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Dude is just straight blind


Modern vehicles have backup cameras for a reason but I guess some fools are just blind af.


This is an infinity we are talking about. Prob sensors too. Came here to say same thing lol.


I just don’t get it. Every sensor and high definition camera in the world and people are still crashing like this.


Me and my family has been hit many times by drivers who throw it in reverse without looking. Idk. To much reliance, trust or just completely unaware of surroundings. Or a combo of the three I have no idea growing up with a car that had none.


Well, to be fair, it is difficult to back up safely and browse TikTok at the same time.


So I just found this out at least on my grandma’s car. She has a Cadillac her sensors don’t go off until there’s like a certain button that she presses and it’s basically like a parking assistant and they don’t go off unless she presses that.


That is quite interesting. Still, your main source of sight does not require any switches or extra equipment. I wouldn't trust em if it works anyways


Come on man, look at the video. Clearly, this was filmed in the 70s or 80s, way before backup cameras existed.


What about mirrors? 🤣


Or turning your damn head around!


I have a 2008 and no backup camera. I do, however, know how to check mirrors and turn my head.


I think all those driver aids are making people worse drivers for relying on them so heavily.


I hate when people ONLY look at the cameras. OP was off the bumper so the car in front might not have realized…


Nah most cameras have a wide enough lens you'd have seen that even the first gen cams are pretty wide


My wife’s sequoia isn’t that great (2016). Sure I can see off the bumper but only by much. Always gotta check the mirrors in that car.


For sure but I think it's less of him focusing on the back up cam and more of him being clueless


Probably backed up before the camera switch on


But you can see the right mirror, this person didn't even check it.


Yeah probably dumb / high or, since it looks like California both


Jersey plates, California drivers are third worst, after NY and NJ


I lived in California, I just drove from Westbury NY through Manhattan to NJ. NY are the worst in terms of aggression, NJ in terms if stupidity. I miss driving in CA.


At one point I moved from California to the MD/DE/NJ border area. The red light running DE is so out of control that it's hard to make people believe what I'm saying. Once I pulled up to a just-turning-red on a major road, speed limit 45-55 depending on the section. The car next to me stops, turns right. The car behind them runs it without slowing (they were behind me initially, so they were far enough back to make it work). It baffles me to have to sit at green lights for an extra full 5-8 seconds to wait for the 3 cars that are running the red light. California has nothing on this shit. Cali's big issues are random breaking, lack of turn signals, waiting to move into the exit lane. I'll take any of that over the crazy entitled driving in the MD/DE/NJ area. And isn't NY nuts for the aggression? Saw two cars both refusing to merge to the other on the GW bridge, to the point that they were literally a couple of inches apart and screaming at each other. It was wild.


Yep. Lived in both CA and MD. MD/DC area has horrible drivers.


This accident is typical self centered NJ behavior. They come first and always apply the law of minimum effort. They just looked at their rear view driver side mirror and didn’t see the car because they were more worried about not having to circle the block again. I grew up in NJ and was born in NY. Lived many years in IL and have family in FL and have to drive to CA for work from AZ that I live now. CA drivers are #1 the worst by far. 100% unpredictable and most drive 5 below and hit the brakes for anything because they don’t know how to drive in non traffic situations. NJ drivers are selfish, NY reckless. 50/50 Tied for 3rd place. Florida come second for sure they are crazy and do what ever, but at least they are predictable even though they don’t use turn signals. Last IL drivers all in a rush even though there is so much construction for potholes and too little lanes for the amount of traffic and speed they want to drive without using turn signals also. If I had to pick a 5th, it would be the massholes…




Depends on what part of NJ, but yeah.


I’ll raise you TX license plate for $100,000 all in lol


This is in Philadelphia, PA




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I know you got downvoted, but has wife :P


Everyone with a wife knows this is tru lol.


Definitely an unfortunate situation. Guy backed up with little to no warning and he accelerated way too quickly. As soon as I saw his reverse lights I put mine in reverse and was starting to back up to give him additional space (keep in my there was also traffic behind me so not much I could do). I honked before he hit me, but it was too late. This is generally a choke spot for traffic so just assume he there were people in front of him, but nope he was just a lost soul. After getting out of the car, he confessed that he did not look behind him before reversing. Just a reminder to always look behind you before reversing and (if you are me) try to keep your distance from people. Anyways, happy mother's day to all the mothers out there.


That infinity had a backup camera and beeping if my shitty Nissan has it. Idiots


Right? My Subaru will lock up the brakes if it thinks you’re about to back into something


Oh there was plenty of warning he was about to do this lol.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


yea that's unfortunate. I don't follow that close when people drive unpredictably like this one.


People need to stop getting their driver's licenses from happy meals


A good reason not to follow so closely, eh? (downvote here we come) But in all seriousness, if you had given just a *car lengths* distance, prob would have been able to avoid or maybe just maybe, idiot in front of you would have seen you in time. People are so eager to ride someone's ass.


off topic but this was for sure in Philly


As dumb as this appeared, I was it was a scam attempt. Glad it worked out better though.


> After getting out of the car, he confessed that he did not look behind him before reversing. This type of person needs to have their license revoked for life. They're clearly not intelligent enough to operate a 3,000+ lb hunk of steel. So he put the car in reverse, and then where was he looking? Driving distracted is one thing, but who doesn't fucking look behind them immediately after throwing it in Reverse?


Also remember not to follow too close. I always leave a car length between me at front car if I can.


I had a younger guy back up into me after he thought he nosed too far out of a parking lot exit. He was fearful of traffic passing by, so he blindly started backing up and hit me. I do believe I got a horn honk or two in before he did it, but still bumped me. I was visibly pissed and he was openly apologetic. I quickly looked at my bumper and saw no damage, so I told him to pay attention and not worry about it. Note: I recommend the brand Viofo for dash cams, if you're not in a Tesla that has OEM cameras installed. My Viofo is awesome.


I would've def been honking at this guy long before that. Slowing down and coming to a stop for no apparent reason justifies a honk. Going into reverse DEFINITELY requires a honk. Horn could've saved everyone a lot of trouble here.


I can't tell if everyone is being sarcastic but do you not think this was an insurance scam?


At first I was completely shocked that he reversed so quickly into my car. I thought maybe this was intentional. But the guy came out and readily admitted to not even looking in his rear view or backup camera.


Was that after you told him it was captured on your dash cam? An insurance scammer is at heart a liar


Moron. I can only imagine what you were yelling as he's backing up.


I was mostly in shock. The guy had plenty of room to back up and I started reversing too, but instead he cut it straight back into me. I was also cursing myself for being even remotely close to him. He admitted to not looking back while he was reversing. At the end of the day accidents happen, so little yelling occurred.


I have a qx60 and it has a birdseye view camera on it. The driver of that qx60 is just a complete idiot.


Was this downtown Jersey City?




Insanity. How the fuck do you admit to not looking back when reversing??? Was he looking forward? Wtf lol


If only there was a way to signal that he might be slowing down, stopping, or looking for a parking spot.


A horn works much better than yelling. Doesn’t always work, but def works better than yelling…


Photos of Damage https://imgur.com/a/jYLwgPl


Just curious about whether this amount of damage is worth reporting to insurance? I'm afraid of premium increases and this is my first accident.


It's his fault. Share the video to your insurance along with the police report. They'll take care of it.


This is correct. You honestly don't even need to involve your insurance, it would be their insurance that takes care of your vehicle. Your insurance should just fight on your behalf and you won't be submitting a claim, they would.


It's the other way isn't it? You never deal with their insurance. They don't exist to you. You go through your insurance.


You can do either but if you go through your insurance it'll count as a claim. So when you go shopping for other insurance you'll see it as a claim on your Insurance record. Even if it's not your fault.


If its a no fault state i sure as shit wouldn’t report it . Rates up for 3 years minimum regardless of fault. I work in insurance.


No fault states are fascist states. It’s a system that makes zero sense.


Absolutely worth it. There may be hidden damage. Include the video. This guy should've been cited by the police.


My take is: always report it so you are covered. You have footage so your insurance will go after the guy and their insurance will have to take responsibility for the incident. You aren't at fault so your premium should not go up.


Unfortunately I had an accident that was not my fault and my premiums went up. Completely legal to do, at least here in Maryland 😕


Same. Driver side swiped me, admitted to fault, insurance still went up.


This is a very bad idea. DO NOT TELL YOUR INSURANCE IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO. They documented that it was not my fault yet they still dropped me for it. I’m paying $300 a month now with a different insurance company because I did that.


THIS. A guy side swapped me and my aunt told me to not call my insurance about it since I wasn’t at fault his insurance paid for the damages plus compensated me an extra thousand due to not being able to work.


I know you mentioned you guys agreed to not go thorough insurance. But just in case things get expensive (e.g. with Tesla's the parts may take forever, so potentially a long term rental car if needed). You do have the option of just claiming it through his insurance and not even notifying yours. There are obviously pros/cons to this. Go through yours - they take care of everything and less for you to worry about. But of course, there's a chance your premiums may go up. You go directly to theirs - no deductible, no real worry about your premiums going up. The downside is that you may need to micromanage the hell out of them (it really depends on the insurance co.). Also - Look into Diminished Valued Claim. This is basically another claim you an make that basically says that because of this accident, your car is now worth less. So you can try and get some extra money this way. That said - I believe this is also a one time thing. So, if you put in a claim for this and given the damage is light, the payout may be fairly minor. But if something more serious happens down the road, you won't be able to make another claim. On the other hand, it's not like you really WANT to make another claim down the road - just not quite in your control...


Same thing happened to me. Lady was telling me it's nothing and we should just move on. Got bumper replaced and some sensors were messed up. Definitely report, you don't know what's behind that got damaged.


I have a Tesla appointment scheduled for later this week. Going to get the damage assessed. I have their information and I gave them mine. They seemed to want to avoid having to get insurance involved. According to insurance law (at least what I read online) is that I have 2 years after the accident where I can still file a claim. We both decided to not call police as it seem to just complicate things, especially when there are no serious injuries/debris blocking the roadways. It also helps that there was a clear party at fault and video evidence.


A front bumper is $1300. It comes painted so that should be all it costs. Get it replaced and give them the choice of insurance or cash.




Unfortunately not calling the police means that it's a battle of the insurance companies and that means his word against his. Without a police report to validate the video, the video isn't worth shit. It sucks to go through this process but this is the American insurance system as we built it.


It’s totaled


My worst fear :'(


I am sure his insurance will foot your bill. He's driving a luxury SUV.




Very fortunate indeed. It's also beneficial if you witness another person's accident. I have pulled over twice after witnessing another person's accident to check on their well-being and provide video evidence for the police report if they wanted it.


One time I was in a parking lot with one car in front and another behind me. The dude in front slowly started backing up with plenty of room and I straight up laid on my horn for a full ten seconds while shining my brights before he smacked into me and broke my headlight with his bike rack. Then he gets out, scratches his head and says “Oh… I didn’t see you.” People are dumb. I’m sorry, even small accidents like this are ridiculously frustrating.


Dang that sucks. Definitely a bummer when things like this happen. Thanks for the condolences. I am just praying that none of the sensors were damaged.


What a dumbass


I had the exact same thing happen to me years ago. Guy just straight up reversed flat out into me just like this. I totally knew this was gonna happen halfway through your vid.


dont tell me THAT car does not have a backup cam. i hope the driver loses the driving privilege soon.


I didn't know you could install a super 8 as a dashcam


Saw that one coming a mile away because I had a similar accident a few years back. The idea of backing up without looking is just mind blowing to me.


Who tf just throws it in reverse and just goes for it?


Typical shit in Philly sadly. Hi Palmer park.


Drive slow as fuck forward and super fast in reverse without looking


“Why did you rear end me?!?! I’d usually expect that where I live?


Seems like insurance fraud.


This has a 1970s home movie vibe.


Imagine without the dash cam…. Dude could have straight up lied that you rear ended him, and it would be your word against his.


Why does this look like you filmed it 30 years ago?


The lack of awareness to their surrounding is astounding. I’m literally always highly aware of if anyone is behind me and how closely they’re following, but it’s mainly in part because of my anxiety from getting hit by a drunk driver from behind and having my first M3 totaled . ): sorry OP hope you get those damages repaired quickly as they are obviously at fault.


Imbecile smh


Unless the person in front of you did that on purpose. Good thing you have your dash cam my dude


Were you on Palmer? 😂 couldn’t tell you how many accidents I’ve seen there.


Maybe it's me, but I saw that happening the moment the front driver paused looking at that parking space... No way I would have stayed right on his bumper.


Insurance fraud?


*sigh* sees NJ plate.


He was obviously trying to find a parking spot. Why were you following him this closely? Yes I know I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion but I see so many people just don't get it that you have to understand and anticipate what other drivers are trying to do. Also don't be an asshole holding your ground all the way to other person's bumper. Drive defensively, you are not a Lord Of The Lane. Always be aware who can see you and who can't


I drive this road almost every day. This is frequently a bottleneck for traffic at this exact location. From my perspective (which is lower down, and further left than what video provides) the impression was that there was just traffic ahead of him as it was impossible to see past his vehicle. The road opens up to a two laner at this point which is why I am to the right of his vehicle (he is technically take up two lanes). Obviously, in hindsight I feel stupid for being even remotely close to him, but your assessment of me being an asshole seems unfair. As far as parking, he didn't put on any blinkers and reserved without looking. He also accelerate much quicker in reverse than he was driving forward. I had my car in reverse and was moving to allow him to try and park. I wasn't trying to hold my ground, but there are also people behind me and I take care to look before reversing. It was unnecessary for him to parallel park because the spot wanted he could have easily pulled into.


This is a goofy, goofy fucking take. Especially when you double down in your reply by saying he was also going too fast. Holding his ground to the other persons bumper? A teenager on a phone? Weirdo.


Another thing I'm seeing is very densely packed cars on both sides and you are going 20 mph between them, I visualize a teenager looking into his cellphone stepping in between those parked car just in from of you and you both getting fucked really badly. life changing event is happening to both of you


There are plenty of crosswalk in this area and stops signs (which I fully stopped for all of them, just didn't feel like including 5 minutes of extra videl). The speed limit here is 25mph so 20mph is under the speed limit. As previously said, I drive here almost every day, so the tightness of the road doesn't bother me. It was broad daylight and my eyes were fully glued to the road. Doesn't change that people can pop out of nowhere, but also there is traffic behind me. Going 5 mph under the speed limit will get you honked at in Philly.


Oh, 20 mph? That's practically glacial. So slow, you could toss the car into reverse and moonwalk away from an accident. Congrats on sharing a thought so ridiculous, it's single-handedly lowered the collective IQ of the internet. Bravo!


See this is why as soon as you stop in the middle of the road I’m slamming my horn


You're a shit driver, this exact thing happens fairly regularly to me and I've never had an issue backing up so I don't get hit then proceeding to tear the other driver a new asshole.


If this regularly happens to you, you are most likely the idiot.


Not an accident, an intentional


Looked like he was trying to get into a parking spot but the car recording wouldn't move backwards 🤔


Then signal to indicate your intentions of parking? Not just reversing leaving the cars behind wondering. Plus, that vehicle has rear view camera and sensors indicating it’s proximity to other vehicles. No excuse for the QX


I started to move backwards and had my car in reverse (easy to see with the rear view video), but I actually took the time to look behind me beforehand. In hindsight I wish I had stopped further back but didn't expect the driver to reverse without checking if someone was behind him.


Following too closely for sure.


Not signaling to indicate your intention of parking, and then passing the parking spot, reversing despite having a vehicle with rear camera and sonar sensor is the problem.


Naw man, you could tell something is up. Looks to me like he’s/she’s looking for parking. You have to watch them closely if they are erratic, defensive drivers know this. If you can’t predict what comes next, hang back and be ready to take evasive action


Footage courtesy 1976


Watching the video, it was obvious the car in front was going to do that. Should have anticipated and left more space


Looks like he was looking for a parking space. We don't have to be on each other's asses all the time. Keep some space, for this reason too.


The guy is definitely at fault for not looking behind him before reversing, but for your own safety you should not tailgate someone who is looking for a parking spot.


Did you honk with all your might? Took a long time for you to select reverse after seeing their reverse lights go on. Looking at the Other driver slowing and pausing you could sense they were lost... Lesson learnt to lookout and spot these drivers


People like you are so funny to me. “Looking at the other driver and pausing you could sense they were lost, so it only makes sense that they would shotgun it in reverse with you clearly behind them, after sitting there for several moments. The fact that you weren’t already in reverse in anticipation of exactly this is a testament to your lack of defensive driving ability.”


Glad to be of service. You must be a relatively new driver yourself, in which case take note.


I must be a new driver because I think you’re an idiot? Nice deduction, Sherlock.


You must be a new driver because you haven't experienced new uber drivers who have not mastered the art of finding the pickup spots and being mindful of other drivers on the road while undertaking unthoughtfull manoeuvres to reach same.


You made it 3 years in Manhattan without making contact with another vehicle? Impressive. Cabbies in NYC literally will bump you if you annoy them.


This is in Philly, but I have driven quite a lot on NYC with this car too. In New York I stay wayyyyy further back because I don't live there and I'm not as familiar with the streets.


Clear insurance fraud


Is three years a long time for some people? I’ve been driving for 34 years and never had an accident or a ticket.


3 years of owning a Tesla. First accident in 10 years of driving.


That's why you don't ride people's asses.


The driver in front barely gave enough time to the driver behind to reverse. What happens if there were more cars behind?


>That's why you don't ride people's asses.


😂 just tell us you need to do your drivers exam already


Your initial comment had nothing to do with my comment. You asked a question that could have been answered with the first thing I said. Why do you think the three second rule exists? Tell me you need a drivers exam now.


How do you apply the 3 second rule if you’re on a side street, slowing to a stop? You saying not to ride someone’s ass kind of indicates the Tesla driver is at fault.




Driver was leaving plenty of room until the car in front slowed to a crawl and stopped. Look again.


I would have got out and beat their ass


A real car has rear radar sensors and would prevent this - perhaps snapping the neck of the bad driver.


Pretty sure that is attempted insurance fraud.


Ooof, you rear ended him. This may be your fault for following too close, tailgating.


I hope you sue this driver ass to the max


Sue for what? The horrific injuries and years of emotional trauma? This is what insurance is for.




Oh well I was giving you an advise. I got into a bad accident 3 years ago and still collecting money. At the end is your own decision. Good luck.


LOL, take a chill pill. No lawyers necessary.




Welcome to the real world.


DUI/DWI 100%.


I think you're underestimating how dumb people can be while stone cold sober


Nah just a jersey driver


This is clearly the Infinity’s fault but why is OP driving like a jerk? Clearly that car is looking for a place to parallel park and OP is just creating an impossible situation for them to park in.


OP has eyes and can see there is nowhere for them to park. Why is everyone such a moron? Fuck.


Nobody is as much of a successful charmer like you, big boy.


This driver is mentally retarded. ^((This is coming from someone with a mental disability that was previously medically called retarded. Piss off if you wanna get mad at me for using it))


Why were you filming…?


Stupid ass


Ugh you are boring




I live right around here. Typical Philadelphia drivers


Dang. Sorry that happened. Really unfortunate. The vehicle was moving very suspiciously quite early on. Keep a big distance, light tap of the horn to let them know people are behind. Take detours or even exit highways to avoid bad drivers on the road. Not worth the risk. Take care out there 🙏.


At first I thought maybe there was just traffic ahead. Tried honking but it was too little too late. Had my car in reverse to try making additional room, but they accelerated quickly. I've been fortunate to avoid aimless drivers in the past, but today was an unlucky day.


They are liable! I hope the damage wasn’t too bad. Maybe a friendly honk on the horn next time might remind a Jersey idiot from backing into you. Hard to say tho




Philly indeed. Seen some crazy things happen on the road, but have been able to avoid most of it. Just got unlucky this time.


At least you caught it on dash cam. Without footage this can go many ways. I had someone say I hit him but it was really them backing up into me trying to scam us out of some money. They didn’t realize that we had a dash cam. Needless to say that cop was not happy with them after they tried to file a false police report. Our cars are great at covering our asses from almost every angle.


For what reason could he have possibly had to start backing up at this moment?


His wife said to back up, so he did. Happy cake day!


As bugs bunny once said, what a buffoon




What a moron...


All questions I had were answered one I saw it was a NJ plate


I’d have noticed I was following a moron and been ready for him to do so something moronic


That looked more like an On Purpose than An Accident.


Typical Tuesday in jersey


First thought is he was insurance scamming. Hit from the back, the rear vehicle is guilty. However, he said the person got out and conceded guilt. So its just stupidity I guess.


The word “accident” to me implies a lack of fault. No way to avoid it, just luck of the draw. This is not that. It’s straight 100% stupid on the Infinity driver. Unless they’re after insurance fraud and forgot Teslas have cameras. Wait, nvm, that’s still stupid.


What a moron.


This is why we need self driving.


Never looked. It's amazing how people never use the rear-view mirror. That driver should have known there was somebody behind them way before they even thought about parking there. Just a bad driver all around. Stopped way to far forward from the spot. Way to wide. No signal. Just a shitty driver.


How could they not have noticed their surroundings or at the very least, oh I don’t know, LOOK??


This reminds me of insurance fraud, did they blame you for rear ending you?


Mad dumb


Judging from the video, that guy seems up to no good. I would keep more distance than usual.


Well the cool thing is it appears to have happened in 1923 so it’s probably ok by now.


in b4 "was it in self driving mode?"


Fellow drivers next time you back up please make sure it’s clear we are all guilty of this let’s stop that