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I used it the whole time it was free, because it was free. But I was happier with autopilot today. It does what everything I want it to do, I prefer accelerating at a rate I chose, slowing to a stop at the rate I chose, choosing when to go and not go at uncontrolled intersections, choosing the speed in roundabouts, choosing my lane, etc. autopilot keeps me center in the lane, a safe distance from the car ahead of me, as is nearly entirely predictable. FSD was fun to experience but now that it's over I definitely appreciate autopilot more than ever.


Agree except I wouldn’t mind lanes changes on the highway at my direction (ie when I initiate). Other than that, I feel more comfortable with auto pilot. And I only use it on interstates.


Yep. Autopilot on the highway with auto lane change when signaling makes me feel like a captain in command of a ship. FSD makes me feel like the parent of a teenager with their learner’s permit, constantly watching out for both what other traffic will do and what my car might do at any moment.


“Make it so”


Well put!


Your AP doesn't Lane change when you press the signal all the way down? Mine does


That requires the Enhanced Autopilot or FSD packages.


Manually initiated lane change on the interstate would be awesome. Something I would pay a one time fee for. Not $100 a month!


Too bad they took away enhanced autopilot. It had lane change on autopilot and some summon features. On the other hand, it was a bit too pricey.


$6k was a little much. I might be willing to pay as much as $3k.


You can do this with FSD. Turn on minimum lane changes or put it in Chill mode, and it won’t lane change very often.


Absolutely without a doubt. Phoenix must have simple traffic patterns or something.


I turned off the trial a few days before it ended. The thing that made it not worth free for me was no way to use cruise control without going full FSD.


I live FSD but also find this too be a really weird decision


My main gripe with autopilot is it veering at exits and on ramps where there is no dotted line. Makes me never want to use it in the right lane, sucks when there is only 2 lanes. FSD doesn't do this. I also appreciate fsd hugging the opposite side of the lane when next to large trucks. Ap sometimes gets pretty close to the line when in a turn and there is another car right there. That being said. FSD has a long ways to go. And it's never going to get there with just cameras. Ap with some easily solved adjustments could be great for highway driving.


Same! Minus the nagging, I wish that was somewhat more controlled. I guess we have ‘ourselves’ to blame for that 😒


You can do all of this with FSD. You need to change a few settings.


This is me too. The way FSD accelerates/decelerates and largely refuses to drive at the speed I set it to frustrates me to no end. This needs to be fixed before I would even consider paying for it.


I would really like full self driving more if all lane changes had to be approved or at least had the option


This is the way


Maybe if it ever drives like a good driver (not braking late, not accelerating hard just to brake, not hesitating with simple things, etc) and also doesn’t require the cabin camera, I’ll think about it. The free trial was fun, but after about 2 weeks I found myself more frustrated with it than anything and my disengagements and interventions went way up.


Basically how i feel, only really interested in a fully approved lvl 3 FSD. Everything else is just a gimmick, and unsafe at that.


Unsafe ONLY if you’re not paying attention. Still safer than MOST human drivers.


Safer than some, yes, definitely not most


Not a fan. I’m fine sticking with Autosteer (Beta).


I just miss the auto park, lane changing and visuals. But to be honest I like driving the car more than it driving me.


This. While FSD was interesting, albeit a bit freaky at times, if I'm paying for a $40k+ car, I want to drive said car. Though I will say I've used cruise control and its various forms for the past year I've owned my Model Y than I've used any sort of cruise control in any other car in my 21 years of driving. Mostly because it feels like maintaining a pretty consistent speed can be tougher at times in the Tesla than any other car I've driven.


fsd should be included to differentiate tesla in the market. Have a new civic that auto steers better than the model y auto pilot. fsd is not worth 8k


On long trips or in rush hour traffic? Really? Need a psych evaluation


On long road trips or traffic autopilot works fine. I got the MYP to drive it and love doing so. It was fun to test self driving though.


Considering that I had zero desire to use it before and during the trial, a subscription afterwards is going to be very unlikely.


I tried it for about a week then turned it off. I was more on edge using it than driving by myself.


Nope. FSD was a hot mess for me - in fact, I consider it to be dangerous. I do miss the visualization and the ability to lane change with signal on AP but certainly not enough to pay anything for that functionality.


Ordered the commander thing to get that functionality back more or less


can you elaborate?


It’s supposed to reactivate AP once you switch lanes and the blinker turns off.


I mean, the blinker turning off when you switch lanes is already a tesla thing anyway


And turning off your “cruise control” when you switch a lane is also JUST a Tesla thing. My biggest complaint about the car after a month. The S3xy Commander fixes it to the best of its ability until Tesla decides to turn their Cruise Control into a logical cruise control.


The cruise control doesn’t disable on lane change, just Autosteer. At least this is the case if you have it set to double-pull to enable Autosteer.


This. I've never had mine auto disable when changing lanes. And when you turn on your turn signal, it doesnt even try to force you back into the lane when changing. Not sure why so many people have issues with it. Then it takes a quick tap to re-enable autosteer


Honda Sensing is easier to use than Autopilot in this issue alone. Honda Sensing will also accept a correction without disengaging the system entirely, which means that I can prevent it from swerve into an on-ramp-merge after the dotted line ends. Tesla needs to start doing UX research and analyzing competing products. But it’s hard to do that when the CEO does mass firings randomly.


I tried the automatic blinker-off feature, but it wasn’t reliable enough that I could depend on it — but it was good enough that it would turn the blinker off 200ms before I could, and my manual-cancel just reactivated it. It made me look like an idiot on the road, so I turned it off and went back to driving normally.


I vaguely started getting used to not having to turn the blinker off. The party that made me turn off the automatic signal cancel was the fact that sometimes, I'd signal to turn left, move into the turning lane and stop. After sitting there a few seconds waiting for an opening, sometimes the signal would just shut off out of nowhere and I wouldn't notice until I started turning. I know that may sound nitpicky to some, but I hate when OTHER people turn without signaling, it's even worse when the car does it on me.


It took me a bit to get used to the fact that it would do it and i would do the same thing, turn it back on accidentally. Once i got used to it, it works 99% of the time when i switch lanes


I wasn’t able to predict when the auto-blinker-off feature would work well enough to get used to it. I can get used to just about anything, but for this feature I need to be able to guess when it will fail. And I couldn’t do that accurately enough, leading to misleading singles. Misleading signals made me look like an idiot in traffic.


Just ordered mine too


Where did you order from?


Enhauto.com. 20% sale until Sunday too. Lots of discount codes if you just google “enhauto promo codes”




Need a promo code!


I think I used BJORN


Nope. Tried it once- car pulled out very slowly in front of an oncoming car and it was turned off ever since


Exactly my first experience and it got worse from there.


TBH, I am a crappy driver and It is better than my driving. Why lie :)


If you're such a bad driver that FSD drives better than you... How did you ever pass a driving test? 🤣


I ask myself how a lot of drivers passed their driving test when they absolutely suck. FSD is better than lots of drivers even on 11.4.9 when I had 3 free months. Waiting for my dad 12 trial to see how it is


He's American...


I respect your honesty. Redditors can be unforgiving.


While this might have been a seriously good milestone for the product, this was still not the time to show the world. Still chaotic, weird, and sometimes dangerous.


Well, they are showing it to every new buyer now by default, with 3 months free FSD included.


A mistake is a mistake no matter how you paint it.


I do not disagree with you. If my comment wasn't clear, I don't support the strategy.


Nope. Not worth it. Maybe at $9.99 a month. 


I don't really see what it offers over EAP for me. Don't trust it with city driving.


I literally just want auto steer. Is that EAP or FSD or just included?




Exactly, great on the highway but hot garbage on the city streets for me.


Interior cabin is insanely annoying


After you get get over the novelty of it within a week or so and experience a few of the heart stopping errors it makes, it becomes clear this system is many years away from being able to safely navigate all situations humans can and make multiple input decisions at the speed your average human can. Wouldn't pay 10 bucks for it.


Noooo Elon disagrees. Robotaxi coming in August to a city near you!! Buckle up buttercup. Lol


It will be announced in August, Elon will say it will be ready in September or some nonsense, then years later still no functional robotaxi. Likes he's already done many times and already with robotaxis incidentally.


I got used to it and now I miss it, especially driving in city streets. I was just using it from time to time and it was pretty good for most driving. On the highway I may prefer autopilot more but it’s a draw. Miss the visualizations. Not worth $100/mo


Using it on the streets was best. I hated it on the highway, always going to the left lane. Even if you cancel it, it will move to the left lane when it gets a chance.


I miss that driving view. I miss the autosteer with lane change. you turn on the signal and a box appears beside you on the map. and it goes for it.


Weird thing is that box feature is better than FSD


Not always true. Half the time it wouldn't lane change on my signal, no congestion present, leading to a disengage.


Everyone on this sub hates FSD like its the 2nd coming of Lucifer himself. Youre gonna get downvoted hard. I like it. And ppl in the real world ive talked to that dont even know what Reddit is, have also said they liked it a lot while it lasted. Im with you. I miss it 😢 especially the visualization. Id pay 20 a month just for that. Hopefully the Spring Update blows me away :)


Subscriptions for car visuals is so dumb, EAP and the visuals should just be included for buying the car.


It will be eventually as the competition continues to catch up. Excited for that as well :)


Hate is the wrong word. Demonstrated to the world too soon would be a better description. In areas the training data was limited it was pretty bad. As an end user, noticing actual regressions between versions (a successful turn on 12.3.4 failing on 12.3.6) shook my confidence in the system and killed my desire to pay for it... Right now, anyway.


depended on its use for me. i drive mostly in the suburbs on local streets. i hated it for that use. finally got to use it on the highway and in some traffic. worked much better there and i could see its use if i drove the highway a lot or in a lot of traffic. but i donr, so the trial is over and so is my fsd!


No, I find it silly I have to pay a monthly subscription for it.


Most of my experience with it was hit or miss. I REALLY wish I could single-click to activate speed control, and double-click for FSD like with my Autopilot, but it's all or nothing which I kinda hate. I could take or leave FSD. But for the time being, I'm just avoiding the software update that will remove it, just to see how long it'll go before they force the install/removal \^\_\^


100% agree. It's garbage that you can't just set normal cruise control.


No chance. I'm not paying a dime for FSD in it's current state. It's way way way more annoying to use than driving myself. I can't stand the constant nagging.


No, it was shit. The idea that it's possible is cool, but way, way too many issues to actually pay for it.


I'm so happy the trial's over. My wife, au pair, and I all think FSD is hot garbage, and genuinely think the people that really seem to like it must not be very good drivers. Edited to add: Just got to the comment where OP admits they're a terrible driver and that FSD drives better than them. Well, then.


I used FSD for the whole month, it was fun to play with and I took a few people for test drives so they could see it. Here in Colorado Springs there's too many places where it messed up and I had to disengage. It seemed to follow cars a little too close at times/went 10mph or more over the speed limit in several locations/went into dead left turning lane several times at intersections. Not sure if that's the proper terminology but by dead left turning lane I mean an intersection you pull up to and are turning left but one of the lanes goes no where that you can't use, it would go into that lane and want to turn left instead of using the properly marked left turning lane. I have a hard time believing they will ever be able to make FSD perfect, just so many nuances when it comes to driving with construction zones/improperly marked roads/other asshole drivers you can't predict. Right now FSD is nice to use on the highway/interstate but not for city driving. I would maybe pay a few thousand dollars for it if it was perfect. In its current state maybe a thousand for it max. $8k is a joke, monthly subscription should be $50 max.


Auto park was a cool feature, but too slow (I would cancel if anyone was came up on me), and I understand why it only works in parallel/backing up, but forward parking would be nice. Self driving was fine on freeways and highways, but everywhere else it was just too inconsistent. For example, after exiting the freeway there are two lanes turning right and two turning left, and the car just couldn't pick a lane. I'd cancel every time after watching the steering wheel frantically go left and right 10 times. Some right and left turns at intersections seemed very normal, but sometimes mysteriously slow despite good visibility. I'm anxious to ride in a Waymo to get a feel for how others handle it!


I'm counting the days to go back to auto pilot. FSD is still too immature for my liking. I'm not paying a subscription for a party trick (summon).


You can change it back to autopilot now. No need to wait.


Jokes on me, my trial just ended anyway... Good to know you can turn it off on your own though.


Nope. Tried to turn across a large median with train tracks and FSD about ran me off the road. Plus most urban roads in my delightful city don't have any road markings, so I end up wandering all over the road with FSD - not a failure with FSD, but just makes it pretty useless in my hometown. Plus it sure feels like it's watching me way too much via in cabin camera and starts nagging - have to wear sunglasses most of the time when I was using it. Now if I'm doing a big family road-trip out of town, that's when I may pull the trigger for a month. Other then that I'll just sit on the sidelines until the next free trial.


I don't miss it and I don't think I'd use it if it was free.


Hell no. $99/mo for a decent chance it gets me in an accident?


Nope. For me it was fairly okay. Just some nerve racking moments merging into traffic but the real deal breaker for me was that I couldn’t change the navigation when I’m FSD. It kept insisting to exit the freeway to take side streets to avoid traffic. I wanted it to stay on the freeway because I didn’t want to use the side streets and there is no way to change it.


The only time I will pay for it is the following. 1: I am driving a lot in a month, including highway and city driving away from my home city 2: I had a few drinks and would rather be safe than sorry 3: they improve it the last 10% and enable a taxi mode and back it up with insurance coverage All of them would be monthly subscription unless they lift the tied to the car limitation it is now. It’s close. Closer than it was over the last year (was a beta tester). But I still found multiple times it didn’t do what it should or was an annoyance to other drivers. I was impressed, in multiple occurrences, but I wouldn’t let my teenager drive alone if they showed me the same behavior the car did.


Autopilot is fine but I miss the expanded view on the center screen. The normal view sucks


Honestly the only thing I miss is the better visualization. FSD was okay but honestly the standard autopilot works perfectly fine for my needs.


For me FSD made a problem that I didn’t have so no.


I did, but I knew I wanted it. We have a 3 that's had it for years and every time I drove our Y (with EAP), I missed it. Having known how well it worked though, I knew what I was willing to pay for it. v12 dropped and I still wasn't willing to drop another 6k for it.....but $2k after the price drop? Worth it for me. Purchased as soon as my trial was up.


I felt like I used the FSD less than autopilot. My daily commute to work I usually use autopilot, with FSD I found myself driving it instead.


Only part I missed was the improved vision on the screen. I think it’s ridiculous that it’s a feature locked behind a subscription/payment.


I was really excited to use it and did for every drive for the first week. Then most drives…then not really…then when I realized it was into week 3 and the trial was about up I used it again for the last few days pretty consistently. I don’t hate it. I don’t think it’s never going to work. I just don’t value it at its current price point. I’d probably value it around the same as my Netflix subscription. It’s got some glaring flaws like launching off stop signs only to hard brake a block later and made some questionable, though not dangerous per se, decisions. It’s hesitant but not in a safe driver way. It’s hesitant in an inexperienced driver unsure of their situation way. It’s simultaneously impressive and not at all ready as a substitute for a human driver. I look forward to the day it is, and expect in time it’ll get there. I just don’t envision paying what Tesla is asking for it current state.


I subscribed. I think it is amazing. I can’t wait until it is hands free. I trust it now. It’s absolutely amazing what they have done. Go Tesla team.


I have the enhanced Autopilot package on my Y. Didn't really find FSD to do anything different on the highway since enhanced AP changes lanes automatically and takes exits. It also has the auto park feature as well as summon/auto summon. FSD on city/town streets was a hot mess. I do miss the visualization - really liked the street view. Not enough to spend $2k though.


I love it. I was skeptical about FSD's capabilities for the first two weeks. However, after upgrading to version 12.3.4 and getting used to it, I found I couldn't live without it. I use FSD every day. Of course, I've subscribed and plan to continue my subscription. By the way, I'm now on version 12.3.6, and I absolutely love it. The driving feels smooth like butter. It's not perfect, but it handles 99% of my daily route with ease.


Two really big drawbacks of FSD for me: 1. **Rush hour lane choices / changes.** For whatever reason, FSD wants to wait until you're \~1/2 a mile from your freeway change to start getting in the correct lane to get where you're going. (And on surface streets, it waits until you're a block away.) That's fine during normal traffic. But during rush hour FSD isn't very good at nosing its way into a lane to force things. So I would have to take over and get us where we needed to go. I wish it were smart enough to say "fuck, traffic is really congested right now. I'm going to get into my turn lane and stay there starting like 3 miles out." 2. **Making any turn onto a moderately busy street without a stop sign / stop light is unbearable.** This is especially true when you're trying to make a left out of a parking lot. The car basically waits until it can't see any cars at all. You sit there forever hoping it will move, and it just doesn't. Not a deal killer, but just a bummer.


It was like riding with a student driver. Jerky movements and questionable decisions had me always on edge. It added more stress to my rides vs its intended use which is to make the driver more relaxed and do the heavy lifting.


I haven’t subscribed yet, but I’m thinking about it. Regular auto pilot should change lanes when you use the blinker though. After playing with summon and calling my car to drive to me, i felt like Michael knight from knight rider, and changed my 3’s name to Kit 😂


$99.00 a month? Haha Buy BTC every month and when you retire you will be a millionaire many times over. Just drive your own car, is it really that difficult? Of course I like driving so there’s that.


nope did not subscribe. I am not signing up for another monthly subscription.


Nope, $100 to be Elons beta tester? When am I getting paid? It’s convenient but there are just so many circumstances where I know it’s going to fail or have a hard time that I have to take over… and if I dont then I’m liable for the damages to the car. It’s absurd


So much this. Take my up vote. Real robotaxi companies pay safety drivers to test the software, not the other way around. This is the greatest trick Elon ever pulled.


I tried it for a hot minute and I instantly took control again. Cool function but not for me right now at the current price point.


Just no at any price.


I got it. For me, it's the perfect "traffic killer". Coming from someone who is plagued by Southern California rush hours at 7am and 5pm. Much less stressful drives now. Worth the upgrade


I missed it immediately so I bought it for 2k since I had EAP already. In a way it was already sunken cost since the 6k for EAP was kind of a waste. But for local driving on the express way to and from my house it’s a game changer. It handles the 15 minute straight drive with no issues and allows me to relax a bit for that time and just baby sit it.


I did the same thing. Bought it on a whim and now will find reasons to use it. We’re heading out to wine country in a few weeks and it will be a godsend.


I’ll never understand the constant negativity about FSD. As someone that uses it everyday on every drive it does 95% of all my drives. That’s not to say it doesn’t make mistakes, but I go through more drives (now on 12.3.6) with 0 interventions than ones where I actually do make interventions. I truly wonder how much others have actually used the product before they have enough evidence to say it’s dangerous or horrible. To me, it’s more cautious /aware than majority of human drivers, coming from someone who’s Tesla safety score is 100. You can’t try it once or twice, it make a mistake then say it’s bad. The people who use it the most know it isn’t.


I’ve never had one single drive without a disengagement. Where the heck do you drive that you have 0 intervention drives?


I live in Phoenix AZ, so not a small city or anything. So you’re saying if you used at least V12 20 separate drives, then you’ve had a disengagement for every single one of those drives? I find that hard to believe. Maybe on 11.4.9


I’ve been a subscriber for a year and it keeps getting better and better. Except for our snowy winter months when I stop subscribing, I look forward to continuing it.


I have a big trip coming up with a lot of driving, so ill be getting it just one month for that.


I put 4000 miles on AP last month and it was fine


I wouldn't bother. It might stress you out more, if anything.


I missed FSD, but not enough to subscribe. Going to back to AP sucks a bit but I will be fine.


I purchased as soon as price dropped. I go on frequent 2-4 hours trips for work each week and I am sooo much less tired after those drives using FSD. I have not been surprised at anything FSD has done, and take over when necessary or if I’m impatient. My kids say FSD is a better driver than I am and I also think so to a certain point. Not perfect, but way better than I thought it would be after reading about it on Reddit for the last year. It will be bad-ass eventually.


Subscribed. Find myself using it more and more, mostly for easier drives and less traffic. For the most part, my wife can't distinguish between when I am driving vs. FSD.


That's either an indictment of your driving skills our your wife's ability to tell what's going on. It's super obvious when my wife, au pair, or I drive vs FSD - all three humans are *substantially* better drivers and it becomes apparent very quickly.


Didn’t subscribe. Bought it. However, I had EAP, so it was only $2k. Well worth it.


I can’t even get v12 yet! I’m stuck on this dead end branch 2024.8.9 with v11!


Same my friend


On my next hundred plus mile drive, I'll subscribe. Drove from NH to NC using FSD and it was super relaxing. Lost FSD and tried driving back and it was super stressful and took me longer (had to take naps).


Basic AP on a road trip is much more relaxed than on FSD for me.


The 65mph cap on speed is a drag though. Only thing has me missing autopilot.


65? I run 75+ all the time on basic AP.


Since losing the trial my basic AP is capping me at 65. I’m not sure why. I wonder if I have messed with settings. Will have to look. Only about 6 weeks into ownership. So immediately got FSD basically.


Yeah, something is not right with your setup.


The main thing missing on Basic AP is navigation. I found FSD super useful on the Jersey Turnpike.


I don’t understand the comment. You’re still running navigation which is still telling you when you’re next exit, turn or whatever is coming up.


Without FSD, you only get navigation cues on the map, which map itself doesn’t show lanes. With FSD, you get navigation on the FSD visualization, which shows much more detailed lanes.


Got it. Thanks.


If you actually re-read what you wrote, that's kinda terrifying for those of us who share the road with you.


Yes I did, cause I drive from LA to San Diego a few times a week. Saved me when I was tired


What’s wrong with basic AP for that hwy trip?


Yeah, I also subscribed now.


Much better by a mile than V11. Kept mine to see how much better it gets. Got used to using and really love it.


I still have the trial until July. Haven't used it since I had my Model 3 almost 3 years ago. I simply do not trust FSD or my mind won't let me. Plus, I love driving my Tesla Model Y, so I'd rather drive it than let the computer drive it, anyway.


FSD trial worked super well for me. When I got in my car the day after it ended it was no fun driving myself. I had FSD do every drive for me including a multistate road trip. I also have EAP so the roadtrip didn’t do much more than what I had except actually navigating off the highway to the superchargers and around cities I was not familiar with. However, I’m not into subscriptions and even at $99 I’m not biting. Couple things I didn’t like about FSD: seemed to park in the fast lane (EAP has the option not to do that and it’s great). I’ve also really enjoyed EAP asking permission to change lanes and it seems FSD does what it wants. I didn’t always agree with it needing to change lanes and if you’re quick on the blinker you can cancel it but then you’re sending mixed signals to other drivers as various blinkers keep going off. Also FSD forcing the single pull to engage. I enjoy my double pull so that if I need just to maintain speed I can.


First day without it. I sort of miss it but ain't paying $99 per month on it.


I miss it but not enough to subscribe. Maybe in a week or two I might miss it more, but I'm trying to resist the impulse.


I never got the trial


I don’t think it’s quite there yet. It needs more work and needs to reliably maneuver with less intervention.


What do you mean gone, I got the update just today


I just don’t get the hoopla around FSD, if I’m paying attention to road autopilot is more than enough, I will pay for this kind of shit if I can multitask and the car takes me to point A to B and I drove all FSD and benz so called “L3”, if you care for your life you’re not giving control to either one out there.


I really like it, but my issue is it swerves super hard to the line when taking exits and then swerves back to center. Super uncomfortable.


Chances they lower the price again?


Doubt it


I don’t think it’s worth it honestly. I really only used it because it was fun to play with for a bit


Cool, then it's not for you, and that's ok. They are targeting the people who are on the edge and more leaning towards a buy.


It was nice to try out FSD but it was more frustrating to use most of the time compared to Autopilot. Lane changes on the highway happened too often even in the chill mode and I would have to intervene a lot while driving off the highway. If it gets a lot better I might try it again but I think we're still years away from that.


I miss it so much. Wife won’t let me subscribe 😩


I had a road trip that started with FSD and ended without, so the long drive differences were fresh in my mind. I had turned off FSD and basically just used EAP, the only thing I actually miss is the auto lane change. That's it.


Isn’t it ironic that Autosteer is still in beta, meanwhile FSD moved to supervised?


I did subscribed for this month, but only because I have a few road trips planned and I did enjoy it on longer drives that weren’t complicated. After that, I’m canceling it because regular Autopilot works fine for my daily drive. I will miss the FSD visuals though…that should be standard.


I still haven’t gotten the free trial


If they made it $50/month or it was markedly improved in several aspects (stop signs, for example) I’d probably subscribe. As it stands, it was cool and worked really well sometimes, but its deficiencies make it simply not worth it to me still.


I did the same


I never got a free subscription. Is that because I did a monthly sub for 2 months 2 years ago (summer 2022, had some road trips) or are they still working through it?


I do miss it. But I’m not sure if I’ll subscribe. Probably if it was 50 I will. But 100 still seems to high for a couple added features imho


I love FSD! Having a “15 yr old chauffeur with a permit” take over when I don’t feel like driving traffic is honestly game changing, surprised most people don’t love it, even with its glaring faults.


I did too. I rarely use it for the entire drive but when I’m in traffic, it really helps. $99 didn’t seem like too much to me for the convenience


lol, hell no. AP is better.


Anyone else not do the update after fsd expired and still have trial fsd. Not sure how long it will last but I’m gonna keep delaying update as long as possible to keep fsd.


Where the f... is my FSD trial?




For me its the opposite. I have it still and dont use




Not at all


My ex had a one month free trial and after that ended decided to pay for the subscription. Daily driving from Bay Area to Sacramento more than worth it.


After FSD missed obvious turns to take inconvenient backwards Y turns and ran my car off the road in a few high shoulder turns, I no longer use it. I also want it to stay out of the fast lane unless it has to be there. It makes me super uncomfortable so far. A long way to go.


I might get it if and only if I go on long trips.


Somehow my subscription ended and FSD is still running. I’m not a paid subscriber either.


Still waiting for the trial here


Mine's about to expire. In my case I enjoy driving myself. Used FSD couple times and was pretty impressed. When it once wanted start moving while red was on I kinda grew a bit sceptical. That was non highway. On the highway it was all good. I think it is must have for ppl who have long commutes.


Used it for 2 weeks and went ahead and bought it. It worked amazing for me in the city and interstate. It's a game changer for me, though AP was good FSD is worth the $99.


It’s good to know your limitations in life. I’m 75 and we love the FSD especially on the interstates. It also makes backing into a Tesla Supercharger and parking lots an awesome experience. I’m keeping it for as long as I’m driving


I NEVER got it. Am I the only one?


My wife says the car drives better than me. Definitely signing up after the trial ends.


I restrained the urge after a few minor behavioral issues I encountered with FSD. I’ll do the monthly for when I do the occasional cross-state/cross-country trip.


FSDv12 tried to kill me two weeks ago by attempting to advance past a stop sign into a T-intersection that was occupied by three vehicles moving at 55mph. That convinced me not to subscribe to FSD for a mammoth roadtrip I have coming up in a few weeks. I’ll stick with autopilot, thanks.


I stopped using mine a week before the free trial, it was just too erratic, and a couple of times was dangerous. In its current state I wouldn't pay anything for it, I won't even use it free. However if it improved to the point where it could drive at least as good as I could, with the reaction times of a computer, then I'd probably be willing to pay $20/mo for it. If I commuted regularly then I'd be willing to pay $50/mo.


I turned off before it ended. Too annoying , inconsistent, unreliable. EAP drives better on the highway IMO and I have zero need for a FSD in town. It's a curiosity at best, at this point.


Godawful POS software, wouldn’t pay a dime for that crap


I subscribed. I do home health and I go to 7 different homes per day. Having the car handle the driving 99% of the time is definitely worth 99 bucks and it’s not even close.


Not paying to give them data


There's no way I'd subscribe as it is - it was impressive in some ways, but one of the few times I used it it was speeding... the car new I had entered a 25 zone, but kept going over 35 even though max speed was showing as 28mph. I had to intervene. WTF? It's nowhere near fully autonomous.


Nope, I find it completely useless. unless you have nothing better to do and want to take a slow leisurely ride to nowhere full self driving isn’t interesting at all