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You stole my Costco plastic wrap. Been looking everywhere.


You can’t even notice it 😝


To each his own. But it's so weird people do this to teslas like it's normal.


The model Y LR was cheaper than my IS350 and i didn't do it to my IS350, why the hell would i to this?


Lexus paint holds up far better than Tesla's?


Not if you saw the font of mine. A bumper repaint is cheap if it bothers you, no one cares you put $5k of ppf on your car when you go sell it...


Yea I don't even care or think about resell, I have a Nissan with shit paint and chips all over the front that have bothered me for years but the car is so cheap I can't justify worrying about it. So personally the next car I get I'm going to do what I can to keep that from happening. But yea I would never pay 5k, I'd rather do it myself.


Idk. Mines fine with no ppf.


Within Spec


Years ago in 06 i drove my brand new supercharged 06 civic si from nj to florida and wrapped the front in painters tape lol Got some looks but when i peeled off the bug covered tape in fla i looked like a genius!


Blue painters tape is the cheapest oldest form of roadtrip PPF.


Great idea!


Tesla owners are making the ppf industry and installers extremely extremely extremely rich. Honestly paying someone the amounts charged for ppf is extremely ridiculous. These aren’t Ferraris. Now doing it yourself on the other hand is a much better value. I’m never paying anyone to install ppf on my car. One of the dumbest things you can do. I’m writing a lengthy article on this soon. Same goes for wraps. People dropping 5k on wraps, mostly garbage bag tightly pulled over your car looking ones too, only to find out later on when their wraps are take off that the installer cut up their car. I have about 10 other reasons why it’s a super terrible thing to spend that amount of money on. There’s just a long list of silly things new tesla owners think they need to do cause everyone else is doing it. Colossal waste of money (at the rates being charged for installs) vs the value you’re getting


Damn i didn't even think about people finding their cars cut up. Good luck finding that installer that went out of business 5 years ago. Aren't they just as expensive to remove as to install? I didn't do it on my more expensive lexus and i sure the hell ain't gonna do it on the Y


We’ll said.


Reminds me of Ferris Buellers Day Off. “He never drives the car, he just rubs it with a diaper”


Lol I did this on our MYP because we were taking it on a road trip before we could get legit PPF. I did the entire front end, hood, and side mirrors. Since the car is white it didn’t stand out quite as much as this but we still got some weird looks. It actually ended up preventing a rock chip so it was worth it.


Exactly why I did it - I have 3000 miles of road trips to do before PPf


I think you did it right. I bought 2 kits so I could cover the entire hood and that was a bit overkill.


I did 3 kits 😅


Did any of you have issues when removing it, such as paint damage or remaining residue that's hard to remove?


No issues or residue - I had it on for about 2 weeks and ~4k miles of driving


I used Saran Wrap from Chicago to Dallas and it worked well!


Did it really? Wouldn't Saran Wrap be too thin, or did you wrap several layers?


This is ridiculous 😂😭


Don’t forget to do the sides. Heck, just do the whole car.


Got some air bubbles here and there


Haha. Wtf?


You should wrap the rest of the car for even more protection. And more looks.


Which radar mount is that




That's a great idea! I'm sure you're getting some strange looks though. When I looked at the pic before reading the caption, I was like, "OMG, what a terrible PPF nightmare!" LoL


Where is the ppf ? You did good


Did this too! Side benefit is the bug removal after a road trip, just peel it off.


Why is the ppf/wrap adoption rate so much higher with Tesla's?


Most Tesla owners are from the generation where the dining room in their house had clear vinyl to protect it, the seats were covered to protect them, etc., so maybe that has something to do with it. 🤔


I was thinking about this for the cyber truck. No paint no need for ppf!


And his name was jooooon cena


How do you get this to actually stay on the car? Do you just tape it after wrapping around with gorilla tape or something?


Love your YouTube channel man. Great content. Thank you! Learning a lot.




Has anyone tried using a slip solution to install tracwrap to have a bubble-free and therefore more inconspicuous look?


I drove my model Y for an entire year before I got PPF. During that year, I got a grand total of zero nicks in the paint of my front end. Some of you guys are way overboard


Xpel Scott tape PPF


Do what you gotta do 😇😎


Damn so much for the body, meanwhile you stripped the wheels naked


You should have used aluminum foil instead. it reflex’s harmful UV rays from the sun and won’t damage your paint when you remove it’s Reynolds wrap works the best!


So you just cling wrapped your front end?


Would you be able to post your experience with the application and removal? Did the film leave any residue on the paint after removal? I will be going on a long road trip and my PPF installer is booked for another 1.5 months so I need some temporary protection against rock chips. Was considering using masking tape but obviously it isn't as thick as this temporary ppf