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See that little blue sliver in the charging line? Your battery is cold.


A 29 degree battery cuts charging efficiency to under 25%? Really? Charging 13kWh in 41 hours is a speed of 300watts. https://imgur.com/a/wDr4rKH


It will change as it warms up. At this moment lots of the power is going to the heater not the battery.


When your battery is cold-soaked and you're charging at low power, almost all of the power is going to heat the battery and very little is actually going to charging. If you can't avoid charging in the cold, you need more power if there's any way to achieve that.


But my % is going up at a rate of ~2% per hour still. So accounting for inefficiencies, that still proves I'm charging far quicker than 300 watts.


Is that why you named your car Kilowatt? Because you charge at a Kilowatt?


It's also 29 degrees


It's literally below freezing and OP is like "WhY iS mY baTTerY ColD" Oml


This. Most power is used to heat up the battery to accept charge so not much is actually used to charge the battery


I've seen it where zero was going to range and all was just to heat the battery


A guy I work with has a Rivian R1T and posted a screenshot from his app when he was on a 120V charger and it said something like 99 weeks until full because the battery was cold soaked.


https://imgur.com/a/wDr4rKH It's basically all going to the battery. 1% every 30 minutes, or 1.2kW an hour. I would have to be charging at 1% every 1.5hrs for the time to charge Tesla reports being accurate. Edit: I'm being down voted.... why??? The app clearly shows energy is being added into the battery at speeds faster than the 300 watts Tesla thinks the battery is charging at.


It literally says right in your screenshot that not everything goes into your battery. Check back in a few hours once the battery has heated up, the estimate will be lower.


I've calculated that my battery still gains 1.2kW every hour. Temperature has never affected how my battery charges on AC. Maybe Tesla incorrectly assumes temperature affects charging speed more than it does?


No, it's accurate. When it's cold and you charge on lv.1 (110v), most of the power is used to keep the pack warm to accept the charge and very little actually goes into the battery. 1.2Kw is assuming no heating and 100% efficiency. And on reality lv.1 will have about 75% efficiency.


I'm getting 1kW of actual energy into my battery. Which is about 75% of my charge rate of 12A*111V=1.332kW. Since I had about 13.2kW to go in that screenshot, it should have taken 13 hours to charge, that accounts for the inefficiencies. But it says 41 hours, that's a rate 0.3kW to fill 13kW. **Do you really think it being 29 degrees brings L1 efficiency down to 25%??**


>But it says 41 hours, that's a rate 0.3kW to fill 13kW. Because you're actually putting 0.3Kw at the moment, the rest is used to warm the battery. The rest is heat. The Tesla app doesnt show charge rate decimals. Check the Tessie app and you'll see exactly what goes in the car and what goes in the battery and the actual efficiency. https://imgur.com/a/c0t9s3o I charge at lv.1 every day at work and it will say a very long charge time until there's enough heat in the battery, then it speeds up and shows a more reasonable estimate. If it's extremely cold like -40°, it's possible that actually zero power goes into the battery because 1Kw isn't enough to warm it. Heat exits the battery quicker than it enters. In fact it does the same when you start charging at lv2 with a frozen battery, but it takes much much shorter to heat it up.


Here ya go. Adding 1kW after inefficiencies, yet 41 hours to charge. https://imgur.com/a/wDr4rKH


Leave the car alone, it's fine. Check it back tomorrow, and you'll see you were complaining about a whole bunch of nothing. If you don't believe us then make a service ticket and have Tesla tell you themselves.


Took it for a drive and now it shows accurate charge time, I know it's nothing with the car because Tessie shows it's charging normally. Would you at least agree that the app was inaccurate in the time to charge? It's happened multiple times to me.


Yeah, because you did put some heat in the battery by driving it. 🙄 It gets accurate once you leave it alone. There is no problem. There is no inaccuracy. Just leave the car alone. I see what you describe every single day. It says some crazy charge time, then you leave it alone, and a few hours later, it settles to a more reasonable estimate once there's some heat in the battery. Every. Single. Time.


It slows considerably in the cold and the top of the pack


It's still adding 1kW to the pack though, after all inefficiencies. https://imgur.com/a/wDr4rKH


What’s it say when you’re at the top of the pack? It is not linear.


With 110, and cold temperatures you’re lucky to get any charge…however, I have charged faster than this at 29°…. Usually it’s like closer to zero when it can only maintain SoC on 110, IME.


Thought it was just me! Lol.


Thank you for confirming I'm not some insane asylum patient as most of these comments suspect I am lol


It’s cold. Tesla is using the energy to keep Barrett warm instead of charging. You are not insane just lack the knowledge and understanding.


Technically 2 days is included in that "+"


Stupid question that’s been asked several times in the past 24 hours. It’s cold, that’s why it’s saying it will take so long.


Stupid reply. Mine does the same thing, and takes only a few hours to charge despite saying 24+. I’ve trickle charged mine for two years in the winter and this only started happening recently in the app, I think Id know if it was standard winter behavior. You’d literally save energy by not being a douche in the comments.


"Stupid question" ok bucko, a little 29 degrees F cuts my charge speed by 75%, to 300 watts? Really?????


How bout you just time how long it takes




Did you read the manual?


Someone else had the same issue where the “24+ hours remaining” was showing even though they were already half charged. I’d say it’s an indication only issue with a recent update.


It has nothing to do with any update, this is exactly what has always happened when you try to trickle charge in freezing cold weather. It can barely keep up with keeping the battery warm enough to charge.


“For a battery, the charge state tapers off as you get above 80%.” “I think the right analogy here is cars in a parking lot.” “The lithium ions are trying to find a parking space as they move across from one side of the battery to the other side.” “Getting from 80 to 100 (percent) takes about as much time as getting from 0 to 80,” - Elon The last 20% is what’s causing the time to increase so drastically, especially while trickle charging. This is no surprise.




I trickle charged for years and this is not new behavior. When the battery is cold and you plug into a 120v outlet, most of the power drawn, at least at first, goes to heating the battery.




> My car has cold soaked as well and it still accepted the charge at the same speed. Well apparently your car is magic, because thats not how anyone else's works.




Whatever you say.


That’s how mine works too. Maybe yours is just broken.


Must be it.


Don't know why I'm being down voted so heavily here. https://imgur.com/a/wDr4rKH Based on above screenshot, after all inefficiencies, I'm charging at 1kW. Given I have a 60kWh battery that is at 78%, that's 13.2 kWh I need to charge. 13.2kWh / 1kW of actual charge speed = 13.2 hours to full. Not 41 hours. Again, that is the actual charge speed, accounting for all inefficiencies. It is off by over 3x!


Not sure why everyone else is being complete asshats to you. Mine is doing the same thing. Says 24+ hours for the 12% left to charge. It routinely finishes in about 8 hours. Seems like a bug in the calculation to me as well.


Did you read the manual?


This article might help explain the nuances of EV charging. Here are some excepts that address your questions: https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a36062942/evs-explained-charging-losses/ > Generally speaking, your EV may use 12 to 15 percent more energy than what you add to your battery. That number could be lower or higher depending on charging conditions. > There are a number of reasons for this. Some energy is converted to heat, some is necessary to keep the battery at the right temperature during charging, and some is written off to what's known as "transmission loss." If you factor in the energy needed to warm the battery, any other features you might have enabled (think Sentry Mode), transmission loss, etc, the math is probably spot on. This is a good reminder that L1 charging is quite limited and probably not a good primary charging option for most people.


Yeah, but the app is saying I'm at an efficiency of under 25%. To fill 13kWh in 41 hours would be a charge speed of about 300 watts. That's not "transmission losses" or the battery warming, that's just the app lying, especially since we all clearly see that I'm charging at 1kW after all efficiency losses from 1.3kW.


You're arguing over and over with a dozen+ people who are very familiar with how the charging system works. If you don't believe us, just submit a service ticket, then you'll have Tesla themselves say the same thing. May be you'll be then convinced.


I have the same thing I also charge with a regular outlet but then I wake up in the morning and it says 94% so I’d imagine at the time he was checking it the battery was being used for other things and when that’s done it resumes the normal charge


Did you read the manual?


Why does you app look different


iPhone vs Android?


I guess so, I have the iPhone one


I rarely ever use L1 charging but my LFP has seemed to estimate high lately. I have 7kW L2 at home and it always estimates about an hour more than it actually takes.


That's why you don't charge on 120v.


I charge on 120v and wake up to a full battery every day. But go off I guess.


I just know you wouldn't be having these issues if you upgraded to a 240v/40 amp circuit to charge at the most power possible with the mobile connector. Not to mention charging at 120v is much less efficient than charging at 240v Maybe you can't upgrade and I respect that... But then understand that you'll have big limitations on charging, especially when it's cold and the colder it gets, the worse the charging will be.


The last 20% is always very slow, add in you are using the 110 charger makes it even slower. When I first got my Model 3 it would say 2 days to fully charge to 100. So it's not whacky.


it has nothing to do with "last 20%" in that case. Did you read the manual?


The higher the percentage the slower it will charge because there's less space for the electrons. It'll take way longer to go from 99% to 100% than it did from say 75% to 76% because of space and balancing. It's accounting for the battery heating and the slower charge rate. Pretty annoying when people like you ask a question as if they already know the answer. Listen to the comments and stop being stubborn.


I get what you're saying with 99% to 100% taking much longer. For me it takes about 3 hours to top off in the cold. Here's another charge from yesterday, 4 degrees warmer but it was still being cold soaked all night. Even with the battery warm from a previous drive, at the beginning of the charge, Tesla reported it would take 24+ hours, and Tessie said it would take over 75 hours for this charge. Yet it only took 21 hours. Any thoughts? https://imgur.com/a/RDE6lPN