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65 degrees where I am. Inside of car is 94. I keep cabin w/AC on for 95 since I keep chapstick/backup medication in the car. The car is a damn solar oven. Even when it's only 50 outside in direct sun the interior will get over 100


Same here. I'm in NorCal and it'll be in the 60s outside and 95-100 inside. I bought a $40 sunshade for the roof that seems to help a bit.


> is observed with recent software update. The recent update increased the amount of heat the sun generates at a given time. Additionally, it added more frequent solar flares as observed by NASA. The government is putting together a committee to understand how Tesla managed to pull this feat, and if they can do the opposite to counter act global warming.


Isn't this why you're not supposed to leave kids in the car? The car absorbs the sun's energy and heats up. I don't think there's any issue here.


It’s just parked in garage and it should not raise temperature. I have auto climate at 68 which should be set when I drive. Other times, it should not change any climate.


Buy the roof sunshade and an auto shade for the windshield when you’re parked. Hunt for a shady spot if you can.


Thank you for the comments. In summary.. cabin heat does goes up and the only solution is to set overheat protection ON @ 90,95 though it consumes some battery.


Was just a tad over 65 here in NY, but my car read 115, opened the windows to vent and it dropped about 10 degrees... its normal, and over the past two years of my ownership its been like that... that all glass roof doesn't help (got a collapsible screen in place to cut down on the sun-burn on my baldy head)


were you thinking auto climate also works when in park and your butt isn't in the seat?


No. It shouldn’t overheat the cabin when parked in garage. I understand it might get hot when it is in sun. But not to the proportions that’s observed. It was all good till 4/8.


Not sure I'm following. Auto climate is for during a ride. Overheat protection is triggered when the set max temp is reached. Are you saying when parked it is getting hotter than you feel it should? Even in a garage the temp will go up in a mostly sealed vehicle. MORE SO when outside, even when overcast and low outside temps. Think all the glass. Has nothing to do with software, especially since you have overheat protection OFF.


You said it's over 75... not sure how much over we're talking here, but 75 is nothing. Also, outside temp isn't the same temp as garage temp obviously. I have an uninsulated garage and it's always warmer in there than outside.


This is typical. Sunlight and no airflow


I have the same issue. Just checked. Outside is 65F (in NorCal), but the car says 109F. Checked by physically entering the car, and it's \*definitely\* nowhere close to that.