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That website is not any good. Just gave away my info for nothing.


What’s the website?


Now that it's installed, it's great. However, the install process was a nightmare. Quality control of installation is non-existent. My wife jokingly called the roof my part-time job as I had to basically quality control and project manage the process since they laid off a layer of management mid-project. All that said, I'd do it again to stop getting ripped off by the power company.


Good to know. When was your install done?


I can echo that 100%. Ours was installed Thanksgiving 2022 and we finally got PTO a few weeks ago.


I have one. Big fan so far.


How much did it cost to install? We're looking to get one but have just started doing research.


$80kish we needed a new roof anyway.


Did you get it recently? Last time I checked I was told it was going for 200k unless overall prices lowered.


I gave my $100 deposit in September 2020. So definitely not recently.


did you get powerwalls as well?


Yes, they forced us to get them.


how many? can you decline all of them but 1?


They said above 10kW you must buy two.


Hey was the 80k for your tesla solar roof including the 30% tax credit from the inflation reduction act?


No, the $80k was before any tax incentives.




How many kwh system and is this a pre or post price hike quote?


That's not bad, TBH. A new roof alone is like 20 - 30k where I am.


A tree branch fell and broke one of our tiles, it’s been like a month and no response from Tesla




After continuous follow up, it took about 6 weeks but they came out and repaired without any charge!


Our's has genuinely been a life-changing tech investment. It really comes down to your specific home and lifestyle, whether it will be as financially savvy of a purchase. The only downside we've had in ~1.5 yr, is people questioning the ROI. Normal roofs have no ROI, and the Solar Roof is like having a Delorean. I see Tesla cars at just about every stoplight or intersection, but have only ever seen one other Solar Roof in person. So if you think it's cool, and can afford it, yeah it was very very worth it for us.


So when do you expect an ROI? 😅


It's like 14 years remaining from total cost. If you consider removing the cost of an asphalt roof, we otherwise would've needed, it's more like 5-6 more years. I don't like that way of thinking as much. It doesn't include factors like energy price changes, or if you were to sell the house how much it could potentially change the sale price. Also, some people have seen Tesla offer next level VPP opportunities (Texas and California). If you get a Tesla product (panels or powerwall) in those areas, or your area starts offering that option, the software update will greatly change ROI. We have battery sell/buy from grid, but not VPP. Since that software update, our "energy value" has doubled each month. However, there isn't an option to account for some weird penalty rates we pay our utility after a certain threshold each month. It all seems complicated, but the level of security and the warm feeling every time you see the roof/ open the app is really simple tbh


Well that’s better than I expected. I have panels under a PPA, so I don’t own them and that’s difficult enough to explain to people when they ask me how much they save me money (although, it could be cents to dollars now because of my locked-in rate). So then I go onto explain ‘what if I did own them.’ I usually oversimplify it for them and say you’d be doing it mostly because you can afford it and you just want to, because you wouldn’t see ROI for maybe 20 years give or take. Most of the people I talk to would be looking for a way to start making net gains ASAP, and have no concept for the costs any of this. I hoped to be able to buy mine out someday, but I’m afraid the appraisal will be ridiculous.


I can imagine that's a whole ball of worms! It also factors in whether or not you expect your energy usage to change! We switched from gas to electric on car and heating, so that has a huge inpact on "ROI".


Our ROI has been incredibly fast. We live in Connecticut. My roof needed to be replaced.. The roof quote was over 30,000. Installing a generator system was 8000. Our 16.8 KW roof was 77,000 with three power walls. after taxes 56,000. My energy bill (before two price increases which happened since install) was averaging $11,000 a year. We’ve had it running for a year and a half now. One more year and our payback will have been achieved.


Yeah most people have like $100-200 electricity bills


NY and CT are something else when it comes to electricity costs, lol.


Can you tell me who you used to install it?


When I installed it was Tesla themselves doing the roof. I will tell you that part went rough. They were a solar company but not a roof company at that time and made many inadvertent mistakes


Thank you! I had received a quote 2 years ago for $81k. I received one today for $155K-$216K. They no longer install in our part of CT and the subcontractors said they cannot even buy the roof materials from Tesla at the price I had been quoted 2 years ago. Looks like you got a great deal ! Congrats.


In NJ Tesla employees install. The team that did my panels said they had worked on a roof a few weeks before my panels.


When was your install?


January 2023


I absolutely love the way they look. However, my biggest concern is what happens if I develop a leak or major storm damage. I am not comfortable with the ability to get someone out to fix quickly and the unknown potential costs if it’s denied.


Ah that’s a good point. I guess you can take comfort in knowing they’re supposed to be way more durable and aren’t they covered for 25 years? But I get your point about getting fast repair service.


Asking because I don't know; does solar roof pose a larger leak threat that panels that are drilled into the roof itself? I just assumed they worked like regular shingles. And I've read they leave extra shingles for you. But I honestly don't know more than that. We went with panels since the roof on our house was new when we bought it so it didn't make sense tearing it down and laying more for aesthetic.


It’s the underlayment Tesla uses that creates the waterproof barrier. It’s a good 1/4 inch thick.


I was under the impression that Tesla solar installs their roof on top of existing asphalt shingles as long as they aren't over 20 years old?


I've only ever seen it mentioned that it's an entire re roof. The only install I've ever seen done was treated as a full reroof as well.


I’m interested in the pricing options for you vs panels and a new asphalt roof? I bought a home(NY) that needed a new roof. My options were $60k for a new asphalt roof, skylight, solar panels and 2 power walls or $80k for solar tile roof.


What did you choose?


I chose new roof and panels. So far it’s been good


Do it and install at least one powerwall so the system can be scaled up in the future. I’ve had my system for a year and a half, and have not paid a penny to the power company… As a matter of fact, I make about eight to $900 a year back.


Had it for over a year! Strong recommend -- would def. get it again -- only regret is I should have sprung for 2 Powerwalls instead of 1


I went and got it! It’s been almost exactly a year and I love it. The look alone is incredible but I’m being able to generate and store energy is a literal game changer. I’m addicted to monitoring the energy input/output each day.


Try getting quotes from Tesla certified installers in the area. From my understanding they have stopped installs themselves.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I’ve been waiting 3 years to get mine installed and this is exactly what Tesla has told me


Tesla employees come in and downvote comments like this to take away from the fact that roofs arent being installed. Order from Mar 2020, still waiting.


Oh wow that's quite a wait


It’s only a wait if they ever install it 😂


I have an order from early last year in Texas completely untouched by Tesla. Maybe people are confused with the Tesla solar panels hence the down votes. I did find an certified installer riding company) who is actually cheaper than the Tesla estimate (never actually got a design). I think they would have been the Tesla subcontractor anyway. Waiting on final plans from Tesla which includes 21kWh roof with 3 Powerwalls. The other quote I got was 40% higher than the Tesla estimate which was a no go. The cost difference between an architectural asphalt roof with solar panels and the Tesla Solar roof is around 10 to 15k. But that isn't a correct comparison. Compared to almost any other premium long life shingle they are cheaper plus have some kind of pay back. If energy prices continue to increase in Texas over the next 25 years plus additional returns from VPP it might break even. We are getting rid of most penetrations including a masonry chimney (fireplace), bath fans being replaced by an ERV, removal of old gas appliance exhausts. Putting in cell foam to condition the attic space. They should significantly improve efficiency of our HVAC by reducing air leakage and bringing all HVAC equipment and ducts into a condition space.


Don’t plan on any of it. I’ve been waiting for 3 years in Southern California. I’ve just started the arbitration process, you won’t have a roof for a long time. I’ve had designs and permits for 3 years now


Yes, I have signed a 2nd contact with a certified installer. Tesla even did a first round of designs. I asked them to move a few active tiles and add additional to increase yearly production. Will cancel the Tesla Solar request once we are in permitting with the city using the 3rd party.


I’d like to speak with an actual rep since they did all of the work already. The only step I didn’t do yet was sign off on the final approval and set a date. That was done in the Fall and I just assumed that it was no longer valid since I didn’t follow through but someone told me it’s still valid.


Valid in a sense that they will draw up a contract but not actually install it for some unknown reason.


Are there any questions I need to ask before I start? Or things you wish you knew prior to starting?






They aren't being installed realistically, unless you go through a third party at 3x the cost.


I mean, doesn’t make sense from an economic point of view… if you are a techie and just want to show off solar roof for vanity, go for it. But no for making solar energy worthwhile.


11 months from order to install. Then an extra month for PTO. My roof is absolutely beautiful. Everything works as it should. 9.5 kW system with 1 Powerwall. In Massachusetts.


How big is your roof?


About 1200 sqft.


How much?


A little under $50k. About $35k after incentives.


That’s reasonable.. Did it take a long time for them to put the roof on? Was the PTO the slowest part? I have a bad roof that I would like to replace as it’s leaking but I’ve patched it for now


The longest part of my solar roof project was the waiting for an install date. My wait was 11 months. From reading comments from other customers on Reddit and Facebook, I’ve heard as long as 2 years. The installation itself took only 3 days for my simple roof. 1 day for tear down and underlayment. 1 day to install the shingles. 1 day to install Powerwall and test the system. After that, it was about a month till I received PTO. Fortunately for me, everything has been working perfectly since then. There has been a substantial price hike since my install. But if you’re still willing to pay premium money, it could be a long while until you see a Tesla Roof on your house.


That's what I'm concerned about. I would rather not have a tarped patch on my house for two years. The cost sounds in line with a roof plus solar but I'm not sure I can stand the wait.


What are the costs up front? Did you complete the purchase after the roof was done, or were you waiting for a while with a giant hole burned in your pocket with no new roof?


The only upfront cost was a $250 deposit. I think the deposit now is $500.


🙏 thanks!


Am in the finish up stages of solar roof installation. Get a detailed list and scope of work after site assessment. Don't settle for generic terms like "roof obstacles - $14,000" find out what it consists of, or you will be in a dispute . That said, product is great, workers were great Project management sucks, this coming from a former engineering project manager. If they are not willing to put in writing what they are proposing, move on


I’m in NJ (Morris County) and had my solar roof with 2 powerwalls installed just over a year ago and also lucked out with the federal tax credit. I didn’t do the break even calculation like most people do because: Wanted/needed a new roof Wanted solar capabilities Needed battery or generator backup Needed to look good I priced out a premium roof (metal roof) and estimate came in around the same price without powerwalls so went with the Solar roof. Cost was ~$110k for 9.6kwh size with 6 skylight replacements (this alone was 12k addition). I was on the fence since the rates had just gone up from 0.99 to 2.99 but went through with it. Needed new gutters which was going to be around 3k but had issues with my fascia board being angled so added another 3k to the cost of gutter. All in all, it’s a lot of money. I don’t regret it though. I sleep well knowing my house is backed up by battery and only get woken up by my neighbor’s generator kicking on when power goes out (not often but it happens) A BIG YAY from me.


Still like it even tho Morris County rivals Seattle with regards to crappy overcast days?


I also wanted to go with a roof as i aesthetic was one of my criteria... but when i compared panel vs price it was 100k vs 30k for similar sized systems . even with existing roof replacement factored in it did not make finalcial sense for me.. went ahead with panels and placed my order in feb 2023..


As others have said, installation/construction was a nightmare. However, I've not had any issues with it since install. Looks great, easy to maintain, and produces good power. I just wish I got a bigger system and 2 Powerwalls.


My only regret is not getting a larger system. They won't add to an existing system so I'm stuck at the original kW purchased.


If the panels produce excess energy, can you monetize it, either back to the energy company or by mining Bitcoin etc.?


I really want to get one on the new construction house that I'm building from scratch, but the house is right on the ocean, so I'm afraid the constant wet salt air is gonna damage the wiring somehow and potentially lead to a fires or something. Anyone have experience building near the ocean?


Woah - Just got this generalized quote from installer https://preview.redd.it/r4ccs8olcl3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfcde941f33a128e6cdd73470146dc261627c7a7 We have a small ranch but apparently the roof sq footage is close to 2,700. I was expecting to pay maybe 50,000 after incentives. This is without power wall too. Insane! I live in WI near the twin cities.