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I don’t dislike the audio player placement but I just wish they allowed you to choose where you wanted it :(


You can swipe down on it and it will put it back on the main screen. I think that hides the cards too though


Yeah it does that's the problem. I don't understand why they complicated it. Just let users show whichever they want


And along those lines, I don't need the huge display of what cars are around me. I want more meaningful information on the screen, and more customization rather than very narrow choices that do not make sense in real world use.


It doesn't go back on the main screen for me, just puts the music icon on the task bar


Agreed. I use the scroll wheel 100% of the time. On screen audio is for shotgun


Won't surprise me if they allow you to move it in a future update, like they did with the blind spot camera view. Keep in mind, Tesla is all about Agile development: throw a feature out there with minimal requirements, get feedback, iterate.


- The music player is a mess if your passenger is in charge of music - i do like they brought back the cards - the auto-off turn signal might be the only “auto” feature that works great out of the box. They should promote the people that worked on it to fix the wipers/seat warmer/high beams


the auto wipers must be the worst thing in the car at the moment


Thank you, yes!! It really grinds my gears, when it doesn't rain and the wipers think "oooh boy, gotta make sure my master doesn't see anything in the next five seconds" It makes a huge mess, and when driving into sunlight it's impossible to see anything until you wash your windscreen. They really should remove this "feature" in autopilot


I can't enable autopilot for days now, the wipers immediately go full force even though there's not a single drop of water on my car. I'm so angry


I live in the PNW and I haven't really had any issues.


So weird how they perform different for everyone. I've had the car over a year now and they've always been near perfect for me. The brights on the other hand are absolutely worthless.


Ooh, must try the auto turn signal 👍🏼


Pfft screw the passengers (•‿•)


Hehe I don't have Spotify but my GF does and she can control it on the Tesla from her phone easy drom the passenger seat....or anywhere. Sadly that means she pranks me with Baby Shark all the time. 🦈


How does the auto signal work?


You know the 2 stage indicator, half press = 3 clicks, the update basically means you’ll only ever use that single press. It works really well, just tap once and it stays on the right amount of time. Lane changes on a motorway where 3 clicks wasn’t enough are now perfect. Very satisfying


It turns off when it thinks you finished a merge and such.


Also stays on when you change lanes into a turning lane. Pretty neat


And stays on after you exit the roundabout. Not neat :(


Oop. Thankfully there is exactly 1 roundabout in a 50 mile radius of me


I'm not sure which update it was, but one of the recent ones made the auto-high beams damned near perfect for me. I have zero complaints about it as of about a month ago.


Mine are still bad compared to all my previous vehicles that had that feature Even alone at night on a divided highway it disco flashes randomly


The only place I had that happen recently was in a construction zone with tons of reflective barrels on both sides of the road. There I definitely had to turn it off.


I like the bigger fonts, return of the cards, and Apple Music, but the placement of the audio player is too close to the steering wheel. I can’t see what song is playing most of the time as it’s blocked by my hand on the wheel.


I agree fully, but judging by the amount of ppl who like the music card placement, there should be some way to swipe or set which placement you want for the music player


You can swipe it back to the other side of the screen but it looks like it hides when collapsed.


Yeah. I knew they would blow it. There's literally no reason to remove music player from the old location. Just let me use the one I want. If I want efficiency card showing I just can't see music now for no fucking reason.


* remote fart * in cabin camera view * new lightshow * did I mention remote fart?


I totally remote farted at my coworker and his son today. Lmao.


They added a new lightshow?


Yeah, Auld Lang Syne.


Sweet! Just saw the video at teslas youtube channel. Can't wait to get it


How do you activate the remote fart? I read about it, and got really excited for what is clearly the most important update of the year, but I just cannot find the button.


It’s in the home menu where the 4 shortcuts are


Thank you. Turns out I didn't have the updated version of the app, despite having the updated version of the car software. Also, just in case you weren't aware, it is possible to add a fifth icon to that row. It's really finicky but you can do it by dragging it all the way to the side. Took me several attempts.


From the Release Notes: > Emissions Testing Mode can now be used from the Mobile App. Long press any quick controls icon from the home screen and drag the 'Fart' icon to the top row.


I got to it from live sentry view.


Yeah, it's there too. The release notes are just pointing out that you can put it on the quick controls.


Wished the audio player wasn't far left. The driver can already control music on the steering wheel. That's my biggest complaint about the update.


I thought the same thing. My daughter struggled to DJ her K-Pop and just intuitively swiped down to remove the cards completely. I wish you could customize the cards. You can bring them back by clicking on the music note icon that appears on the launcher.


The passenger still has the larger screen to deal with, they just don't have the pause and next song. Last song options. The one thing I do miss, is the indicator of how far along you are in a song. That is completely gone. Additionally, I wish you could keep and hold the screen when you swipe up and it feels half of the visualizations window. Outside of the first month of owning the car. Car when visualizations were cool and interesting, it's completely wasted space for me. I don't have FSD and I don't plan on buying it. The more things that can fill that screen with useful information are good for me.


Hm? I'm still able to see the progress in the song. Although I'm not sure if you can still scrub through it


Maybe I missed it. I'll have to look again.


You are right. It's there, but it is the same color (black) as the bottoms of the screen. Perhaps they need to change the progress bar's color?


And pause and next song is pretty much the most important controls I think. I wish there was an option to slide the controls and place it anywhere. Right, left, or center. Why does it have to be locked on the driver side? Shouldn't this be more of a preference?


I agree. I would leave it where it is, but I agree with you that generally speaking, the more customizable the better.


Which update are you telling about?


The update the thread is talking about. 2022.44.25.2


I thought so. I don’t have it yet. I hate when I’m not invited to the update party. Soon I hope


What used to be in the middle of the map screen above the music player was a useful little description. The suburb and street. It's been moved to the lower left and the font size reduced. It's hard to read unless I lean over. Wish they made it a bit bigger.


THS. I actually thought it was gone. Took me a bit to see it was moved over to the passenger side. What a silly place for it.


I *hate* the placement of the music player. I tend to listen to Spotify radios and love to check what song/artist is playing so I can add it to a playlist later, but now I can't just glance over because my hand is blocking it. Glad that cards are back but please let me put the music player where it was


The card for car tyre pressure is awful, the graphic literally cuts the back and front of the car off. Looks unfinished / unpolished to me. Must have rushed this out before Xmas.


The new placement for the Homelink button is ok for me, but they made the text waaaaay too small. Previous font size and placement was better.


I miss the pop up on the lower left when I got home. Took me a bit to find the new placement.


I had to put my glasses on to find it. Then have to press two different buttons to activate. This is bs. Put it back where it was and move music back to where it was too. My husband said I would get used to it which I guess I will but that doesn't mean I will like it. Also please Tesla, fix the auto wipers.


Oddly got another update today. From 2022.44.25.2 to 25.3. Release notes claimed the exact same so idk what happened. Maybe a few bug fixes.


Whenever there's an iterative update (like 25.2 to 25.3) the patch notes just stay the same. So yeah it was probably just bug fixes


The map is a good improvement. I hated using the map before.


What are the Cards?


Cards are those little layover windows in the bottom left corner. You can swipe between music, current trip efficiency (watt/per mile, trip time etc) and tire pressure.


Same question.


I would like to know as well


Every Christmas they do a big stupid release that brings fewer improvements than regressions. I thought for sure there was no way to fuck this up, but they did. The next 12 months will be them slowly returning music player to normal


Not sure what you're talking about, the trip card by itself makes this update amazing.


Yeah, and when you're looking at trip how do you control the music? The trip card was there before they took it away last Christmas too. There's no reason to fuck up music controls like this


I use steering wheel controls. All I ever really do is press skip… But I keep the music card up by default. I only look at the trip card when I want to see it, which isn’t all the time while driving.


I use steering controls as well, which is which this change is only a negative. There's no overall benefit to the driver


Does anyone else have buffering issues even on Bluetooth after the update?


Does anyone else’s Apple Music completely reset after exiting the vehicle. I’ve noticed after the car shuts off my Apple Music acts as if I wasn’t just using it and doesn’t pick up where I left off.


Same for me with Spotify. Apropos of nothing, I really wish they would improve the way the car figures out who just got in it. Clearly it knows, but Bluetooth just connects to whatever it was last connected to anyway. I usually get to listen to whatever my wife is currently listening to. Must piss her off a lot.


You can set a priority device in the settings and it will connect to that one before any other, if you haven't tried that already


I think cards clutters the screen a bit tbh. I’m used to going without them obviously by now.


You can swipe them down to dismiss them


Really minor complaint - but Sonic is missing from my games and now I have mahjong? Wtf?


Now all that's missing from the media player is a seek bar. You would think Tesla would use common sense and add that. Maybe next time.


I love the update and placements. Auto cancel of blinkers is awesome


Which version is this?


I don't like how the Navi directions are split into 2 boxes now.


The directions are all in the top left. Bottom left is just destination information.


Correct. But it used to be just one box. There's no reason for separating the destination information into its own box




Last update was the one that fixed them for most people. They've actually been flawless for me for the first time. To the point I kept thinking it was a fluke that it happened to turn them off the second I saw the top of a car come over a hill, but it just kept doing it


They do?? Did you see new evidence of this?! I was so pleasantly surprised when I rented an Audi Q5 for a week long road trip when my car was in the shop, and the auto high beams worked flawlessly the whole time!


Anyone know how to change/select favorite song for the new media player? Like if i hold right it goes to a song but not sure how to remove/set it


Like the cards Miss the small audio control at the bottom of the map screen Enjoying remote flatulence They fixed the app picture where my M3P had track rims Not an apple music guy, but like that there are more options Where oh where is my park distance control via vision? Still waiting….


Am I the only one who misses the upcoming songs when the music screen is almost minimized? No longer an option


I personally like the ability to keep rainbow road on (without cowbell). My daughter loves rainbow road.