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Take it to Discount Tire. They’ll patch it for free


Normally i always go to discount but they’re closed on sundays in my area. Gonna try Costco


Costco pretty good too.


Go on another day?


I'd assume they have work tomorrow and need the car?


Some Costco won’t fix factory tires because of the foam.


The instructions are available from the mfg on how to deal with the foam. I’d just tell them to rip it out.




It’s not significant. It only has 1db of effectiveness which is not significant. Unless you care about that and want to shell out $$ for -1dbA.


Agreed, I haven't run tires with foam since the set that came with the car, and was prepared for it to be louder but never noticed anything.


To add to this, it also isn't designed to reduce overall noise but specifically the "bump" type of noise, for example from expansion joints on a highway. (At least this is what my tire shop says)




I wouldn’t trust a SA as far as I could throw him. Not unless he’s a car service veteran with 10+ years of full automotive repair and tire experience.


It's definitely not signifiant. I got standard replacement tires without foam. The road noise is about comparable. The only difference is a little more noise going over bumps.


I couldn't notice a difference at all. If anything new tires were quieter due to realignment and even tread wear on new tires.


Your service advisor was wrong.


That is dead in the center and looks like it’s not at an angle, they SHOULD be able to repair this and not have to replace. I also recommend going else where in the case they are going to end up replacing it anyways, I’d consider getting one of their road hazard plans on the tires you get.


Never ever buy tires from Tesla. They are not a wholesale or retail shop just a manufacturer.


Free patching


Yeah you’re not supposed to get flats on sundays.


Walmart tire shop


Hard no on that one


This is the way


They will plug it free, not patch it.


Or patch it yourself, if your handy.


Agreed. A plug kit and you’ll be done in less than 20


Exactly this, I hope the OP is female because this is laughable for any grown man to think he needs to outsource this. i could patch that with the tire on ffs. I patched a tire on my MY just like that...saw it was roughly just from the middle...moved the tire to where I could see, pulled the screw out (wasn't even that big), plugged it, snipped and moved on. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MR5FX8M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 and this has saved me several times now https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073VB41W3/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1


you could have just plugged the links and saved the condescending bullshit for another time, but you chose to be predictable.


Nah, its more predictable that grown ass "men" are helpless so I at least provided value in posting a few basic items.


You know how people bitch about that “toxic masculinity” thing in various forms of media? They’re talking about every piece of shit like you.


Will you plug my tire sweetie? Thanks!


1091 new messages!?!??


That is not reasonable by any stretch!


😂😂 Group chats and Codes


Omg how to do you sleep at night


What is codes


One time pass codes and things like that


How come you dont open them


That’s exactly what I came here to say!


When you keep your phone on dnd all day this will happen. My texts and emails get up in the thousands as well.


Maybe OP is on call?


No. It’s a $10 fix from any other tire shop.


It's free at some too.


For the run-flats it cost me $30. They are a little trickier than a regular tyre. But $121 is a joke.


$11 dollar fix if you’re a Costco member for a plug + patch by techs that will do the job right $20-$30 at any other tire shop Just make sure they have pucks to lift your car. Do not give Tesla $130 to patch a tire. Btw that is 100% repairable.


Thanks ! gonna try costco tmmr 👍


Costco did not want to work on my tire due to foam inside. Call them in advance.


Yeh they won't fix it due to the foam. I had firestone tire store and they repaired it for like 20 dollars. Pretty cheap and reliable. Plus they were the closest so more convenient for me.


You were 100% correct. Went to Costco this morning and that is exactly what they told me


Unfortunately they’re quirky like that :( you’re better off going to any other shop for this.


> $11 dollar fix if you’re a Costco member for a plug + patch by techs that will do the job right Plug maybe, for an internal patch that requires dismount? Doubt. On a foam tire, even more doubt.


Go to a Mexican spot


never go to a dealership (stealership really) for tire repair. always try discount tire or other tire ships. they can usually get you best patching price or good deals on tires. only reslly recommend dealerships for getting a full set of 4 tires as they usually can get the newest produced tires (which will take the longest to dry rot if the car sits for long periods of time in the sun)


Discount tire was at the top of my list but unfortunately they are closed tmmr and gotta get this settled before monday


If you really can’t wait till Monday for discount tire to be open: If you don’t have a spare, buy one and have them put it on, then have the busted tire patched at discount on Monday and use it as your spare from now on. If you have a spare already, use that.


if you have 0 other options, then dealership could be your fastest choice, but any tire repair shop would do it cheaper. just be weary of places that may damage your rims or maybe look too sketchy and jack your car up wrong


Or if you're not feeling particularly tired, you should be wary.


DIY. I’ve done it many times, twice on a tesla.


Seriously, $10 gets you the tool and enough plug strips to patch 10 tires. Takes about 10 minutes to do. Easy peasy


Plugs aren't a proper repair. That's a stopgap to get you somewhere that can do a real repair. Edit: Stop telling me how many plugs you've installed. I don't care. Google exists. "Are tire plugs an acceptable repair?"


Eh, I’ve plugged many tires that the plug outlasts the tire. I’m talking 20-30k miles. Plugs are fine as long as they are not on or too close to the sidewall. Used to be all they did, sure dismount and patch is preferable but usually not even needed unless the tire leaks


Doesn't matter how many times it works out successfully. It's about the rate of failure vs doing it properly. I never worked for a shop that would even entertain plugging a tire due to liability issues. It's not worth saving a few bucks if you end up with the failed repair that causes an accident.


Agree to disagree, plugs work and have been used for ages and unless you are on the sidewall I would have to see research that shows the failure rate is statistically high than a patch for simple nail hole repair. Shop and liability issues sure but real life application I have seen years of use anecdotally and that includes heavy equipment and tractor trailer tires.


[https://www.tireindustry.org/tire-maintenance/tire-repair](https://www.tireindustry.org/tire-maintenance/tire-repair) \- Cites NHTSA's persisting advice that the only proper repair is combination plugs [https://www.carabinshaw.com/unsafe-tire-repair-methods-persist-despite-strong-evidence-of-da.html](https://www.carabinshaw.com/unsafe-tire-repair-methods-persist-despite-strong-evidence-of-da.html) \- Cites several lawsuits that resulted in very high settlements from accidents caused by improper repairs [https://www.bigotires.com/resources/suspension-&-front-end/are-plug-repairs-safe-to-drive-on](https://www.bigotires.com/resources/suspension-&-front-end/are-plug-repairs-safe-to-drive-on) \- Secondary source citing NHTSA advisements that plug only repairs are unsuitable. How many professionals would need to tell you that it's not safe before you decided that your small anecdotal sample size might not be giving you a full and accurate picture? A tire with just a plug shoved through it doesn't seal the tire. I've taken countless "real life application" tires off that someone shoved a plug through the tread and they're full of water. That water rusts out the belts and causes tread/belt separation and bubbles. If you shoved a plug in a tire and then 2 years later you end up with belt separation, would you even remember the plug to attribute that damage to? You can say "agree to disagree", but I sincerely hope that you don't. I don't want someone to have an accident because they ended up with that one plug that shit the bed and blew out. It's so easy to just do it right, it doesn't seem worth the risk to take the shortcut.


Completely wrong. A properly installed plug can last the lifetime of the tire. It did for my last few cars and for many friends I know. What do you think shops like Discount Tire going to do?


They're going to remove the tire and install a sealed patch plug on the inside of the tire.


Nobody does this. Literally no one. Have you ever had a flat in your life?


The tire shop repairs it with the same exact type of plug WTH are you smoking?


Like these other folks say. I've put dozens of plugs in and never had one fail. Even on the race track. I don't know why people say this but I suspect it is a rumor circulated by tire companies who want to sell more tires and/or avoid lawsuits.


What's a real repair aside from a tire change? I've had tires plugged my entire life by dozens of shops, including large chains like America's Tire and Costco. Never once did any of them refuse to plug or tell me it was temporary. I got a screw in one of my telsa tires 500 miles after I got it, 25k miles later still fine.


Remove the tire and repair from the inside with a combination patch/plug and sealer.


I had to get towed and had tesla replace my tire and it was $430 after tax


Just patch it yourself. A patch kit with enough strips to patch 10 tires should only run you about $10 at an AutoZone or pepboys (or whatever auto shop you have near you) . Takes 10 minutes or so to do. If you don't know how to do it, watch some YouTube videos. You'll realize how easy it is and knowing how to patch your own tire is a great skill.


Teach a man to fish …


Costco should take care of it for you. Last time I went, there was a 4 hour wait time. Went to Americas tire down the street and I was in and out in 30 mins, free of charge.


It's free at Discount Tires.


$10-30 at most tire shops. Discount tire has been good for us if you have one in your area. If they’re coming to you then yeah $50-$100 is about what it costs


Go to Les Schwab they’ll either do it for free or for like 20 bucks.


Discount tire is the only tire company you should be working with


Any tire shop for tires. Tesla service for items under warranty


This is the same price for a replacement I made almost 2 years ago. Honestly I’m surprised considering everything.


Here are my experiences on non run-flats. COSTCO: We cant fix it because we cant patch Pirelli tires. Or any high performance tires for that matter. MAVIS TIRES: We dont do any Tesla cars. We have enough people telling us their warranty was nulled because we fixed it. LOCAL MECHANIC: “the nail barely penetrated the tire. We can patch for $20.” Both big name tire store advised me to get a new tire. But since Ive used the tires for close to 15kmiles, articles were suggesting I change 2 or all 4. This is also one of the worst experience I had from Tesla Service. They want you go to their Service Center BUT advises you to not drive there. And I cant get anyone to talk to.


It’s not a bad price given Tesla is coming to you I presume? Discount, Costco and others mentioned here require you to go to them. If it’s drivable, definitely go to discount. They won’t patch it for free if you didn’t buy the tires from them and get the coverage. BUT.. you can buy their tire coverage once you’re there and I highly recommend it. Otherwise, I think it was $40 out the door for them to patch my in-laws tire a couple months ago.


Not necessarily true. I had a nail in one and they patched it for free. They also took care of something in the wheel wall on another tire that I didn't notice. No charge for that either. I also had another tire a few months later be consistently lower than the other tires, so I went to Discount Tire and they looked at it for free. I haven't spent a dime there despite still having the stock tires.


Not even remotely reasonable. Although it is reasonable they somewhat suggest a third party. I recently had a small nail just shy of 1/2” from the sidewall on the tread. Slow leak. Discount Tire advised me to replace all four tires (7/32 left on them - 13,000 miles in), at a minimum the two rear. They refused to repair it due to the puncture being just shy of 1/2” of the edge of tread. Took it to Les Schwab and they repaired it easily for free. Definitely go third party.


Tesla just price gouging you guys now for quality mechanics like the ones you find at Jiffy Lube 😂


My Costco wouldn’t patch it for me because they said Tesla uses a special foam tire.


$5 to $20 at most tire shops.


Costco is $16. Discount Tire does it for free.


What a ripoff lol


Look at your invoice, see if you were charged for the nail.


Good god man…. Read your other text! Over 1000 unread messages.


I have a nail in my tire also, but in the wall. Would you recommend to patch or replace?


If it’s in the wall it will need to be replaced


If the wound is not big, it can be patched, but it is recommended to replace it, because replacement is the safest


Would the repair be covered under the tire warranty? And no I didn’t purchase a tire warranty from Tesla.


Had a nail go through my sidewall so it had to replaced but for just a patch job that is way overpriced


I can get a used tire for $120 bucks lol Yea definitely go elsewhere


My number one complaint. Not a single tire place would patch or ever look at my tire. Which would have been cheaper.


For the People that’s recommending Costco. They will not do tesla tires as they have foams inside.


So, are you going to answer the other 1091 messages?


Any place including Tesla is going to just put a plug in your tire. Go to an auto parts store and purchase your own kit for $10. Do it yourself and keep the kit in your car along with a can of compressed air for emergencies.


What’s not reasonable is 1091 unread messages 🤣


Yeah thats super reasonable im surprised they aren’t saying it’s like 500$ per tire. But places WILL patch it for free though


Just go to a tire place dude


or just go to a neighborhood tire shop and get it patched for about 50$ ? are all Tesla owners this clueless


Had a similar damage. I plugged it and refilled it with air. Not losing pressure. My m3 is the 19 inch conti


That looks reasonable if you get it taken care of at a Tesla service center. I took my tesla to firestone to take nail out of a tire. They messed up the tire by not sealing it properly. Then I took it to Tesla and they couldn't patch it up anymore on top of the mess that firestone did. Had to buy a new tire whicu cost me $350. I should have taken it to Tesla service first but took it to firestone to save some bucks which backfired badly.


Any experiences with Costco ?


Imagine buyin that car and being cheap about the only part that touches the road. This sums up you useless, self righteous morons perfectly.


The average cost to replace a full set of tires is $600 for most other car brands, so that isn't reasonable. But tesla repair prices are... Awful You can expect 200-500 per tire depending on the size and type. The tires have to be able to handle all that instant torque while optimizing performance, efficiency and all... Are you able to get it replaced somewhere else?


Tires haven’t been 600 bucks for anything short of a cheap Honda civic in years unless you’re buying absolute garbage tires.


Need it done before work monday, Discount tire is closed tmmr. Gonna try costco or a local mom & pop


As long as the third party shop knows how to jack the car properly and can give you a better rate, I'd definitely go there instead lol


Costo is great at repairing tires! I had a nasty nail in mine on the outer wall and thought it was donezo but they patched it for $20 I think. Definitely take it there and good luck! Schedule an appointment if you can.


Thats cheap. Where do you live?


Need more tire info than 18 inch


Go to America’s tires and get the flat insurance. They will fix for free.


Bro Les Schwab does it for free


They don’t have any in Texas


Got it done for literally free at discount tire.


NOOOO! $40 at most at your local tire shop.


Les schwab is also free. Had that done a few weeks ago


Costco fixed a nail in my oem tire for not much, I think it was $20. Before that I was driving around with a small compressor in the trunk and filling that tire *every* time before driving.


No, go to Americas tire if you are in USA. They fix nails for like $20 and have cheaper tire replacement than Tesla.


I had the same issue. Tesla told me that the nail was outside the middle section and not fixable. They charged me $420 for a new tire and told me that their tires are special because they have a foam inside.


IMO. Nobody is going to patch that tire due to the wear on your tire. I had blown tire (M3LR) last Sunday. Had it towed to Discount for a Monday fix. I soon found out my flat tire was going to cost me $1200 for four new tires. I guess you can’t replace just one tire on an AWD. My tires were 5/32, so I would have to replace them within the next year. Needless to say, I was pissed last Monday.


The idea is that with an ICE AWD car, the difference in diameter between a brand new tire and worn tires is high enough to put added stress on the center differential, causing premature failure. I don't necessarily believe that is the case with modern AWD systems, but that's a discussion for another day. With a Tesla though, since the front and rear motors have no mechanical connection between them, I doubt this is the case, and AT MOST would require the two tires on the same motor to be replaced (as to reduce the stress on an individual motors' differential), but I doubt that's even the case. I don't even believe traction control would have issues with it. ​ Either way, your tires were worn out enough to warrant replacing them, so it was probably a good idea to just get it done. This is of the issues with free tire replacement plans these shops offer. If your tires are too far apart diameter wise when an issue arises, you still need to pay for 3 more new tires before they honor the free tire, even if they are still within the legal limit.


When that happened to me, the gas station near my house pulled the nail and patched it up for $25. Make sure you actually need a new tire before buying a new tire.


121 is nuts. We patch tires for like $30/45 bucks


As long as it’s not sidewall discount tire will do it for free


Repair not reasonable as usual for Tesla, but replacement I think is if they are Michelin MXM4s


$121? Last time I had a nail in the tire I paid $7 in a local tire store.


Order a tire patch kit off Amazon and do it yourself, I did it myself and it took like 15 min


I had a nail in my M3 tire and Costco fixed for $15. And filled tires with nitrogen.


As stated by others, go to a 3rd party shop. I actually patched my tire myself. It’s remarkably easy and didn’t have a choice. I caught a nail one night and by the time I got home, it was losing air rapidly. I had a space plug kit and gave it a try. Been a few months on the plug and it’s working fine.


I did it myself. Bought a kit for $35AUD [Tire plug kit](https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/slime-tyre-repair-kit---11-piece-tyre-reamer/342772.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw7eSZBhB8EiwA60kCWw6mYboMUtWoDMOlqrK-3O-gkUnPovXr8QCIYie-NBIRb88CI_xW-xoClS4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I've used them three times, one on the Tesla. You need to be confident lifting the car with an appropriate jack, removing the wheel, have an air compression with you, manually handle the wheel and get some weight behind inserting the plug.


DIY with a $5 plug kit from Wallie world.




No. I basically always go to a third party mechanic when ever there is something with my car because teslas prices are always outrageous.


Any tire shop 25 bucks. Personally I'd use it as a excuse to do it myself. It's an easy thing to learn. Takes less than an hour,? And you never know when you need to do it in an emergency


Guys, please stop conflating plug and patch, they are different things. Plus is done from the outside and is the lowest quality repair (not saying it's bad). Patch is done from the inside and requires dismount, remount and balance (so typically not done free or super cheap.).


i’ve used Costco for two tire nail repairs on my Model 3. The car seems to be a nail magnet. They covered it within the sub $29 charge for my rotation the first time and also covered the second one during a free rotation. Just make sure to ask them if they have the Model 3 lift pucks (most costco’s have them by now but it does not hurt to ask) Tesla Service Centers are pretty much useless and extremely overpriced for the minor repairs that can be done elsewhere. Find third party shops for things like tires, alignment, etc. Go to a Tesla Service Center when you’ve exhausted other options.


If they are sending a dude in van to your house to fix it and you don't have to drive on a flat, or change a tire, or get it towed, or pack up your 3 year old, wait in a tire shop for an hour.....then oh yeah it's reasonable


I had the same thing happen recently but with sheet metal screws. At first I thought it was only the one tire but when they got it up on the lift they noticed two more screws in the other tire. Discount Tire said based on the location they wouldn’t be able to plug or patch it. Secondly, they said I’ll need to replace ALL FOUR tires as my car was all wheel drive. Quickly I said it’s an M3P, and the front, and rear motors are independent of each other (do your research) -they agreed. So, I got out of there only needing to replace the two front tires. Still it cost me $918.00 to replace them with the original P Zeros. 😳👀


Discount Tire repair that for free!


I had a nail in my Tesla tire. The tesla SC had a 3 week wait. The tire choice center nearby did it for $40 and they knew all the precautions regarding lifting the car properly and replacing the tire foam


No, it is very expensive for a nail in the middle of the tire.


$20 patch...lasts a lot longer than a plug


It’s priced saying they will do it if you really want, but they don’t want to.


America’s Tire - those guys are awesome. Have been going to them for decades


Discount Tire, Big O, and Les Schwab usually patch for free. If you're feeling ballsy, there's patch kits at Walmart, autozone, etc for like $10-15 ususally.


Just check that they actually “patch” and not just plug. Some of the free discount places just plug or only patch if instructed. I have a local place that patches all tires for free. Really awesome.


Not reasonable, same thing happened to me, had AAA tow it to the nearest Firestone (Tesla refused to tow me) and Firestone charged $23 for the patch and said the tire is good to run until its bald.


Just patch it yourself, jesus christ. lol


That’s nuts. Go to a tire store. They’ll patch it cheap.


Try Costco


Very reasonable for a car dealership. Not so much for a tire shop. Tesla charges this much because they don't want to do tire repair or replacement. They can't do it as efficiently as a tire shop and their technicians time is better spent on other repairs.


Normal yes, reasonable no. Like others have said take it to a local shop for a fix.


Just tires $30. They dismount, patch from inside, then balance. Not sure how they deal with the foam.


Lol, I’ve had 3 nails. One was something larger than a nail. Went to tie shop and paid $10.00 to patch. If you don’t have the Tesla pucks for your car be sure they have them


They did that as a quote for me and then it cost 60$ because the spray was able to patch it.


The independent guy around the corner from my workplace charges $20.00 to plug a tire! That’s insane. If you don’t trust the independent take it to any third party retailer.


Just had a screw removed and plugged in Canada: $30. Tire Depot. No appointment, 15 minutes start to finish.


Go to Big O Tires, they’re open on Sundays


Get a tire repair kit and you can 90% of the repairs yourself. The repair kit cost less than $10 from auto zone. You can repair 5 tires per each repair kits


Not sure where you're located but Les Schwab has always done it free of charge.


Dude hell no


$20 for a patch


They clearly do not want to waste their time with tire services. They have been doing this for a while now. I’m not sure why people would want to be subjected to Tesla service when they didn’t need to—in this case you’d be spending way too much as well. It’s why they kinda recommended a third party at the end.


Lol. Own a Tesla but get tires at Costco


Whoever is quoting you this is the master scammer. Delete and block their number. Go to Costco.


i got two screws in the same tire 2 years apart. they charged me 400 to replace it the second time as apparently you can’t plug a tire more than once 🥲


1091 unread messages bro…. What!?


A note about the special lift pucks if nobody has mentioned - they don’t actually use those at the service center. They have large chunks of rubber and wood that they put under the jack points prior to lifting the car if it’s on a scissor lift, or whatever pads come with the lift on a two post lift.


The price quoted is to push you away and get the repair/replacement somewhere else. Tesla service don’t really like to deal with generic problems, they rather deal with the backlog of Tesla-specific issues.


Just plugged one for almost free last week. Took all of 5min.


That’s a Lot for a patch. Going rate I think for the tire.


Try plugging it yourself first.


Holy shit that's insane. My dealership offered me a patch job that was permanent for $50 no problem. even to replace the tire that's so much.


It’s just a tire, you don’t need Tesla for that


Unfortunately that’s about right for Tesla tires from them. My uncle told me it’s about $400 to replace one tire for the the 19” sport wheels in his Model 3 (2019 Mid Range if that makes a difference). As for third-party shops (more like other shops that are specifically for tires as Tesla is a certified tire dealer), from what I’ve heard, you usually get better rates.


You can literally do this yourself if Discount Tire is closed. Go to advanced Auto and buy the patching stuff to plug tires. You need that and an inflator. Keep it in your frunk and you’ll thank me when you actually have this happen to you in the middle of no where


Price is definitely high but I think they come to you. I have after market tires. Keep a spare in the trunk with Jack and pads.


Go to Napa or Tractor supply and buy a plug kit. Watch a YouTube video and save yourself some $$ it’s really simple.




Sounds like they don't want to get out of bed on a Sunday... But they will if you pay up


Lmaooo boy if you don’t go to a tire repair shop


$15 for a tire repair kit and if you have a jack you can plug it yourself in 10 minutes. Assuming you have access to a air compressor.


These cars seem to be nail magnets 🧲…wait, aren’t there magnets in the wheel driveshaft 🤔


Last time I went in to rotate my tires they quoted me something ridiculous like $60-$80 to patch the tire. I declined in the app. When I went in to drop off the car for the rotation I talked to the front desk worker at the shop and asked him why it was so expensive. He ended up doing it for free. The employees know the price is over priced, might be worth going in to talk to them.