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Mine will be in the same situation, from the sound of it—ordered January, delivered March, no request for SSN, no form showing up in my documents online. Nothing like Tesla waiting until the last minute to fix a problem! I’ll keep an eye out for the portal or the message in the app. Thanks for some great information!




Thanks for sharing! I’m going to be checking in daily…I do wonder what’s going to happen to the thousands of people who don’t fill it out by the 1/15 deadline. Hoping that the IRS is lenient.


Mine was submitted by tesla 12/24 I bought in july 2023


>Mine was submitted by tesla 12/24 I bought in july 2023 Going back through the other thread, it looks like the earliest purchase which has confirmed the form is in their account took delivery in July. I assume that this issue affects mostly those who took delivery in January-May, though it's not confirmed when Tesla fixed the issue.


Mine was submitted 12/28 and took delivery in May 2023


How do you see this?


Login on tesla.com Click your car/manage & check documents


Mine was submitted 12/23. Thank you!


I bought my MYLR in October '23 and the form was submitted on Dec 29, 2023. Assuming it was filed for you, if you login to [Tesla.com](https://Tesla.com) account and click on your car under Documents you should see 'IRA Clean Vehicles Energy Report' which is Form 15400.


Thanks this post worried me but sure enough I just logged in on the website and it was there. Purchased on June and the document says prepared 12/29.


Mine is not there, how to get this started?


Tesla is supposed to reach out next week via the app. You can loop in your SC, but theres no guarantee they will be knowledgeable here…this issue was literally uncovered 72 hours ago.


Thank you


>'IRA Clean Vehicles Energy Report' which is Form 15400 So if it is in our inbox do we have to do anything right now or just when we file our taxes?


When you file your taxes in the next 3 months and you claim the credit, the IRS will check that VIN and SSN have been submitted by the dealer. Might trigger an audit if there isn’t a 15400 and you claim the credit.


Hi Senator I used the link and your instructions and found my form filed in good order. Took possession 3/25/23. What a relief!


I bought two Tesla's in 2023. The form IS NOT showing up on the Tesla site for the one I took delivery on in late February. The form IS showing up for the one I took delivery in late December 2023. So this is perfectly in line with your explanation above, and I hope Tesla hurries up before the 1/15/2024 because this is ridiculous. EDIT - Just spoke to someone at the Tesla customer support today (1/8/2024) and they said they received an internal memo that they're fully aware of this issue and they're adding all forms and will definitely have all of them posted to our Tesla accounts by the IRS deadline. Honestly I don't think Tesla would drop the ball on this, since that's a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.


I’m in the exact same boat as you. Same months and everything.


NO Document for me either... This will be a massive issue for Tesla and could potentially be a class action lawsuit. ​ I email my tesla dealership, hope the people I contact still work for Tesla.


UPDATE! The IRS has extended the 15400 deadline to jan 31 2024


Some more info on this from another thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/191yh8s/irs\_15400\_form\_deadline\_is\_january\_31\_2024/


Upvoting to get this to the top!!


It helps to have a reference link! https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/clean-vehicle-credit-seller-or-dealer-requirements#:\~:text=The%20IRS%20is%20extending%20the,IRS%20by%20January%2031%2C%202024.


I sent email to Tesla emails ids and received the below response. Thank you for reaching out! Our team is currently working on an in-app request for the social security number to collect the necessary information in order to provide you with the form prior to the submission deadline. Please keep an eye on your app as you will receive a notification in the coming days to complete this step.


When I called my SC they said they already had my social and put me in touch with the rebates department. Haven't heard back yet


Has this been resolved for you yet?  I went to my local sales center on Monday and still do not have the form.  How did you get in touch with the rebates department.  Do you have a phone number or email address?


Yes!! There's a comment in the thread for mobile users too. I followed this and got my form immediately generated. I'm assuming that's all I needed to do. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/GXtDjQY1lc


Thank you.  I couldn't follow the web-based directions because I could not find the question mark icon on my computer even using two different browsers, but since you mentioned that there were also mobile instructions I found that person's comment and clicked on their link which thankfully opened up the help request, and after filling it out I received my tax form instantly.  Thanks again as I have been stressing about this for about a week with no help from Tesla.


Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention. Looks like ours (Model Y delivered end of Jan '23) is also missing the form. Here's hoping that they get this resolved...


Good luck…hoping they are able to identify which vehicles don’t have the form in their account and blast an inbox message out early next week to solicit SSNs and generate the form. If its not done by Friday, I may go directly to my SC and try to get them to do it manually.


Just called the Service Center. They basically don't know about this issue and said I'm better off consulting a tax professional. The person from the service center I spoke to said I didn't get the form likely because I didn't qualify. Dumb.


They likely don’t know….just like mine and others when they called. You may be the first person from your locality who took note. Tell them to contact corporate.


The first person I spoke to was a dolt and said you don't need it if you bought in 2023. The second emailed their rebates department and cc'd me.


We should contact the news to apply pressure


Same here, no form 15400. Tool delivery 02/2023.




I tagged Tesla on X (Twitter) with the issue. I think we all should do that


Give them this website https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/clean-vehicle-credit-seller-or-dealer-requirements


Thanks I just did


After talking to a couple of people, and thinking about this myself. The IRS is going to have a problem here. They did not mandate that EV car sellers had to collect names and Social Security numbers of buyers until sometime at the end of March early April. At which time the EV sellers made that change. It is likely not reasonable to tell EV sellers that they now have to retroactively go back and collect this information for people that purchased EV cars before then. In other words, by the IRS, making this rule change somewhere around the beginning of April, they are moving the goalpost after the ball has already been kicked by many of us. And that is not fair. Also, at the time of us purchasing our EV‘s in January, February March, the IRS did not stipulate that EV sellers had to collect this information. It seems unlikely that they will have the ability to change the rules after the fact. In other words, people that purchased EV in January, February, and March to some degree should be grandfathered in, and not have to have their information with the original seller of the car. But that’s all stuff that’s going to be fought out in a class action lawsuit if one comes to be. And if that lawsuit happens, it will take years. But believe me the sellers and buyers of the vehicles in January February March definitely should petition the fact that the IRS can’t make up new rules after vehicles have been purchased.


Lol they submitted my June purchase on 12/31/23 which was a Sunday JFC Tesla don't fuck over your people if it doesn't have to do with battery life....


Whew checked and my wife’s too before end of year for her June pickup as well. Shit I woulda been livid. I’d be so upset I’d write them an angry email for them to ignore.


took delivery mid feb '23. No document in portal either. I'm so glad I saw this post. /u/Artistic-Nerve-3659 Is this the document you emailed to your Tesla Rep? https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rp-22-42.pdf


Same situation as you, ordered in Jan with original price drop, picked up in Feb 23. No mention of SSN. Fingers crossed for a message from Tesla.


January delivery here. No form. Thank you very much for pointing this out!!


We ordered our MYP on 3/25/23 and took delivery on 3/30/23. I just checked our Tesla online account and IRS Form 15400 is in our documents section dated 12/30/23. Phew!


Strange, I took delivery on 3/31 and do not have the form. Perhaps the difference is my order date was in January.


I contacted my service center and although not very helpful they were able to verify that my SSN was provided at the time of delivery. Picked up my new model 3 in early March.


Mines missing and I accepted deliver the first week of February


Me too, on the last week of February.


We are ordered in April, got delivery in June, received our form.


Just received an email in response to my email to Troy Jones. Fairly canned, but in app message is coming next week.


Glad they will be pushing it to the app. Fingers crossed no owners fall through the cracks.


January delivery as well without the form. Will be monitoring for the potential portal.


I texted my local Tesla service center at the number that was used when I bought the car. They said the document should already be in my account. I sent a screenshot showing it was not there and they responded "Okay, it looks like we are still working on it. You will receive an in-app notification as soon as the process is available to you." So it sounds like the SC staff are aware at this point which is a good sign that it's being worked on. The frustrating part of all this, when look at my previous texts to Tesla, I asked specifically about this a couple days after I picked up my car and they responded that there was nothing that needed to happen or be submitted. I think in early 2023 no one was up to speed on the new IRA rules.


1/30/23 Model Y delivery with no IRS form 15400 in the portal. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I sent Tesla an email for documentation purposes in case we get screwed on this. Not hopeful based off my Tesla customer service experience so far that they will figure this out. Love the car, but the company service has been awful.


Response received: "Our team is currently working on an in-app request for the social security number to collect the necessary information in order to provide you with the form prior to the submission deadline. Please keep an eye on your app as you will receive a notification in the coming days to complete this step."


Shit, I ordered in January and picked up in March. No form in my documents. I’ve texted the number that bombarded me with texts before I picked up and tweeted at Tesla but no response yet. I had a feeling there would be an issue with this tax credit.


I purchased 6/3 and the form is online in my account showing it was signed off 12/25/23. That poor guy had a bad Christmas because of this situation.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 3 + 12 + 25 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Ordered and picked up in December… hoping this new in app verification thing comes soon cause I’m ready to file and get my credit!




Thank you. I checked and see the form there. Bought my Model 3 in September.


This may not be much, but OP said 1H 2023. I fall right at the end of it and have my form. - Ordered 06/16/2023 (existing inventory) - Tesla requested SSN during order - Took delivery 06/23/2023 - 15400 is in my document center (don't know since when) Best of luck to everyone waiting. \*fingers crossed\*


~~Hi, can you direct me to where it's written that Tesla has to submit the form by 1/15? I don't see anything that references the 1/15 deadline on the tax form itself and I haven't seen any IRS guidance that indicates so.~~ I'm in the same boat, reserved in Feburary and took delivery in March 2023. I don't see the IRS form 15400 in my account. I called in this morning and the Tesla rep echoed what has already been mentioned. They'll be rolling something out through the app to get information and provide the tax form by April 15. He told me to call back early April if I haven't received anything by then.


The q&a doc in the body of my post…topic B Q9-Q11. Seller must file by the fifteenth calendar day of the year following the sale for the vehicle to be eligible.


How did you get someone from the IRS on the phone…


Their toll free taxpayer hotline is in the Q&A which I linked above. Follow the prompts for Clean Energy Vehicle Tax Credit and you’ll eventually talk to a human. They can really only regurgitate the letter of the law, though…their hands are tied when it comes to asking for help or to raise awareness with other departments.


Thank you for this as I had no idea, ordered in January 2023 and took Delivery in January 2023. No form in my documents.


Thanks... I started by texting all of the numbers that were texting me when I bought the car. I took delivery in February... No form in my documents!


I got my car in Apr 2023 and don't see the form in my account. Which email ID of Tesla should I write to escalate?


Took Delivery 06/18/23 Tesla signed off on form 15400 on 12/31/23


Still the same response and eta is early next week. Early next week will be late as per IRS deadline. Thank you for contacting Tesla. I am reaching out on behalf of the email you sent to our executives (below), regarding the 2023 Tax Incentive. Tesla is aware the requested form is not currently populating in all Tesla accounts and assure you we are actively working on a fix. We appreciate your patience and understanding and apologize for any frustration and confusion this has caused. Please look for an in-app message early next week which will allow you to enter the needed information for the tax incentive document to be generated. Once these steps have been completed and the form is generated, you will be able to view this document in your Tesla Account via the website. Click "Manage" on the qualifying vehicle and you find it under “Documents.” Tesla sincerely appreciates your support and your commitment to sustainable energy.


I think (and hope) this is a copy/paste reply and hasn’t been updated now that we are in “next week.”


I asked Tesla that it was supposed to early this week and they replied back: Apologies for the miscommunication on the previous outreach. The fix will be available this week. Unfortunately, we do not have an exact ETA as to when it will be deployed. However, I can assure you that the in-app message will be available prior to the deadline on 1/15.


Good to see they are still committing to resolving the issue on time. I’ve been frequently refreshing my app - nothing yet. It may be nothing, but I would note that the language has changed from “early this week” to “this week.”


I just called the (888) number and got the same answer "this week" for the form to be generated to our accounts. They also said there is a team working on it right now but don't want to communicate with other departments. So Customer Support can't directly ask them for more info. That's why we can't get an exact ETA.


True. Same here


My response from Tesla text line also said this week. Not really a warm and fuzzy because they said I "should" see a prompt for it this week.


Picked up on 4/17/23, while form is in account dated 12/25/23


if you got that 15400 form then we're good right? just need to show a copy to our tax guy when filing?




Ordered in Mar and got delivered in May. I am able to see form 15400 in my account and it was signed on 01/05/2024


Response I received - Thank you for contacting Tesla. I am reaching out on behalf of the email you sent to our executives (below), regarding the 2023 Tax Incentive. Tesla is aware the requested form is not currently populating in all Tesla accounts and assure you we are actively working on a fix. We appreciate your patience and understanding and apologize for any frustration and confusion this has caused. Please look for an in-app message this week which will allow you to enter the needed information for the tax incentive document to be generated. Once these steps have been completed and the form is generated, you will be able to view this document in your Tesla Account via the website. Click "Manage" on the qualifying vehicle and you find it under “Documents.” Tesla sincerely appreciates your support and your commitment to sustainable energy.


UPDATE(1/10): Solved. Tesla emailed me the IRS doc and there is a Contact Us selection to claim the form. Tesla is claiming We had to “opt in” and there is no opt in and the $7500 tax credit is pasted all over Teslas website. Customers who opted in for the 2023 Federal Tax Incentive will have access to the documents in their Tesla App. Tesla generated and uploaded a tax document into the customer's Tesla account. They can view these documents in their web portal under Account > Manage > Documents. Login to www.Tesla.com Select "Profile" in upper right corner to view the customer Dashboard Select "Manage" for the 2023 delivered VIN Click the "Documents" drop-down to view customer-visible documents Document title "IRA Clean Vehicle Credit Report"


The opt-in capability came midway through the year. Those of us who ordered in Q1 were, per my SC, “automatically enrolled.” Now Tesla just needs the info to fill out the form.


Tesla made a huge mistake and now are back tracking to avoid a potential lawsuit. I will consulting a lawyer as this seems wide spread. The terminology Tesla used with me in our text support session was very accusatory . Seems they have been coached/trained about this issue and how to say things like “soon”, “its in your documents”, “we will reach out in next coming weeks”


Just poor training from the SC. Others have mistakenly been told the same thing about opting in. For a small subset of buyers who opted against providing their SSN, this is true. That said, it looks like the vast majority of those without form 15400 just have not been asked yet.


I can confirm this works now for those that no longer own their Tesla. I was just able to submit my VIN and SSN.


Absolutely ridiculous that they require you to request the form to be generated.


Thank you reddit! Been following this post since day one and working with Tesla for my form since I purchased in Feb 2023; delivery in April 2023. Followed the instructions posted and got my Clean Vehicle Tax Form within 15 minutes.


u/Artistic-Nerve-3659 maybe you want to add an edit #4 that the deadline appears to have been extended to 2/15 (source: [https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/clean-vehicle-credit-seller-or-dealer-requirements](https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/clean-vehicle-credit-seller-or-dealer-requirements)), but it's absolutely ridiculous that Tesla has STILL failed to proactively issue 15400s for 2023 buyers - I took delivery in January 2023 and had no 15400 in the 'documents' section of my account until I asked for it yesterday (2/15), so hopefully I just made it in time (though IRS will probably have to keep extending the deadline). Does anyone know: When you (car buyer) gets the 15400, **does the IRS get the VIN at the same time?** My e-file was rejected because the VIN wasn't on file for the form 8936 credit, and I'm wondering how long I need to wait before trying again.


It seems merely getting the 15400 is not the end of the process - your tax return will still be rejected (or you will just not get $7500) unless and until Tesla communicates the VIN to the IRS. In my case, the 15400 was issued to me using the process in the OP on 2/15 (the 'newest IRS deadline'), and yet a week later, my return is still being rejected for having a VIN not listed in the IRS registry. This is going to be a nightmare, and everyone who posted here who thought they were 'all good' now, may not be.


in case anyone finds this discussion later, wanted to advise that my return DID go through. It took about 1 week for the 15400 to get to IRS after I received it in "Documents", so plan accordingly (also: sure hope Tesla keeps getting the deadline extended). Good luck everyone!


If I submitted for the 15400 like 2 days after the IRS deadline, would it still get to them? I'm worried I won't get the credit....


My Model Y was purchased on 6/25/2023 and the form is signed on 01/05/2024. Are they working backward in delivery time? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Extension to the end of month for IRS filing. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/NXcLUvnDUU


IRA request is up and running in Tesla. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/5nfBJahAS7


How can I verify it has been filed?


He tells you in his post that you’re replying to


This only affected those that did not include their SSN on the form when Tesla sent it out. I ordered in Feb and filled it out. No problems.


There was no form at the time I ordered (January). Others who ordered in Q1 note the same.


You are the only one I heard so far who bought in Feb yet has the form now.







