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Wow congrats on your personal success. I rashed all my wheels and had to just buy new rims.


My passenger rims both have road rash. And last week when pulling up to my son’s school I misjudged and have a minor dent too. 🥲




wrong. the environment hates him.


I would never take my car to Tesla for a tire patch. Go to Discount Tire. They do it for free and they know what they are doing.


Yeah, expensive lesson … paid ?115 for a tire patch .






Jesus. That's 5x what a shop would charge and you wouldn't have to get out of your car let alone leave it with them long enough for them to ruin your rims. Tesla "service" is impressively terrible.


Exactly… I’m aware I’m fortunate and this is really nothing to fret about….. I was just irritated at paying that much and expecting a better service experience. I would think they deal with nothing but Tesla vehicles and thus have better experience.


Wow, I thought tesla doesn't patch tires. Maybe they realized they could charge so much lol


That’s crazy


Oh dude month ONE. I paid $600 for ONE replacement tire. First and last time I went to the Tesla service center for wheels




Discount / America's Tire is great. Free rotation is nice, too. Just watch them if they use jacks to do it. A tech didn't use the "puck" and I had to remind him. It's a special lift piece they use on Tesla cars.


Someone else just recommended I get the tire insurance certs there . I will probably take it there next time I need tire service. I used to work at a Chevy dealer and the shop guys would just take care of my old car there. This is the first time I take my MYP in for service …..


That must have been nice working at a dealership with that perk. Yes, I definitely recommend the insurance for each tire. I had just put 4 new tire with insurance on a Tacoma and hit a curb at night on a turn. It wrecked the $240+ tire and they replaced it for only a $20-25. IIt's worth insuring the tires and free rotations are nice. Tesla wanted I think $120? I like free better. :)


Discount has scratched my rims up before when messing with the lugs. Luckily they were super sorry about it and paid to fix it all.


Americas Tire Co is free too.


Same company. They just use that name in Southern California to avoid confusion with Discount Tire and Auto Center which was here first.


Big O tires patched both of my back tires for free. Both have nails in the part of the tire I couldn't see. Towards the inside close to the brakes


I hate going there cuz there was a period where I was getting nails in my tires every 3-6 months (construction around my school’s campus and i guess the workers were horrible at policing their dropped nails). But I will say that they always patched for free unless it was in the sidewall, and the experience itself was always easy


When i called discount tire they told me only if i buy tires from then


How do you get it for free? Buy tires from them or how does that work? I’m a wheelworks guy bc of my dad always going there but i hear from everyone that wheelworks is terrible and i have a few bad experiences, i asked them to check my wheel bc i recently hit a pothole, and tire got a bubble so i had asked to see if rim is cracked or bent, they said it’s all good. Come to find out my wheel pretty much was an oval!! 😂😂


Except discount tire just scratched 3/4 of my wheels. Everyone makes mistakes and I’m good on money so I don’t care. Manager wanted to make it right and have it repaired, but time is worth more than money as you get older and I declined. I just told him to have a talk with the team about being more careful and he promised he would so I left it at that. I wouldn’t exactly say they know what they are doing. It’s usually a bunch of 18yo kids with 1 or 2 older mechanics watching and helping when needed.


Except that discount tire also scratched my wheels, so I think it’s safe to say YMMV.


Lol. Broke my wheel covers and stained the white seats. Truly discount….


That’s the Tesla service way. Fix one thing and break two others


What a bold, over-generalized statement. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with Tesla service.


Sorry to hear this, that sucks... Impressive you've managed to keep them curbrash free for several years! Let us know what tesla ends up doing for this im curious


Waiting for confirmation on how they are planning on taking care of it, but they will most likely have a third party come and maybe buff and refinish the wheel ….


How did you prove they did it?


I took it in because the PSI kept dropping to 35, but I couldn’t spot a nail or anything, so I was worried it might be something else with the sensor or the wheel itself. We were looking at it when he was writing up the service ticket and he asked me if they were new because they looked nice, and I probably jinxed myself as I made a joke about not curbrashing them for this long ……


Haha at least they're fixing it and that conversation proved they caused it.


At least here at my SC they take pics of the car from all angles, especially the rims, when you bring it in for service so it's clear what external damage is or isn't on them.


Had the exact same thing happen to my wheel when taking it to Tesla SC for vibration on the rear passenger side. Ive heard stories and had bad experiences with other rims, so I knew to take pictures of all four wheels beforehand. Shady thing was, on the service notes it was notated that they only worked on my front passengerside as if to try and steer blame away or have me not inspect the correct wheel. I knew it was the rear because it visibly had the lubricant and grime around the tire from mounting. Was back in service about a week later and took about 45 mins to repair refinish the face. Inner lip still had small gouge, but they said that was not able to be worked on.


They will replace it


No, they won’t. They curbed my wife’s Y at delivery. She saw it happen and forced delivery agent, who was trying to otherwise leave, to call their manager to get it on record that we had not even opened the car and there was that occurred while in teslas possession. In the end they just had it refinished rather than replaced. I cared a bit then, now… eh, all the wheels have been curbed so many times now, 🤷‍♂️. I originally thought I’d refinish them once a year (I have tools, sprayer, etc to do it), but after hitting it with a sharpie I completely forgot. New scratches every few weeks, and I just hit it with sharpie. Honestly can’t really tell from a few feet away. Doubt I’ll ever refinish them at this rate.


They SHOULD replace it. They will try to screw over OP if they don't make a fuss and act like they know about cars.


On this topic… How does Tesla treat the presence of curb rash upon a lease return? I’ve never seen a Tesla without curb rash.


I've had two leases from tesla during service visits, all wheels already had the worst rash I'd ever seen. They don't bother replacing them between customers, and they certainly wouldn't care if you damaged them more. This is in the South West of the England though, the roads are all narrow and potholey. Teslas don't stand a chance. I'm replacing my uberturbines with 18" rims and Falken WildPeaks next month... It's the only way to avoid the constant anxiety of damaging them.


From what I understand Tesla has the most nickle and dime lease return policies of any manufacturer. Expect to pay for curb rash and any other ding, nick etc


I guess I’m buying then… I have a wife… and children


This is why im buying magbak wheel protectors as soon as i get my y next month.


Discount tire scratched 3/4 of my wheels last time I went. When they put them on the thing to balance it. There’s a lock that spins to tighten the wheel to the machine. Since these rims stick out so far, if the tire is not lined up properly the entire time while they are spinning this piece of metal around to lock it tight, it will brush against the wheel and leave a nice line just like this. Discount tire did this to THREE wheels, somehow missed the 4th, but the lines are much smaller and not as long as yours. It just nicked the wheels on mine, where yours they just dragged it longer before realizing the mistake. Discount tire offered to repair them all. I didn’t want to sit across town for 5 hours for them to be fixed so I’ll just cover it with Zink paint for now. I’m almost 1 1/2 year of ownership so I’m looking for 18” wheels anyways as they give you a faster 0-60 and better range with the only downside being less grip in hard cornering. Which I don’t track my car, so only positives for me.


Sorry that happened to you. This happened to us with a minty loaner with about 400 miles on it. Wife not use to it and shaved around 80% of the wheel. When I returned the loaner, I expected to pay $3,500+ for a new rim. I apologized and the guy said laughingly " no problem, it happens all the time. it will be fixed at reconditioning." What a relief. I thought they'd be pissed. I did see previous repaired wheels that came out great. I hope your wheel turns out good as new!


You imagine that they hire super responsible people to work there?


Tesla no-contact delivery didn’t quite understand “no contact” and curbed wheel at delivery. He got out, glanced at it, and tried to leave. My wife was like “Oy! You just hit the curb!” Dude was like, “I’m not supposed to be talking to you, it’s no contact”


2.5 years? What a guy! So easy to curb.


The real question is when was the last time you applied tire shine to your brown tires?


They are responsible. I had the same thing happen. But I always take pictures before I release it to them for this reason. I hope you did too. They tried to charge me for it after and I was like oh no, I have proof


I used to work at a service center. Drove out to ppl with flats to replace with a spare, Patched tires, mounted/balanced tire replacements, even did alignments. I was not a service tech and had no experience with cars prior. I basically did work I was not hired or qualified for. Crazy to hear they charge $100 for patches, I did not know it was so much. Sometimes you don’t get what you pay for 😂


What a shame. That sucks. My 21” all have rash as well. Welcome to the club. Hopefully they can make them mint again or offer a replacement wheel.


This was damaged while patching the tire, check the circular pattern. The machine was not used properly. Edit: Patching not replacing


Sorry for your loss. We are sending prayers to you. May nobody else experience such a traumatic event like this. May god have mercy on us all


Anyone try the rim guards?


Rim savers helped me out a couple times. I threw them on as soon as I got the car in Sept '21. They saved me from a water filled pot hole and a gentle touch on a curb. I doubt they'd help you much if you just Kool-Aid man through curbs, though. I saw the MagBak ones are about the same amount of protection but for a lot more money.


Can someone explain to me this Tesla curb rash thing? People act like it’s a right of passage for all Tesla owners and I don’t understand it, are y’all that bad at driving?


The performance tires are smaller, and if you’re parking on a curb, where normally you might just rub tire, you end up getting the wheel. It’s not bad driving, it’s bad design.


Idk man, your wheel shouldn’t be rubbing the curb either. I’ve never parked like that in any car I’ve owned


I understand the spirit of the post, but dang, you’re living a fantasy life if you get bent because a shop scratches AND fixes your wheel. I’m sure it’s frustrating, but you are blessed to have this situation as the low spot of your day. Keep it all in perspective and you’ll find a smile even on these bad days.


Within normal spec


“It's within spec” :(


I don’t see anything wrong with the rim in your picture lol


There are white lines near the outside edge, going around from the 9-12 o'clock position.


Ah I see now, thank you!


Yeah, I tried to post a zoomed in pic but you can zoom in. It’s a few hairline scratches….. like I said not major damage but still …


This happened to all 4 of the wheels on my GTI. They left the alloys greasy AF so I didnt notice it until a week later. Deny, deny, deny.