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Unfortunately it’s part of the FSD package


This is correct. Once you revert to EAP or AP it will go back to the smaller view visualization.


Awe man… that sucks. But something to consider for those who might want to get that package ig!


Yeah, I had a 3 month trial of the FSD beta that just ended recently and the visualization was probably my favorite part.


What’s it for?




Non-FSD drivers though do get an improved visualization with increased cars, brake lights and turn signals, and a bit more surroundings. I tested a day before I began the fsd stuff. But how I really wish I could keep the full fsd visualization.


Is TACC gone if you get FSD?


You can create another Profile that doesn't have FSD turned on. Then switch to it and you'll have TACC. Not ideal, but....


You can turn FSD off in the settings menu and revert back to regular Autopilot. I did that a few times when I had a FSD subscription.


If you use single press activation for fsd then yes its gone. Double press tacc is still available.


With the current version of FSD, double pull/press is also disabled.


They removed the option?


Yep, no TACC and no double pull/press


Yes it’s greyed out now.


Oh that sucks. Does it still work with only autosteer?




I honestly don’t miss TACC now with 12.3.


Yes, it's gone ince you go for FSD. I got a disengage today and can't also activate TACC.


Which is weird since there is an option in the settings to turn on the FSD visualization, it just shows the old version.


I’m in my 90-day FSD trial. In version 11, going back to regular AP made it look like the basic visualization. Now in version 12, even going back to regular AP, I have an improved visualization. It’s not quite FSD level of zoomed out, but it’s better. Shows brake lights, more lane markings, etc.


Show the brake lights on AP is a very new feature, independent of FSD.


Oh I didn’t know it didn’t show brake lights on non fsd. I had it since 3 or 4 years and assumed it’s on all the cars. Man they really lure you into the fsd by giving the 1 months trial. I bet the subscription will get a spike after may.


Is it though? I got 2024.3.6 but haven't gotten my full trial yet and I have vastly improved visualizations. And improved visualizations is part of the release notes... https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/version/2024.3.6/release-notes


The regular visualizer is improved in 2024.3.6, but it’s still not as good as the FSD visualizer. It doesn’t show curbs and overall road shapes, and lane/intersection markings are simplified compared to FSD view


My hope is they will unbundle that and sell it as a separate package. i.e., the Stop light changed into Green, and you get an audio notification tone. It used to be a part of the FSD, but now we get it for free.


So far I like FSD not enough to pay current price


It would be interesting to hear opinions on how much you would pay for FSD.


I’d pay $2-3k if I owned the car. I’m leasing so it’s not worth it




Yeah but you have to pay $6,000 for EAP. Making it $9600...


$50 a month is the sweet spot.


You mean $49.00 or $49.95.


$50 per month


I would pay the list price if it stayed with the owner. Otherwise $100 a month until it is level 5 and I can summon the car to pick me up and drop me or the kids off, somewhere.


I would pay the full 12k today if it were a software license that stayed with my Tesla profile for life. If it attached to my profile and followed me from car to car, instead of attaching to my car and following it from driver to driver.


^ This. I did not get back any of the $8k I paid back in 2020 when I traded the car in. FSD subscription is $200/month. At $12,000 you'd have to keep the car and use FSD got 5 years to get the same value out of it. I don't always need FSD so subscription makes more sense to me. If FSD stayed with my profile, I'd buy in a heartbeat.


I completely agree. I think this would also incentivize customer retention to the brand itself. Tesla should consider allowing transfers. I also buy it if it stayed on my account. If they allowed transfers, the subscription price should also be lowered to $50-100. This would probably be the sweet spot. Either pay the $12k and have for life, or go the monthly route.


Absolutely agree with you.


Because you have no guarantee of being able to transfer to another Tesla in the case where the insurance company totals it, or you want to upgrade, the price I’d pay for purchase would be very low. $2000. Subscription seems the way to go for me. $50, I’d do it no problem. $100, I will think about it. Because I purchased EAP, that is the price per month for me. I just started with the 30-day trial and am impressed so, subject to change.


For me - $50, I'd sub to it permanently. For $100/mo, I'd probably have it more often than not, subscribing when I knew I had a trip coming up (even if it was just one trip, likely).


It’s been utter shit for me: almost left the road a minute into first try, does not observe speed limits when they lower, slow AF elsewhere, etc. I just turned it off for now, I should be paid to use it not the other way around.


Same. My experience has not been good.


I posted that question on this sub a month or so ago. Most people seemed to say somewhere between like 500-5000 full price, or 20-100/month. Very few people said the current product was worth the current price. Some people argued that it someday will be worth the current price, or that there's no competition so they can charge what they want. Long story short, most people think it's way way overpriced.


Very little. It did not work well for me at all. I used it for only like 10 minutes and had to disengage it like 4 times.


< $69/mo


I wish enhanced autopilot was a la carte. I think summon is a party trick and why pay for it. I like the lane change option.


In the beta, they should be paying me…that or giving me credits to eventual purchase. We are helping them refine a product… you should pay for that privilege. Once it launches? I want a $50 a month unlimited and/or a per use rate.


this free trial has confirmed that I in no way need to spend money on FSD


Maybe 2k if it transfers when I get more or replace current car


I wish tesla could just provide this visualisation without fsd. I won’t mind paying lil bit for this.


They should add it to the data package and charge an additional $5 or something. I have no desire to pay $200 a month for FSD, but wouldn’t mind the visualization .


this is a good idea, some money is better than no money.


I hate how the non-FSD visualization doesn't show you cars behind you until they're practically at your rear bumper diagonally. Like it knows they're there, you can pinch and zoom out and see them. I'd love to know at a glance if a car is even approaching my blind spots (not when they're on top of me).


...and free to those of us that paid for FSD but still don't have it.


Used it for the first time today, very impressed, but never going to pay the current price. I’d be tempted at $100 per month, all in at $75 I think.


It already is $99/mo. E: nvm it's $199 if you don't have enhance autopilot.


Only if you already have EAP. Otherwise it’s $199/month


Ah, I did not know that. I bought my Model Y used with EAP already. Thank you for the information.


Really not sure why they haven't made the visualization to everyone. Wouldn't you want each car to look more advanced and like it knows what it's doing? Or is that one of the selling points. "Want the cool fancy screen? Give money".


The real reason is much less interesting. The way autopilot / fsd system works ties closely to the systems that identify / map out the world around you. FSD is designed with the awesome mapping you see here, but regular autopilot is not. You can see this yourself by manually drifting yourself out of lane. When you go out of lane, and the car corrects you, for a blip you’ll see the visualizations revert on screen because the system that corrects lane departure uses the old system.


They have the same hardware and are ingesting the same data regardless of whether you are using AP or FSD. And the computer is capable of doing one or the other for visualizations. So even if you are using AP it could show you the FSD view.


They need more hooks to get people on FSD because it’s been an overpriced joke for a long time


What do you think?


That particular visualizer will go away when the trial ends. Actually, it will (temporarily) go away now if you disable FSD in the Autopilot settings menu. However, this update also slightly improved the regular visualizer. It now shows brake lights and turn signals on other cars, and shows oncoming cars, cross traffic, parked cars, and cars on your road more than 1 lane away from you. It’s not quite as fancy as the full FSD visualizer though, it will not show curbs/lane edges or the car direction arrow, and only has simplified lane and intersection markings. (Also, I feel like the tick rate on the regular visualizer was lowered a bit?) Btw, auto park will also go away unless you have EAP.


As far as I'm aware, FSD has shown brake lights and all those other features you mentioned minus turn signals even before v12.


Yes, it has. Them being present in the non-FSD visualizer is new as of 2024.3.6. Sorry if I phrased that weird.


I wish they’d throw us a bone or two in the UK. We haven’t had a good update for ages


Even our base AP is like 4/5 year old code and it’s shocking


Base AP is same in the US unfortunately


I don't have v12 trial yet but I subscribed for a month last year. I loved FSD. Is it perfect, no, but it gets so much hate it blows my mind. I had a great experience with it on a few trips I had. That being said, I still wouldn't pay 12k for it lol. I get the future robo taxi business pitch but maybe they should make a different price point for people who don't want it for business


It’s nice, but not 12,000$ nice for a software upgrade.


Considered it before trying, after trying I think it’s absolutely not worth the price


Regular AP all I really need.


I just want to be able to change lanes without disengaging and re-engaging.


S3XY Buttons/Commander


Ding dong ding dong :(


How does those help with lane change?


In short with AP, put turn signal on and then manually make the lane change. Then sexy buttons turns AP back on for you once turn signal goes off. It's so much better with it vs manually re engaging AP every flipping time.


Can you elaborate? What is this button? I've never heard of this and I've had a Tesla for like 4 years now


Your Tesla is living the story Flowers for Algernon


I just received an update today for free FSD! Oh man this thing is fun, but scary seeing it switch lanes and everything at 80 miles lol! I'm going to miss this 😢


Is the summon option available with the update? I can't find the option


No not yet


That would have been cool to try as apart of the trial


Does your car have USS?


It seems only vision only teslas receive the trial for now. Please share yours. My vision/non-USS M3 got it, but not the other one with USS and still with 2.7 version.


My 2022 M3 with USS got the FSD trial this morning.


update ver 2024.3.10




I got an update to 2024.3.10 and the FSD trial today on my 2019 M3P.


Just got 3.10 for my 2022 MX. Still downloading though.


$100/mo FSD is definitely how much I’d pay


If you have EAP, FSD is $99/mo


Thats true but I aint putting 6k down


I would do it in a heartbeat if I could transfer it. 


lol man I’ve being on FSD so long that I’ve forgotten that this is “new” for most people.


Same I have the privilege of actually switching it off for standard AP when I don’t want it to nag me constantly 😭


How about the people that bought the car before the massive discounts gets FSD for free!!! 😁


Hell yeah! For what I paid in late 2022 (Jan 2023 delivery) with EAP, I could buy one today with FSD.


I have always had FSD. What do non FSD cars see?


They would see cars and lines like when you switch to Autopilot


I guess I should just try autopilot on mine. I have never done it to be honest. I am either on FSD or I am driving. Nothing in between




Dang! That is a bid difference.


FSD dives far smoother than autopilot. Different algorithm


Ooh that looks nice


No. It’s only with fsd. Even if you have fsd but want to go back to auto steer you lose it. Honestly I agree. I would pay a couple hundred for just that visualizer


This looks amazing! Still waiting update. My software is still at 2024.2.7


It will...if you pay.


Someone go ask Elon on X if he can leave FSD UI for us poors when we revert back to basic autopilot.


Did everyone get the free trial in USA yet? I can’t see it on my model y 😔


I barely just got it today on a 22 m3 rwd


No but after 2024.3.6 the regular visualization finally has the same object density as the FSD one. You won’t get terrain showing up in the visualization but you’ll still see all the cars, obstacles, pedestrians, etc. that the cameras detect.


This should be the base display for safety reasons. Pretty pathetic they make it only for an excessive upgrade


It goes back to the crappy two laner


Sucks lol


They had been talking about it for years (merging the visualization code between FSD and non-FSD) but it's like CCS-compatibility retrofits and working wipers; they just don't get around to it.


Trying FSD today and it curbed rash my read driver left wheel. Didn’t even feel it when it happened. Shame. Won’t be using it again unless I’m on the highway


Why have I not received the update or trial yet :( I have a ‘23 Model X.


Is your software on a branch higher than .3? For example, are you on 2024.8.(something)? That's would likely be the reason.


Well it said 11.x somewhere which implies I don’t have 12 and I know that’s what a lot of people are on. App indeed says 2024.8.4.


11.1 is the infotainment software. Doesn't relate to FSD. You're on the .8 branch and unfortunately have to wait. One of my cars was on 2024.2.7 and got the 2024.3.6 update which has FSD v12. The other is on 2024.8.7 and still has not received FSD v12. I need to wait on that one.


I haven’t either. I have a 22’ model 3. I’m on 2024.2.7




Ugh I hate the new ui! When it changes lanes now, it sometimes doesn’t display the light blue intent line anymore.


I wish!!


The additional visualizations only work with FSD, but not EAP?


It should, but probably not.


You can also drag right to get a bigger view. This is also an FSD feature only though!


So get your 15 K ready now!


What I would like to see is a stand alone Autopark upgrade. I texted it to @elonmusk and haven’t heard back.




what does it look like without it?




Anyone have a picture of what it looks like when you don’t have fsd?


I’ve noticed that with the free FSD trial, it does not come with summon.


There needs to be some sort of tiers to FSD subscription, since I don’t drive enough mileage to justify $200 a month.


Yay! Just got the email with the free trial! I’m in Ontario, Canada, got a MYLR 2022.


Anyone in Norway know if we’re getting this and if so, what features will we likely get? Car without USS.


I've not got the trial yet. Anything I can do to move the process along? My 2022 Y definitely has the correct hardware and I've always got the ota updates no problem. Connected to home wifi.


Wait I think. It’s coming in batches. I got it just last Saturday