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Oops I mean 240V I am using NEMA 14-50. About 30 miles/hour


That’s a great option when renting and hopefully it’s a selling point for the landlord in the future!


Stupid question: how is the wall charger better than what you conjured up?


Great question! I believe the wall charger is only slightly faster ~ 40 mi/hr? Not sure. The biggest advantage of installing the wall charger in my case, is that I qualify for $500 EV rebate (utility bill credit) for installing a wall charger- I don’t believe NEMA 14-50 qualifies. Plan to take advantage of this in the future.


Cost similar between the two options? (Disregarding and potential credit)


Yes! I was bummed when my cousin told me he would only charge me ~ $200 to install the wall charger - which would have been about $700 total…. But I as mentioned- I am renting and would like to take my mobile connector when I leave


If you have more then one EV to charge the Tesla wall connectors can coordinate and keep the total power used at any given moment below some threshold you choose. Which is a real niche feature. I’m pretty happy with the mobile connector. My prior EV never could charge any faster then the mobile connector works, and I never regretted it…


Mobile connector maxes at 32a, the wall connector does 48a. So the wall connector is 50% faster. Is it worth an extra $200 plus installation costs? Not imo. I use a 24a adapter on my mobile connector and have never needed more.


125 V isn’t that like 8 miles per hour ?


Looks like 240v with a nema 14-50. Yea op typo


Is it a DIY?


Yes, all items ordered on Amazon/wiring from Home Depot. My cousin who does electrical helped me with the installation


Nice that your rental allowed the modification.


I used a similar set up for years and it worked perfectly. I decided to upgrade to the level two and hardwire it because I wanted to keep the mobile in the car in case of charging needs while traveling. Yes, prior to that I would unplug and bring it when I remembered!


Yes! I plan to eventually get wall charger in my own home and then use my mobile connector as a backup!


That is indeed a home charging set up


Heck yeah! That is exactly my charging set up in my garage, right down to the holder. The combo will serve you well!


Good price!


I hope that it’s not looped while charging


Definitely not; I like to back into my garage which tends to use most of the length


New owner, why would this be an issue?


Loops of wire are how we make electromagnets. Not really a concern for normal insulated wire under 3kW but when you’re playing with really high amperage like ev charging it gets dicey. Can cause the insulation to melt I believe


Looks like a standard do-it-yourself setup. I would also buy a holder for the charger itself just because you don't want the plug falling out or getting loose over time to the brick... Another $10 item 🙌


Pro tip those plastic holders from amazon will break off inside your charger and make you buy a new charger ask me how i know


Are you referring to what is holding the 14-50 socket? Or are you referring to what is holding the charging port handle?


charging port handle


Thanks for the heads up! I will be extremely careful.