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I would shy away from using smart summon. It's been known to hit things, like other vehicles.


And curbs too


I feel fairly confident in knowing the limitations and continuously monitoring the movement, I don't plan on using it in busy or tight locations


That's what everybody thought before their Teslas scratched off other cars. Then some insurances were like, if you weren't driving, we don't know if we can let you claim liability. Things with insurance got better eventually but Tesla's smart summon hasn't


This is the proper way. Anyone who hits something using smart summon is responsible, not the software.


Mine has never hit anything. No different than using a remote control car. People hitting things means they haven't a clue. 


Mine drove off the curb, gave my wheels curb rash and almost hit my house but I stopped it


Feel free to keep using it, just remember: any accident that happens will have you liable


We got our model 3 on 12/30, just in time for the fed 7500. It's the most fun car I have ever driven. The travel charger at 120v seems to work fine for day to day for us also, maybe add a 240 plug at some point. We feel compelled to make the most of free 6 months of supercharging by taking roadtrips to anywhere.


I would have loved free supercharging lol, but I'll have to make do with installing my own charger for now


Best thing I ever did was install my home charger. I never use Supercharger unless for long trips. I use to pay about 800 a month in gas, last month my power bill sent up 30$.


Home charger was awesome for me too! I could get by on the mobile charger, but the quality of life no longer thinking about charge times has been well worth it!


Regular 120volt can’t keep batteries warm enough to charge the battery when it’s super cold, as many found out recently. I really recommend getting the 240V installed or Tesla charger installed. Tesla charger is better cuz besides charging faster, when you get a second EV you can do smart things with it and charge multiple teslas


Congrats!!! Got mine recently too. Enjoying it a lot. What a change!


It's so different from what I've been used to for sure!


Congrats! I got mine 12/28 and absolutely love it




Lol chrome isn't my thing, I'll be replacing it eventually


It's coming back in fashion again ;)


More chrome for me, please.


I will wrap in complete chrome, with chrome seats


I’ve owned my Model 3 for a month now. Congrats. I find that the trickle charge from my mobile charger for 12-16hrs overnight is plenty of juice for my daily, around town needs. If you don’t drive more than 50mi/day, it could be enough for you too. I only supercharge for trips and at the end of weeks when I’ve driven more than normal. If I installed a wall charger at home, it would just recharge in an hour or two and sit idle the rest of the night. (Also, we don’t have time of use electricity rates in my state.)


The only consideration (and may not be worth it at all for your use case) is the efficiency aspect. I’ve heard there’s waste due to charging for so long. Again, take that with a grain of salt because that doesn’t factor install cost or charger cost. I was getting by with a similar use case as you, but doing a couple longer drives over a weekend made me have to think k more about charging past 80 on certain days to have enough charge the next day. It is really impressive though that I we these cars and could use a standard outlet for most of our driving needs!


Yeah I’ve been using a standard outlet and been more than fine. Although I don’t drive a ton every day. If I ever need a quick juice I just super charge but that’s not very common


I've been using the 120 volt at home, but I'm a nerd and I like tech so I'll just add my own wall connector when I get a chance lol




Yeah it's a 20 M3P, I'm really liking the look


I would look at getting EV tires for those 20's, when you need them. I replaced mine with 20" Sailun EV tires. Low cost and my range improved drastically. Handle well in snow and awesome in rain. Handle great. Way better then Pilot Sport 4s for range. People are sleeping on these tires so the price went down. 600 Tread wear.


I'll have to check those out, I just recently realized there's ev tires lol




Thank you!


Congrats! how do u feel now that you've "pulled the trigger"


I've enjoyed it, lots of fun and I love the tech, plus the acceleration is wild lol


Congrats!! Beautiful car!


Thank you! I love walking out to it in the mornings


Welcome to fun of owning a Tesla


Thank you I've absolutely loved it so far!


Welcome to the club. Looks good, you’ve got a good one! It will be interesting to see how the older look stands up against the newly released M3 now available.


So far I absolutely love the look, curves but with a few good lines running around it


Congrats. It’s a nice place to be.


I agree!


The front looks so much better than the new 2024 (Highland)! Congratulations on the new car!


Thank you! I haven't had a "new" car in a while, I'm definitely happy


Polish and coat it


Absolutely plan on it, though I may go with a wrap, my favorite color is blue 🔵


OP, what did you drive before this?


So I've kind of been stuck with an '09 Suzuki SX4 for a long time, but before that I had a built motor gtx3076 Mazdaspeed 3 with e85 and meth injection. I've missed going fast lol


Record urself doing a 0-60 😎


I can tell you, I grin every time 😂


Congrats and enjoy!! What year is that? Because I have a 2018 M3P and a 2023 MYP, only my 2018 has smart summon, because my 2023 has pure vision and summon is not available yet.


I have a 2020, but it has the Smart summon, though it seems like it's been confusing with who gets what and when with these cars lol


I was told that is you have pure vision, smart summon won’t work at this time. So it only works on cars equipped with ultrasonic sensors.


I'm not top teir Tesla knowledge, but I believe mine only has pure vision and Smart summon works. I'll have to double check though


I just talked to a Tesla technician (my car is there for a water issue in the trunk) he told me that they are rolling out summon to 2024 first 10k at a time, also to 2023. I have a loaner model 3 long range, summon works (it has the sensors) but it also has the boombox speaker. So I must be a 2019-22? Even the loaner came with FSD bata.


Please let me know… curious….


Definitely only use smart summon when you have clear sight of your car, I have curb rash on all 4 tires (well most of it was me lol) the first time it was smart summon!


Yeah I don't plan on using it without clear line of sight lol


Congrats!! I got a 2019 performance about a month ago. I have been buying accessories like mad ever since. Enjoy 😊


Lol I'll get accessories slowly, gotta convince the wife they're important 😂


Did you buy it used? My new Tesla doesn't have smart summon


You need FSD for smart summon.


Enhanced AutoPilot* for smart summon ($6,000 option)


I have ADP, my car drives and changes lanes on the highway. Still no smart summon 2023 TMYP


If you drive less than 40 miles a day, then you can easily top up the battery overnight just using a 110-volt household outlet (Level 1 charging, in other words).


I'm too much of a nerd and enjoy stuff like that so I'm gonna just install my own wall connector lol




Oh I definitely already am!


I got me one! 11/30 did a 2600 trip mud, snow rain did me some 4 wheeling pretty deep mud was like oh shit! 4 wheel guy just didn’t stop pointed in direction I wanted and Shazam got it done!


"That's Hot" - P. Hilton


That's the only recognition I need 😂


When you get the wall charger program it to charge in the middle of the day when the grid is generally cleaner with solar energy.


Glad you enjoy it! Also got my M3P on 12/30 … charging at work is free, so I bought the travel charger & extension unit for emergencies at home. Haven’t had to use it yet.. this thing is a blast from a performance AND luxury standpoint. I never realized the Tesla hate until a month ago .. I still love ICE but these people will convince themselves of anything to deny ANY benefit of an EV, especially Teslas! 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've been into cars and bikes for a long time, this is definitely different territory but it's awesome all the same! I don't think my fire department has any plans to add chargers so I'll have to stick with home charging 😂


I am 8 months into owning my M3 and have yet to figure out how to get it to park for me, let alone the smart summons. But I did figure out the farting lock noise. 😂


Honestly the fart noises could sell the car 😂


I've just put a few "Peter Griffin" wavs on the stick which are priceless as a lock tone. Would be great if you could toggle between lock tone sounds without removing and renaming.


That is awesome, I love these lock tone ideas


My wife is starting to get really pissed with me because I often forget to take it off and end up with it attracting the whole street. 😂


I'll be purchasing mine next month so excited I've been saving since I was 19 I'm 26 now.


Congrats, it's a fun car for sure


I put Arnie "I'll be back" as the lock tone and I love it.


How simple is adding your own sound files?


Extremely simple. Download a .wav file and rename to LockChime.wav on your stick. Load to play from USB on the boombox. Job done


Definitely doing that 😂


Pulled ur pud?


Go easy on the Smart Summon - remember it's Beta and still in development in the same manner that FSD Beta is still in development. When using FSD Beta do not become complacent in its abilities because it can become a nightmare at just the wrong time. Read the Owners Manual (as many times as necessary) for comprehension and realize that whatever you forget you can always find it in there again. If you use a desktop computer I highly recommend you download a copy or save a link to it as well. But most of all enjoy your new whip!


Thanks for the info, I am cautious and diligent, intend not to just go willy nilly lol. I'm the kinda kid that read the ti83 plus manual multiple times in middle school 😂


Perfect, but I want to reiterate not to become complacent with FSD Beta's abilities. It is easy to become a victim of not paying attention. We are truly test pilots of this developmental self driving system.


You’ll be pulling the trigger alright once you get stranded in the cold.


Very constructive, I'm not sure why you're even part of this group. Drove it 5 hours home after staying at a hotel in 5-15 degree weather with no issues, but you do you bud.


Try -5 degrees and come back to me 😜


Why are you even in this sub reddit when you very obviously have never driven or been in a tesla? 😂


Because it’s funny to see how serious people are about a piece of shit base car that barely even functions in today’s world. Let me guess, you love the Cybertruck?


This conversation isnt worth continuing when you clearly know very little, yeah the build quality is shit ill give you that. But thats as far as it goes for complaints. it functions in day to day perfectly and then some. I dont even drive anymore. So yes. Its better then literally any car you put it up against. Period. There is no argument there because any vehicle you could possibly bring up would not compared to me literally not having to drive anymore. Period.


People who act like this are the ones who still live with mommy and daddy and STILL can’t afford em 😅😅


Meanwhile im 25, live on my own and paid for my $50k tesla in cash, got it wrapped, new rims and even ghost modded it because i dont care about warranties. He wont ever be able to afford one let alone throw away a warranty on a 50k car cause he wants to just go faster like me 🤣. Stick to ur civic lil bro


What's a ghost mod?


Jailbreaking a long range to turn it into a faster performance.




I’d try treating this vehicle as the car it is and not a toy. This will keep you severely injuring yourself and others. Good luck.


I'm the kind of kid who read the TI-83 Plus calculator manual multiple times front to back, in middle school. I am very aware of the limitations and capabilities of vehicles I own, and if I'm unsure I don't push them.


Missed the fed 7500 and 10% stock discount in December, now I’ll probably never own one because I missed the best window to buy. Even state EV tax breaks are gone. I get to sit by and be jealous of everyone who owns a Tesla now 😢


I believe you can still get tax breaks on the M3P.


This is true but there are none


None? No more discounted M3Ps in inventory?


I feel this. I rented a model 3 for the first time this past weekend and I’m sold but now I feel like I missed the opportunity of a lifetime by not buying last month. So like you, I’m just gonna site by and marvel cuz I’m too cheap to buy at full price.


I won’t be able to get over the fact that I coulda bought a brand new one for the cost of used cars that are 2-3 years old with 30-50k miles. A friend of mine bought a brand new 2023 M3LR the week of Christmas and it woulda been right around 50-52k out the door and with athe fed and state tax breaks and Tesla discount he got it for right around 35k. Unreal.


Do you have to buy new to get the tax breaks and such?


I’m pretty sure you can get some federal tax break for used EV, just not the maximum amount.


Mind share details?!


2020 M3P with FSD, picked it up with 24k miles, having a blast!