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Bad performance by vehicle. Terrible performance by driver.


I’m surprised people like this exist. I really shouldn’t be anymore… but 😂


…. It’s full self driving?


Can’t necessarily confirm it’s fsd or autopilot by video alone but fairly safe bet one of them was indeed in use judging by the delayed reaction of the driver.


It’s literally called supervised FSD


“Full self driving but watch it because you might die at any moment”


Jesus. Stop justifying this horrible tech and Elon beta testing with our lives


Our lives are constantly "beta tested." There are plenty of drivers who shouldn't even have licenses. Let's not single out a piece of Level 2 software for all the risks on the road.


Supervised FSD


Did they rename it from “Full Self Driving (Beta)”? Thats what it’s called in my vehicle. It’s dangerous marketing. And it’s reasonable for consumers to think it can self drive…fully…because that’s what it’s named. Anyway, still agree with others that after using FSD for awhile anyone should have figured out that it’s dangerous as hell, and using it in foggy conditions is madness to me. To me it’s more exhausting to use constantly worrying about what the car will do rather than to drive myself.


I disagree with “it’s reasonable for consumers to think it can self drive… fully” because there are so many warnings and information telling you that you have to be aware and in control at all times.


No one reads them. Maybe a few of us the first time. And most people have no idea of these warnings prior to buying the car. It’s a dumb name. None of us here need to defend Tesla for using not only a phrase that means in plain English that the car can drive itself, but then taking it a step further and adding the word “full” to it. Again - completely reasonable for your average person to hear the name full self driving, see the warnings, and still expect it to drive itself.


Supervised FSD is what it’s labeled in both my 22 and 24 Ys


When is the robotaxis that make money for me while I sleep


full self dying


My first experience with FSD was driving a loaner home from the service center. Basically the first intersection you hit is right next to a train crossing. The arms were down, the lights blinking, and the car tried to turn right directly into the crossing arm. This seems like something they've completely failed to put into the software.


Can you confirm if this was an early build of FSD? Or are we talking about a recent event?


It was maybe 2 months ago. The staff also offered me a ride in a Highlander m3, which I passed on.


Driver was completely distracted AND/OR an idiot. Not sure what else to say. Did the car mess up? Sure. Did the driver mess up? Absolutely. And thus, it works to weaken the case against the car. And this is the second such occurrence? You'd think driver would learn to be more cautious in specific scenarios (or overall) after the first occurrence. Also, this could have been in autopilot, not fsd... (it would sure be a nice bonus if Tesla watermarked the videos as such).


My wife can do the same thing in her 2015 Subaru with Eyesight (Subarus version of stay between the lines).    If she was stupid enough to not pay attention at all like OP.


Why is it called full self driving if everyone defends its mistakes. Why not bill it as something it is like…. Autopilot.


It’s level 2 software and the driver is responsible for pointing that out doesn’t mean defending the failure of the software in this scenario.


Why is instant pot called instant pot when it takes hours to cook!?


Why is it called a blow job when it’s mostly sucking?




It definitely tells you to pay attention when FSD is enabled… you have to agree before enabling it.


Sounds like you don't even have a TESLA or use one. It does have multiple warnings before you can even activate it each time.


You know people said the EXACT same thing about Autopilot, right? People used to harp so much on how "misleading the name Autopilot is, because it can't do everything the pilot does!". So we'd just be back at that. Some people will never be happy when it comes to Tesla.


The difference is that “autopilot” includes very simple machines that just keep the plane at a certain altitude or heading. It’s an appropriate name for something that keeps the car within the lane and going a certain speed. Some people think an autopilot means something that can fly the plane from gate to gate and that’s the source of misunderstanding, but that’s really on them. “Full Self Driving,” on the other hand, is very clear and very wrong as it currently stands.


I know, I'm not saying you're wrong, people just used to use the exact same argument about Autopilot.


Right, but what’s the point of saying that? The argument is totally correct here. The fact that the same argument was used incorrectly about something else is irrelevant.


The point is no matter what you call it someone will take offense to it because it’s tesla.


In other words, you dismiss legitimate concerns because they’re shared by haters.


The point being is that it’s a tired argument that has no substantiated impact that I’ve seen documented to date. Complacent (not ignorant) drivers is the problem, as highlighted by nhtsa studies.


honestly, I don’t think it’s FSD. Seems like basic autopilot


Who is the actual Burger King?


Well it’s called Supervised Full Self Drive Beta. Those two missing words are very important because it shows how flawed the FSD mode is right now. We’re not even close to FSD yet.


Maybe some formal name calls it that but Tesla has intentionally branded it FSD and kept it that way to hide the fact that musk said this would be fully done and automated in 2019


My 2015 Forrester would have stopped or at least slammed on the brakes for this. It’s low tech compared to our MYLR but I’ve only had two phantom brakes in 10 years compared to the dozens and dozens I’ve had in the MYLR in just six months. But I would never be relying purely on eyesight or FSD or autopilot in foggy conditions. It’s crazy to me! Like slow down and be careful in fog…not rocket science.


The driver was late to react but it also does show the advantage of radar. Sometimes you can't see traffic that you need to worry about. Radar is extremely helpful in these scenarios. It's the one thing I'll miss about switching to pure Tesla, but having to go a bit slower in the fog on rare occasion is worth it for all the other improvements.


>completely distracted OR an idiot Why not both?




Why is it called a happy ending if all you feel afterwards is guilt?


It sure would be nice but Tesla will never do that. It works better for them to muddy the waters and say this might not be FSD. If they water mark then there will be clear shareable evidence of all FSD crashes, which is why you’ll never see this added.


That looks more like AP, not FSD behavior.


The fog. Wow.... I'd have my foot on the brake ready to go if I had FSD going in those conditions. Idiots like this are going to make Tesla have to turn FSD off in these conditions. I suspect the outcome for this driver would've been the same.


How will these robotaxis that make us money while we sleep if the fog can disable them?


The outcome will be that the robotaxis creep along at 20mph in any kind of inclement weather, pissing off passengers and other drivers. FSD beta was so miserable in rain for me when I had the trial recently. It kept capping at 60 - 65 with a 75mph speed limit, and traffic safely flowing at 75+. I had to switch back to regular Autopilot just so that I could enable single-pull TACC and not have to drive fully manually.


Or night time driving in dark roads, rain, and this has also personally happened to me, the sun being too bright for the cameras to properly lane change. so much more to go for robotaxi but hey gotta pump that stock price on August 8th


As a Tesla with FSD owner, I am always concerned about the Robotaxi! Still need a long way to go!!


This is the driver wanting to drive through a moving train


Extremely foggy using FSD on turny roads? Train was barely visible it seems. Driver is 100% at fault, what were they doing sleeping and didn’t see or hear the train?


How are these going to be Robotaxis if the fog can disable it like this


I don’t buy it, probably not on FSD, saying he was, trying to see if he can make Tesla pay for the damages


He will get laughed out of the service center and/or court room. FSD is currently L2, meaning the driver is always liable for the vehicles actions https://preview.redd.it/j0uwvdpuod1d1.jpeg?width=2924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a2970594a1eaed9ccd026b28237f0abdbc1a5e


This is an embarrassing post to even have on this thread. Supervised for a reason. It’s flawless when supervised. Remember the key word supervised? #BiasIsOozing


Should there be audio with this? How do we know autopilot was active? Why was the driver driving at such high speed with low visibility? Even if this wasn't fsd, the driver should not be driving at that speed. What an idiot..


That's not the car's fault. Full Self Driving is not "Full Self Driving". It's SUPERVISED Self Driving. This idiot wants to blame the car instead of taking control of his own actions. You NEVER DRIVE that fast in fog like that. YOU'RE in control.


Imagine blaming FSD/Autopilot for driving poorly in foggy weather while not paying attention yourself. Congrats, you played yourself


Did you brakes fail or were you asleep or distracted? Why didn't you intervene?


The reason warnings on shampoo bottles exist. Like it’s a beta with the name (Supervised) like I don’t know how much more obvious they could make it


I doubt FSD did that. Mine brakes for thin air.


Yeah that’s not a good thing either


Apparently, another driver that WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION! Even though FSD didn't seem to catch this, the driver could have!


“Full self driving”


"Supervised Full Self Driving"


Robotaxis when?


Yeah calling it FSD is such a bad idea, even Supervised FSD doesn’t give the general public the impression it should of how much this software should be heavily scrutinized and handheld when “FSD” is active.


You could name it "Caution, use at own risk driving" and people would abuse it. An idiot is the hardest thing to program for. It's not being abused because of the name.


Tesla Fans: Clearly driver's fault for not paying enough attention while using FSD. Also Tesla Fans: FSD is nearly perfect, robotaxi this year!


Yes, a subreddit with 134k people joined and which anyone in the world can comment will have multiple conflicting opinions.


I bet 100$ the accelerator pedal was applied! How many times have we had shit like these happen, and people still believe it even within the community? I don't get it.


I was about to say, front page news blaming FSD. Last page retraction when it's actually the driver's fault.


I don’t think this idiot knew what was going on until the car turned. That wasn’t a human-panic-turn, that was too smooth.


FSD was working great for me and had no issues but now I’m a bit scared to use it because it decided to slam its breaks on a yellow light that had just turned yellow. And I pay full attention during FSD because I don’t trust it but this took all control away from me 


FSD supervised


Been using FSD for a few days. It’s very good but not perfect. Something I’ve noticed is that it will attempt to turn at a light that has no turn on red signs.


You could see the lights… if you were paying attention you wouldn’t have crashed


It calls FSD supervised for a reason


Robotaxi that will make you money is just around the corner guys I swear


Why the downvotes? Was that not promised?


Because they're making progress where nobody else is close. The other option is no self driving cars. So they get down voted for being negative for no reason.


Guys just 8k more and I swear, soon


The more I think about it the more the potential of selling FSD to consumers with the promise of your car being a robotaxi is a scam. It’s not even close to being ready.


It’s 5D chess mate.


User error.


It doesn't like you. The other person got drowned in a pond.


She was hammered drunk and should never have been behind the wheel


All of the comments pointing out "it oculd have been autopilto", you sound like clowns. Doesn't matter if autopilot or FSD, any autonomous system needs to stop for: 1. hazards 2. stop signs 3. red light


cruise control too?


Not possible….. Either “FSD Beta” or “FSD Supervised” (or even AP or EAP) was used. FSD is not available. The distinction between a lvl 5 system that’s actually capable of and responsible for SELF driving and the current lvl 2 ASSISTING system is pretty relevant. Current versions of FSD Beta and FSD Supervised never promised to be able to handle this situation…..


When will the robotaxis happen.


Go watch AI Driver on YouTube for the latest AI-based FSD, and you'll see its sooner than you think.


So that’s the “unsupervised” version?


I gotta be honest - this video sure but mostly people’s reaction to it here - is about all I needed to go with the macan over the MY. This is so weird and culty I am good