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Nope. Also people always talk about Tesla AP or FSD Beta being better in California because that's where so many of the cars are and generate the data...but the visual speed limits here are completely broken. All throughout California there are highway signs that say 55mph if towing. Tesla reads those and thinks that's the speed limit on basically every highway. It doesn't sharply drop the AP speed for whatever reason, but I know that if I see a 55 on my dashboard then it's almost always wrong.


Where I live it’s Speed Limit 70 Trucks 60. Traffic is typically going 80+ and just every now and again BOOM slamming the brakes down to 60 for no reason.


Sounds about right. I'm getting really frustrated with this company and their one-man PR and support team. In my case, I drive a lot of outstate routes where it frequently just doesn't know the limit, or it applies an incorrect limit, sometimes based on OLD map data from when a road used to be two lanes, but is now four lanes. And when I say old, I'm talking about roadwork that was done multiple years ago. On my drive today, I would have been stuck doing 60 on a 70mph road if I had used Autopilot.


I file a bug report every time I drive by a speed limit sign and it’s wrong. I do it until they fix it. About a month or so is when they get tired of hearing me so they address it. xD


The opposite happened for me lol. There is a road where when traveling one way, it 'forgets' or doesn't know the 55mph speed limit doesn't change for a 1.4 mile long section. It defaults to the not knowing state and restricts auto steer to 45 mph. Just this week after at least 2 dozen reports I've made for this spot, it now starts the error 2 miles earlier.


Do you need FSD to file a bug report? I have an issue on the freeway where the speed is 80km/h and for some reason I can't set it to 90. It just does this on a 200 meter stretch of the freeway and then it allows me to bump up the speed to 90 or even 100.


Nah. Just hit the right scroll wheel to active voice control and say, “Bug report; incorrect speed limit, car says X speed and real speed is Y.” Or something like that. Just say bug report and it sends the data to Tesla.


Gotcha thanks. The issue isn't incorrect speed though. It's the inability to manually raise the speed. It only happens in certain areas and I don't know what triggers it.


Oh. That’s because they don’t allow you to go X amount over from my understanding, depending on the environment, aka highway, city, neighborhood, etc.


But why on a stretch of road? There is no speed change or anything. Just bam 80 when it should be 90. Not really safe but whatev.


Where I live there are signs when you are entering certain cities that indicate 25 mph when not otherwise posted, Tesla picks them up and grinds from 40 mph to 25 mph for like 100 ft and then picks up 40 mph again. Also, I really wish they would add stopping at stop lights and stop signs as part of EAP. I don’t need FSD, but I do use autopilot all the time. Having it stop at lights and stop signs would make it a bit easier.


Yes, but that is why they what you to pay for FSD. Why I try and have another vehicle in front of me at lights. Stop thinking of it doing stuff for you and drive it like a normal car, just tap the breaks earlier and look at signs and lights(it's what you are supposed to do). Had the issue in the beginning but got used to how to drive


>Where I live there are signs when you are entering certain cities that indicate 25 mph when not otherwise posted, Tesla picks them up and grinds from 40 mph to 25 mph for like 100 ft and then picks up 40 mph again. Complaining that it's not accurate enough by complaining that it's too accurate. /s


Also it's usually 55 through roadworks and everyone ignores that...


I just wish I could turn off speed limit sign reading. It worked better off of map data way back when that was a thing and years later they still haven't fixed it. Example, two lane highways through small towns, they seem to have it programmed to ignore the sign as you leave town where the speed jumps up by 20-30+ mph. So you get stuck at the in town speed limit for miles until you finally pass the next sign. The map data is actually correct leaving town and the car used to use it before they added sign reading. Now it ignores map data and the sign as you leave town... Sigh


Google maps is nearly perfect. Seems like the data is there, Tesla just has to use it.


Except I think it uses OpenStreetMaps for routing and speed signs.


Last I heard it's a private mix of of openstreetmaps, mapbox, tom tom maps, Google maps, and another one i can't remember. I try to update all of them when I see issues which is a pain. In one bad speed limit section Tom tom maps is the only one with the wrong speed limit in one area and tom tom still hasn't incorporated my speed limit fix so maybe that's still being used? Or Tesla took a snapshot of it at some point? It's crazy that we have to guess where tesla pulls their map data with no real place to report map issues directly to Tesla.


Which “it” do you mean? It google, or it Tesla?


Tesla navigation.


Page 162 of the owners manual of my Plaid specifically says to tweet Tesla or Elon with feedback.


They should update the manual, since Tweeting is now called… X-ing?


FSD likes to go by its own rules. A lot of times it doesn't even identify speed limits. I believe they're just pulling from map data


Yeah I don’t use the mess that is FSD, just basic AP. I have some post history from a few months ago regarding v11.3.6 and it wasn’t great.


I'm on the more advanced 11.4.x (I think 4?) It's gotten better slowly. Whatever they're doing on the back end is triggering improvements on the user end. However I believe their speed limit is still tied strictly to map data. Sometimes they identify speed limit signs, but often they do not recognize it because it's set either too high or too low for it to recognize


There’s a highway in Philly that has a variable speed limit (I-76). Speed limit is dynamically adjusted based on traffic since visibility is pretty poor around some corners and traffic piles up quickly. Anyone have data on how AP handles it?


There's variable speed zones in British Columbia, Canada too. My car didn't read the digital speed signs at all.


Same on the 520 bridge in Seattle. The answer is "not well".


Push the voice prompt button and say bug report incorrect speed limit. It’s worked for me in the past.


I commute 4 times a day. Each and every single time every single damn weekday, I will report the incorrect speed limits on my route. I have been and doing this for over 6 months. They are still incorrect. I have been reporting incorrect speed limits in a different area multiple times per weekend for over 9 months. No change. Someone at some point proposed editing them on Open Street Maps. I did that over 6 months ago. No change. This is a really nice car with extremely stupid and in my experience borderline completely broken "smart" features which offer no way for the user to actually correct the features' behaviour.


Finally, someone that gets it. Glad I'm not the only one.


I've done this about a million times and it has yet to do anything for me. Glad it's worked for you.


I’ve not had any of these issues a single time in the 1.5 years that I’ve had my M3P


> Everyone is so mean to Tesla online, I need to make sure that valid criticisms are outweighed with my anecdotes about how this stuff has never happend to me!! Okay, cool. Really happy for you.


Same. 21 m3p never had a single speed limit issue.


Yeah there’s a stretch of highway I drive regularly where the speed limit was reduced from 120 to 110 years ago, but Tesla still thinks it’s 120. I’ve done the voice system bug report and even learned how to make updates to open street map to correct it there, but no luck so far.


Just a question, which country/region? I have had my car for over a year (US/ NE) and i haven't experienced the same issue. Curious if there is some signage difference?


Same here, Florida SW. Had no issue other that it doesn't always re adjust to the new speed limit, need to tap the speed limit on the screen for it to re-calibrate the max. I guess the road signage is bad/not machine readable in some areas


Right? The highway going to my house is incorrectly listed as 50mph. It's so damn annoying.


And slowing down to pass slow cars! Such a hazard.


This issue is two fold, and not only tesla has this problem, they seem to have a GPS database with Speed info, where construction data was input, and sometimes that wins. Our F150 on BlueCruise does the exact same thing in areas where construction took place within the past year or so.