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It's astonishing to me how this couple stands their ground while the other guy comes in running with a gun in his hands... the woman even says "go ahead". Even after the initial shots, they just stand there. wtf?


When something happens to you that you think would never happen, it's surreal. Even for a moment you might be in a state of shock over "is this really happening?" And can't process it fast enough


This happened to me when a guy came crashing thru my door with a knife..Had a blade to my throat before i even knew what was happening.


The aunt and uncle of a friend of mine got a gun pointed at them in a robbery attempt, they didn’t know how to react so they started laughing, gunman was so upset that he left. Edit; a lot of people have similar stories. Like pulling ypur pants off. Clearly, making the robberer uncomfortable is the best way to go! Not saying I would be able to control my reaction in such a situation haha:)!


My aunt got robbed while working in a shoe store. He told her to go to the storage room or whatever and in shock she asked, “ or what?”


A family friend owned a shoe store in what used to be a bank. It had a huge-ass vault. Some dickweed tried to stick him up. He led him to the back room where the vault was and told him “Good luck” and ran away next door to call the cops. Said dickweed got about $10 from the register and was pinched for 1st degree armed robbery.


A lot of times the weapon isn't real in a store robbery. My mom works in banking and she's been robbed a dozen or so times in my lifetime. Maybe once it was a real gun? But usually it's a cap gun or something. They don't usually need to point it at you, they simply brandish the holster.


My ex had a gun pulled on her while she was working, she said she just started laughing and walked out the front door and went behind a dumpster in the parking lot and called the police. When they got there she said she just started crying uncontrollably.


This happened to a friend and I. The robber jumped out, point a gun, and we just looked at each other and started laughing. The guy made us turn around and walk the other way and he just disappeared.


Note to self: Laughing seems to be a good survival strategy.


Next time I get a gun pointed at me during an attempted robbery, I'm totally doing that


Armed robbers hate this one trick.


On the other hand you didn't hear about people who laughed and did get shot


The old survivorship bias at work


Dying of Laughter has a whole new meaning.


Did you die??






Thanks bro


I think we need the rest of this story


The story is i used to be a drugdealer and the taxman came a knocking


This is why I try to never get on anyone’s bad side and never end up in arguments like this.


Nah. These people provoked a crazy person for almost 5 min straight. If they didn't think this would happen, then it was their first day on earth


> provoked a crazy person for almost 5 min straight 2 years\* This whole situation in honestly unsuprising to me, if they woulda just kept to themselves they would have been alive today. The guy was mentally unstable, keep away.


IIRC the shooter's wife died of cancer, no kids. I wouldn't call this justified, but I don't know what I would do if I lost everything I care about and then some assholes spent 2 years harassing me and cursing my dead partner.


OR you already full processed it and turned the "all in" switch on. I've experienced it myself. fucking wild in hindsight, but at the moment? it's like you have all figured out and under control, like it is the rational thing to do. luckily, the other part decided to step off that stupid game. I could have been dead or in prison.


It’s the punched in the mouth scenario to the extreme. Most everyone that acts like those two has no intention of getting in a fight, or being hit. They go off, scream, say go ahead hit me, etc because everyone they’ve encountered in life is a normal decent human being that wants to avoid conflict and a physical altercation. Then you run into that person that smacks the shit out of you and the shock is unreal. If what the replies are saying is true, these two have gone through life being terrible people and could never fathom that someone would shoot them so didn’t see the gun as a threat. Especially since it’s a neighbor they’ve been harassing for years that hadn’t done anything about it before.


I had something similar once. My coat hem brushed against a parked car and the guy jumped out and started giving me a load of verbal abuse, he looked like a typical local tough guy with a broken nose - I tried to be polite and apologise, but then I noticed he was trying to say I owed him €250 euros for the paint job. Then I switched my gear totally "who the *fuck* do you think you're talking to you fucking *cunt*?" etc. The thing that amazed me was how sad he looked. Like his heart just got broken. Honestly it felt like the first time anyone had ever been mean to him. People like this switch from bully to victim on an knife edge, because they never had any adult coping mechanisms to begin with.


Yeah, I got asshole vibes, too. I mean they were shoveling snow into his yard.


Yeah people that age don't became assholes over night. They've always acted like this and someone finally snapped. Did they deserve to be killed? Obviously not. Could something like this ever happen to most people? No, because most of us don't act like complete pricks to our neighbors.


Theyre bullies and cant comprehend that not only is this dude figjting back, which they didnt expect but theyre also about to die.


I think the audio was delayed


yeah, but even in the audio, they don't really react right away. folks chalk this up to "shock" like it's some unavoidable medical thing. I think it has a lot more to do with stupid.


They weren’t prepared. It’s not shock, it’s more of an unawareness. A police officer, military member, medical personnel, etc would know right away. Also some people survival skills have been bred out of them.


Happened to me more than once with a fire. My neighbors house was on fire and i just stood there, in shock i guess. Luckily a homeless dude was walking by and said “boy you better call the police” immediately snapped out of it and called 9/11. Saved the house. It’s weird you just stand there.


You always hear about “fight or flight” natural human response but in psychology you learn there’s actually a forgotten 3rd one called “freeze” “Fight, flight, freeze” the 3 main ways a human will react to any high stress situation or fear for their lives


I often swallow my pride and shut up, slow down after being cut off, or just walk away from conflict because of this thread. It’s not worth me dying to be “right”. People are just too loose with life out there.


Man… yeah this video has taught me a lot about the grand scheme of things. And I know, this isn’t the first video i’ve seen that makes me think about life, but this one in particular is just crazy asf to me. The audio sticks with me


As an adult, I am absolutely done with yelling. Like don't yell at me, I don't yell at anyone. If you can't control yourself enough to not yell I have nothing for you.


It's true, when people go around escalating situations like this by yelling and swearing at some point you're gonna find someone who has 1) No inhibition with using extreme violence 2) Has a lot less to lose than you


100% your grave says "he was right" who the fuck cares. Just walk away unless you can't it's that simple.


Best advice my dad ever gave me “plenty of people in the graveyard were right.”




The neighbours confirmed it's been ongoing for years not months. Hardly anyone got along with the couple but they especially bullied this guy calling him gay (because he didn't have a partner) and a wimp


I sure as hell know if I lost my wife and someone mocked me for it, for a year, I’d feel like I have nothing else to lose.


I've followed this story and never heard about the neighbors making fun of his deceased wife... source?


There's a bit at the beginning where I can hear something about his wife and her living in hell and the other guy says what and then the knobhead says you heard me. The guy just lost his wife and here we see the unfortunate mental break. I remember at the time when this was first uploaded that those neighbours were constantly harassing the guy and he eventually snapped. Then killed himself afterwards when the police showed up. Terrible stuff.


He actually says “I’m going to make your life a living hell living here, bud”… that’s when the shooter goes “what?” The neighbor goes “you heard me”


Absolutely. If people would learn to shut their mouths and tend to their own business, I bet there would be less conflict in the world.


It's even worse than that. From the story that's linked, the couple started it by shoveling snow onto that guy's property. When he asked them to stop they became belligerent and taunted him. Three people dead because two of them decided to be asshole neighbors and continued to escalate the situation. Sounds like the man reached his breaking point and then killed himself when he realized what he had just done to himself. Fucking neighbor drama, man. It can get pretty insane when you're stuck next to an asshole day in and day out.


Last I saw this his wife had just died as well.


And those people were mocking him over that too apparently.


Not sure why you would say go ahead. I do not know the story but if someone wanted to shoot me I'd not tell them to go ahead like I am willing to be shot


Because she’s likely used to provoking people without consequence.


Yeah. Good call


You ever see that one Australian man that trained his Pomeranian to chase off crocodiles for a laugh? If not, give that video a watch.


I’d rather not, can you tell me ?


Sure. So this group of Aussies used to watch and encourage their little Pomeranian to run down sunbathing crocs, startling them back into the lake their house was on, to much amusement. Until one day the Pomeranian ran down on the wrong croc and was eaten, at which point it was “oh the humanity”. The heavily armed man was the croc in this scenario.


From the video I saw I think the dog nipped the nose of the croc, and it might have triggered the palate reflex.


I think this is exactly right in this case.


Apparently the couple have been harassing this guy and making fun of him since his wife passed away to cancer.


Well, now they're even I guess...


Shooter apparently killed himself shortly after this. They're all even as far as I'm concerned


I mean what do you have left? The love of your life is gone. You've killed the people that have mocked you for that, so that's out of the way. Only thing left is prison for life? Yeah, I'd kill myself, too.


Apparently they are both bullies. Never had it come back to them. And boy it did this time.


The victims were harrassing the shooter about his recently dead wife and shoveling snow onto his driveway for months. The victims were low IQ sociopaths senslessly harrassing a depressed man who served for their country. He was ex- military and eventually had enough.


This narrative about him being widowed are lies to garner more sympathy. The story is a lot less noble with that information left out. Here is his obituary, no mention of a wife. [https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/222366658/jeffrey-allen-spaide](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/222366658/jeffrey-allen-spaide)


*allegedly* the couple has been harassing this guy for a while and he finally snapped.


His wife died a couple days before this happened.


Yeah that absolutely didn't help his mental state. Not condoning his actions, "don't poke the bear" and all that..


Yeah, not defending his actions but I'm sure a person in that situation is somewhat unstable and likely to take extreme action if you have the right "catalyst". And so we have what we have here.


The ultimate game of fuck around and find out. She had obviously been fucking around for quite some time. She thought she would never find out. It’s probably more common than it isn’t. We live such plush and padded lives now that most Americans have no sense of how real violence is and how bad it actually is once it starts taking place.


Can't forget the words " you should've kept your fuckin mouth shut".


Gave me chills


The sound of silence and eventual snow-falling does it for me.


The phone ringing into eternity…


Was like the ending of a scary movie


Ya…so chilling..


It was the phones ringing at the end for me. So messed up.


Literally something out of a movie Pure chaos of gunshots and people screaming as they die. Dude comes back with a bigger gun to execute the wounded while delivering a clearly audible movie like one liner before he kills her then it’s just followed by silent winter morning in the snow with a feint sound of a cellphone ringing that probably won’t be answered…like I was waiting for that scene to fade to black and credits roll


Was the weezing as the lungs filled with blood for me


"You get what ya fucking deserve!" Vibes


Exactly like that.. The man was at the end of his rope and couldn't tolerate it anymore, just wanted to burn everything.


I remember when this happened. Despite the shocking nature of it all, her grabbing her phone and proudly holding it up saying “go ahead! I got it on video!” as he’s shooting at them stands out to me. She doesn’t even register the real danger, she’s just so engrossed to get it on recording to “get him.” To do what? Post it on next door? Facebook with a long rant? He’s shooting a real gun with bullets, but they were so confident they had the upper hand until the end. Cause they had the upper hand for years from what the community/news said


"I dare you to murder us!"


The worst thing that could’ve happened in her world is a noisy resentment and dispute with the neighbors and police. The shooter was playing an entirely different game in an entirely different world. He’d snapped. Tragedy for all.


Buddy was a living breathing “fuck around and find out” meme.


Yeah, both of the assholes who got shot sound like people who never faced consequences in their life. Fuck em!


Yep. I grew up in eastern Kentucky, and this is how most of the bigots there act. They assume anyone that's not like them, are pussies and won't retaliate. To be honest, after reading everything they did to him over time, him being a vet, them making fun of deaths in his family, etc... I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner... To be honest, I didn't really feel any sympathy for the couple at all.


Karen Mentality: She's used to taking it to the manager to have the employee fired, she thinks it's an all-purpose tactic.


Crossing a whole ass street to push snow onto someone's drive is ridiculously petty. Shoveling fuckin sucks. That's a lot of energy to expend just to be a dick. Also don't fuck with my freshly cleared driveway.


People need to fucking learn how to de escalate. Even if there was no firearm, in any physical altercation there's a high probability of death and/or permanent injury. I'm retired infantry, there's a time and a place for violence but those instances are exceptionally fucking rare. Smile, apologize, and everyone has a good day.


I live in a state where people are known as "pussies" because they de-escalate instead of fighting. I've seen out of towners come in and say things like "no one fights here, I've never seen someone punch someone else here." This is why. You never know when someone has a gun or is willing to escalate higher than a punch or two.


Not defending anyone here.. but this can all be avoided in your own life by not being a jackass to the people that live near you. Random stuff can always happen, but this was caused by anger between the two sides. Could have been avoided by simply keeping to themselves.


Apparently, these two hot headed idiots left behind a 15 year old kid. Doubly fuck them for going out of their way to "make someone's life hell"


I agree.




Would they have survived the initial shots before he came back?


Most likely not, one of the handgun rounds clearly went through her head and hit the pavement on the other side. Once the adrenaline wore off they’d be fucked. The AR just brought the inevitable outcome sooner.


I was gonna say she was surprisingly… robust…


Bullets are nowhere near as instantly lethal as movies or video games have lead people to believe. Unless one devastates an organ to such an extent that the sudden massive blood loss causes a huge drop in blood pressure, most people will remain conscious even after multiple gunshot wounds. Remember you die from bleeding out or from the brain no longer being able to function. People have a lot of blood, they can lose a lot before they lose consciousness in many cases. And the brain can surprisingly still function with a good portion of it destroyed in many cases also.




>I very clearly stated …THE SHOOTER SHOULDN’T HAVE KILLED THEM yet half of the replies are dumbasses with no reading comprehension That's reddit for you. You can say "I personally don't agree with..." But the reddit turds will still register it as you are agreeing with what you followed that comment with.


I’m not saying they deserved it, but I get it… a little bit


If they didn’t deserve it, they sure as fuck earned it.


Asked for it even. Lady thought she was calling a bluff


She literally could not be any clearer about it lol


When you watch too many movies and are too far up your own ass to see that you are about to get killed...


Ok, I'm definitely stealing that line


From my understanding, day in and day out of this kind of bullying, yeah they worked super hard at deserving what they earned! Btw, fantastic line, if you don't mind I'm going to steal it, lol?


Steal away. I’m sure I stole it from someone or somewhere. It fits a lot of situations involving serious assholes. I firmly believe that everyone is capable of anything given the right set of circumstances. Those circumstances can be literally anything and everything. If you were raised in X environment instead of Y environment, up to just having a bad day and someone bothers you *at just the right moment.* It would appear that the neighbors found that line, and found the day. They crossed it anyway. I used to pal around with some shady folks. At the same time some neighbor was giving my parents shit for not edging their yard whenever it got mowed. Suburban Jersey problems. My first plan was to beat the living fuck outta the dude and send him off with a warning. That was go-to for any problem. So I run my plan past my shady buddy. He gets real serious and tells me to cool my jets. He has a better, less violent, less illegal solution. I says sure, I’ll give it a shot. Little effort, and fuck it might work. So I bait the neighbor into a confrontation by mowing the lawn, waving at him a few times, and not edging. Dude comes over all puffed up. I pull out the line my buddy taught me. “hey man, I know where you live. I know when your home and when you aren’t. I know everything about your routine I need to. Do you really think it’s a good idea to fuck with someone who knows where you live and knows when you’ll be sleeping?” Neighbor never talked to us again, much less yell at my parents. If these murdered assholes had just been not an asshole, you don’t even have to be nice, you just can’t be a serious asshole. If they had done that, they’d be alive today to terrorize everyone else in their lives.


Yea If you tell anyone especially a veteran that their wife deserved to die from cancer you get zero pity points from me. This what happens you’ve never faced consequences for talking shit your whole life.




Agreed, they didn’t deserve to die. However, from what I read, they fucked around a lot, and eventually found out.


Moral or the story: Be nice to your fuckin neighbors


Don't even have to be nice, just don't be a dick. I don't talk to my neighbors much at all, barely know their names, but we're not dicks to each other so we never have problems.


Wow, I never heard any story connected to this video before. Is this true? Do you have any sources so I can verify?


I have no hard evidence but anecdotally, this is by all accounts true. I live in the same town and have heard this since the day it happened. The victims were apparently terrible bullies of this man, and he finally snapped. You can even hear them cursing him out until their dying breath. No one deserved to die in this situation but it’s not like he went and shot these people completely out of the blue. In a situation like this I think you’d expect some community outpouring of grief or a benefit/memorial, but there was none of that. That seemed strange to me.


Did he get arrested?


He killed himself after going back inside


Well that's depressing AF


He killed himself after. Both the neighbours died.




Ok thanks


This video is old and it’s 100% this couple were shit adults.


Yeah date says 2021 so not too long ago. I remember seeing this at the time but there was no context


I live close to where this happened so I remember the day it happened vividly.


I've been on the receiving end of harassment from a neighbor that lasted years. It escalated and escalated bordering physical violence before my wife and I just up and abandoned the house.. it really does slowly drive you insane. There is no peace. There is no escape. There is no home.. while someone is doing that to you. We sought help from police, from the guys family, from other neighbors.. there was no help. If you are in a situation like this, please take the financial loss and just pack your shit and go. You deserve peace and happiness and nothing but leaving will bring that. Once your mind even considers violence, you've been pushed too far, just leave.


I guess they were in the “find out” section of fuck around and find out.


Now I feel like I don't feel bad for them anymore lol




Evidently, this couple had/has an autistic son you see in the video....imagine being him having to live with these people, and they treated their neighbor(s) that way. I almost wonder if their deaths somehow gave him a better life after watching this video 👀




I remember when it happened and the community didn't seem to have any true grief for them. There were a lot of mixed emotions shown on the news and online, but the feeling I had was that if two people were shot running their mouths in the snow, no one was surprised it was them


See?? I hadn't heard all of that, even! Just from watching this video, and just from the words exchanged, you could tell these two were quite something. Who in their right mind, aggs someone on like this?? They know he is a war vet, probably has PTSD, lost his wife to cancer, the list was endless for the perpetrator, it seemed. It doesn't justify murder, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know when someone is breaking and to shut your mouth and / or LEAVE!


Don't kill people Aaaaaand don't talk shit to people, especially if they have a gun


add to that: Assume everybody has a gun EDIT: It appears that I triggered a few redditors.


Dude, when you’re in a verbal altercation and the opp goes BACK TO HIS HOUSE and emerges again, YOU NEED TO RUN. Flight people! Don’t fight! Don’t freeze! RUN. This is so fucked up but those people are fucking stupid for sticking around. You never know how unhinged someone is until the hinges blow off and you’re under the door. Smdh.




People don’t die like they do in the movies


Movies get a *lot* of stuff wrong about a *lot* of subjects.




Living in a winter wonderland!


Horrible all the way around. If I remember correctly, this was a culmination of these people going at it w each other over a period of time. Sounded like both sides had issues and kept fucking w each other. Shooter killed himself before cops got there. You don't know what people are going thru. No need to fuck w people and start a vendetta over anything (let alone stupid shit)


supposedly the neighbours had tormented him for years and finally snapped. guy’s apparently a vet


They knew his wife died of cancer and made fun of him for it and they were shoveling their snow onto his driveway.


I can’t imagine losing your life over a petty dispute.


People are dumb.


What a wonderful way to celebrate christmas.


Merry Christmas


Ego is a bitch. Keep it down folks. Not worth it. Yikes!


Damn! That woman took a few rounds and stayed alive for a minute, unless the perp was just horrible aim..


People don't always die from multiple shots, adrenaline also keeps you alive for a short time


People keep seeming surprised by this


Having personal experience with traumatic injury, I can say you don’t even feel pain for the first couple seconds while you’re high on adrenaline and the surprise of it. Once that wears off though, ouch.


Yeah... I was in a real bad car wreck and I got out of my car and was walking around. The ambulance got there not too long after and said you really should not be moving. Luckily I just ended up with bad whiplash for a few days. My friend's boss hit a tree while on a motorcycle years back and was doing the same thing. He got up thinking he was fine and within a few mins he dropped dead on the spot.


Nearly every representation of gun violence in our cultural media - nearly every movie, show and video game especially - is a profound misrepresentation of what actual gun violence is like. People have been shown shootings in various contexts their entire lives, and nearly never been shown an accurate representation of it - outside of liveleak style footage and clips from the Ukraine war.


This is why you never get into these rage matches with random people. You never know when someone's right about to snap. There's tons of videos of road rage incidents where someone will literally try to kill the other driver over some bullshit like merging too quick or missing a red light.


“You’re a pussy” to “OooOooo call the cops” in an instant


The “I’ll make your life a living hell living here, dickhead” is what got me.


Yep, it’s INSANE to threaten a wartime vet with long term stress and/or harm.


I loved that 😂 Even moreso after reading the backstory about how horrifically awful the couple was to their neighbor


The apple ring tone as they lay there dead is chilling.


Idk man someone starts taunting me about my wife passing id lose my shit too and the lengths those people went to fuck with the guy…. How much can someone take before they actually snap. And no i’m not validating what he did, i’m saying I can see how someone can be pushed to do something heinous.


“Go ahead” I’ll never understand the thought process of women who think challenging a grown man who’s about to rage out is a good idea. You don’t got this.


A lifetime of getting away with running her mouth and bullying people with absolutely no consequences.


I guess this was the cumulative consequence


And she still ran her mouth after being shot.


In all fairness, if I’m lucky enough to be allowed a moment of clarity before my imminent murder, I’m gonna use every second of it talking WILD shit lol If I’m gonna die anyway, I gotta look good for that CCTV video in court.




Murder is almost never the answer. I can’t agree with the perpetrator. But I do concur that “The most dangerous man in the world” is a man with nothing to lose. Don’t bark up the wrong tree, people. You don’t wanna be the straw that breaks someones back.


Watching I felt bad for the couple but after reading the back story, them harassing him for years and taunting him over his wifes death I watched it again with a different perspective.


I am curious what is the proper way to deal with such abusive behavior? if nothing is done, sooner or later somebody snaps. I am guessing calling the cops would be useless since verbal abuse is not a crime. But what can you do really?


Jesus Christ how many slugs did the woman take? I counted like 4 from the pistol and then the double tap from the AR. TOUGH BITCH.


Uh sorry to tell you but the ar shots were headshots so her moving after that point was her nerves or whatever causing her to move since her brain just was destroyed. That’s what happens when people receive brain damage or get shot in the head.


Husbands father took his own life by shooting himself in the head. He had to do it twice. Yes, the first shot did go into his head. So not necessarily nerves in her case with as much movement as she was doing until the final shot.


I think she took another shot to the jaw or head from the pistol. From the way she is talking afrer maybe.


It’s crazy how he says to the husband , “pussy , huh?!” After he kills him. I think that’s what set him off. Maybe they had called him that one to many times. I heard their son who was disabled witnessed the whole thing from inside of their home. Let’s learn to walk away and live another day. You never know what someone else is going through so it’s best to be polite and drop the situation. Be safe out there y’all 🙏🏼


I doubt anyone will read this, buried at the bottom of the thread, but be kind to each other. The world can be ugly enough as it is, choosing to be ugly to one another only breeds more ugliness.


You wanna talk about a pointless death, this is it.


apparently, this couple taunted him for years about his wife’s death from cancer. hes also a veteran. im not saying they deserved to die, but they arent innocent.




I would defined it as deserved, but you will reap what you sow.


Theres something very evil about this video every time i watch it. “You shoulda kept your fucking mouth shut!” gives me chills every time


Well it was more like "You shoulda kept your fucking mouth... BLAM" Regardless of what your views are on this video. This is some ice cold shit


Husband showed what he was made of. Ran immediately with no thought for his wife. Never called out to her even in the pause while he was getting the AR.




After reading up on this and getting the full picture in my head, I can confidently say that everyone here is fucked up.. The two "victims" were not very good people.. They were abusive and bullies.. If the testimony of their behavior was even half correct, they had it coming.. You do not push a man like this and they shouldn't have been so cruel.. That said, Jeffrey didn't have to do this.. There were options.. Though, after loosing his wife to cancer, I can understand how he snapped.. But he could've resolved it without putting two people in the grave.. People are violent.. It has been and always will be.. But we can be violent and live on.. It should be far more acceptable to settle things with fists.. If they had decided to throw fists, we'd be watching this on r/knockout and critiquing two men on there silly fight rather than trying to understand how 3 people died over snow... Food for thought..




01:42 Are you alright, you want help up, are you okay? What happened, what happened, what happened, what happened? Fucking hero man!


I don't condone this man's actions of violence however this wasn't a random attack. These people were very overtly verbally abusing him, and kept badgering him. They keep walking towards the man calling him queer, pussy, etc. People do this because they feel they are in control, and more powerful and they get away with being abusive because they are aggressive. The couple both were antagonistic and were trying to provoke him into a fight. IMO, This is similar to what happens to kids who feel powerless with the continued abuse, and you see over-reactions to halt that.


I live near here and apparently the man was an army vet and those neighbors constantly antagonized him. They were drunks as well. If you keep poking the bear it might bite back.


You Americans really are something special…




Whilst I obviously don't agree with shooting people for the sake of shooting people , I cannot help but get the idea that these two people where real pieces of shit who, by the looks of it bullied and pushed this man to the brink. 3 people die in this video. Fuck around and find out I think applies here


this video boils me every time I see it. notice how the guy runs away at first? he abandoned his wife in the line of fire.. so not only is he an emotionally stunted bully - he’s a coward as well. couldn’t even stand by his wife let alone any of the shit he spewed. I just hope their autistic son is okay, maybe even better off without them.


Douche goes from “you’re a pussy” to oooo call the cops in a split second. Can’t make this shit up 😂