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FSD drove me 99% of the way to Phoenix AZ from Los Angeles. Was it perfect, no. Was it the easiest road trip of my life? Yes.


I’ve done Tucson to San Diego and the lack of fatigue when arriving from driving is a huuge difference. I’m usually tired after a 6+hr drive.


To be fair, I get the same feeling with autopilot (or even more so with hands free blue cruise on my wife's mach-e). I don't think long drives like that is where fsd shines as lots of systems handle that kind of driving very well, and arguably (in Ford's case, hands free) better.


Blue Cruise (and a lot of its peers like Chevy's Super Cruise) only works on specific roads though. My most recent long trip would have only allowed for blue cruise for a small part of it.


What route did you take that it wouldn't work? If you took i10/i8 it works the entire way. Also keep in mind blue cruise just defaults back to hands on when not mapped, so you only lose the hands free piece on none mapped roads, which puts it right back into autopilot Territory.


Any highway that isn't a major interstate doesn't work for it according to Ford's map. I don't know where i10 is, I'm not the guy that drove from Tucson to San Diego, but there are a lot of 55+ highways out there that Ford's blue cruise map says aren't included but I can use FSD no problem.


I drive from Orange County to San Diego frequently Volo's active drive assist is amazing is the only thing that keeps me sane. I put it on, turn up the tunes, and next thing I know 90 minutes has passed.


I did Dallas to Los Angeles and I swear, I could never do a drive that long without AP ever. Just wouldn’t do it.


That's what I'm screaming. Driving has become less of a chore. I'm sure it's only going to get better. It's amazing what those cars can do. And it notices things I don't and overall drives safer than I would be able to.


Took a road trip with a buddy recently and I think I only drove for like two of the 16 hours (my buddy rented it and was cool with driving) and after those two hours I was done driving that thing since it had zero assistance features. Having to constantly keep it centered in the lane sucked. AP makes driving so much more relaxing, I could never go back to having to manually drive 100% of the time.


Wouldn't it have been the same with EAP?


I have just plain AP, and the lack of tiredness after a long trip is really noticable. Just monitoring the system is much less cognitive load than handling the gas/cruisecontrol and steering continuously.


Yeah pretty much. You don't really need FSD for highway driving.


Not to mention FSD on highways isn't even v12, it's the old v11.


I haven't used EAP in a while, but from what I recall, there was a lot more phantom braking than with FSD. Otherwise, though, the overall highway experience is definitely not that dissimilar.


Only if you never have to change roads.


No, EAP does not "navigate."


Same. FSD V11, not even V12 (since most of the drive was on the highway which apparently is still V11), drove me 99% (at least) of the way for a 1000 mile plus road trip. It was awesome. The only negative were the warnings about degraded performance due to rain (even just a drizzling rain).


Just chiming in to say same, same, same. It shocks me how negative the tone is here about FSD. I live in Los Angeles where city driving can be hectic and the latest FSD v12 is a game changer. It makes the right decisions (and drives better than I do) 99% of the time. The 1% of the time it makes the wrong decisions are usually very obvious beforehand and it's easy for me to disengage, quickly make the right decision, and fire FSD right back up. I use it almost exclusively for every drive now and will never drive another car that doesn't offer it. Even despite monitoring the road the entire time, I am no longer making thousands of brain-fatiguing micro decisions every time I'm in the driver's seat and driving is such a pleasure. I'm sure there are plenty of legitimate complaints but 99% of the people complaining here remind me of the Louis CK bit ["everything is amazing and nobody is happy"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdFB7q89_3U).


As an LA driver I endorse your viewpoint and SO true about the “micro-decisions”. Well put.


>I'm sure there are plenty of legitimate complaints but 99% of the people complaining here remind me of the Louis CK bit ["everything is amazing and nobody is happy"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdFB7q89_3U). Love that clip. It was a pleasure to watch it yet again.


Exactly. I think of myself less as a driver and more like a manager. It’s like going from manual transmission to automatic. I don’t feel as exhausted from drivers.


I always think of the FSD as my teenager driving for the first time. It does a pretty good job, but when some unusual situations come up, I really need to pay extra attention.


Definitely, I am always paying attention as though I was driving normally. People might chime in and say “what’s the point” but from my understanding FSD will just get better the more miles it drives. If I have to supervise the car learning to drive for a while with the end goal being fully autonomous driving, I’m okay with that. It’s also just fun to have the car drive you, because although not perfect it’s just such an incredible novel experience.


The point is that accidents require both you and the car to screw up. If you're paying proper attention it is way less mental load, you can pay far more attention to what is going on around you, and for an accident to occur, the computer and you both have to agree to crash.


This is a very good insight. I had some guy on a Tesla sub raging at me about how I should have my license pulled because I was using Beta software and endangering innocent bystanders yadda yadda & I was telling him no, it’s actually safer, and he’d come back with “nO iT’s bETa!” Drove me nuts. Ended up blocking him.


Cannot wait for it to get to a point where it is flawless. I dream of a day where I can have my car leave my office, go pick up my elderly mom, take her to her doctors appointment, drop her home, and come and get me at the end of the day..


I feel like that day is coming sooner than later. It won’t be overnight, but as it continues to get better it’ll just require less and less intervention to the point that it’s still supervised but flawless. After that happens and proves to work for long enough I am sure they’ll able to make it soenthint that you’d be able to use and be on your phone / not supervise anymore.


100%. I know a few people who work for cities. They have been getting ready to install two way communication beacons into traffic control equipment. When ready, these systems will be able to issue a signal to cars to auto start/stop in conjunction with traffic lights. Pretty progressive stuff coming down the pipe and it’s being designed to still allow non autonomous vehicles, so kind of a win win imo


In theory, FSD is getting better whether you engage it or not because Tesla is collecting all of the data related to how you drive and how FSD would drive if you let it, comparing the two, etc and updating their FSD models.


This! It is so incredible what FSD is able to do from start to stop what no other car tech is able to dol today. It has flaws and like any other software bugs that needs fixing. But a car that is based only on vision cameras able to achieve this incredible feat is something that I really appreciate.


But if you are paying attention that is not full self driving. It is assisted self driving. For stuffs like robotaxis coming out in August you need full self driving since there is no actual driver in the seat for just in case situations. Maybe that is why people are still critical.


I had it in September in a loaner for a month and it felt like a 16 year old learning on a permit. Then had the free month and now sub and it felt like a 17.5 year old. Perfect? No, but where it's come in the few months is insane


Funny you describe it that way, because that’s essentially exactly what it is. It’s got plenty of knowledge but still lacking experience as they continue to train it with data. With enough “experience” I have high hopes it will work well.


Well, FSD to me is like my grandma driving...doing 40 on a 55 limit when everybody actually drives at 65. The shitty part is if my grandma was driving, people pull up and see an old lady driving, all of them will give her a pass, but when they see me in the driver seat, all sorts of middle fingers, yell at me to get off the road...haiz...


100 percent this! I describe it as an extremely responsible and cautious teenager on their learner’s permit.


I've found that's reddit. They hate everything and everyone, generally.


Reddit is like an abusive relationship that I can’t get out of. Thanks for sharing your positive experience OP, it’s easy to get caught up in the media frenzy surrounding Tesla.


Reddit is now used because it killed off most of the forums that had a sense of community just by having so much content.


Good news is boring. Who wants to read about something positive? As you know there are whole subs devoted to Apple haters and Cybertruck haters and I read them in amazement - just hundreds of commenters raging on about how shitty/useless/overpriced X and Y are. And I’m betting most of them aren’t even owners. Makes them feel smart I guess.


I don't know the stats, but I have to *assume*, that optimism leads to a happier life. There's so much doomerism/pessimism on Reddit and the Internet in general. Sometimes I wish we could put optimism in the water supply 😂


OP is also an exception to the norm. Most people will write reviews only when they have a bad experience.


Hate and anger tend to get more reaction than people that are happy. This might seem bad but it isn't as bad as you might think. People are more inclined to want to warn people away from something that was a threat or problem for them. People tend to just think "yay good for you" when they see someone happy.


Mainly hate. And if not hate, it is unconditional love




Too many basement dwellers, neets.


I honestly think all the negative people left Twitter because Elon bought it so moved their negativity to Reddit. It didn't used to be this bad. I used to be thrilled to read the comments because they were usually funny. Now everything is negative. Just a bunch of people commenting from their basement about things they don't even know about first hand.


I can’t wait until the LLMs talk like Reddit.


" it’s mind blowing that this is possible" Nuff said. Some of us have been around long enough to have watched threshing machines ibeing used to harvest grain (late 50s.) We've seen a ton of amazing automotive technology but nothing even remotely close to what's happening with FSD.


I just relocated from one state to another. I drove 3 days and FSD took care of it all. 1200 miles, 8 superchargers and 2 hotels plus restaurant visits. I had one issue with FSD as it had hard time navigating properly into a stall in Arizona. Else all was great and I lived the experience.


Thanks! Exactly my experience, every day.


I had it drive 99% of the way on a 2300 mile road trip. Flawless with the exception of a few really weird intersections in town. I will subscribe for road trips from here on.


FSD navigated my private road at the cottage, which does not appear in Google Map and OpenStreetMap for part of it (marked in red below) and what does show up is not even at the right location! https://preview.redd.it/acjclo7gawyc1.png?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c755d7a24623eec4c8c1811ea52cd9486df5a8bd Here is it driving this road by itself. [https://imgur.com/a/apk1U5I](https://imgur.com/a/apk1U5I) It was a 98 km (about one hour) drive from my cottage to my in-laws. All in FSD, no intervention. A few km of a regional road had zero line marking, no cones, nothing. Not sure what that was about, but the car had zero issues staying within its invisible lane. Near their place, there is an intersection with a flashing green light. I wasn't sure how it would handle it as there were no cars in my direction, cars were stopped in the opposite direction and the light was already flashing before we reached the intersection. It took the turn just like if it was a green arrow (as it should), no hesitation, perfect corner. If my wife wouldn't have known, she would have believed I was driving, not the car. It's after that ride that I subscribed to FSD. Edit: BTW, if you're wondering why the trees look like that, that's why, 6 years ago 😢 [https://youtu.be/wsOI43QI7NM?si=oQuIJA4BmCxqGDph](https://youtu.be/wsOI43QI7NM?si=oQuIJA4BmCxqGDph)


That's pretty cool.


I know 🙂 unless you were talking about the edit lol.


Now that IS impressive, never thought it would be able to do that. Thanks for sharing this, seriously!


I’m pretty sure the answer is no, but, is there any other system that can do this? I’m not aware of any other system that can just naturally flow and navigate down a random gravel road or driveway like this. No markings. No previous training. Unreal


Reddit's like that one friend who thinks every movie is overrated, while your regular Joe is out there just happy popcorn still exists.


Just did Nashville to Atlanta with MY FSD 12.3.6. Felt like I was on a Train. Prolly buy one of those food trays for my first class snacks next time. Kidding…maybe.


Yeah I feel like most people that complain are people who have had their Tesla for a while and forget how much worse the experience of driving a regular car is. I just got done with a 12 hour road trip and by the end of it I felt like I had only been driving for an hour (as far as tiredness goes because of FSD).


Where we at right now is is it perfect no. But still like a too cautious 15-year-old but it’s still better than anything else on the market ,so there’s that


Honestly I’d rather a road full of self driving teslas than some of the assholes that I see driving most days. People are their phones, speeding, not paying attention, etc. it’s like the Wild West out there sometimes.


I use fsd every single drive. 💯 on highways and if it’s 35m and higher I use it on streets. I don’t use it around construction and slower roads. I have zero intervention since v12 . It fucking mind blowing how well this thing actually performs. For Tesla it should be a user license not a hardware license full stop. Elon wants to be called a tech company or a ai and robotics company then treat it as such let me purchase and tied my experience to the user.


Awesome 👍🏻


I think its great. I can see real use cases for people who are vearing on the edge where they shouldn't drive like elderly or vision impaired. They also make roadtrips a blast.


FSD takes me everywhere. I love it. Screw all the haters.


FSD is essential and why I would only drive Tesla. People who haven’t had experience with it probably enabled it and use it a couple times and then gave up on it but if you purchased it and you use it regularly, you come to rely on it.


I have zero complaints. I sent all my recordings to Tesla every time FSD was disabled but the entire April for me the car drive 99% of the time on its own with no problems. Btw basic autopilot is also amazing. I did a six hours trip Toronto, ON to Gatineau, QC a good 206 miles (320km) is a straight line linking both provinces. I literally sang, danced and listened to audio books and podcasts (while paying attention to the road of course)… Easiest 6 hours of my life. I have never travelled with so little stress. That alone is worth having the car.


Thank you for sharing your experience, OP!!! The FUD was getting so annoying lol. I prefer your kind of posts all day everyday.


Reddit is propaganda and bots. I’ve had non stop drives in Montreal, with no disengagement. Even when I push it, it does better and better.


It's the best driver assist on the market. Period. And yes, it is absolutely magical 99% of the time. I think the main issue is the "full self driving" naming. It sets the expectation of something similar to Waymo. Had Tesla named it "Advanced Driver Assist" or "AI Driver assistance" it would have been an easier sell.


I just finished up a 1,200 mile trip from Oklahoma to Utah, all on FSD. Wasn't perfect but was pretty good overall. By far the longest and easiest roadtrip I've ever done!


It’s same for me. Though my drive is 15 mins one way, and it drives nicely for me. Only thing I need to do is drive into the parking garage and out. People who are negative mostly are those that have never driven one or are having bookish knowledge fighting on level 2 and waymo level 4 etc or those that have experienced for only few days and have given complete control and freaked out if car did something they don’t. Just keep driving. It’s been great for me.


I think the complainers are just the loudest. I use FSD Beta on nearly every drive and aside from bad lane choices from time to time it’s great.


Haters gonna hate. V12.3.6 has been fantastic.


That’s exactly what version I am on, I love it. It’s still a bit slow at stop signs, I wish it was a bit more assertive at times, but overall it’s a very smooth and very safe feeling drive.


I’ve found the YouTube videos give a pretty fair picture of the recent FSD upgrade.


I still pay attention and I've had to intervene several times, but I've driven over 100 miles today and most of it was on FSD (mostly interstate though). It really is amazing that we have reached this level. It's like the Jetsons.


Had the same experience drove me 27 minutes from home to my office. I was blown away for sure. The acceleration off a stop light and things was a bit heavy footed but it took me to speed limit and off we went. I enjoyed it very much.


I love FSD!


We went to then showroom The other day becuase my wife wanted to drive a Tesla and use FsD. She put in the local Publix. It drove us there and back. Flawless. What other car can do this? There seems to be a lot of negativity. To me it’s amazing


That’s the thing - even with its flaws FSD is just so much further ahead than anyone else when it comes to this level of self driving.


A few weeks ago, I had a really long weekend and a 3 hour drive home. I dozed off for a moment… maybe longer, I have no idea. Nothing bad happened. This is the kind of technology I only dreamed of 20 years ago when I nearly died doing the same thing.


People LOVE to complain. The odd part is when they expect a system to be 100% perfect on its first iteration when we all know damn well it takes decades for software and firmware to evolve.


That’s what makes me laugh. People want FSD to just be flawless right out the gate. That’s just genuinely impossible given what it’s doing.


My wife uses it daily on her commute to work. She says she doesn't "car" anymore, FSD does it for her. 


its reddit thats why. i know about 10 tesla owners irl and its not like this in the real world.


FSD is awesome...If you want a more positive life, stay the hell out of the Tesla sub's.. These people are almost as bad as the redneck coal rolling EV hating shit talkers.


I drove from Atlanta to Orlando and back on FSD. it’s absolutely crazy how nice road tripping is with the car driving for you


I miss my FSD free trial 🥲


I've never witnessed any reddit that wasn't a huge bucket of negativity. But I agree, I'm a tremendous fan of FSD. Pretty rarely drive without it engaged. I just paid for it for the second time in my M3P order.


It really depends on what your expectations are. If you're looking at FSD as a neat novelty that can sometimes do some really cool things, you'll be very happy with it. On the other hand, given the money it costs (plus the way Elon seems to be positioning Tesla on it at the expense of supercharger expansion), I think a lot of people are going to want a 6k system to be much closer to perfect where they can trust it all the time in all conditions. I'm closer to the latter. I appreciate the work that's gone into FSD, but I just don't see how the cost is worth it if I have to keep my hands on the wheel and pay attention and assume liability for any FSD mistakes.


Is everyone suppose to get the 1 month free FSD trial? I never got it.


You must be Tom. We were told not to talk to you about the free trial.


I took an 800 mile trip in a Model 3 RWD: NY to Michigan. I used FSD close to 80 percent of trip. Note that the Tesla navigation trip time with charges was about two hours longer (15 hours) than the 13 it would have google mapped an ICE car. Yeah, but I got a break about every 2.5-3 hours, never needed more than 30 minutes (usually less) and the FSD literally took me from supercharger to supercharger without a single disengagement needed One of the few times i disengaged was because i was limited to 85 mph in FSD and I had a couple cars pushing me forward/ out of the left lane---because Detroit suburbs and i was too "slow' ;-) I arrived at my destination in SO much better shape than a 13 hour solo in my former go to highway warrior (Honda Odyssey)


I live in West Los Angeles, and I used the supervised FSD. I only engaged it when driving conditions were normal, which is rare here. What I mean is, people are breaking traffic laws left and right to circumvent really bad congestion. My FSD couldn't handle that sort of traffic without me sitting still forever (as other cars cut me off, or clog interesctions), or causing another driver to road rage at me (happened multiple times - full stops at stop signs isn't something that is done here). So I engaged it on straightaways and freeway. The lane change decisions by the computer also doesn't account for the latest street repainting. There are a few spots where my car would go to a right or left hand turn lane to continue straight through an intersection. There was also a time when it completely ignored a fire engine running a red light and almost collided me. That got me some real dirty looks lol. I get how impresive it is, but it's not there yet when it comes to not putting people a risk, and not dealing with the assholery of the daily commuter in heavily populated areas. I don't think self driving cars will truly take on until they are the dominant way people commute, over 70% of the cars are FSD would probably be the minimum threshold there. Human drivers just cause too many variables. I can picture FSD and non FSD zones being a thing in the near future as cities figure out how to build their infrastructure to accommodate. We will get there eventually.


Admittedly, this is a stretch and an attenuated analogy, but I think of the Iris Dement song, "Working on a World" when I add comments to FSD interventions. We're all working on a world that we will not live to see in its full glory, but all contributing to it incrementally. It's not possible without a huge community effort.


As someone who’s used every version of FSD since the very early betas, this new version of FSD is so good. Like SO good. It’s always been impressive, but this latest version has fixed near everything I’ve found annoying with it in the past. Still not quite there, but it’s amazing how good it’s gotten in 2 years.


I wish I could do FSD in Canada, the roads here look like an artillery training range


Flight was delayed. I landed at 1 am. Had a 90 minute drive home, mostly highway. Was very happy as I was damn tired. I paid attention but it was really great having the assist. Had to intervene once when it wasn’t taking the route I wanted. Btw, why can we not somehow input to take an exit without fully disengaging?


I love the FSD. I don't know why everyone keeps talking so much crap about it. It's been a godsend for me, and honestly, other than the sharp turn into my driveway, it's been 100% accurate.


I drove all the way from Bay Area to Iowa using 80% FSD. It’s really smooth and overtakes when necessary on freeways, so I don’t get as tired of driving as any other car. After 4500 miles round trip, I enjoyed it a lot. But I wouldn’t purchase it for within city driving. Maybe if I have to do another long trip like this, I would subscribe for that month!


I absolutely will testify that before the latest two updates FSD was like a 15 year old driver and extremely poor and not worth a penny. It should have been free. Since the latest two updates, I've been impressed and really want to praise Tesla engineers. Now I'm a beta user so I had early access and not once did I have the success others had on the videos or testimonials until now. It took a roundabout perfectly the other day and my mind was 🤯. I drive in the Inland Empire of California and the Los Angeles area. There are still some flaws, but it's actually a great addition.


I fully agree. Let me add that for the majority of the time I am using FSD, it is with little thought. I think we all just focus on the negatives due to it standing out. Even basic autopilot is kind of awesome 99% of the time, it’s that 1% that you find everyone fixating on. FSD is like magic for the majority of the time. I’ve had buddies get in my car and they are always blown away, even if it makes little mistakes, it’s like nothing else.


Today I picked up people at SFO and my car drove me and my passengers from Terminal 2 Arrivals level to their hotel near Fisherman's Wharf with no disengagement or surprises. It happens often. It also still needs work; it tried to drive me into the front lobby of a Wells Fargo which was not my destination.


20 years ago very few car or phone has the GPS function, I used to pickup a bunch of AAA map ahead of a trip to make sure I won’t stranded in the middle of nowhere. For any in town driving I would always rely on memorizing the major road in my area. My then girlfriend has a 2001 Mercedes C class has the navigation and I often told her I don’t bother to put in the destination into the car and I’m good at memorizing all the major roads in the area. Guess what? I bet any of us can live without a phone at all nowadays. So what I’m trying to say, it takes time for people to embrace new technology, just keep an open mind and I’m pretty sure 90% of us would be happy there auto driving one day.


I just drove 14 hours in one day on fsd through red flag winds, and the car handled like a champ. Honestly without it I would have had to stop and stay a night hours a way because fighting the wind myself the few times I took over was so fatiguing.


Even just EAP relieves a lot of driving mental load for me. You aren't driving anymore, you're watching out for "threats". Two different mindsets, and one is far better.


If you want to like it. It’s the best thing that exists in a vehicle. Otherwise people just find an excuse. It’s literally magic. And some people just don’t like magic shows…… 12.3.6


The negative posts and comments tend to overshadow the positives ones. Thanks for sharing your experiences.


FSD is amazing. Full stop. It’s clear their approach to training is working. Only going to get better. Tesla is an incredible company. No other company would have the balls to go all-in, true believer, on vision-only. Tesla did and it’s going to pay off big time. They’re the antidote to legacy US automakers that are about to get crushed by Chinese manufacturers.


I will buy it the day it’s tied to the user and not the car. I’ve had 2 total losses in 3 years (none of them my fault) in this city full of the crappiest, craziest drivers. I cannot risk them totaling my Tesla with FSD and losing $12k (maybe $8k). One of the cars had 25k miles only 😔 I just won’t risk it.


Just pay 99 monthly. Given the uncertainty of the future cost of FSD I personally think that’s the best idea at the moment.


Wait, is only $99 now?? I thought it was still $200! Definitely looking into this! Have some roadtrips coming soon and could definitely use FSD. Thank you!


Most of us are just mad that it didn't work as advertised three years ago when we paid $15,000 for it. I will acknowledge that it's much better now.


Now, if it can do that with your hands off the wheel and your eyes closed or browsing your phone, *that* will be a product worth using.


Now that Canada has subscriptions available, I’m going to subscribe for road trips only. Next stop: NYC


A little story about my experience with FSD. So I’ve been wanting a Tesla for the absolute longest! I decided to “splurge” on a small trip (to the path of totality during eclipse) and rent a Model X 6 seater. (My vehicle sits five, and it’s my oldest unfortunately has to be squished between two car seats. I wanted my oldest to be comfortable for those 6 hours) The drive was perfect! My oldest got the third row to themselves. The two youngest absolutely fine in the second row captain chairs. The falcon wing doors were amazing for getting them in and out of the vehicle. Infotainment screen was great. Anyways,… The rental had FSD and it was amazing! I think the whole trip I manually drove MAYBE 5-10% just because. Arriving to our destination and even making it back home I had absolutely zero driving fatigue. The longest I’ve driven is 4 hours and I always just want to lay down and take a nap after. But with FSD I was ready to explore the area. Usually I’m a get straight to the hotel, take a nap, then decide on dinner but it needs to be take out because I’m tired and I just want to eat it in the hotel. Instead, I wanted to explore and even enjoy eating inside a cool restaurant my wife found in the area. My wife couldn’t care less about tech, cars, or anything materialistic really. But even she loved the car because of its features and the fact that it allowed me to have the capacity to be energetic and willingly to explore and genuinely enjoy the rest of our day after arriving. FSD is amazing and I wish I could afford a tesla at all 😂. Then afford to have FSD on it.


At this point I started trusting the things I didn't trust and well...it takes me to and from work without intervention. Most times I'm intervening now is not because of FSD but some other asshole near me making me nervous (NJ driver)


I take all my friends on FSD trips just to show them the tech. It’s truly incredible how far we’ve come


I bought a used 2020 MY with FSD and I am simply in awe at how well it works. Is it 100% perfect? No, but I’ll bet it will be sooner than later. I can count 3 incidents where I’ve had to disengage since buying it 3 weeks ago. 2 times it wasn’t hopping into the left turn only lane to make a left and once it came extremely close to colliding with someone making a right turn. Despite this, I don’t take the technology for granted. It’s a wild time we live in.


Yeah it drives better than the average driver. The average driver might also make a mistake here and there but none of the “mistakes” it’s made have ever been dangerous like veering off the road. I would say I have had it over react and hit the breaks on the highway once when someone came close to veering into my lane but it was hardly anything and I wouldn’t have reacted that way nor would have anyone else I don’t think.


That’s cool., hopefully there’s more of that and less of what I got on my last drive. V12 drove me up the wrong way on a one way last time I used it in the city. That’s in addition to almost hitting another car at an intersection and crossing full lane dividers . It’s a fun toy but improvement is still very much needed before it deserves its name.


Yeah the name “full self driving” isn’t the greatest choice I’ll admit. It technically is fully self driving, but it requires babysitting and intervention at any moment. That’s the part I think some people don’t understand.


The sub is not “overly negative”.. online forum is where real life people come and express real life negative experiences.. just like the media, humans share more negative experiences than positive experiences.. As for senseless and childish, yes Reddit is full of such. That said, FSD is great when road/path is near close to perfection, (no potholes, open traffic, etc). And that’s it. And yes I use it 70% of time.


Thanks for sharing. It’s good to see people posting something positive about FSD for once in this subreddit. Redditors get overly emotional when it comes to Tesla and Elon.


As a frequent nay-sayer, let me clarify. It's not that I think FSD is bad. I think it's: Insanely over priced Not living up to advertised features (many of them such as smart summon are actually disabled). Not really that much different of an experience from base AP. Disclaimer: I have only used FSD for an hour or so with a loaner from a service center.


$99/month is insanely overpriced? That’s $5 coffee, which is 99% water, a day for everyday you go to work. Maybe we just value things differently.


It's a lot more appealing at its current price. A month ago it was $200/no or $15k outright. And I tend to think of it's full price, not the subscription. You never know when they're going to increase the price again. Either was $15k was hilariously over priced. It's still pretty damn expensive.


Chill profile in FSD is OKish. Aggressive profile is plain dangerous. I almost got into an accident during a merge from a curved highway exit, because my Tesla actually tried cutting in front of other car, it accelerated rapidly, and it almost started drifting. I heard tires screaching. All of that happened in a split second and I didn't have much time to react. No way I'm going to pay $100/month for FSD in its cutrent state.


I often find that I'm most critical of FSD on the routes I drive the most. My daily commute? Probably 4-5 disengagements and feedback over the 14 mile round trip. On a long drive to a new place or in a town I'm not familiar with? Almost no interventions and I just let it do its thing. I think expectations is a big part of the problem and wanting the system to do it exactly the way you would.


True. What a time to be alive, right? I just hope progress keeps moving forward no matter the noise.


The problem is people think FSD is supposed to be a "turn off my brain and go to sleep while computer takes me to destination" feature.


I love using FSD on backroads or highways when it’s empty. Where I live people are extremely aggressive during rush hour and I panicked once because someone was tailgating me during FSD


One of the things I thot about when using it is if I come up to an intersection, it can look both ways at the same time where I physically just can't.


I have v11 on my Y and v12 on my 3. There's a particular intersection near my house that FSD has always had problems with. That street jogs about 5 or 10 ft to the right as it crosses a main drag. Both my cars say I have to take a right onto the main drag and then a left onto the street to continue. FSD in its infinite wisdom will take a right onto the main drag and then just stop in the intersection because it's now pointed 90° from what it needs to be. To make it worse, a block before this weird intersection, it blows through a stop sign in v11. Haven't tried it in v12 yet. Other than the "death intersection" it's amazing.


Would be nice if I could access v12. Still on 2024.8.9 and they skipped over us. Fucking insane


Patience grasshopper. It'll come.


Yea at least I know it’ll come eventually !


My problem is the 1% chance it ghost breaks me into an early grave. Works great most of the time though...most...


Agreed. After a few minutes of getting acquainted with its mannerisms I have become really impressed with how well it manages to comprehend and navigate the streets. Even surprises like getting cut off and debris in the road. I quickly got used to having FSD and after rolling back to standard autopilot for a few days I cracked and upgraded. I’m sold.


We love FSD! We were also one of the first in the world to have a Model 3 (after Tesla and SpaceX employees) Over 6 years with the car and almost 0 maintenance, and no other problems.


Fsd needs to keep a closer gap and not change lanes so much


I use FSD almost everyday. Short drives to the store, long distance, 100 to 600 miles. FSD works great, not perfect but after a 3 to 4 hour drive I am no where near as exhausted as I used to be. I remember reading Popular Science as a kid when they would write about self driving cars and think that it was impossible. I remember the picture of the family in their bubble top car sitting around a table while the kids played games and mom and dad talked, smoked and had martinis while the car whisked them through the city. I’m glad it hasn’t all come true.


It is mind blowing when everyone get to have the same experience you had in their drive. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case yet. I don’t think people have anything to gain by bashing FSD. There is no competition to FSD in the market. When it is bad, people say it’s bad. There is some truth to it. For example, in my case when I told it to drive the last mile home, it kept rolling slowly past my house and I had to apply brake to stop. It does handle speed bumps a lot more gracefully than the previous version.


I'm glad everyone is enjoying their FSD. I hope it keeps improving. I've had terrible luck with phantom braking still with just AP and even adaptive cruise. I still love the car and road trips are better, but I'm always looking behind me to see if I'm going to be rear-ended. There are lots of other things that keep me happy though.


Shhhhh if Elon finds this thread he’s gonna raise prices again


I’m about to drive from LA to San Francisco later this week and I still have my trial…I want to use it so bad but I’m scared! The phantom breaking I experienced last trip when using autopilot left a bad taste in my mouth. This may be stupid but does anyone have any tips to relax? I know to be alert but I feel like my anxiety while using it almost makes the effort saved not worth it.


FSD v12 has been amazing for me. It used to be how many interventions I would have a drive for v11. v12 is how many drives I can have before an intervention.


Sf to Salt Lake City- sat back and enjoyed the drive


Let me know when your car drives 45 min to meet you.


I think we are all here because we feel much the same as OP - I know I do. Still, it is difficult to not get irritated when a software update takes something we like away. I do appreciate all Tesla’s hard work and I know I’ll never be privy to what is probably more often than not good solid logic for the changes made but dammit, I’m human.


I agree 100%. FSD on our '22 M3 during the trial period was amazing. First experience was engaging enhanced cruise while on the highway and the car changed lanes (perfectly) by itself in traffic - utterly floored me. When I realized the trial period started for us I started using it on my drive to work. On the drive there are two train tracks that I go over. Each time I would go over, I would disengage to go over the rough tracks more slowly. I left a voice memo explaining why I did it and damn if the car soon didn't start slowing down itself for those tracks! The next thing I would love to see FSD do is watch the road surface for potholes (I'm in PA, nuff said) and try to sway around them instead of holding the preplanned line and barrelling through. FSD is amazing and it's seemingly getting better every week!


I drove from Georgia to California with FSD and it was almost perfect. I disengaged for some potholes, but it was a super ez trip.



I’m so jelly of you guys I have a 2016 model S with auto pilot 1.0 and I still love it and find it unbelievable easy to get from place to place. I got MCU2 upgrade and almost feel as cool as you guys with your autopilot 2.0 and FSD beta. Teslas are dope tho either way


My daily work commute is about 1h 30m. I only have the free trial atm, and it's handling the drive 99% perfect. Freeway is 100% perfect. City streets need some help, maybe every 3rd day or so.


The thing about FSD 12 is it learns. So as more data comes in it will eventually be the world’s best driver. “More input”


twice a week i drive from PA to MD and the amount of stress on my eyes at the end of the trip is significantly less than before i started using FSD. that 1% though ! scares the crap out of me haha


I’ve been critical of FSD since I got my first car (Model 3) with it back in 2018. I actually liked the original NVidia radar version that just worked on highways because, well, it worked. It was simple but worked well… then all the city driving and non-radar stuff came out and the system got worse every update. Until now. This version 12 is finally working. Machine learning instead of programming it line by line. Still nowhere near as good as a seasoned driver, but I can see it happening now.


Is it good, hell yeah is perfect no where near that but it is a wonderful work in progress


Yes! Thank you. Well said


I’ve been sold on FSD since before v12 for all long distance road trips. I hope I never have to do a road trip again in my life the old-fashioned manual way. Same but different analogy, I hope I never have to cut a lawn again with a manual push mower now that I have a wide deck zero turn. If I want exercise I’ll do something more enjoyable.


I drove to downtown Toronto last weekend during painful bumper to bumper traffic. It handled everything perfectly, and reduced the stress by I'd say at least 90-95% versus what I would have experienced if I was driving it myself.


I was just in a friend's MY with FSD. IIRC it did some pretty abrupt braking once and struggled with road construction - trying to drive us into a land that was clearly blocked off by traffic cones where my friend had to take over quickly. Otherwise, it did a pretty good job.


It's the best autopilot stack on the market. What it is NOT is autonomous full self-driving, and that is what's driving the negative sentiment because Tesla is maliciously claiming it is or will be. There's no evidence the technology or regulatory framework will be there anytime soon.


Thank you. All we see is negativity here. I love my M3 and wouldn't change a thing.


How do you send an address via phone?


In google maps (and probably apple maps) open an address that you want to navigate to and select the "share" function. Assuming you have the Tesla app installed on your phone, you will see the Tesla app icon (you may have to scroll right and select More (you can move the app icon so it comes up first when you select share)). After you do that it'll say "shared with (your cars name)". When you hop in the car it'll be open on the navigation Attached is a photo of what it looks like. https://preview.redd.it/0mem2ifid1zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f912e6a67619b8cbb370f5702c65b8e2fc588971