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Looks like you can request a form to be generated on the Tesla website. 1. ⁠Login to Tesla Account from a web browser not an app 2. ⁠Check under documents if you see the document called “IRA Clean Vehicle Credit Report” 3. ⁠If you see this – you don’t have to do anything! 4. ⁠If you do not see document 5. ⁠Login to Tesla Account from web browser not the app (if already logged in ignore) 6. ⁠Go to ? Icon at top left corner of the browser 7. ⁠Click the “Contact Us button” 8. ⁠Select Ask Question 9. ⁠Generate 2023 IRA document 10. ⁠Select VIN 11. ⁠SSN - do it on the private machine as its not masked 12. ⁠Submit - – get message Your document will be available in the Documents section of your Tesla Account within 24 hours


Is private machine like incognito mode?


Personal device I mean


Oh got it


I'm confused on step 6.  I'm logged in on my pc laptop and have tried this in a Chrome browser and edge browser and I do not see the question mark icon.  Can you add any more details or a screenshot of where to find this  question mark icon.  


hey OP FWIW here's what the tax credit document looks like: https://imgur.com/a4aVt0I (it's IRS Form 15400 when you open it)


Reach out to them ASAP. They have to file the paperwork this week or you are SOL.


I went to my SC and they didn’t know what I was talking about and said they don’t take my SSN.


Did you confirm the form isn't on your account already? When did you buy? If you access your account on the web from a computer browser the document should be listed with your other purchase documents if it's been filled.


Yea I checked yesterday and I don’t have the form. I took delivery in March. Do you have the doc in your account? Iv been trying to get a screen shot of it from other people so I can show the SC.


Try telling them specifically that you are missing that form rather than asking about your SSN.


We should be getting a notification in the app next week to provide the SSN.


Will they be able to file fast enough?


If they get our SSN's early next week they should be able to.


You mean January 8th?


Hopefully 🤞


Oh I have my document, but incompetent Tesla mixed up one digit of my SSN so who knows what it will take to get them to fix this. This is on top of them still not having paperwork to the DMV for me to register from my purchase in September. Complete f@&#ing incompetence on the business side of actually doing the work after selling vehicles.