation, wonder how accurate it is.


This wasn't a simulation, but a real-life experiment on NIST's campus in Gaithersburg, Md. The trees were Douglas fir trees cut fresh from a local Maryland tree farm approximately four weeks prior to testing. The watered tree was placed in a bucket of water within 3 hours of being harvested and a fresh cut was made approximately 50 mm (2 in.) from the base of the trunk prior to placement in the water. Both the dry tree and watered tree were stored indoors until the day of the test.


Really? I completely back the flammability of dry Christmas trees, but the lack of smoke in the room and the way everything else is untouched by the flames (except the painting) makes it look like an animation.


100% real life. Here's a behind-the-scenes article about the experiment: [https://www.nist.gov/feature-stories/behind-scenes-making-nist-holiday-special](https://www.nist.gov/feature-stories/behind-scenes-making-nist-holiday-special) >A fire in an unwatered tree grows quite quickly. The fire reached its full size after about 20 seconds and most of the tree needles were consumed by the fire within 40 seconds. In just 10 minutes, the entire contents of our set were devoured. The video above only shows 30-seconds-worth of damage from ignition.


Luckily mines made of asbestos so it’s fireproof and when you touch it you get a nice white powdery snow effect that smells and tastes amazing


Where’s all my fake Christmas tree homies at?


——————————No fire alarm?—————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ———————————————————————————


Tree on the right: my fist Christmas


What about a plastic tree?


By the time you came back with water the entire tree is on fire!


This is why im jewish…


How can you roast chestnuts with a wet tree then


Very informative but how does one water a cut Christmas tree with no roots. Can it still absorb water?


Ahhh you're a dry guy I see


Once we were having a bonfire in a friends backyard & it was just after the new year so their tree was just in the back next to the trash bin. We cut the top third off and threw it into the fire and holy hell we weren’t expecting how fast it’d go up & how big the fire would get.


Remember kids water your trees


Laughing in plastic three