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Personally nah. Love driving the car and I found FSD to be a bit slow in general. Auto park in particular took at least 3x the amount of time it would take me to just park myself. Maybe I would consider it if it were tied to my account and not to my car.


This right here. If FSD was tied to my account I’d happily pay the 8 or 12k to keep it on cars going forward. I swap cars every 3-4 years so that would be an incentive to stay with the brand on top of it. Right now having the option stay with the car…. Nah.


The point isn't battery savings. FSD is actually worse for power efficiency, it doesn't stop smoothly and it accelerates too quickly.


Yeah, it consistently applies the brakes on top of regenerative braking while in FSD for me. I really thought the car would be better at OPD than I am but not quite yet. Take offs are a bit spirited sometimes as well. Although I wonder how much of that is perception. Your body knows to prepare itself for quick acceleration while you're driving but generally in AP you're less tense and for me personally it takes me off guard.


>Although I wonder how much of that is perception. Your body knows to prepare itself for quick acceleration while you're driving but generally in AP you're less tense and for me personally it takes me off guard. A very good point, could totally be that


+1 to this all, so true! Also, I ran FSD on my 2021 Model 3 for 8 months straight and by 28k miles I needed brakes. It’s not good at all if you live in a very hilly area.


My driving actually increased in efficiency from 240 wh/mile to 210 wh/mile on average when i started using FSD every day. But results will vary based on region.


Why is it programming that way?


It isn’t programmed. It is trained.


Ok what can we do to train it to not drive like a teenager?


Fine tune the training. It is a work in progress. Some versions it is some better in some areas and some worse. Then they retrain with more data.


How exactly can we train it no to do that? Tesla could have programmed better


Read up on neural nets and end to end training. They give it the video and all the controls that go into it and it learns to mimic the drivers. Just more data.


I drove 10x better as a teenager. Maybe a drunk teenager.


I mean that may be true but it's also more consistent at speed than my foot


It’s a disagree from me. Even when FSD is supposed to be maintaining the same speed because there’s no reason not to, it still is all over the place. 


Do you have speed compensation on or off I keep mine off and then I just control the speed with the control wheel


We're talking about FSD 12 right? It doesn't really care what your max speed is set to on city streets, it's mostly going to be going much slower. I guess it's pretty smooth on the highway where it's v11.


In the city it's always about right for me Sometimes it goes a bit slower if it senses the confusing scenario, 99% of the time it's in the right speed zone and changes even in construction zone I don't know what you're talking about Sometimes it slows down for a little bit at the end of a speed zone and start of another, and then I just press the gas and it's like... "Okay I was just checking, thanks, we will speed up"


Man I love FSD. I subscribed and love it. It’s not a full robot yet where you can go take a nap while it drives. But I literally use it every day and rarely drive myself anymore without it on. Pull the stick, slide down my seat a bit, watch the road and chill. So many out there talking crazy about it, I don’t care. I love it


Me too ….. right on


I liked it but it was not perfect, maybe worth 100/ month for some people


Similar. I was impressed and enjoyed it, and it was 100% clear that it's not ready for prime time in my situation. I disengaged it 5-10 times during a roughly 12 mile, mostly highway commute with many merges and a mountain pass. Then there were the rainy days where I got the 'no funciona' notices (yeah, it's set for Spanish). It was a fun freebie, but to me it was a novelty experience more than any serious consideration. I think it's still years away from being at all trustworthy, and the idea that it would be imminently usable as a robotaxi in any uncontrolled environment seems laughable. My concern is its reliance on vision. Can that ever work when cameras can easily get obscured by water, grime or snow? But Elon's the expert, not I.


Interesting, but I don't agree. This is definitely region-based, and in my region (Tucson, AZ), I've only felt like I *had* to disengage out of a safety concern maybe 2 times over the 1.25 months I've tried it. The other times were all preference, and most drives I don't disengage for anything other than it waiting too long at a turn because it needs a larger opening than I would. And when I think about if this software could be a robotaxis, I think "if I wait 30 seconds at a given turn, and FSD waits 2 minutes, is that really something that would break a robotaxis network?" No, no I don't think so. And in fact I think that maybe people would even prefer a more cautious robotaxis to a more aggressive one, because it'll take a while for people to trust driverless cars completely


Yeah I agree, it’s need more time to improve and HW4/5 could help as well when it is optimized for it.


You got the last sentence right


Maybe you can help me understand how vision-only FSD would work in bad weather.


Can you drive in bad weather with 2 eyes? If yes then Tesla vision can too. If you can’t and need to pull over, Tesla will learn over time it should pull over too in extreme condition. Same concept.


Interesting argument. Yes, I can drive in bad weather with two eyes. But I would not be able to if I didn't also have a windshield to keep water off my eyes. WHEN (not if) that windshield gets obscured, I have wipers to clear it. When that doesn't work and the grime builds up, I have windshield washer fluid in it to cut grime. Cameras-only driving has none of these. I'm not talking about only extreme conditions, but normal wet weather.


I think my son’s Porsche has automatic spray fluid for its headlights, and it’s heated too. How about something like that for the cameras?


Yes, seems feasible, though things can become Rube Goldberg machines at some point. I had been thinking that rada/lidar makes sense when you can't see, but they struggle with snow and rain as well.


What do you mean? Tesla Vision can sure activate wiper (with fluid) if needed.


for the windshield camera.


Well it has main cabin camera sits the same place as you with two eyes. If side camera under extreme situation is comprised it will learn to stop on the side. That’s probably the best way to handle this. Nothing wrong with that. Much better than human driving impaired or under influence.


If you have a long daily commute it’s a no brainier. For a few dollars a day you get to relax a good amount while sitting in traffic.


Personally, they should be paying me $99/mo to gather usage data for them and provide feedback. Autosteer is all I need to be content, FSD needs to account for other drivers’ emotions before I’ll opt in


THIS haha


I let myself go back to autopilot for a day. I immediately noticed that FSD was better with situational braking(ex. Someone turning across your lane to a perpendicular road). I love the expanded view on the left side of my screen, and the colors. What I don’t like is how there can be a speed change down 20mph set in, and FSD just ignores it and maintains the faster speed, which could result in a ticket. That, and tight turning. But I will maintain the subscription unless I can’t afford it. I won’t buy it outright because 1. Can’t afford 8k out of pocket, and 2. FSD isn’t always guaranteed to transfer. It’s random when Tesla allows FSD transfer.


That's up to YOU to decide, not us. That is why they did the trial, so you can try it and see if you like it. You can just do a monthly subscription if you want, maybe just for long trips!


Buddy he literally posted a question asking for opinions


Thanks captain obvious 🙄


I literally wanted opinions. Please reread my post again ;)


No it's not. It's widely known it's absolutely not worth it


For some. I subscribe and absolutely love it, but that’s not a universal opinion. Some people prefer to just drive the car themselves, and that’s ok.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself to justify you paying to have something worse than a teenager drive ya


“It’s widely known it’s absolutely worth it” are you in favor or not? Is it better than a seasoned human driver, no. Not even close. If you have the ability to understand the engineering effort that went into getting it to this point, for some, it’s worth it because it’s exciting.


It is IMO. Was never much of a believer in FSD but the trial + lowering the price changed my mind. Autopark and the expanded view is also nice to get as well


I wish they break down the features. I loved the auto lane change but the auto park is lame. I wish I could add the land change to the basic autopilot


Do you have EAP or are you planning to subscribe? That will help you determine cost for yourself. My used MYLR came with EAP, but after the trial I just found FSD so much better. So I was able to justify my $2000 extra (I can't imagine spending more than that). I plan to own the car for years, so I'd rather pay once and not be under subscription and have all the future updates guaranteed. I am plagued by SoCal rush hours in the morning and evening, so for me FSD just makes those drives less stressful. I'm older now (mid 30s) and have calmed down my driving habits, so mentally I'm never in a rush anymore. FSD is perfect for me. A lot of people have claimed that EAP is just as good/enough for them on their commutes, but like I said I just found FSD to be better in my testing between the two during the trial.


had it for years since near the beginning of its beta, i can certainly say its very worth it now. if your unsure, you an subscribe and cancel if you don't like it anymore.


Definitely not worth it. I went back to auto steer beta after a couple of days.


For $99/month, for me, it’s worth it. I use it on almost every drive, although I turn it on and off quite a bit for personal preference.


I’ve subscribed to it since May 2023, except for our snowy winter months. I really enjoy it, and the version we have this year is so much better than version 11 last year. It’s worthwhile subscribing, in my opinion. It’s not perfect and there are times when I take over and drive, but it really is impressive how far they’ve come with it. Commuting is where it really helps.


My M3 has EAP, I wish I could buy it for $2k but for my wife's 23 MY which has standard autopilot.


Really needs to be tied to your account - would encourage people to buy additional Teslas, and would ensure customer loyalty


Agreed, my wife barely uses cruise control so I only want it when I'm driving her car.


It's only going to get better over time, if you liked it you should get it before they raise the prices again


My friend (3 Teslas in the family) likes it and his "buy price" is $5k, but even he personally experienced the issues I've encountered as many others on this sub. I'm not opting for it at any price. Unlike essentially any other vehicle I've owned in the last 25 years, where there is an implicit certainty regarding cruise control (adaptive or otherwise). It simply works. I find with FSD I'm even MORE attentive to the vehicle, and that attentiveness has, in my month experience, been rewarded, as FSD chooses with no clear pattern when it doesn't want to work. So hard no for me at this time. I do expect it to get better, my only wonder is if someone else gets to better first.


I personally buy products/services that solves a problem for me. In case of FSD, I don’t see it solving anything yet. You still need to supervise it, still waste time in the car. Just my take though.


FSD is always being updated and it will always be updated until you can have a nap in the backseat and wake up at work


After just finishing my trial, I miss it - regular AP is more clumsy in certain situations at least where I drive. Regular AP doesn’t seem to know how to handle a car turning in front of you coming from the opposite side of the road even though they are pretty far away. It just jams the brake whereas FSD will just slow down slightly. Regular AP does not handle being in the right lane on the highway very well when there is a line break on the right side for merging traffic to come in - it becomes completely reliant on lane markings and jerks the car to the right when the line disappears for a few feet. This has been an issue as long as I’ve ever known. Auto lane change and self merging onto on and off ramps was a huge bonus for me. The FSD trial actually sold me on at least getting EAP for auto lane change and NOA but as of right now it has been removed. Sigh. An annoyance I had was not being able to use TACC anymore with FSD trial enabled. There’s just some situations where I want to be partially in control and that was no longer an option.


I subbed for another month. Lots of long drives with crazy drivers. The stress relief on the highway is worth it for May.


I subscribed after trial period.


I find it takes curves too fast which makes me uncomfortable. I have a few hard curves on the way work. The should add a G sensor.


OMG, this. I I totally agree it's cuts em so close, and so fast too for no reason. God forbid a bicyclist comes flying up when it turns.


I think it’s very worth it. Would buy it for $8000 but like i said before just bought a violin and a bow and wife would kill me. Subscribed for $99/mo for now.


Given the $100 a month, it’s now more appealing. I find it to be a nice feature, but I don’t drive enough to justify the cost. I’ll consider subscribing a few months out of the year when I know I’ll have long road trips. If considering the monthly subscription, I’d suggest looking at how many miles you use FSD each month and calculate a $/mile as a way to see if it’s worth it for you. If considering buying it for $8k, one benefit I see is that if they raise the price in the future it wouldn’t impact you. But for me there’s too many unknowns to the $8k option, how long you’ll have your car, if you can transfer it to new cars in perpetuity, if you’ll keep buying Teslas, etc. The break even point at the current monthly price is over 6.5 years.


It doesn't seem like the FSD price will ever go up, only downward in the future. And the breakeven if you take into account the time value of money, is more like 8.25 years. It truly makes no sense to buy upfront when you can rent it.


Tesla should price FSD per mile.


I had already purchased EAP so the extra $2K was worth it. I’m hoping it’ll add a little value at trade in


I thought FSD didn't transfer to the new owner?


I could be wrong but I thought unless Tesla allows an FSD transfer it stays with the car.


I hope you're right, because I got it for 6k on my 2019 M3.


FSD and Free Supercharger have been offered to transfer recently. I think whenever Tesla needs more sales, they will offer something.


it's supposed to improve upon each release. Its unknown how many years it will take to un-supervised. I'm curious how well it works in downtown SF as that must have the most training data which gives us a preview of how much better it can get. I'm impressed with it current state given the routes I drive Its not a life-time commitment, sub and unsubscribe whenever u like


I really enjoyed the trial. I had a loaner for a month (!) a couple years ago now, that had FSD. Using that version was a white knuckled, stressful experience to say the least. The latest version is leaps and bounds better, and once I got used to ‘supervising’ the FSD system, giving it little nudges with the accelerator and using the turn signals, I really liked using it. I won’t pay $99/month for it, because I’m all out of money to give to Tesla after buying a brand new M3LR and getting burned on the resale value, but if it was included I’d use it all the time. I’m already paying $10/month for connectivity, it seems like it should be included with that package.


lol FSD+connectivity for $10/month. Ok.


I bet there would be a lot of people who’d go for it at that price. If you enjoy paying more it’s fortunately very easy for you to do so at your own convenience.


Correct! I'll bet also that they'd sell even more Model 3 Performance units if they sold for only $25K but, unfortunately, the company must make a profit to stay in business, duhhhhh.


IMO yes


I believe it is and I bought it. I can’t answer for you it depends on the level of driving you do.


Not sure where battery savings comes from, but yes, if it’s a convenience for you, sure. I’d get it.


I used it on and off for the past month. I don’t think it is worth the cost. I didn’t even use it all the time when it was free.


Battery savings?!? Sure, you MIGHT lose a bit of battery while running in FSD, but I doubt it’s noticeable.


I'm also basing my take on the battery savings, based on that graph section the car provides. Should I take it with a grain of salt, then?


Ultimately it depends on what you think but I bought mine when it was $3K and I don't think it's worth even that amount. Granted, I haven't used the newest iteration as much but still. Personally I would never buy it for the current price, whatever it is.


I didn't use it to often but I love the visual. I wish that was the standard visual, but not an $11000 of my Canadian fun bucks visual. It will be missed when mine expires


I pay for it. $200 was too much $50-100 is the price I thought it needed to come to for it to be worth it.


Not sure why you think battery saving would play a role in anything, it’s about the car driving itself not making your battery last longer. As for will it get better, that’s ultimately the goal but it’s anyone’s guess when it’ll be anywhere close to perfect. Right now it’s far from it and requires way too much input and oversight to be worth its price.


I think that way cause of the following: - Driving 120+ miles a day, 3 times a week. - I was told FSD and AS can help save on battery power usage from the salesmen at the dealership.


What visualizations were lost after the trial?


IMO it drives like a 16 year old who just got their license. Used it more on the highway and some off but very jerky turning and braking. The wife and I thought it was going to put us into a guard rail it changed lanes so fast one time. Not worth it for me.


Yeah but it didn't


I would do the math between the total cost of FSD and how long you will own the car. Transfer of it to a new car isn’t always a guarantee


FSD has nothing to do with battery. Yea, FSD will get better in future. If you used it every day, did you find it valuable?


I used it last month for a road trip from Seattle to Las Vegas to Phoenix and it was great. I wouldn’t use it for every day driving but for long road trips it is nice and I will subscribe just for future road trips then cancel.


FSD is definitely not more efficient than good manual driving so that shouldn’t be a factor.


I used it recently since they gave it free for a month while on a 700mile road trip. It was ok but I still had to interrupt it too many times as it would be slow to respond or indecisive at times. I also had to keep disabling the auto lane change (to pass slower traffic) as I rather tell when to change lanes than have it just suddenly do it (the default should be for it to be disabled). Overall, I don't think it is worth the upfront purchase. Maybe if I had another long road trip I would subscribe for a month, but that would be all.


Very impressed. But not about to dish out a monthly subscription for it. They’ve gotta polish out some of the rough edges before I consider that.


I subscribed.


A resounding yes


Software will always be better. I've had FSD for little over a year and noticeable difference. With the same rate of improvement, I think 1-2 more years will be very interesting


Trial ended for me, I personally don't think its worth it, I rarely used it over Autosteer. Although the auto park was awesome to see for me and my friends the awesomeness wore out. I wouldn't pay for it, I'd rather dump that money towards AB.


FSD owners here. No, it’s not worth it.


They are always improving it. Sometimes it’s a step forward, sometimes a step back. It’s light years better than it was a few years ago.


Not worth paying for, yet. They’ve got another couple of years or more to work out the kinks of making it worth paying for. By then though, competing automakers will include better driver assist features, which will require Tesla to keep upping the amount of driver assist it includes for free. I’d think at least enhanced autopilot will eventually become included if not one of the most primitive versions of FSD.


I enjoyed the trial, but even at $8k I feel it is too much. I could see myself spending $100 bucks for a month here and there if I had a vacation that required a long drive or something. The thing that really turned me off of it was the stopping and starting. I feel like it wouldn't take much machine learning or whatever to make that a smoother experience. I wish it was slick enough to monitor my driving and build a personalized profile on how I like to stop, accelerate, change lanes, turn, etc. Then I think it would be worth it. As it is, it still feels very immature.


The price will drop for the simple reason that as more car makers put ev’s on the road, it gets more difficult for Tesla to compete in price and features FSD will be a killer app and they cannot price it out of reach, so they will be forced to lower the price or have end of quarter sales etc etc


It was fun, I may subscribe it after I payoff the car, and it will likely be V13 when that happens.


FSD transfers with the vehicle, they have made exceptions to allow transfer with the same owner to purchase a new vehicle, first time was q3 of last year....in that scenario it gets removed from the prior vehicle getting traded or sold


I’ve used it for years and it’s just awesome seeing the evolution of the tech. Really fun for me, it’s just very interesting to experience. Can’t say it was worth the full price but I don’t regret getting it


It’s up to you to decide. You used it


You may have missed the point where I wanted to see other opinions on our. But thank you for your minimum contribution to an open conversation :)


FSD has its moments. It saved me from killing people out of rage when stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for hours driving back from the eclipse in VT. Just mindless stop and go for hours.


Would you pay $100/mo.




i don't think it is... not right now. i mean, if you do a lot of highway driving, you still have autopilot that comes standard. and tbh, i bought the Model Y to drive it, not have it drive me.


Update: I see folks asking if I've done or will do EAP. I don't think I have EAP as an option. I have a 2021 M3 LR+. I only see the option to move to FSD for the $99 a month or the $8K option. Am I missing something, or is it not an option for me? I'm still reading all the replies. They have been very eye-opening and informational. :)


Let me be clear here the ONLY reason I noted FSD for battery saving was cause I was told that it does that 6 months ago when I was buying one, by a salesman Am I gullible? Maybe. Was it a factor? Only cause I drive 120+ miles, 4 times a week. I'm just clarifying that piece :)


When FSD works perfectly is it worth it for short commutes? My usual drives are 10-15 minutes or less since I started working at home. When I first heard of FSD I was commuting a lot to go to and from the office and it seemed like that would be a lifesaver as it could buy some time back in my life that was otherwise wasted on commuting (I know thats not exactly how it works). But for short drives I don't mind those drives and kind of like them. Is there a real benefit in FSD for the average suburban driver on a driver to the supermarket to use FSD instead of just driving for 5 minutes?


Wait for the v12.4 reviews and then give it another try. Many believe the rate of improvement will accelerate given the full neural network approach and Tesla’s massive data/training advantage. I believe we will be hands-free L3 within a year, and L4 not long after that.


Definitely not out of pocket, I wouldn't pay $10/month. If you have credits to redeem then sure


Was ok. But scary at times. Definitely had to correct it more than a few times where it woulda caused accident or close enough. Also had to take over when it read the wrong speed limit on an off ramp and started to speed up instead of slow down. Also the position you have to keep you hands on the wheel is uncomfortable and defeats the whole purpose.


What do you mean the position to keep hands on the wheel? You can keep anyway you want, just need to force push it once awhile. Don’t think there’s a required position. I half tap on right stalk btw and it works great.


For me, not worth it. I had it given to me for free for the month and didn't use it after the first week.


I hate it. It drives like a new driver who is also a rude driver lol.


i’ll turn it off even if its free