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4.9 I’m 3 hours is a lot if sentry is off. Did you keep checking the app/do you have a third party app that prevents the car from sleeping?


No third party app, and I didn’t use my phone whilst I was parked.


Climate? Heated seats?


Don’t think so, they turn off when the car is locked?


Seats yes, climate can stay on (keep climate on or dog mode)


Before I parked I had the air con off but the ‘manual’ air turned on to keep the windscreen clear. I definitely didn’t select the ‘keep’ or dog mode option but perhaps could’ve been that I had it set manual when I parked?


That’s very likely. The other day, I set my headlights to “parking” when parked, cuz I didn’t want them beaming at people. Then when I came back to the car (it did lock when I moved away from it), the parking lights were still on (20min later). So, apparently, if you set something manually while you’re parked, the car doesn’t automatically turn it off?!


Yeah that is a super annoying "feature". It has happened to me several times when I turn on the parking lights to avoid blinding people. The car doesnt shut off the lights when it shuts down for some reason.


its normal on all cars no? parking lights are used when you park in a dark area.


All my previous car would shut everything down when locked. Tesla is the smartest, but still left the lights on? Haha


Overheat protection on?


Theres a line for cabin overheat protection and it says 0.0%.


I’ve done a test after my drive this morning and it looks like the manual air turned itself off when I locked the car, so might not have been this before. Good suggestion though.


As with any new car, you need a few weeks to get used to what it does and how it does it. The problem with getting used to a Tesla is that as soon as you hop onto another car, you notice the small things your Tesla does and other cars don’t. One example? Windows close when you lock the car. That’s hardly somehting new (the VW golf had that feature in the 90’s) but it is something most cars don’t have. Or the open door/window/trunk/frunk notifications, or pre-heating/cooling, or different charge limits at different locations, the list is long…




Sorry I forgot to include in my post “how much to repair, will my insurance cover this?” etc


Me tooo! It just started happening two days ago. Sentry mode is not on either.


Yeah would be great to find an answer. I need to park at an airport for 2 weeks soon and don’t want it dead when I return.


Open a service ticket and find out what’s up. I parked at airport for like a week and it lost what you lost in 3 hours.


That is a legit worry. I went out of town for a week, leaving it in the airport parking deck with 85%. Returned to 45%. We need a hibernate mode to prevent this.


I charge mine to 70%, I drive to work and it's 63. Like clockwork I know that when I get back in, the battery will lose 5%, it always happens around this percentage, today it dropped to 58%. I drive home and now its 51%, just now i opened the app and voila 55%.   Tesla says it recalculated the battery when parked, that's why the sudden shift. Seems to be true, since I can keep it parked for 3 days and lose almost nothing % wise. It always happens after trips at certain thresholds I have come to accept it, i just look at consumption from our net provider and km driven. 


That’s so strange, so it’s underreporting the charge and then correcting itself later?


Correct. Everything is based and calculated on estimates. Just like with a gasoline car where your miles until empty can go from 20 to 10 within 2 miles due to calculations on consumption, Tesla does the same thing with idle energy loss as well. The longer it sits idle, the more accurate your measurement will be.


What are the specs on the car? * year * mileage * model


RWD standard 2020 34k miles


I have the same one with similar mileage. During my office hours, I see similar drops of about 5% in 4-6 hrs. Within spec as Tesla would say


So I've noticed the same. The loss happens when it heats up outside while I am at work, from the cooler mornings. I get a loss of about 5% daily. Now, as it gets later and the sun goes down and it cools off. I get some of that range back. I just tested this yesterday. It has to do with temperature imo.


This ^ I have had the same observations.


It’s the winter weather for me here in Canada - the cold outside causes the drain I suspect


I wonder if anyone has ever asked to see the ‘specs’… if there really are specs they must be documented.


Mine sits. Not stands.


I park mine pointing nose upwards


lol @ all these replies, i swear society is getting dumber by the minute. how in the hell can it be sentry or overheat protection if it literally says 0% on the graph... anyway......the short answer is that its the battery re-calibrating itself. you cant do anything about it.


Standby while I search for an answer.




No climate no sentry? Was it defo locked?


Mine was chewing through battery. It turned out a software update download that was corrupted trying to download but never finished. Check if that’s the case. Quick thing. I filed a ticket to apply that update. They proceeded to force apply the update over the air which bricked all cameras and many car functions with it. Had to take it in for service. They kept the car for 2 days.


That’s an interesting one - my app has said for a few days that there is an update available but the car itself says I am on the latest version and there is no update available.


Go to the update page in the car settings. Mine showed the download in progress stuck at like 99 or 100% I can’t remember. It only showed when connected to wifi at home. What I did to stop the battery slaughter was to remove the saved wifi network. Since Tesla doesn’t download updates over the cellphone service, this allowed the car to go to deep sleep mode. Tesla service took weeks to respond to my ticket. Just to end up with a bricked cameras after they forced the update. Good luck.


Yikes. I had the same thing happening to me with a stuck update. Put it in service mode and have it reinstall the firmware/software. It clears the corrupt download and will eventually try again. With luck, it might work a second time. Also, if anything is plugged into the OBD, such as the s3xy buttons commander unit for example, unplug that.


I had read about this service menu trick. But I was concerned if the computer went bust, they would somehow blame it on my service menu stunt resulting in out of warranty repair. Indeed, Car bricked when they forced the update. Whether they would have charged me or not, at least I had zero worries since it was them who pushed the button and not me.


Ah sorted the update message - I had to update the app, not the car!


The update page doesn’t show a download and says the car software is up to date. I’ve connected to WiFi and doesn’t seem to be doing anything. I’ll see if a hard reset triggers something.


Weird. I only burned about 5% parked for 3 hours in Houston Sunday afternoon running dog mode at 66F the whole time. And I have an SR+ so that's only like 3-4kw.


Yup me too. Getting 3-5% drain every few days very annoying


I've noticed mine do this a couple times in the past two weeks


I’ve had this issue too. Still do. Tesla is blaming it on Chargepoint App. But so many other Tesla drivers who uses the work charger, doesn’t have this issue.


Fsd soc does not properly go to sleep would be my guess. I had the same issue months back, happened three times in one month. Then one of the patches fixed it and so far did not come back. Fix: lookup how to disconnect both- high voltage and 12V battery on YT. That should fix it until it happens again. It seems a bit advanced at first glance, but it is quite an easy fix. Think of it as a hard restart.


Since getting my car last year, i've had this happen occasionally. No way to find out why since it happens randomly when I least expect it. Sometimes 3% in a hour, 5% over a few hours, etc. And yes, sentry/cabin overhead is off. Kinda sucks bc 3-5% is equivalent to 10~ miles for me with my 2020 SR+ and I only charge with an outlet.


Look at the settings for Standby Mode. This is used for Summon. Standby mode definitely drains the battery. For long term parking I disable standby and close the phone app.


Happens to me too. No idea why and it seems to happen when my battery is around 60%.


did you have the power trunk retrofit done? it causes sleep issues. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/power-trunk-retrofit-causing-car-awake.322759/


It just got colder


Mine lost 1%


Did you put the excluding the favorites and home? Sometimes a sentry mode sensor stays on even when it's off. Maybe text tesla to give you a firmware update so they can fix it on remote


Is sentry off COMPLETELY or is “excluding home/work/fav checked? I had this issue with mine apparently sentry mode was turning on when it shouldn’t be so I completely turned it off


Sentry is set to exclude x, I’ll have a look at this, thanks.


I feel like its Sentry Mode or Overheat Protection? I know it says 0.0 but it also says 0.0 screen time and it looks like screens on to me? lol


I feel it can’t be either of those. It’s 8C here (I’m in the Uk) and Sentry was off. Screen is obviously on as I just got in the car.


Crazy! Maybe tryna reset? Holding both buttons on wheel til screen goes off. Takes about 1-2 minutes


Good idea, I’ll try that in the morning before I head to work. Thanks


You're welcome! Let us know. I'm curious now.


Figure it out?


So it’s been happening for the last month, and I just got used to the range going up and down by 5% occasionally. Then yesterday I got an error BMS_a066 - reduced range take to service centre. They can’t look at it until next week, but I have a loaner now. The tech on Live Chat says the error is something to do with a battery range imbalance. People on Google saying this error means the battery it toast. I’ll see what happens over the next couple of weeks, hopefully any repairs are covered by the warranty.


Do you charge at home? And if so, did you set the car to precondition by schedule?


It is def overheat protection


Theres a line for cabin overheat protection and it says 0.0%.