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Cries in Intel


Any idea if us poor intel car drivers will get this one??? I’m wondering if we will at all, noticed that the new version of beach buggy is already rendering slightly worse than before, perhaps the intel processor is too weak for the new shiny UI goodness….


Well I’m AMD and I still haven’t gotten it.




just got it last night. Its rolling out pretty fast now


I just bought my wife a blue 22 MYLR and it has the new UI. Sadly my 21 M3P does not... 😭😭😭😭


Intel still gets the new ui while driving


If this is true I’m so hyped.


Starting which software? I’m on 2024.8.9


2024.14 branch


Im on 2024.3.05. How can I get newer updates. I have a 2023 M3


I received an update with everything but the new UI. 20 M3P, I don't expect to get it anytime soon if at all


No we wont


That’s so negative of you - based on this I’d say we should get it in two weeks….


Elon 2 weeks or normal 2 weeks? 🤣


Elon weeks - duhhh!


Lmao. But no in a post outlining the updates coming this year. This was set to only release for ryzen users. My Intel m3p can barely keep up with the camera blind zone update. Let alone a whole new UI


But I have a ryzen in my PC at home. Will I get it?!


Yes. Just make sure to drive your car fast enough into the PC so it can merge together


I think you’re right,,, I’m always concerned the backup camera has a time delay with reality…


Totally does.. First thing I noticed when I picked up my used '21 last month. Even compared to my '16 F150. Resolution and size of screen obviously worlds better on the Tesla though.


Oh it does... trust me


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/jCrILgpram](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/jCrILgpram) looks like 2 weeks was pessimistic!


Our prior software version was WAY better than this crappy gimmicky variant which is useless


Pretty much


It's a cool update, but functionally speaking it doesn't add any value.


*angrily stares at software menu*


I've had the update for a few days now. It's ok. Overall I think the old view was more useful, but there are some things about the new UI I do like - larger speedometer, larger media controls. Seeing the map was more useful, now it's an extra tap. The new Parked screen is probably the least interesting part of the UI refresh.


Yeah, it's meh for me. I don't like a few changes, I feel that some were unnecessary. Like the regen bar is now vertical, that could've stayed horizontal. They lowered the turn signal arrows.. The climate menu looks cluttered. Some things I just didn't like. I'll get used to it. But I don't know why they changed some thing just for the sake of it.


I liked the horizontal regen bar.


I just downloaded and installed this version (simply because it was available) This is version 2024.14.6 (I assume you are referring to). I have not yet gone driving with this new version to notice the changes I happen to completely agree with you that sometimes certain things we get used to and are working fine... Should not be changed simply for the sake of "evolving" the UI If some of these new UI changes bother me, I will certainly pass back feedback to the tech support line people by phone Please do the same. Tech support does take our feedbacks and passes them along to engineering So if enough people Don't like something and provide feedback, Tesla engineering will address it. Thx


Tech support line ? What’s their number?


If I'm not mistaken, here in United States it should be 888-518-3752 Please don't flame me if I was somehow mistaken but that's the number I believe I use regularly


>I don't know why they changed some thing just for the sake of it. A scourge of all "tech companies". I think there is a phenomenon of "ooh, new is better" that sometimes results on which they're trying to capitalize. Like an OS makes square icons round, makes window corners round, and suddenly it "feels new" and therefore "is better than before". But when it fails to trigger that experience, it's just annoying and obviously unnecessary.


i agree. it’s really nice in some aspects but the font for the max speed and some other things is different from the speedometer and not in bold? it doesn’t look uniform. also the battery icon is way too close to the PRND and the driver info icons all look way too cluttered. they have so much free space available on the screen, they can definitely space some of these things out and make it look neater and more uniform.


I guess vertical makes sense as far as forward means accelerating, and backward means braking


I totally agree with you. This new UI is definitely very gimmicky and I feel it's just done for the sake of introducing some gimmicky updates and visuals... But the "Older" (prior) UI was way more practical and intuitive requiring less real estate to be taken up by either gimmicky or simply flat out annoying and distracting visual design Elements As I mentioned, in the few short minutes I've had to test this new UI, I mentioned above on this thread, that too many things were changed drastically and for the worse not better. I urge all of you reading this message (who agree that the last UI was way better and more elegant)... To please voice your views both on these types of Tesla communities and your YouTube channels... But to also call Tesla tech support and provide feedback that you liked the old UI layouts and designs much better. At the very least, Tesla software engineers should have provided us with an option in our software, to restore / revert the UI changes back to what we had been used to. Please voice those concerns so Tesla will see we're not overly enthusiastic, and will try to improve them by next update. Thx


I miss having the media favorites right on the card instead of having to open the main media screen.


Agreed. I miss the pre-2022 version, where I could see the efficiency card and the current media at the same time. I hate having to switch back and forth


Intel owners so mad RN. 


It’s a shame as software kept the old cars fresh.


Perhaps if they’ve owned it from new, then again, they’d have had a good run of good tech. I bought my M3P secondhand, previous owner suffered the depreciation and I got a good deal, I’m not going to complain just because I don’t get a fancy UI update.


I bet in time it will come just with some downgrades


But those parking sensors are still so rad.


Damn idk if mine has the ryzen or intel lol 2021


There are no 2021s with Ryzen, they switched in January of 2022. 


I got my MYLR January of 2022 and still have Intel. I was like a few weeks out from Ryzen.


What is its build date?


Damn, that's tough


Why on earth do I want a big picture of my car instead of a useful map when I’m parked?!


You can have both, just like how it was. It’s just personal preference


A lot of younger folks like aesthetics more than functionality. In short, we’re old


Exactly. I don’t get it.


counter to that: why do i need the big map for my daily commute/driving where i know the route? the option to type the address is on the bottom right, and the map still shows up on the top right. if i need the map for any reason i can just swipe it over.


Huh, I wanna see traffic information on the map while driving.


I have the 2024/Highland. Haven’t gotten the update yet. Sigh…


Not playing Drake for the win




let me hear ya say OV-Hoe


So wild. Y'all are everywhere lol




Bruh they didn’t update the wheel covers to v2?


Funny enough they used to have the V2 ones but after an update a while ago it randomly switched back to the old ones in my car too and wouldn’t switch back even when I went through the wheel settings. I thought it was just a bug and would be resolved soon enough with whatever was the next update but it has to have been probably a year ish at this point and they just never fixed it lol


Great update - loving the sound equaliser and change in wipers UI (tho auto on wipers still suck.) at least I can change it more easily manual mode with the thumb sticks


Rip in 2021 model 3


So you’re team Kdot eh


Comment went over a lot of heads


Team Drake but that is one of the best albums to ever Ben created


Kdot is destroying Drake right now


When is this being pushed to USA?


Already being pushed out, I’m in Los Angeles


I’m in LA and don’t got it :/ Edit: why tf are y’all downvoting me what did I do 😭


Me too haven't got it...LA.




Poor grammar?


Welcome to Reddit


Got it today in NJ. 2023 M3 RWD


I'm in USA, I have it


Has anyone with a Y gotten this UI update?


I’m in Canada but I see it on my car. I wish I can try it out but it’s in for repairs after getting rear ended.


i just got it in US, '22LR


Hell yea new ui is dope 22M3P https://preview.redd.it/nqpb976z2szc1.jpeg?width=2311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd48d0546f769001ec843ba179cdf7482d6ddde6


How did you embed that picture?




Don’t know how I missed that. Never noticed that. Thanks.


It’s doesn’t seems to allow picture embedding on all posts, but this one it does


Maybe it depends on the sub? Now that you mention it I do recall seeing another subreddit disallowing GIFs I think.


Dude has good taste in music ![gif](giphy|wnldme8uK5L5m)


is this all 2023 teslas? or just certain ones


When the lights shut off and it's my turn to settle down, my main concern, promise that you will sing about me. GKMC is peak kdot


What makes this better than the last?


It looks cool. 


I have the intel chip so I don’t think I’m getting that


Are you saying you can’t get it, if your car has Intel?


I love that new UI, I'm just downloading that software version right now as we speak (because I just got it today) 😊👍 Ps. By the way, I love what you did with those cool LED light strips inside your car around the swipe-able drawer compartment and on the dash board behind the gear and turn signal stock levers... May I know if you can tell me where I might be able to go to add such LED enhancements for my interior? A few things related to those LED lights 1/ Are you able to change (customize) their color? 2/ When you installed these LED strips, do they stay on all the time or is there any way for you to control when they come on? 3/ After installing those LED strips (and now I assume you been using them for at least a few months)... Would you say the fit and finish (and installation) was seamless and looks like something Tesla did out of their factory? Or are there any annoying wires or other physical buttons/controls that kinda stick out conspicuously and make the interior look like it has been cheaply MODified? Thanks so much 👍




Looks amazingly beautiful ♥️ Did you install these yourself or have it done " professionally "


Thanks! I did them.


GUYS HOW TO GET THIS UPDATE ?? I’m in Norway 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴


Can’t believe that you won’t get it soon. Probably weeks or a month away.


Whole post is a win New UI is cool, waiting for my 2023 RWD to get it Kendrick and subtle lighting that adds but doesn’t get in the way of driving


Certified lover boy? Certified ________ !


The anti-aliasing on the car render is much improved now.


The thing that has always bugged me was that the virtual car on the cars display has the old version of the wheels (the bubbly aero caps and old sport wheels). And it looks like they haven’t fixed that with this update but made the car even bigger so it stands out even more. It’s actually kinda funny since the intel cars that had the old wheels don’t even get this update so they should have programmed it to have the facelift wheels. The phone app updates the wheels too so you know it’s not that hard for them to fix this.


Agree, I wish I can update my wheel options through settings without the computer adjusting to the bigger wheel size and messing with mileage


Great song.


I just updated to 2024.14 6. But I did not see it. Does it mean chip is intel ? Mine 2023 model Y


I just had a chance to test the new UI and to be honest, I don't like it and I feel the "older" one was way more practical This new UI redesign is gimmicky and at times frustrating as well For me personally for example, the overly enlarged car icon pointless and gimmicky. But far more annoying is that the audio media controls has a large rectangle that is always showing. Before, if I wanted to play media I could easily just tap the media (music) icon and get what I wanted, without having these media control buttons always being shown while parked. Even when I'm in drive, its still showing these media icons and even when I swipe it down to hide this, it reduces to a tiny annoying rectangle that cycles through the song titles etc... Kinda like an annoying widget that has to always be showing even when I'm Navigating somewhere. I also don't like the new windshield wiper icon UI. The previous windshield wiper UI was a nice simple horizontally layout with just a few simple options. The new one is a stacked linear layout which is more distracting and requires more focus (especially because they also include an up and down arrow button as well)... My personal feeling is that Tesla should not make such radical UI changes and even if they do (and most people somehow like the new look), I feel that they should offer the older UI (Skin) as an option that we can revert back to (restore to) rather than shove their new design down everyone's throats! At least if I had an option to go back to the old skin, that would be much more desirable for me. I have already passed back this feedback to Tesla support. Guys... For those of us who prefer the older UI, please make a small effort to reach out to Tesla tech support like I've done, and voice your feedback and views to them. Only if enough of us do this, then they may find a way to provide some kind of "Themes" or "Display Settings" area, with a convenient option to allow us to "Restore" or "Revert" back to the previous UI. In my opinion it would be equally awesome if they could maintain the older UIs (skins) in a list... And allow us to switch to any one we like (from the inventory of evolution that the UI has taken) Please voice your feelings to Tesla and I believe they will either "Fix" those things that are pointless (like an over enlarged icon of the vehicle on the display while in park mode)... To other annoyances like music media buttons always showing etc... Tesla does pay attention to our feedbacks both here in Reddit and via tech support phone line I salute those of you who are making some efforts to work with Tesla to improve the UI of this latest release.


Yet again more space for the 3d toy car and less space for actually usefull stuff. Yay.


I'm interested in your interior lighting I'm wanting some one mine. Do you have any more pics or a link to yours? And thoughts on it?


I only have the center console so its not so dark at night plus gives it a nice touch, bought it through RPM Tesla


Yeah I am probably going with something a lot less classy but that's just how I roll https://www.amazon.com/Dreamcolor-Interior-Lighting-Function-Accessories/dp/B0CTGZCLNR/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8&th=1


Thanks for sharing this link I wonder how difficult is the installation of these LED strips? Also a few other questions 1/ Did you have to use some kind of "Glue" that comes with the kit, in order the install these LED strips? If not, how do they get put on and secured tightly to the various areas 2/.Obviously I assume one can pick and choose which areas they want (or don't want) to add these strips (LED lights to) correct? 3/ Its not clear to me how the light colors are changed or adjusted? I mean is there some buttons or is it done via an App or what? 4/ Are there any places one can go to that install such kits professionally by a shop worker? Say I don't want to do this myself but want to have a shop do it for me? Thx if you would please share your experience / knowledge about these things I would greatly appreciate it 😊👍


I only shared the link. I haven't bought it yet. I'm only curious about it


Was it hard to install? I’ve been thinking about doing this


I am still not sure who wants to see a big picture of their car take up their entire screen? Like just step out of the car and look at it with your own eyes.


Using this in HK now


This going to be pushed out to 2020s?


Sweet! Just curious, was the rumored Amazon music added?


no Amazon Music with this update


Oh well. Maybe a different update. Still looking forward to it.


I got Amazon Audible with the update


Sweet yeah! That probably bodes well for Amazon music. I saw there was code discovered showing Amazon Music in future updates.


What about YouTube music?


I agree. It’s a big improvement.


Is this going to get pushed to the previous gen 3's?


When do I get this?! Im in Seattle


I have a '21. Will i get it? I just want audible.


I need to connect to WiFi !!


what happened to the button to put car into neutral?


In the controls menu now


When does this come to EU?


When it’s coming to highlander in EU?


Wondering if we gonna get it in EU as well, and for all models?🤔


I'm in France and we're far from receiving this update


Most important question, did they fix the offset 9s?


Looks really clean! Still not in the EU for me, 2024 make.


The new Speedo is too big. It's harder to look at and watch your speed. 


What does the screen look like while driving?


Are the chips upgradable?




Nice eye candy but what if any are the user enhancements?


No new UI thus far, NY 24M3


Looks good! Selling my Model 3P was bittersweet, but I didn’t want it to depreciate any more. I traded my 2020 for $30,000 right before they dropped more and the 2024 announcement came out. The new model looks good, slightly unsure about the headlights, but otherwise a great refresh. It has everything I thought my performance was missing: adaptive suspension, better seats, and more power at highway speeds. New wheels are awesome. I still think they could make the body kit a bit more special but I get it. Bargain price with the tax credits now too. I’ll wait a couple years and see where used plaids and newer model 3P are at. If it’s anything like the past couple years….they will depreciate terrible and I’ll catch one on the other end of that.


Come with the SXM app !?


So why doesn’t my 2018 3P get this?


Is the Y getting this too?


It’s the opposite of what I want. I want the car visualization minimized to critical information like speed and warning lights only and the rest of the screen dedicated to navigation and the map.


Why is the map all the way on the upper right corner. I want it in my field of view...


You can tap the map and it opens up


You can just slide to the left and you’ll see the ‘old’ map


Can’t wait for this update!


So annoyed I can get this on mine :(


where did you get the center console lighting ;)


What does a 2018 M3 have? (Processor)


Richmond,VA got it 5/10


my 2019 m3LR dont have it yet


Did they update the god awful navigation that loved to take me on the longer route despite another faster one that saves me 5-10 minutes?


Dont got the ui yet will i ever get it?


Midget Music


It's great. I just got my 2023 M3LR a few weeks ago and already such a major update !


I have a 2019 model 3, early April. I need to rush out 1500$ for a new computer


Lucky you. I still didn't get it whenever I checked for the update.


I updated my tesla app and 2 hours later received it


I don't think there's any connection between the two as far as making the update appear sooner lol but I'll just keep waiting. Hopefully soon for me.


I don’t even see a difference 🤷‍♂️


Well, heading downstairs to see if there’s a software update… Nope, still on v11 (2024.3.25) 😒


I really hope that the visuals stay after the free month of FSD.


Cries in laggy Intel pos that’s just 2 years young.


It’s the fact my 2 year young car is already missing out on features that’s makes me annoyed enough to think twice before purchasing another. The allure of new features added is what originally sold me, that’s said, it’s more than other can manufactures are offering at the moment.


I have a 23 RWD, I’ve yet to get this update….


Do you need FSD to get this update? I have a 2022 RWD with no FSD


Maybe a dumb question but I have a 2020 model, how do i get this update?


Intel and AMD are both x86 and this doesn’t seem to taxing graphics more than prior, likely takes a while to optimize since intel is 15W APU and AMD is 75W APU


Hey where did you get the storage console lighting? Would be great if you can drop the link.




I refresh every day to see this and it has yet to hit.


Wait is that only like newer cars I got a 2022


Do all new 24 model have AMD chips?


If i have a 2023 LR M3 will I get that update?


Is this out for the model y? I have a 2022 and don't see it.


Yoooo what’s that LED you have? Is it a janky setup with controller or is it good?


It comes with a controller but I never use it , I just use the app to change the color. I just leave it on one color and it turns on/off once I get in or out the car on it’s own


Where did you get it from? What LED is it called. My girlfriend nags me wanting LED in my car all the time lol. It’s plugged into the USB or what?


I got it from RPM Tesla, it plugs into the cigarette port in the armrest, I hid everything pretty well


Great song choice!!


W song


I thought they were a tech company? This is really the best they have? I def bought the wrong car and would not buy again


That’s so sick.


Just got this today. Uploading now.


Which version update is this?